• Published 12th Mar 2012
  • 1,630 Views, 28 Comments

Sister Dearest - SuchAFoal

Letters left for Celestia after the tragic loss of her star pupil, Twilight Sparkle.

  • ...

Wordless Apologies

DATE: 06/12/1359 H.M.Y.

To whom it may concern,

On the Twelfth of August, Her Majesty’s Year 1359, my unit and I engaged a team of four enemy combatants on the edge of the Everfree forest. We secured their location via classified communication with your Highness. We attempted a covert recon of the group for several days but, were engaged on the sixth day of our surveillance. No guards where lost but, of the four combatants, three where critically injured and died in the proceeding hours. One escaped in the fog of the battle and has yet to be captured for questioning.

The events that lead up to this, went as follows:

I instructed my second in command, Master Sergeant ThunderRun, to follow the mailmare known as Ditzy Doo (a.k.a. Derpy Hooves) and prevent the transport of suspicious cargo with any means necessary. We, then, proceeded to commence with our search of the unicorn Twilight Sparkle and her two companions. When asked of their activity in the woods they became hostile and refused to answer my inquires civilly. The female Pegasus in the group, a Miss Fluttershy, was the most restrained in the questioning, but without any provocation, attacked Captain Dumbbell.

Then the largest of the group, a red earth pony with an apple cutiemark, broke free of our restraints and assaulted my person. I was able to swiftly retaliate and knocked the insurgent into the outlying brush. I then focused on the main threat at hand, the unicorn Twilight Sparkle. She had already dealt heavy blows to several of my second squad and was advancing on my position near the pegasus Fluttershy. She conjured what I can only describe as a lance with her magic and charged toward me. My valiant aid, Private Black Spade, bravely and swiftly silenced the would be attacker with a conjuration of his on lance. the private engaged her in one on one combat and prevailed with several quick blows to her torso and flanks. She fought valiantly but, it was in vain.

The pegasus, Fluttershy, was brought down by several lance blows from first squad, ending the engagement. We returned to our designated rendezvous with third squad and Master Sergeant Thunder Run. He reported to me that the mailmare had put up heavy resistance but, was quickly dispatched with over-whelming force. He suggested, to me, that the package was lost during the battle. I also regret to inform you that your prize pupil, Twilight Sparkle, died of her injures. The condolences of myself and my unit are with you.

Your faithful soldier and guardian,
Lieutenant Colonel,
Star Swift


Celestia gripped the brittle parchment with her mind, a demented gleam in her eye, and in an instant it raged in an ethereal blaze. It’s ashes fell like snow before the raging goddess, a stark black contrast to her pure white coat. She glared at the guards before her, but said nothing. She let her eyes slowly drift from soldier to soldier. Each of the meager guards flinched, as if struck, as her magenta gaze fell on them. She finally brought her vengeful gaze upon her most trusted advisor and confidant, Lt. Colonel Star Swift.

Her eyes stared into his with the fiercest intensity, but unlike his compatriots, his gaze did not waver from hers. He wore a cocky grin on his muzzle and rolled his shoulders back, standing even straighter. He swelled in self adulation and pride. He had spent years making himself invaluable to the princess, both in and out of the throne room. He had figured he had done a personal service to the princess relieving her of the meddling fillyfooler. Now she could focus on him and their own “special mentoring.”

Princess Celestia motioned to him and he promptly marched forward and saluted his "mentor." The hours the had spent whispering sweet nothings echoed in his mind, his gaze drifting over her gently curves.

“Always a pleasure your highness…“ Swift said, his eyes sparkling in confidence. She continued to glare at him as she spoke.

“I have something I must ask of you and your men.“ She requested flatly. Swift's eyes gazed lower towards Celestia's flanks and he licked his lips reflexively. He looked back at his “lover” eyes and grinned even wider.

“How may I service you?” he inquired with a wink.

