• Published 10th Dec 2013
  • 536 Views, 15 Comments

The Adventures of Grimley and Sktech - Dorvarious

Two unique individuals of the Overlord Minions go on vacation to the Necro world, but accidentally fall into Equestria and decide to have a bit of fun.

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Pretty Ponies! Pretty Ponies!

“Ugh what happened…it feels like I got punched in the face” said Grimley. He felt very lighted headed and when he came to he noticed that the room was filled with books…lots and lots of books. “…am I in hell? Cause if it is…this is not what I expect it to be…who knew that the guy downstairs was a bookworm.” As he tried to stretch he noticed that he was tied up in a chair. He looked around and saw that his back was to Skecth and so was Sketch’s back to him. “Wake up!” he yelled, only to get no response. “Sketch! Wake up! This is no time for nap, although it would be nice right about now, but now is not the time!”

“Huh..wha- where are we? Is it tea time?” Sketch said while trying to wake up. He then noticed he was tied up. “How the fuck did we get captured???”

“I think it was the time when we punched each other knocking us unconscious.” Said Grimley looking up at the ceiling.

Suddenly a cyan colored blur was in Sktech’s face, “Alright cough up! Who are you, what are you, and what your plans here??”

Grimley looked over his shoulder to the sound of the new presence in the room and saw a rainbow maned Pegasus. His face lit up with giddiness, “oh my word!!....I love her hair, I mean really just look at it. It all different colors….now that is a way to get high my friends. Haha!” Looking around he noticed there were more colored ponies, a purple one, a white one with purple hair, a buttery one hiding behind her pink hair. An orange one with blonde hair wearing a cowboy hat, and his favorite one the silly pink pony.

“Oh hey pink pony, nice to see you again, even though we both knocked each other before we could have a chat.” Said Grimley waving his hand which was still tied up.

“Hey bat winged scaly creature who I never seen before, until recently when I said hi and if you liked parties and then when you both punch each other knocking yourselves out. I then dragged you here to my friend Twilight,” Said Pinkie pointing to the purple pony, “who was shocked to see a new species and decided it would be best to tie you up and see if you’re evil and are trying to kill us all. Also its ok.”

“Well I do love the story and it does explain why we are tied up. But we are here on vacation and are looking for new land for our master to take over. Also we should hang out sometime.” Said Grimley smiling at the new ponies, but mostly at Pinkie.

“Grimley don’t tell them our plans!...Also don’t make friends with them.” said Sketch sternly.

“Oh we don’t have any plans, you dimwit! We don’t even know where the Overlord we’re going!”

“That’s cause you forgot the map!” yelled Sketch who looked over his shoulder to glare at Grimley.

“Well if you just focus on the packing the right essentials, instead of googling at the girls through the telescope, then we wouldn’t have been captured. I swear sometimes I think you don’t have a brain.”

“Will you just shut up, we are in a predicament here.”

As the two creature bickered, Twilight approached her friends and said, “Okay, so we know that they are trying to take over our world, but we still-“

“Actually we are trying to take over the Necro World.” Stated Sketch

“What?” asked Twilight turning around and raising an eyebrow.

“You heard me purple butt, we are trying to get to the Necro world, which is filled with all kinds of evil, like a creepy smiling sun, zombies roaming about, your mother wearing something very disturbing that scars you for life.”

“P-purple butt?!” exclaimed Twilight, who flushed red on her face, while Grimley snickered a bit and so did Pinkie.

“Hehe purple butt.” Said Grimley trying to calm down his giggles as with Pinkie who was laughing too.

“Pinkie!” Shouted Twilight who glared at the pink mare who gave an innocent smile.

“Sorry Twilight, but it was pretty funny.” said Pinkie

“Well it was still mean, even the part about insulting my own mother.” Said Twilight glaring at the purple and black creature.

“Aww now don’t you worry deary, all our parents wear something that will scar us for all eternity.” Said Sketch who was wearing a mischievous grin.

Twilight glared at Sketch, while making her horn glow and pointing it at the two creatures, who started to regret coming here. She then shot an electric purple bolt at the creatures who shrieked at the impact.

“AAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEE” they both shouted. After they were done screaming, they were both charcoal while their skin was making a sizzling sound. While was smoke was coming out of their mouths while looking dazed.

“Okay! Anyways,” said Twilight returning to her friends, who were looking bewildered after the scene they have just saw. “I guess they weren’t trying to take over Equestria, except for this Necro world, but we can’t know for sure.”

“I say we pummel them to see what they know and who this Overlord is.” Said Rainbow Dash who was pounding her hooves together.

“Ah would have to agree with Rainbow here. Ah don’t like the sound of this ‘Overlord’ character.” Said Applejack who glanced at the sizzling minions who were starting to wake up from their shock.

“I agree with Appejack dear.” Said Rarity, who looked at the creature who were shaking their heads, with disgust. “Just look at what their wearing. Just loincloths, is sickening, who in the right mind would wear such a disgusting thing around town? Plus the fabiric looks dreadful."

“Aw come on Rares, they’re not that bad. I bet they just need a party to cheer them up! Besides they haven’t hurt anypony.” Said Pinkie who has hopping up and down.

