• Published 7th Jan 2014
  • 11,589 Views, 52 Comments

Dewthunder - jkbrony

Spike has since let go of the fears of being sent away by the one he cares for most, but after he falls ill, what happens when those fears begin to resurface?

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Good Night, Twilight

Spike was a curled up mass on the floor. The tears in his eyes muddled his vision, but he could just faintly make out that he was back in Twilight's dorm room. The remains of Twilight's assignment still lay on the ground, soaking wet and scorched.

"Spike?" he heard filly Twilight's voice from behind him. As he turned his head, he blinked to allow the tears to fall, instantly clearing up his vision. The anger and distress that he had seen in her face when last he looked at it was gone. It had been replaced by a sorrowful frown.

Twilight walked towards him slowly, as though fearful that he would bite her, or perhaps use his apparently new-found fire-breathing ability against her. But Spike would never do such a thing.

Spike flinched in response to her movement, as though fearful that she would physically harm him, or test out some recently-learned attack spell on him. But Twilight would never do such a thing.

She wiped the remnants of his tears away and wrapped him in her hooves, gently nuzzling the top of his head.

"I'm sorry I got so mad at you. I know it wasn't your fault. I forgive you," she said tenderly.

A smile spread wide over Spike's face. His cold blood was matched against Twilight's warmth. A feeling of endearing relief swept over him as he realized that Twilight was no longer angry at him. That she still wanted him in her life. That their relationship had not been broken. That she would still play with him and read to him. He knew without the slightest hint of doubt that if he had only one purpose in life, it was to ensure that he never saw Twilight that upset again.


The dream put Spike at enough peace that ensured him sleep for hours. When his eyes opened again, it was just after midnight. He no longer felt lightheaded, and his fever seemed to have died down significantly. Just a bit more rest and he would be back to his normal self. Looking over to his left, he saw Twilight asleep next to him on the side of her bed. No blanket covered her body, nor did any pillow lie beneath her head, and she didn't look the slightest bit comfortable. Spike looked sorrowfully at his dearest friend. Twilight could have easily moved him back to his own tiny bed, but she chose his comfort over her own. He could not, in any good conscience, allow Twilight to sleep so uncomfortably after she had spent the day taking care of him....no....after she had spent his entire life taking care of him.

Spike stood up on the bed and softly pulled Twilight towards the middle, trying his hardest not to wake her up. He lifted her body as much as he could and wrestled the blanket out from beneath her. He then tucked her in, nestling her head upon the pillow and pulled the blanket over her body, up to her forelegs. Now much more comfortable, Spike gently stroked Twilight's ear. This was the least he could do for her. Tomorrow he would reclaim his job as her number one assistant---the job that only he could hold.

"Good night, Twilight," he whispered.

He crept into his own bed, losing himself in thought once again. His card sat on the table, a permanent reminder of how much his friends truly cared about him. He might never remember exactly what happened in his gem-filled, Rarity dream, but he no longer cared about that. Everything he had learned today was worth so much more. Never again would he doubt Twilight's love for him, or the love that his friends had for him.

He smiled and closed his eyes as he waited for sleep to overtake him again.

Comments ( 28 )

Such a beautiful story... :twilightsmile:


ooow :'D nice story

A very sweet and heart-warming tale! I've always loved the relationship between these two... Lots of devotion, but they still play off each other in different ways as well, as when Spike is put-upon to do work or his playful taunting of Twilight during Winter Wrap-up. They feel like real family as a result... and I think you captured that quite well. Good stuff!

I loved every bit of it... as i already said in previous chapter...
great, great work!

When I was done with the first chapter, I was so excited to see a second part. When I saw that it was just the short little scene, I thought about a special place in hell for people who get hopes up like that. It would have been a better format to just put the second scene in the first (only) chapter.

Literally my only complaint. Bravo.


I'm truly impressed with this.

So very touching... Well done, man, well done.

~Skeeter The Lurker


Prfetty much this. Especially:

This is the part of the show that saddens me the most. Why was Twilight able to tell the girls, who she has known for only a few months, that she loves them... but we've never heard her say it to Spike, the child she hatched and who has been part of her life the longest and who has stood by her in her darkest moments?

