• Published 10th Jul 2011
  • 4,117 Views, 50 Comments

With a Heavy Heart - Krypqe

Pinkie Pie is gone, Vanished, in the dead of night. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash is on the verge of losing Two more of her closest friends, as she learns of the complications of a Love triangle, even if she doesn't realise yet...

  • ...

Chapter 1

The party loving pink pony; Pinkie Pie, extinguished the last light within Sugarcube Corner, and with that, she was gone.


Rainbow Dash looked up into the flashing strobe and immersed herself. She blinked, and the outline of the resident pony DJ was obvious, nevertheless, when she blinked again, DJ Pon-3 was gone. Strobe lights were funny like that, and Rainbow Dash pondered whether that it was due
to the fact that ponies wouldn’t have had strobes in the wild. However, at this point she decided that she didn’t really care, as she was out at a club, and that there probably wasn’t enough alcohol in her bloodstream if she could think that coherently.

“Rainbow! You dragged me out here, and now you’re just ignoring me?”

It was Twilight Sparkle.
Well, Rainbow had been told to call her Twilight, but she was unsure what she’d done to warrant such a close friendship.

“Twilight, you know when you just look into the lights, and then you go all trance-y? What’s all that about?”

Well, she had to think of something to say, and the ‘lights thing’ was already in her head…


“Uhhh, on second thoughts, never mind.”
‘Damn’, Rainbow thought to herself. ‘Why’d I mention the lights, It was a stupid idea. Moving swiftly on…’

“Twilight, can I get you a drink?”

“That’d be splendid, Rainbow.”

“Well, it’d help to know what you want.”

“Rainbow, do you mind if I tell you something?”

Huh, she always has to beat around the bush, but if I told her that, she’d probably just laugh at me for using such a cliché.

“Is it what you want to drink?”

“Well, sort of.”

“Go on then…”

“You may be surprised, but…” Twilight goes off into an inaudible whisper.

“You’ll have to speak up, Twilight.”

Twilight moved towards Rainbow’s ear and whispered;
“I’ve never drunk before.”

Red spread across the purple pony’s cheeks.
Rainbow stifled a laugh, but Twilight missed it, in her embarrassment.

“Don’t they have booze in Canterlot?”


“I’ll just get you what I’m having, shall I?”

In a small voice, Rainbow heard;
“That’d be nice.”

“Be back in ten seconds, flat.”

Rainbow turned and clopped towards the bar. Maybe she’d been a bit mean on the poor filly, but she couldn’t help but think that at somepony had to be a bit mean on the new pony. Well, maybe the not so new pony. Twilight had been living in Ponyville for quite some time now. Anyway, Rainbow had invited her out, so that was something.
“Four double Fillykicks please” She mumbled, nonchalantly.
Best to get a couple of rounds in, she thought; saves coming back for more so quickly.


“Rainbow Dash, What in Equestria are you doing?!”

“Just having a bit of fun, Twilight, lighten up.”

“Yes, okay, fine, just get off of the table!”

Twilight Sparkle was overwhelmed with the drunken version of Rainbow Dash, she
was even more of a loose cannon than she was normally.Twilight didn’t even think that was possible.
‘She’s ruining all order in the club!’, Twilight thought; her obsessiveness rife within her.

“Geez, Twi’, stop being such a killjoy!”
Despite the uncooperative speech, Rainbow still got off of the table, but she still insisted on flying down. And now she’d started shortening her name to ‘Twi’. She’d asked her to call her Twilight, not Twi’, but Twilight had learnt not to argue with a drunk Rainbow Dash, as that was the reason she’d ended up on the table in the first place.

“Hey Twi’, you wanna dance?”

“Fine, but only if you don’t draw attention to us like that again.”

“Like what?”

Rainbow ought to know perfectly what she meant, eyes were only just being averted from them now, and there were quite a lot of ponies they were sharing the table with, who’d put drinks down on said table.

“Oh, let’s just go.”

Probably best to move along, before we’re hoofed with the bill for the ponies who’d put drinks down on said table.

“Oh, Twi’, I love this song!”

Twilight wasn’t sure how Rainbow could tell the difference, the thumping bass just sounded the same as the previous song, but she supposed that maybe the alcohol within her own bloodstream was beginning to take its toll on her senses.

“It’s not bad, I suppose.”

“Louder, Twi’, I can’t hear you!”

“It’s not bad, I said”

The two ponies were on a rather cramped dance floor, below the bar area,
crammed full of other rather drunk ponies, all doing some sort of
drunken dancing/stumbling about type affair.

Suddenly, Rainbow fell forwards, jolted by a few over-enthusiastic colts, into Twilight, sending them both into a heap on the dance floor.

As her senses came back to her, she could only hear an incredibly irate Rainbow Dash, screaming at the top of her lungs.
The music had stopped.


“Rainbow?” Twilight’s voice was quiet.


“Rainbow?” Twilight tried her best to be louder.

“…GO AND- Twi’, you’re awake!”

Twilight could feel pain across her forehead, spattered with a sort of wet feeling.

“Twi’, can you open your eyes for me?”

She tried to open her eyes.
Vision came through, dappled by red.

“Twi’, say something, please?”

She pulled her head off of the floor, mostly ignoring the wetness, and looked up. There was a mostly red faced filly looking down at her, but she couldn’t quite make out the face it’s self.

“Rainbow, where are you?” Twilight’s voice was still quiet.


The red filly waved a hoof at her.

“I’m right here, Twi’.”

