• Published 24th Dec 2013
  • 963 Views, 4 Comments

All the Worlds a Stage - operaticphantom

Robert was just your average nerdy bartender, but what happens when a certain trickster god sends him to equestria as a fearsome Dremora?

  • ...

Now you see me...

Author's Note:

sorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorry for the wait, for those of you who are reading anyway. Been proofreading whilst deciding where this story should go. It's gonna be a funny one

So, where were we? Ah yes, it was right after the whole disaster with the guards... lovely business that. However! I had other things to do!.....What they exactly where I had no clue, but still, I like to believe that it's the thought that counts. So, now with the entire state of Neigh York looking for a certain demon looking "thing", I thought it best that I amscray before I was brutally stomped on by the adorable ponies of Equestria... You really can't stay mad at them, they're so cute. However, just as I was about to take off (and try out a new shiny pair of wings), I heard a whisper from the shadows.

"Psst. Hey you."

At the sound of the voice I totally did NOT scream like a twelve year old girl! It was a manly war shout from.... ancient Mesopotamia? Yeah, let's go with that. Anyway after I finished my screaming war cry, I looked around for the source of the noise. At first I saw nothing, just a couple dustbins and a shadowy corner. But as I peered closer into the darkness, I saw two blue glowing eyes stare back at me.

"Woah! Who the hell are you?!" I shouted

"Ssshhh!!! Keep your voice down you idiot!! Do you want all of Neigh York's police department bearing down on us?!"

"Well at least you can see me! How am I supposed to trust a voice coming from a pair of creepy looking glowing blue eyes! You could be radioactive for all I know!!"

"Ugh, you need proof? Fine, I'm coming out!"

And with that, the owner of said voice emerged from the shadows. It was a changeling, of slight build, and a scar down its left eye. To be honest, it looked pretty bad ass....wait a minute....

"...You're a changeling..."

"You just noticed that? Wow, and here I thought you to be of a more higher intelligence."

"Okay, first off, ouch. Secondly, why aren't you trying to abduct me, or do some voodoo mind thingy, or trap with that weird Gak that comes out of your mouth?"

"You honestly think I'd want to trap one of my own kind? Now, get rid of that ridiculous disguise before anyone sees you!" she said with no little amount of sass.

"Wait," I replied hesitantly. "You think I'm a changeling?"

"Uh, shape-shifting, black chitinous creature with the ability to inertly cast illusions? Sound familiar?"

"But, I look nothing like you....and this isn't a disguise...." I said, gesturing towards the horns and markings.

"Y-you mean to tell me you AREN'T a changeling?" She said hesitantly.


As the silence began to lengthen to the appropriate measure of awkward, it dawned on me that this changeling had just revealed herself to a non hive member, which would probably mean that I MIGHT be in a liiiiitle bit of a pickle.

"Um, look, I'm sure we got off on the wrong foot, Imeanhoof. So, why don't you stop inching towards me with that murderous gleam in your eye, and we can tal- HEY" I shouted as I dogged a green glob of goo...heh, alliteration.

"You are an outsider, and you have compromised my position!! I WILL capture you! NOW HOLD STILL!!!" She shouted, charging up her horn.

"Waitwaitwait! I'm not going to expose you!!" I shouted whilst crouched behind a dumpster, totally NOT cowering in fear.

"...you mean you're NOT going to try and kill me?" She said, lowering her horn.

"Well obviously not! I abhor violence. Besides, changelings are too cute to kill."

"...you can't be serious..."

"What? You guys are just so cuddly, and you've got those adorable fangs!" I said, rubbing her head. I don't know if you guys knew, but changeling manes are like frickin silk!....so soft....

As I kept scratching her head, her eyes began to roll into the back of her head, and she (I shit you not) began to purr. It was adorable!! After about five minutes of straight up head scritches, I decided that I had won her over. As I stopped the petting, she looked at me with the most heart rendering puppy dog eyes I had ever seen.

".....hhhhhhhhnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg.....I think my heart just gave out."

"Well, since you're NOT going to kill me, I figure I might as well tell you... I'm NOT really part of the hive."

"....say wat?" I said with a blank look on my face.

'I kinda disobeyed orders, and was exiled from the hive...."

"So, that whole thing about capturing me..."

"Was a ploy to make sure I didn't get found out! I've been living on the streets for a while now, and I don't want to go to jail and be accused of being a spy.....You don't want to know what they do to changelings....."

Now, seeing as this changeling had decided to open up to me, I kinda felt a little attached. So, being the friendly person dremora I am, I decided to offer her a hand.

"So, I'm going to be doing some traveling. I don't know exactly where I am going, and I need someone who knows the layout of the land.Would you like to come along?"

In that moment I think I blinked, because one minute she was about three feet away, and the next there was a strange crushing sensation on my chest and windpipe.

"Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!!!!!" She squealed.

".....can't.....breath...." was all I could say.

"heh heh...sorry." She said sheepishly

"So,"I said rubbing my chest. "do you have a name?"

"Yeah, it's Fib."

"Aaaaawww, well that's the cutest na-"

"HALT CRIMINAL SCUM!!!" Shouted a pony officer.

"....Aw sh*t"