• Member Since 25th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen May 25th


Trixie and Twilight are best ponies! (Diamond Tiara is best filly :D )


It's been a long time coming. Finally, during a forced get-together with some of her classmates for a school project, Diamond Tiara is going to get what is coming to her.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 48 )


Yeah... Seems Apple Bloom, Silver Spoon and Archer are the smart ones there. Button can rot in Hades for even mentioning that abomination called the Wii.

I will stick with my 360 and PS2. I MIGHT consider a PS3 at some point, ONLY if it will play all the PS2 games.

Why not a Xbox one?

3563946 Yeah... another means for them to spy on us... also, I have yet to see a game that I want that is not available for the 360.

The only reason I'm getting the Xbox one because Dead Rising 3 isn't on the xbox360

3563957never had any interest in the Dead Rising games... Halo 4, Sniper: Ghost Warrior, HAWX, AC6, ect

Some of the games I play

I have to agree with archer on this one. But im going to stick around, this is going to be good.

Meepaa #8 · Dec 1st, 2013 · · 6 ·

3563929 I agree. I was expecting something like DT getting a firefly stuck up her... Any way, this was... sheet.

Title has nothing to do with the story. Story is inside jokes for die hard gamers. The least you could do is change the title as nothing happens to D.T. much less her getting what she deserves.

Yukito #10 · Dec 1st, 2013 · · 1 ·


Of course it does. She 'gets what is coming to her', aka the PS4 that was being delivered to her :trollestia:

3564029 You clever motherf:pinkiegasp:cker!

I don't understand why people hate the title. It's accurate. Sure, it's open to interpretation, but, that's just how the English language works.

3564012 Sure it has something to do with the story. Diamond Tiara had a PS4 coming to her that day, and she got it as expected.

Though I would doubt a 1337 gamer like Button Mash would express that the Wii U was "cool." I mean, the controller is interesting, but it's unremarkable otherwise. If anything I could see Snips and/or Snails expressing a love of it, not Button Mash.

What a way to troll those of us who came here expecting Diamond Tiara to face karma for her snotty behavior. You should've put out a pointless warning! :twilightangry2:

3563929 Well, she DID get was coming to her... in the mail.

The only thing I find disappointing about this story is that Button Mash thinks the Wii U is "neat."
It's only neat if it hasn't been taken out of the box.

Beyond that, I'm with Archer. I'm waiting on a Xbox One because it's too expensive and all I want it for is Killer Instinct.

Plus, you can't really argue that she doesn't deserve to get in an argument about video games with the CMC, can you? :trollestia:

Right now, I'm with Button. I have a Wii-U and a 360, and I have zero interest in a PS4 or Xboner at the moment. Maybe in a few years after it gets a substantial enough price drop and a library of exclusives I need to have, I'll see about picking up a PS4, but I have absolutely NO intention of paying for all the baggage attached to Microsoft's machine. For now, though, I'm plenty satisfied with what I've got, and my anticipation for some of the Wii-U's upcoming exclusives like the upcoming Monolith Soft game is much higher than I have for the other two systems.

Diamond Tiara is best filly.

All should join the grand PC Gaming Master Race.

you know if i were a pony i would be standing up for these 3 fillies. Anybody else? :pinkiehappy:

When determining the winner of a tie, there are two important check factors to determin a winner in events that a draw is unacceptable.

1) Check to see who is Diamond Dazzle Tiara and who is NOT Diamond Dazzle Tiara.
2) Once you've determined which is Dimaond Dazzle Tiara. Pronounce her the WInner.

Works every time. If they have no Diamond Dazzle Tiara in their competition then it was never worth mentioning and you should move on to judging real competitions that do.

Also, Archer is best pony.


Button Mash: "The Wii U is neat." He might just really love Mario games... 3D world is pretty neat.

awesome story. I didn't think I'd ever see Diamond get that coming to her lol serves her right. It couldn't have happened to a more deserving pony :raritystarry:

Personally I'm happy with my ps3, PC, and 3DS for all my gaming needs. Such a ps3 backlog to finish up.