“Well..um…one of the bunnies that comes to see me told that they were being chased by them holding an axe. Oh I was so worried for the poor dear, but luckily he was able to get into his home before anything happened.” Said Fluttershy who hiding behind her mane and frequently looking at the creatures as to make sure they don’t try to hurt her.

As the mane six were discussing on what to do with them a loud voice erupted from the two minions who were now free since that bolt burned the ropes off, that startled the mane six.

“Hello? Hello? Is this thing darn thing on? I can’t see them?...ah there we go, just needed to plug in the video cable. So how-What fuck is going on? Why is everything so brown and fuzzy???...and smelly…a weird yet familiar smell” Said a voice that happened to come from the front of Grimley’s loincloth.

“Grimley I think your dick is talking to us??” said Sketch raising an eyebrow, while the mane six gave horrified faces as if something disturbing rose from the dead.

“Really? Little me…why you no grow bigger and hang lower? Also why do you pee out blood.” asked Grimley who looked down at his crotch.

“What’s that in the fuzziness? Is that a green mushroom? Where is there a hole on top of it? Looks all shrivled up and-OH DEAR LORD! GET ME OUT OF HERE! NOW! NOW! AHHHHHH!!!”

“Well if my little self wants to be free, then so be it. FREEE WILLLYYY!” Said Grimley as he proceeded to pull his loin cloth off, while the girls faces turn red and started to shout no and to pull it back up. While pinkie was giggling like a madpony at the scene.


Grimley put his hand into a pocket which is located in the front of his loincloth and pulled out a small orb that had Gnarls face on it.
“Gnarl!!” shouted both minions in excitement. “what were you doing in my loincloth? I didn’t know you were such a peeping tom.” Said Grimley with a sly smile on his face.

“SHUT UP YOU SNIVILING BUBONIC FUCKTARD WHO HAS NO SENSE OF SMELL AND FORGETS WHERE THE FREAKING TOILET IS! SERIOUSLY IT’S RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU! YET YOU PISS AROUND IT IN A PERFECT OUTLINE! WHAT THE FUCK! Anyways now that I am free from that awful prison, what are you two up to? Have you reached the Necro world?” asked Gnarl who narrowed his eyes at the two minions who faces turned to sheepish smiles.

“Ehhh about that…we are right now in a world full a colorful ponies who talk.” Said Skecth scratching the back of his head.

“who are you guys talking to?” asked twilight as she walked up to the two minions. Gnarl turned to the voice in the room and saw the purple unicorn.

“What the overlord is this? Another bloody unicorn? Did you two dimwits get captured by unicorns? That talk? Oh this is even more embarrassing when you were captured by barbarian babies who tortured you with their cuteness.” asked Gnarl turning back to the duo.

“The horror…” said Sketch who shivered at the thought of those cute faces.

“Well actually there are unicorn ponies, Pegasai and normal ponies. One of them wants to throw us a party for coming here. Isn’t that nice?” said Grimley

“Oh well that sounds lovely! And while we’re at it why don’t we eat a bunch of cake and talk about boys or whatever ponies talk about. And then after that let’s all have a pillow fight and have fun. Then we’ll tell ghost stories and have a campfire to roast smores.” Said Gnarl sarcastically but the tow minions didn’t notice.

“Really??” they both said at the same time with smiles on their faces.


“HEY! We are not powerless, we can kick your sorry flank in 10 seconds flat” said Rainbow who flew up between the two minions, glaring at Gnarl.

“Oh my lord look at her hair, it is shiny! I mean really! Also I’d like to see you try, but unfortunately I am not there, except for these two assholes. Grimley! Sketch! A word in private please!” Said Gnarl looking back at the two minions.

“Excuse me miss purple butt with a star, where can go to somewhere more private?” asked Sketch, who got a glare from Twilight.

“First off, my name is Twilight and second there is no way I am letting you out of my sight.” Said Twilight

“Ugh! Fine! Guess we’ll huddle in a corner.” Both the minons went to one side of the room and began to discuss what they were going to do now.

“Ok for now I just want you both to just settle down here. Are you both able to continue to travel?” asked Gnarl.

“Nope, I think this was the end of the portal thingy.” Said Grimley who scratched his head, with his pointy claws.

“Hmmm very well then. Well just observe these creature then, they might hold a lot of power here. If anything cute appears in front of you…kill it...or rape it. I don’t really care. Understood?”

“Yes Gnarl.” said both the minions who grinned menacingly

“Excellent! I’ll contact you later. Let me know if you find anything interesting that’s worth stealing.” Said Gnarl whose image faded from the orb. Now trapped in Equestria the two minions have no choice but to…’get along’ with theses ponies.

Author's Note:

Whew! this took a long time to do. Plus this was my first time writing the parts of the mane six. Please Please please tell me if i did a good job writing their parts. Also if any of you have any advice please let me know. Also i do not accept bad comments, make a bad one and i'll delete it.

Comments ( 5 )

Much fun! Much fun! Fo' da Ovalord!!!


Well this is really funny i couldn't stop laughing keep going mate :pinkiehappy:

The prospect of reading this terrifies me.:twilightblush:
Like and fav.

3922830 Very simplistic and flawed.

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