• Published 18th Dec 2013
  • 2,639 Views, 16 Comments

Puzzle - Princess Glitzy

Spike was once a complete puzzle. All of his pieces fit together perfectly and he fit into life's puzzle perfectly. Then, he lost something, or more specifically somepony. One does not stay the same after losing a special piece of them.

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You and I belong together. Not in the romantic sense, in the sense that without each other, life would not be the same. We must connect in little ways. Whether that be through friendship, mutual interests or simply the fact that both of us roam this Earth. See, we are all pieces of one big puzzle. In fact, you and I are also puzzles. We're made up of intricate pieces, just like the Earth is made up of the key components that allow us to exist.

Fish must have a water source, living things must have air and we must have something. I'm using the word something because that something isn't just one thing. It can range from a hobby to a loved one. Whatever that "thing" is, it's the key to our existence, our very core.

You can say that you're better off on your own, but you can never truly be alone. The pieces bordering you will be there. They are the things you hold dear to you. Puzzle pieces naturally fit together, but if you don't want it to break apart when disturbed, then you must add some form of glue. That glue is love.

Love bonds us all. It could be the love between friends, family, lovers, or even strangers. You don't even have to know someone personally to love them. You can try to deny it, but if something makes you smile, you love it, if only a little. Happiness stems from adoration. Isn't adoration just another word for love?

All those happy coincidences that have made your life better needed to happen. Each and every time you go to bed saying "This has been a good day," you are filling in a gap of the puzzle. A new part is added every time you realize that life would not be as amazing without this one thing.

Sometimes that special puzzle piece that links you to the rest will leave. It's like that one puzzle piece that you lost. It'll aggravate you because you spent so much time making it, just to find out that it will never truly be complete.

I once lost mine. I've never been whole since. You knew her, at least in some way, whether you realize it or not. Her name was Twilight Sparkle. She was so odd, though she preferred the word "unique." But, it was her little quirks that made her so special. Her obsession with perfection, the way she could fix any problem and the way she smiled… these things separate her from anypony else.

I don't know what I would call her. A mom, a sister, a best friend? What do you call the one pony who brought you anything and took care of you whenever you needed help, regardless of what she was doing? What do you call an angel who never asks for anything in return?

She was far from perfect, I would know because I've seen her at her worst, yet I can barely imagine a more perfect example of what someone should strive to be. There was this one pony who came close. Her name was Rarity. She would brighten a room just by simply being in there and she set my heart aflutter, but Twilight will always hold the number one spot in my heart. How could she not deserve that spot when she put me there?

She was fond of the Princess. You know the one. She always looked at her as if she was a god. I can see why, she almost is. Even though, on the surface, all she seemed to care about was the Princess's desires, she cared for me in a way that I can't even begin to comprehend. Yes, she was fond of the Princess, but I believe in my heart, that I reserved her number one spot.

Ever since her puzzle piece was lost in the sands of time, I just haven't been whole. I feel almost as though I'm bent and broken. I feel as though my messed up piece won't fit into life's puzzle anymore. That is not the case, as you can tell by the fact that I'm standing here now, but her departure sure made me feel like I was nothing.

I've cheered myself up, though. I've restored my piece, for all that's left is a small rip in the corner, but I will never again be in perfect condition. I do believe that I fit into the puzzle again, and I know that somehow Twilight's part of my universe will stay in the puzzle. Maybe through me, maybe through her legacy or maybe through that beautiful smile.

I bet you'll fit into this puzzle perfectly, too. Hopefully, your puzzle will always be complete. I'm guessing you have someone who loves you. If you don't, well, that's alright. You just haven't met them yet. Someone out there will love you as much I loved Twilight. She has always been family to me, and I only wish that you find someone as amazing.

I haven't met you yet, but I just know that you're special somehow. You'll change the world, just as Twilight did when she was in her prime. Maybe you won't save the world from monsters, but it's the small changes that make the most impact. You could save a species or even make it possible to live permanently on the moon.

Never think that you don't fit in this puzzle. I know that you do. The world is grateful to have you living and breathing here this very second. I hope you find your "thing", that one special thing that makes your life better. Maybe you won't find anyone as great as Twilight, but you will have lived a great life when all is said and done.

When your piece comes into play, you're going to change the world. So, I challenge you to finish the puzzle.

Comments ( 15 )

it was good a little confusing but good none the less

3643648 How was it confusing? I don't want anyone to not understand the story. If you're wondering about who that "you" is. It's you and everyone else who reads the story.

at first i couldn't figure out if twilight is dead if spike is just thinking in his head

3643692 Ah, I can see the confusion now. Yes, Twilight is dead. As you can tell by the line where I mention the sands of time, she is gone. I didn't say specifically if she was dead in the beginning because I wanted it to be open to interpretation. Then, when you find out she's dead, you most likely will feel a pang of sadness. If this was true, then I have done my job as an author.

3643700 Thank you! I love that picture by the way. :pinkiesmile:

3643719 it's okay i figured it out with the last line this is a really good story thought now i need some help but dont worry about it

A great example of how a short story can also be one of the most gratifying things to read. Though I am pretty sure I heard the puzzle idea before, it does not take away how good and strong the story is.

I love it! But, why don't you tell us HOW Twilight died?


Ever since her puzzle piece was lost in the sands of time, I just haven't been whole.

This sentence says that Twilight died because of old age, but I'm not directly saying it because, for the most part, I want it to be open to interpretation.

3645519 So, Spike is like, BIG Spike by then?

Well, this story was... decent. I have to say it didn't leave any lasting impressions like I'm sure you intended, and it seemed at many times like rambling. Writing a story where you address the reader directly, in any way, is tricky business. I commend you for a valiant attempt, but it just kind of fell flat for me... I don't know how to suggest you improve your writing, because I'm not at all educated in second-person storytelling. Sorry. :fluttershysad:

Your Rating: :ajsmug:

Hey, I hope you appreciated my feedback! I can tell I'll have my hooves full this week, so it'd be really, really awesome if you could support me by joining Weekly Watch! Your rating, and many others, will appear in a results thread later this week. Hope to see you there!

3648079 Yes. He is older and wiser now.

3651851 That's because this particular story doesn't really have any particularly great traits. It's not sad enough to really be sad and it's mostly just a life view put into a story. The idea has been done before, the story is too short, yet too long and it doesn't have any great qualities. I believe it has a good message and pretty good writing, but it's not really a story. Yes, this story is decent.

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