He relished the fact that he had bedded the alicorn. All of Equestria knew of their “secret rendezvous” and he enjoyed waving it in everyponies face. Even more well known was his arrogance and his constantly slicked mane. He was also notorious for his callus humor and immaturity. He failed, however, to realize that she was in no mood for his brand of comedy.

“SILENCE!” Screamed the enraged elemental. “Lieutenant Colonel Star Swift! You DARE to address me as if I where some ten bit WHORE?”

In the thousand year solo rule of this princess, she had never once broken her gentle and benevolent persona. Shock was written across every pony present. Swift was undoubtedly the most shocked of them all.

“Celi what’s wr--” he appealed shakily.

“HOW DARE YOU SPEAK!” Her anger intensifying at hearing her sisters pet name for her. “YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO USE THAT MONIKER IN MY PRESENCE!”

After several silent moments she composed herself to some degree, but her hair whipped around her like corona flares off the sun. They threatened to lash out at the cowering soldiers at any moment. They all reflexively lowered there gaze and fell to one knee. All of them, except Swift. He rose to his full height and glared at the princess.

He was captain of the guard! Who was this detached, soft-hoofed, foal to speak to him in this way. He had fought and clawed his way to this point and, by all accounts, he was her equal in every way.

"Your Highness, what is it you ask of me?" he asked flatly, bowing. He raised his gaze on her and gave a stare that could curdle milk.

"What is the meaning of this...this garbage?" She replied venomously. She motioned towards the meager pile of ash at her the foot of her throne.

"That was my report on the reconnaissance you requested my task force to handle." He answered dryly.

"No! That was propaganda!" She declared in enraged. "I requested you aide my student and dear friend, Twilight Sparkle, in her search for her son. I want to know WHY DID YOU KILL HER?"

" I merely silenced a possible threat to you and your sister." He responded with a wave of his hoof. "She presented a clear threat and it is my duty to protect you and her from all dangers. Physical, Mental...or Emotional."

"You killed my sisters only friend in this world to protect ME?" She whispered astounded at his arrogance. Her hair began to rage as if caught in a cosmic tempest. She rose from her throne and moved closer to Swift.

"Yes. The unicorn was corrupting the other princess and we were merely...protecting her." He responded with an annoyed air. He then brought his hoof to his chin and tapped it softly.

"Now that I think about it. That fillyfooling slut unicorn was the probably the reason we never "tutored" your sister." He smirked at her. "You should thank me for removing the issue."

She gaped at him, dumbfounded.

She couldn't believe this arrogant and prejudice pony had once been the stallion she adored above all others. In over a thousand years she had refused suitors, except for him. Tears brimmed in her eyes, though this time in fury. She gripped the insolent guard in a blanket of her seething magic and held him just inches from her face. He let out a small yelp as she lifted him, but nopony came to his aid.

"You killed my sister..." She whispered, voice quivering in rage.

She grabbed the closet royal shield in her aura and crushed it into a fine round ball. She then crushed it into a thin disk and began to etch small serrations along its edge. She held the object just inches from Swifts head and began to spin it like a fan. It gleamed as it continued to accelerate, incased in her elemental manes fire. Swift whimpered at the improvised saw and gulped audibly.

"You killed Derpy, an innocent mother and mailmare..." Her voice rising as the blade spin faster and faster. He glanced at her and opened his mouth to plead, only to have his jaws slammed shut with magic.

"DON'T YOU DARE SPEAK! NOT. ONE. WORD...YOU ARROGANT, INSOLENT, BASTARD!" She screamed with a violence and intensity that rivaled a nuclear detonation.

"You killed a wife and mother, Fluttershy..." she continued, tears brimmed in her immortal eyes.

"I loved you..." She sobbed as she looked at him. "...I trusted you..."

He looked at her and he realized his mistake, but too little, to late. She smiled a bloodthirsty grin and raised the whirling disk over his head.