Being that this is a children's cartoon show, we have to accept that there are a lot of things that we will never see. And that is a good thing, in some ways, as it allows us to fill in the gaps with fan canon. But shit, right here? This is the one thing that I fear may never happen, but desperately needs to happen.

I love the Twilight/Spike dynamic. That's why I had it hold such a focus in my stories. Bronies back and forth about mother/son or brother/sister, but I think Ol' Descy here says it best with "She's the big one, he's the little one." The only reason I have them use the terms brother and sister is because their relationship reminds me so much of my sister and I's.

Anywho, this was a very heartwarming tale. Probably should go back and try to break up the huge sections of Twilight's speech with some body language or some words from Spike. Hell, probably would be best to cut some bits and pieces out, just so it's not so overly telly. Beyond that, I loved it.

Have an up-vote and a fave, good sir! You certainly earned it. :ajsmug:

I honestly don't know what I expected when I clicked this. I get how many people are getting "feels" from this, but the feeling is lost on me. I guess the reason behind that is that this story has been done so many times before, with Spike losing faith in his relationship with Twilight. It also doesn't help that I read a lot of those kinds of stories, as I knew what was going to happen, and therefore lost the "feels" everyone else is getting.

That is not too say that this is a horribly written story though. It is competently written, and each scene does have something behind it. The backstory with Twilight and Spike was pretty cool, and it actually could fit into the canon.

Overall, not a terribly bad story, just a very cliche one. Still deserves an upvote.

Well that was a bit overwhelming... :facehoof: Got to get these tears out of my eyes.

Nice ending. But some Spike and Twilight cuddle time would have had more feels and d'awww's to it:rainbowkiss:.

Got to love that Spilight!:moustache::heart::twilightsmile:

i was always confused on why they gave twilight spike :rainbowhuh: i bet twi came from a poor family or somthing and when she wanted to enter the school the staff was like "oh no way we're gonna let her in so we'll give her the most impossiple test ever!" and when the sonic rainboom turned her into the sith lord for a sec and she succeded they where like :rainbowderp: "ok take the dragon"

Great story! Have a like and fave!
I also have a suggestion for a story similar to this. Since Rainbow and Fluts have been together since filly's, maybe you could do a story about them just like this one?

I knew you would jump on this story, TD. If this story has your approval, then I'll give it a read. Then again, the description was enough to draw me in anyway.

Speechless. I am speechless. Well not really but still what a fantastic story. I always wanted to do a "Spike gets ill and Nurse Twilight to the rescue" story. Reading this really wants me to do it more because this inspires me.

So good to see attention to detail what should be the history of Spike and Twilight. It warms my beating heart. Instant fav and I'm telling my mates about this. Word must be spread. :twilightsmile:

I'm a 20-year-old dude, and right now I can still feel the tears that had started to well up in my eyes even before I attacked chapter 2. That ending was like waking up from a beautiful dream in itself. You've managed to almost make me cry. You dick. You magnificent, talented dick of an author.



Well, If I remember what Faust said correctly, she said that the egg was a 'Kobyashi Maru' test. It was to see how Twilight dealt with failure with no anticipation that Spike would be incoming.

And again, a Spike and Twilight fic brings me to tears. I need to stop reading these at class.

I think it will happen:
One of the later episodes synopsis says something about Twilight about to go spend time with Cadence, but ends up having to take care of a sick friend while on her visit. (the way it's worded lets us know that it's not Cadence who is sick)
It's all speculation, but it's a very likely possibility, and we can hope can't we :twilightsmile:?

Jesus, this was beautiful.

Twimom always hits the spot. Especially when it's well-written.
Kind of strange to suggest that Twilight's family would have been poor when they lived in Canterlot. I mean, I know that's assuming a lot, but honestly; they had the means to give their son formal guard training AND to give their daughter enrollment at a prestigious school. Remember, her test was to be enrolled, not to gain a scholarship.

Aw, Twimom brings a tear to the eye.:twilightsmile:

Touching, and the emotions feel real. Really worth reading :moustache:

wow that story was fantastic! i actually choked up at some parts! i felt so sorry for spike! D:
but great story hope to see more from you :D

soooooooooo.... who want's a hug?:twilightblush:

Another great story from a great author! I just finished getting up to date on 'wear flowers in your mane', you sir are great at making this type of story.

Why the hell didn't I favor this the first time the read it?

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