• Published 17th Dec 2013
  • 1,226 Views, 101 Comments

A Feather Falls In Time - Pen Brush

Finally done with Cloudsdale, Fluttershy decides that the quiet and nature of Ponyville is where she will be happy, however when her pet Angel leads her to an injured stranger, that peace will have to wait.

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A Feather Falls...

Fluttershy slowly flew through her new cottage, tucking in her animal friends into their special beds for a good nights sleep. She had just gotten the cottage a few months ago, and a dozen animals since then had come to her for warmth, protection, and healing, including a troubled fluffy white bunny named Angel. She had found him hiding in a bush outside her cottage a few days prior.

She flew to the front door and opened it, a quiet creak escaped it as she did so, and looked out into the cool night air, making sure none of her animals were left outside in the cold before she closed the door again and landed on the floor. She took out a key and walked over to the green food cabinet and locked it for the night.

A soft smile graced her lips as she walked across the cottage to her couch, since the rooms upstairs weren’t furnished or ready to live in yet, climbed up onto the couch cushions and laid down. She put her head against a soft pillow and closed her eyes, falling asleep to the woodland animals’ quiet breathing.

Angel hopped silently between the dozen pet-beds littered on the floor, looking for anything he could munch on. He still wasn't well accustomed to the yellow pegasus’s house yet, but he knew the place where she stored the food for the animals. He hopped over to the green cabinet and put his paws on the handle and pulled as hard as he could to get it open with no success; it wouldn't budge, no matter how many times or how hard he pulled.

He sighed defeatedly and turned around to go back to his bed before a loud rumbling noise resonated from his stomach, paining him enough to decide to look for another way to sate his hunger.

He scratched his head in thought as his eyes wandered over to the front door beside the cabinet. He smiled, an idea having formed immediately. He hopped over to it and pushed the bottom half of the oak wood door as hard as he could and wondered if the pegasus had also locked this door as well, because it wouldn't move either. He decided to switch tactics and tried something else.

He leaned back and put his front paws on the floor behind him, before he shifted all his weight onto them and lifted his back legs into the air. He kicked forward with his powerful back legs. The door swung open quickly, barely giving him enough time to react to the momentum as he fell backwards. The door hit against the outside of the house with a loud bang and creaked slowly back.

Angel stood up and put his ears against his head as he looked behind him to make sure no one else heard it or had woken up. A few of the animals stirred, but they only shifted in their blankets and were silent again. He sighed in relief and ran out of the cottage into the dimly moonlit night, in the direction of the Everfree Forest.

Angel chewed feverishly, like his life depended on it. He was hidden in the middle of a blueberry bush just inside the forest. The blueberry juice slid down his throat as he chewed and stuffed himself, staining his paws and mouth blue as his cheeks extended to their fullest.

He knew what he was doing was wrong and he shouldn't be out at night or in the forest stuffing himself sick in general, but it was the only way he could stay awake to keep the nightmares away.

It helped that the berries in the center of the bush were always the sweetest and juiciest.

He swallowed the last of the berries in his mouth and cleaned himself off, as his ears twitched at the sound of a slow, irregular hoof-beat coming from further in the forest. He licked the last bits of the blueberries off his lips and cautiously hopped out, looking into the moonless forest’s darkness.

He watched fearfully as a shadowed figure walked closer and collapsed unconscious a few inches in front of the bush.

Angel approached the shadowed pony slowly and jumped onto its chest, before he looked at the head, which was right outside of the forest and illuminated by the moon.

The chestnut earth pony stallion’s muzzle was shaped like a square with an even jawline, a shock of dark brown mane atop his head. The rise and fall of the stallion’s chest told Angel that he was still alive, but he had no idea what was wrong with the stallion, or why he would suddenly collapse in the first place, but he knew either way that the forest was very dangerous at night and this pony needed help.

Angel thought about the best course of action and jumped off the stallion, and ran back to the cottage to get the pegasus.

Fluttershy was deep in the middle of a relaxing dream in the middle of a bright meadow having a quiet picnic by herself as a stream flowed behind her. It was quickly interrupted when she felt something on her head. She looked as confusion painted itself clearly on her face at seeing nothing there but couldn't focus on the picnic anymore because something was continually putting pressure on her head, like it was jumping.

The landscape started to disappear and the dream dissipated as she opened her eyes, to find Angel looking at her upside-down from on top of her head. He had to wake her up by climbing up onto the couch and onto her head.

She sat up and smiled at him, “Are you alright Angel? Did you have another nightmare or night terror again?” she asked, concern dripping from her voice for the bunny.

Angel frowned and shook his head before he hopped off her onto the couch pillow she previously had her head against and pointed to the open front door with importance.

Fluttershy looked at the door with her hoof against her chin. “What's out there this late at night that is so important to you?” she wondered, before a realization hit her, “Angel! Did you go out into the Everfree again? And at night too! You know it isn't safe and it is no place for a bunny!” she chastised him.

Angel sighed and slapped himself in the face, before he jumped off the couch and waved his paw back to Fluttershy, to get her to follow him before he ran back out into the night.