Isseus #23 · Dec 1st, 2013 · · 10 ·

Misleading title is misleading. There's already dozens of fics to sift through daily without someone posting shit like this.

These kids are what? Eight, ten maybe?

Bad form to Filthy, Pearl and Magnum for getting GTA5 for them.

And Archer is definitely right, that kind of money for systems where the best exclusive games are Killer Instinct and Resogun (download only cheapies) is just bad math. Guess that explains why the two flakiest fillies are fighting over them.

Meh, video game consoles are way too expensive for me. No time, either. Clever title, admittedly.

3564321 Or maybe, I want to have cheap, simple fun with my old xbox 360. PC's need so many things to run properly. Anti-virus software, graphics and sound cards. You may have better equipment, but I'm paying 10 times less and having just the same amount of fun.

You really don't need a gaming PC to get into PC gaming. The same 3-year-old laptop I use for everything else is my primary gaming machine, and I get most of the AAA console releases at half cost by waiting for Steam sales, plus games that will never come to consoles (Hi, Civ series! Thanks for devouring huge chunks of my life). Granted, I haven't owned a TV since I moved into my apartment a year and a half ago, but I don't miss having one and have more games than I could ever play anyway thanks to impulse buys.

As to the story itself: Not really very pony, is it? Feels totally disconnected from anything MLP once the first non-ponified console name appears and from there it's just a thread full of internet fanboys wrapped in the paper-thin veneer of pony names.

So much butthurt over a joking (but accurate) story title. Must be a mix of DT haters and people who are only able to interpret things literally. I already added this to a handful of groups, but I think I'm going to have to add it to more if it pisses off "special" folks so easily...

*sees thread title*

What does she get? Is it a hug? I bet it's a hug! :pinkiehappy:

*skims story*

Aw, it wasn't a hug. :fluttershysad:

That is truly brilliant.

3564883 I honestly don't see what is misleading about this at all, unless you honestly came into it with the hopes it would only end in a very specific way. The story was short and sweet, I honestly don't get the hate. If you bother to actually read the title, and by seeing "Comedy" and "Random" next to it, it should of raised a pretty obvious flag that it might not go the way you were hoping it would.

Story delivers exactly what it promises.

3564764 Hehe. What does one call he who controls all forms of gaming?

Yahtzee is ftw.

Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.

3563932 Certain PS3's do play PS2 games and FYI the predection with the XBOX 1 is that it will fall due to the "You must pay monthly to do anything on this POS" And same with the PS3 and their paying for itnernet just like the XBOX...

Every time I read one of your stories, I come to understand more and more about your style and how you write. At this rate, we're going to have to make a prompt in the anthology "Diamond Tiara in the Yukiverse" so I can attempt to imitate your style and see if people can tell the difference. I think it's only fitting that you're a fan of Katekyo Hitman Reborn, because I've noticed you like to employ one of its greatest mistakes in your stories: character overload.

Why was Scootaloo in this story? Button was there to say one line. Silver Spoon could have been turned into a stuffed animal for all this story needed her for. And Snips and Snails? I'm sure everyone in this story forgot they were even there as well. When you introduce a character to a story, it needs to come into play somehow. If the 'who' isn't important, stating the name is like false advertising, alerting the reader to the presence of someone who isn't going to come into play. In this story, the presence of a large group alone mucks up the storytelling process. You could have gotten away with just Diamond, Sweetie, and Apple Bloom being there, and there wouldn't be any need to question why the other seven or eight group members were just awkwardly standing around while they argued.

Aside from the excessive character roster, the story seems mostly solid. The title ploy is clever enough to do its job of faking out the reader and still make sense in retrospect, though I can't say it captures the story's main idea. This story's subject is more about the argument between Diamond and Sweetie rather than Diamond getting her console. I suppose you could say her last minute victory against Sweetie is what she had "coming to her", but that seems a bit reaching.

