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(My Little Pony is owned by Lauren Faust and Hasbro, The End is owned by My Chemical Romance, and the chapter itself belongs to shominimamoto since he made it. Thank you for reading dear readers and enjoy)

Song:The End by My Chemical Romance

"If you don't feel your body moving, nor feel yourself breathing, or hear somebody grieving. Then your probably dead."-Timefather64

'Now come one come all to this tragic affair

Wipe off that makeup—what’s in is despair'

Is it the end? Is it actually over? Has everything I have ever wanted to do or ever hoped to be thrown away? I hear the slow steady beat of the heart monitor.


I think I can hear it growing fainter and fainter by the second. How long have I been here? This room is so dreary and white, and utterly boring. Nothing ever happens in here, nothing exciting anyway.

That’s probably a good thing for me though. That’s why I’m here in the first place. I guess there is a reason why you aren’t supposed to go into Everfree forest. It’s infested with awful things, like bears. It only happened an hour ago. I guess I was a lost cause; no ponies were here to help me survive. What did I do again? I can feel memories slipping past my mind like a liquid.

I was being stupid and charged into Everfree forest. No I didn’t charge in their because of my stupidity. I did because I was trying to run away. I didn’t want to see her anymore. My wife that is, she showed me divorce papers. It came out of nowhere! I thought we were doing so well, but apparently we weren’t. Anyway, when I was trying to get away from it all, I ran into the forest.

The ferocious beast was huge. His teeth were large and sharp; I remember that all too well. I guess I had wandered into his den and I guess animals don’t like that too much. He pounced on my feeble body. I could still feel his teeth rip through my body if I thought about it. Why couldn’t I just black out then? No, my body had to be resilient and I felt one of my legs being torn off. Then a wing.

'So throw on the black dress

Mix in with the lot

You might wake up and notice you’re someone you’re not'

I couldn’t do a damn thing. Well, that’s a lie, I could scream. At least the one thing I could do “saved” me.


It’s getting closer to my time. The way that I feel is strange to say the least. I’m not sad at all. Even in the short time I had, I still accepted my fate. At least no one was lying with the “It’ll be okay” line.

You know the saying that your life flashes before your eyes whenever you’re dying? Well, it’s not true. You don’t see your life; you see the important parts of it. I see my daughter being born first. That day was probably the best day of my life. I had introduced something so beautiful in this world. She was nineteen now, so at least she was on her own.

And then I see my wife. I wanted to be so mad at her, but I just couldn’t do it. I loved with all of my body, but that’s gone now.

'If you look in the mirror and don’t like what you see

You can find out firsthand what it’s like to be me'

I can’t open my eyes anymore. It’s just the blackness that my eyelids are creating. So I painted a picture. Colors my mind created started coming to life. I could see all the people that I loved, and I was happy again. Then I noticed their expressions. All of them looked so sad or angry even. I remembered all the important moments even the bad ones. They started talking to me, “don’t act like we should pity you. You know what you were.”


“B-but I changed!” I knew what they were talking about. For a while I was alcoholic, and I was very angry when I got drunk. I don’t remember a lot of what I did. I changed though, I swear. I got clean and I never did a single thing wrong after that.

Is it time to go now? I don’t want any more of these revelations. Now I want to die. I want to let everything go. It would be so easy, so why am I fighting this? Well, maybe I don’t really want to go. Who really wants to die anyway?

'So gather ‘round piggies and kiss this goodbye

I’d encourage your smiles I expect you won’t cry!'

Focus on happy thoughts. Focus on happy things. If I was going to die then I wanted to die with my happiest memory. I got it! It was the by far the best time of my life, and something I won’t forget even in death. A memory that can carry on for centuries without dying out. I could write a freaking book about it.

We were still together. My wife looked lovely and our daughter was so excited. She kept running around in circles with the widest smile on her face. The sand kept shifting below her hooves, occasionally kicking it on me. I didn’t care at all. If my daughter was happy then I was happy no matter what. The ocean breeze was wonderful that day. It was cool and refreshing and we planned on staying the whole day.

Of course we did. In the end we had a small campfire and roasted marshmallows. My wife loved hers to be burnt black on the outside, so it was nice and chewy on the inside. It would get everywhere on her face whenever she ate. There was just no possible way to marshmallows without getting messy. She would always try to be nice and etiquette every time, of course she would fail at it though. It was easily the best day ever, and I wished we could have had more.

'C’mon c’mon c’mon I said save me!

Get me the hell out of here, save me!'

No, I can’t leave! Not yet! I have so much left to do with my life. I haven’t even seen my daughter get married. I start hyperventilating and I try to force my eyes back open. It isn’t working. I’m still on the beach and my eyes are darting in all directions, trying to find an escape. Someone approaches me. I know what is going on. At least I get leave everything behind in my happiest memory. I don’t have to worry about anything. I start to cry, but I stop myself from begging to stay. I know it won’t work, and my time is finally here.


My heart is beating faster and then…nothing. I’m calm again. I feel the pony touch me and I feel…happy? “It’s okay,” Death says slowly. I trust him, and hold on to his hoof. Then I hear the one thing that makes me know It’s over for good, and there is nothing to worry about.


It goes on forever and I don’t care. I embrace what comes next

'Too young to die and my dear, you can’t!

If you can hear me just walk away and take me!'

The very last thing I hear before I go into the void with Death is, “I’m sorry ma’am. He’s gone.” And then the sobs of my wife. I feel a twinge of guilt, but I know she will be okay.

(Alright that was it, hope you like shominimamoto chapter there. I sure did. Now the father of time must BARREL ROLL AND AWAY! Leave your comments for him and me but, mostly him because he earns the credit for this chapter)