“Angel, wait!” Fluttershy exclaimed, before she flew out of the house after him. She followed him to the edge of the Everfree and noticed a pony lying in the darkness of the trees there. She landed beside the stallion and gasped as she noticed a big gash on the side of his head, trickling out bright red blood into the grass, and big bite marks on his right foreleg that were seeping blood out as well.

Fluttershy looked down at Angel. “Oh Angel, you were trying to help this poor pony, not go into the forest to get in trouble. He is lucky you were here to get help for him, or he might not have made it. Lets get him to the cottage,” she said. She slowly lifted him up off the ground with a little difficulty, and laid him across her back comfortably as she began to walk back to the cottage with Angel.

Fluttershy entered her cottage and was able to transport all of her sleeping animal friends in their beds into a spare room, without awakening them and took a towel out.

She walked over to her couch and put the towel down onto it to keep blood from staining it before she gently took the stallion off her back and onto the couch. She looked him over and noted that his short mane and tail were disheveled and bloody. His coat was caked with dirt, and he had bruises along his back and barrel. The fur around his hourglass cutie mark had been pulled out in small patches by sharp teeth, and the skin underneath was an angry bright red color.

She inspected his foreleg closer and saw that the bite marks were unfortunately deep, but they had not pierced the bone. Though, they would require bandages, including his head wound, to heal properly. She figured that he was probably out in the forest, wound up lost, and had gotten attacked by a lone timberwolf, as rare as those are, and had managed to get away before it could do any worse damage to him.

Fluttershy nodded, knowing what she needed to make the stallion feel better and turned to Angel, whose ears were turned back as he heard a weird sound outside, confusion written plainly on his face. She listened for a minute as well, but heard nothing and decided to ignore it for now, the pony in her care’s health was what mattered then. “Angel, can you go and get some bandages from the pantry in the other room please?” she asked. Angel nodded and looked behind him once more, just for a second, before he hopped away to get the bandages.

Fluttershy closed her eyes and listened as the pantry door squeaked open and Angel rooted around looking for the bandages. She walked over to the food cabinet that she had already unlocked while she had moved everyone just in case they woke up and were hungry. She opened the door, grabbed a plump, green fruit that curved to a point at its top and a small brown bowl from inside before she locked it up again.

By the time Angel came back into the room, he had apparently had a struggle. He looked like a mummy, with bandages trailing behind him, and he was unable to take off the bandages from around his body. Fluttershy had already crushed the strangely shaped fruit into a liquid with her hooves into the bowl and held the stallion’s head up gently with a hoof as she tilted the bowl’s contents into his mouth and down his throat.

She smiled at the bunny once she set the bowl onto the ground and gently put the pony’s head back onto the pillow. “Let me help you out of that,” she said. Angel hopped over and she gently unwrapped the bandages off of him, until he was his usual fluffy white self again. Fluttershy put the bandages down and gave Angel a quick hug before she looked him in the eye.

“You can go to bed if you want to now, I can take care of him by myself, go get some sleep,” she suggested as she picked up some of the unused gauze in her hoof.

Angel frowned and shook his head before he picked up some of the bandages as well and jumped onto the couch between the stallions legs. Fluttershy smiled, honestly happy and pleased that Angel decided to stay and be her helper, instead of hiding away from everything like he had been doing since she had found him.

Fluttershy went to her task and wrapped the stallion’s head snugly to stop the bleeding. She then helped Angel wrap the bandages around his foreleg, making sure to wrap every wound, to stave off infection. She finished with the bandages and put away the extras that were left over and cleaned the dirt and blood out of the stallion’s coat with a warm washcloth she had taken while putting away everything else before she put healing lotion into the hairless patches around his hourglass cutie mark to ease the redness and the possible stinging when he woke up.

Fluttershy sat down and looked at what she had done with a sad smile before she grabbed a spare bright blue blanket out from under the couch, and covered the stallion with it to keep him warm. She sighed and looked up the staircase, which led up to the half finished bedroom that she had started to fix up the day she’d bought the cottage, before she was too busy tending to the animals that started to visit her, unsure where she would sleep herself.

Angel hopped over to Fluttershy and pushed on her leg. She looked down and saw that he was holding a soft yellow blanket and a big white pillow in his paws and he put them down beside the couch.

Fluttershy smiled warmly. “You're such a good bunny Angel, thank you for helping me take care of him,” she whispered as she laid down and put the blanket over herself. Angel hopped under with her. The last thought she had before she fell asleep was that she was happy Angel had thought of the solution that if the stallion were to wake up, she would be there to help him.

Angel smiled as he closed his eyes and fell asleep, there would be no nightmares this night for him.

During the night, while Angel and Fluttershy slept peacefully next to the couch, the stallion’s foreleg twitched involuntarily, which shot needles of pain through his whole body as he grimaced.

An eyelid slowly lifted up and a tired brown orb looked around the room confusedly. His eyes travelled down to the floor and gazed upon the yellow blanket. His eyes shrunk in terror at the sight of the yellow pony and white bunny sleeping on the floor next to him. He tried to move his leg to sit up, but intense pain traveled through his leg and that caused him to fall back against the couch, his head seared in pain as a quiet hiss escaped his lips.

He stared ahead at the front door as the pain continued to course through his head, his eyes went fuzzy and golden dust escaped his lips as he fell unconscious again, a quiet whirring sound from outside the last thing he heard.