Actually, the last minute victory was my favorite part of this story. Not because Diamond won, but because of how well it captured the futility of an actual console war. All the arguing in the world won't make a difference if you can't play, and none of it's worth messing up your school project. The arguing itself felt very close to one in real life, which could be good or bad depending on how real one likes his or her pony fics to be.

Also, I caught this: "Cheerilee had assigned with a big project on bugs that involved her to actually get her hooves dirty" (Missing 'her')

I'd call this story a pretzel stick. Half of it's dipped in honey and the other half in something else. I can't really tell. You covered the whole thing in so many sprinkles I can't see what it is.

Make the most!


I get what you mean by character overload, and admittedly something I may need to work on, but to be honest the whole purpose of this story was to troll people looking for a "Diamond Tiara gets punished" fic. Like my "Trixie Changes" fic, it's just a trolly lil' ploy on the English language, making it seem like a story concept that so many people seem to like and making it something totally different (at the same time totally literal).

Two reasons why I did this:
1) Fun :rainbowkiss:
2) Because I dislike "Trixie changes" and "DT gets her flank handed to her" concepts so much, and wanted to troll people who love them so much

So yeah, this fic wasn't written to be a great piece or anything. The title was just to lure people in and then they either realise it meant something totally different or I get a nasty lil' comment (or both), and the character overload wasn't really something I was particularly worried about in this one.

That said, you do bring up a good point about character overload in general and I'll be most sure to watch myself on that front in my other fics ^_^

I've said it several times before but I'll say it again, regarding the best system overall.


PC, and/or :eeyup:

3571189 Indeed good sir :P

There is no "best" system, it's all opinions. For instance, my opinion is the PC doesn't have good exclusives. PC is best for shooters, but I don't like shooters. PC has great graphics, but the initial costs to get a decent gaming rig is more expensive than most consoles (decent gaming rig is, what, 400-500 dollars?).

Nintendo exclusives are, for me, always solid and the best there is. You don't get a lot on Nintendo, but what you get is usually far superior to any franchise the competition has.

Sony exclusives are pretty good as well. I don't like them as well as Nintendo's, but they are fantastic. Uncharted, God of War...uh...

And Microsoft has great exclusives like....can't say Halo cause I'm not particularly fond of Halo (the first two were good)...so that leaves em with...

Anyways, my point is, there truly is no "best" console. Ppl love sony for Uncharted, God of War, Last of Us, etc

Ppl love Nintendo for Mario, Zelda, Pikmin, Donkey Kong, etc

Ppl love Microsoft for Gears of War, Halo....whatever else they got.

And ppl love PC because, after the initial investment, they save money due to steam sales, upgrading is cheaper than new consoles, modding, and a versatility that you just can't find in consoles.

If you were to ask my opinion, I favor Nintendo above all else, and a proud owner of a Wii U. I could go for a ps4 or X Box one, but I'm thinking that at this time it'd be better off just switching on over to PC as my other gaming rig(since the cost of a decent gaming rig is the same as ps4) along my Wii U, PS3, PS2, and my dusty ass 360.

That's my two cents on gaming.


PC is also best for RPGs/Strategy.

Original Infinity Engine games/Crusader Kings II for the world!:twilightsmile:

Linux gaming for the win!:yay: (Wine is so polished that I rarely boot into my Win7 HDD anymore. Of course it takes some know-how to get everything working right.)

Battle for Wesnoth is best FOSS game.

Well, she did get what was coming to her. :trollestia: Nicely done.

aaaaaaaaw look at the little console gamers:twilightblush:

PC is better just saying :rainbowlaugh:

3631065 Eeyup :eeyup: Cross platform Steam FTW.

This was...just...nothing.

This isn't even really a fanfic. It's a pointless author tract about gaming consoles. That completely ignores the fact that these things don't even exist in the MLP world.

Where is the plot exactly?

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