"Now! FEEL. MY. PAIN...."She laughed in contemptuous glee.

She lowered the blade to his rear, just above his tail, and inched forward. His screams echoed across the throne room deafeningly but, every pony watched in terrified awe at the execution. She cackled madly as she inched the blade up his spine. His blood slowly began pooling at her feet and marring her snowy pelt. His screams grew weaker as she passed his midsection and edged towards his heart. His eyes stared into hers as she pulled the blade out and brought it to his throat.

"I'm so sorry..." He whispered tears in his eyes. The blade flashed maroon in the setting sun as it slid through his neck. She stood over his dismembered head and glared at him in disgust.

"SORRY DOESN'T BRING THEM BACK!"She screamed into his motionless body.


She rose and retreated to her throne, glancing at the cowering guards. She snarled at them in anger causing them to flinch.

"Begone you cur!" She yelled in anger. They all rushed out in a panic away from the mad ruler. They left their once proud leader to his fate in the hope this mollified the princess. She looked at the blood on her coat and then at the lifeless body of her foalish lover. She glanced at her setting sun and sighed. She had never ruled with a heavy hand and she had paid dearly for it. She thought long about all the moments she could have spent with her sister and not in the hooves of Swift.

She hollered for her servants and requested that they return the throne room to it's immaculate glimmer, while she took a hot bath. She needed to be away from the questions and judgment of her kingdom and its subjects.

As she lay in the her bed chamber, fresh from her bath, she wondered if the moon missed it's shepherd as much as she missed her. She questioned if the muffins would ever have the same aroma she had grown to love. She wondered if the forest creatures would ever forgive her for robbing them of their only pony friend. She wondered if the books would forget their gentle caretaker.

Celestia gazed at the stars beginning to form outside her balcony doors. She sighed at the painful sight of her sister's artwork. She walked onto the balcony and breathed in the warm August evening air. She watched the stars begin to wink into life one at a time.

"You will never be forgotten." She smiled in admiration. " If only I had remembered to tell you how beautiful your night is."


She lay down in her plush bed and closed her eyes to cry. She cried most of the night and eventually fell asleep. Her dreams where invaded with images of the days she spent laughing and playing with her sister. The days she spent smiling and laughing at the adventures of her pupil and her mare friends. She saw images of her sister dancing with twilight in the midnight sky, like ghostly angels on the starry sky. They reached out there hooves towards her and smiled invitingly. She awoke with fresh tears in her majestic eyes.

She glanced at the rising moon and smiled. She grabbed a quill and some parchment and scribbled a small note. She then folded it and kissed the seam. She placed the letter on her pillow and exited her room. After she left the letter slowly fell open, revealing its contents.

I just want to say 'thank you'. Thank you for showing me a sister's love and the warmth of a kindred soul. Thank you for the memories, because in my dreams I can see you every night. Even though your gone, in my dreams you never leave too soon. If I wake too soon, I now you're still there always watching over me. Like you always have.
Thank you for always being there.

I love you, so much.


Celestia marched down the empty halls towards the guards tower. Because of her earlier spectacle, the guards had confined themselves to the tower. She knocked softly to which no reply came. After waiting for a time she forced open the door with her magic. The guards all stood in the back of the hall, cowering. She glanced around at the sorry sight and cleared her throat.

"There is no need to fear... I come with a request." Celestia sighed, crestfallen. "There is a small filly, named Dinky Hooves, I want her retrieved from Ponyville immediately."

They all stared at her in fear, but one finally whispered from the back.

"What? So you can kill her too?" said a silvery guard held a whimpering private. His words stung more then she had first anticipated, but she pressed on.

"I apologize that you had to witness that spectacle, but I assure you that you, and the rest of my subjects, are safe from my judgment." She replied evenly. She knew that the whole of Equestria would know about the fiasco with Swift, but she needed to make an example of his arrogance and ignorance.