“But, what? Rainbow, you’re all red.”

“Yeah, blood is red, ya’ know.”

Twilight’s sight had mostly come back to her by now, at least as far as she could tell, and Rainbow was right. Her face was largely red, caked in blood, with what looked like it was a rather deep gash on her forehead.

“By Celestia, Rainbow Dash! What happened?”

Rainbow looked pale, in-between the spatters of blood.

“Look; I’m fine, but I think we need to get out of here. Can you stand?”

Twilight pushed against the sticky floor with her fore legs, trying to ignore the pain in her left leg, followed by her putting her hind legs firmly out.
She’d live; it was probably just a couple of large bruises, she thought. Twilight looked around; the two of them really had brought the club to a standstill. There were mostly concerned faces, looking towards them, but slightly backed off. Twilight put this down to how irately Rainbow had been shouting at everyone. She also noticed a couple still going at it, dancing like a couple of mental ponies; she chuckled, and wished she had not a care like they did.

“C’mon, Twi’, let’s go.”

Rainbow was impatiently beckoning her to the door, At least from the side, she wasn’t all red.
The two fillies stepped out into the cold.

Twilight could see her breath, during the silence after the club. Rainbow hadn’t said anything since, so she’d merely entranced herself staring at the patterns and the swirls in the low light of the night. However, she couldn’t help think about convection currents, and how water vapour condenses when cold. Twilight smiled bitterly to herself, why couldn’t she just enjoy things? She always had to over analyse everything.

“Rainbow, you’re being awfully quiet.”


“Are you really sure you’re okay?”

“I’m fine.”

For somepony who was so concerned about her earlier on, Twilight was surprised that she was being so blunt when it came to concerns regarding herself. Maybe Rainbow just couldn’t let go of her cool exterior, like Twilight herself couldn’t help but analyse everything that came before her.

“You look awfully pale…”

“I said I was fine, Okay?”

Twilight could tell that she wasn’t.
Rainbow’s once powerful, confident stride had diminished into a stumbling, slow stagger, although it seemed as though she was trying to cover it up. Anyway, Twilight had a sneaking suspicion that Rainbow was quite hurt, as would be flying along side her, if she could. In fact, this was probably the furthest Twilight had seen Rainbow Dash walk, well, ever.

“Rainbow, I hate to say it, but you don’t look just ‘fine’. I’m sorry, but you look terrible.”

Rainbow shot Twilight an evil look, but it looked pained, half-hearted.

“Look; you have a massive gash in your forehead, you’ve lost a lot of blood, you’re staggering along, you look like you’re going to be on the floor, if you don’t get at least some rest, and yet you’re still insisting that you’re ‘fine’? I don’t know what your definition of ‘fine’ is, but it’s definitely wrong!”

Rainbow didn’t respond, she just let out a dissatisfied huff, and looked away from Twilight.

“Rainbow, I’m just trying to be a friend, and you’re just pushing me away. Is that what you want?”

Something seemed to catch Rainbow’s eye, as she looked away from Twilight once more, instead gazing in the general direction of Sugarcube Corner.

“Hey Twilight, do you see that?”

‘Ah, so she completely ignored me.’ Twilight noted.

“See what?”

“Isn’t that Pinkie Pie?”

Rainbow waved her hoof in the direction of Sugarcube Corner. Twilight could see a pink-tinged shadow, walking away from the cake parlour, slowly, subtly.

“Why, I do believe it is.”

Twilight tried to sound un-interested, as she was still annoyed with Rainbow’s dismissal of her worries; but it was intriguing, none the less. Where would Pinkie be going at this time of night?

“Heh, that Pinkie Pie can be so random, huh, Twi’?”

“I don’t know, but to be honest, Rainbow, I’m still more worried about you than what Pinkie could be doing at all. Don’t think because you changed the subject and started talking cocky again that I’ll just give up.”

“Look, Twi’ just leave it, okay? I’ll be fine.”

There was silence once more.
Twilight actually still felt pity for the cocky pegasus pony, but not for the pain. She really couldn’t let down her ‘cool’ exterior.
They walked, in the dead stillness, and Twilight thought to herself that it was always quite funny when pathetic fallacy applied to the real world. Then she kicked herself once more for becoming to analytical of her own life.

“Well, this is me, then.”

Twilight and Rainbow were stood outside of the Library which acted as Twilight’s surrogate home.

She looked into Rainbow’s eyes.

“Rainbow, I’m still worried about you…”

Rainbow looked up into the sky, eyes darting away from Twilight.

“Rainbow, please?”

“Twilight, just leave it.”

She sounded exasperated, but in a quite, morose tone.


“What’ll it take to shut you up?”

Twilight was quiet for a second, as ideas formed in her head.

“Stay the night here?”

Rainbow looked back down at Twilight, but stared at her, not making eye contact.


“You know, sleep at my house.”

“Yes, yes, I know what you meant, but why?”

“Isn’t it obvious?”

Rainbow stared at Twilight obliviously.
Obviously not, Twilight thought.

“Well, you’re not well, anypony can see that. If you stayed here, I could just
keep an eye on you, in case you take a turn for the worse. I could get
you cleaned up, you’re covered in blood.”

“Twi’, I’ll be-“

“Rainbow Dash, please? Just for me?”

Rainbow looked into Twilight’s eyes.

“Don’t just tell me you’ll be fine.”


Twilight chuckled at her turn of phrase, but Rainbow obviously didn’t get the humour in it.

She ushered Rainbow inside, before she could change her mind.