"Why?" the silvery mare inquired, rising to his feet. He walked towards her and stood just a foot from her snout. "He was just protecting you from her corrupt and foalish ideas."

She starred at him confused. He was a bold stallion, but what he spoke made no sense. He read the confusion in her eyes and explained.

"Some of the guard, blinded by their prejudice, theorized that she was trying to court Your Highness to gain power and usurp control from you."

"That is absurd! I had no interest in courting her, or any pony." She responded in indignation. She sighed and lowered herself to the stone floor. She was now eye level with the stallion and she realized, absentmindedly, that he had the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen. They stared into hers with a tenderness and passion that not even Swift had shown her.

"She was my friend and I couldn't even protect her." Celestia sighed, fighting back tears.

Then the silver pony shocked her. He gently wrapped his hooves around her in a hug. His copper eyes were closed and he wore a deep vermilion blush. She gaped in shock, but returned the hug. She ignored the hushed whispers from behind the silver guard pony. She didn't care. All she wanted was for this pony to hold her close and never let her go.

He released her and stared into her eyes again. This time with a deep look of concern and empathy.

"You can't protect everypony." He whispered, tenderly. She sighed and nodded, sadly. He was right, but she still felt so weak and helpless.

"I have a suggestion!" He declared with a smile. She looked at him and quirked one eyebrow.

"Guys! Find this filly and bring her here. I will personally make sure she is taken care of, okay?"

His comrades looked at him confused, but began to mill about and grab their gear. They shuffled out the door past the princess then out of sight, leaving the princess with her new companion. He smiled at her and motioned for her to stand.

"What is your name, soldier?" She asked him in wonderment. Nopony, not even her sister, treated her as an equal. Most ponies cowered before her, but he stood tall and strong in her presence.

"Angelus Aria. My comrades call me Flak, though." He replied with a smile.

"Flak, would you please walk me back to my room?" She asked embarrassed.

She wasn't used to speak to someone on even terms and it made her blush. He nodded and held open the chamber door for their exit. The walked together for sometime down the dark and empty corridors. She glanced at her new companion and noted his cutie mark was a quill with a sword over it. He had a short auburn mane and a large scar on his right foreleg. He nickered at her when he realized her examination and brushed her with his auburn tail. She blushed fiercely and apologized.


After a while, they reached her bed chamber. He saluted and turned to excuse himself. A gentle hoof on his shoulder made him freeze. He looked back to see the princess looking away, her muzzle blazing red with embarrassment.

"Please stay with me tonight..." She asked in barely a whisper. "I don't want to be alone."

He smiled and held a hoof to her chin, his eyes unsure. She looked at him with pleading and he nodded.

"Okay, for you." He replied.

She sighed in relief and opened her door to let him in. Though she barely knew this pony, should couldn't help but feel safe when he was nearby. He made her feel weaker then she had ever been before. His eyes pulled her into their depths and his smile made her heart shudder. She felt a growing dread build inside her, but she figured that it would only be for one night.

She grabbed the note hastily and stuffed it into her bedside table. Flak pretended not to notice and pulled back the covers of her bed. He beckoned towards her and she trotted over to his side. She clambered under the covers and he gently tucked her in. He smiled and began to pull away, when a magical aura trapped him in place.

"Please..."Celestia begged sheepishly. She motioned toward the empty part of her bed and he smiled, again.

"Princess..."He warned in a grave, but playful tone.

"Just for tonight....I don't want to be alone. Please stay?" She begged, her voice cracking.

"Okay." He sighed with a grin.

He climbed over her body and under the covers. He was then smothered in a soft embrace by the immortal. He craned his head to look into her gentle eyes and smiled. He gripped her softly to his chest and laughed. She sighed and closed her eyes. After a while he heard her gentle snoring and smiled to himself.

"Even you need protecting sometimes." He whispered sadly. He then leaned over and kissed her flowing mane. It smelled of sweet daisy's and dew.

For the first time in his life he was truly content.