• Published 12th Dec 2013
  • 687 Views, 44 Comments

Certamen - DarkBunny91

A popular gameshow in Equestria has started its newest season. The show is known for being a bit difficult, but winners become celebrities in their own rights . This time around however the competition may not be what the contestants expected...

  • ...

Criminal Symphony


My eyes shot open, darkness and bleariness replacing the lovely dreams of my sweet and aptly named marefriend Bon Bon. I fumbled with the covers as carefully as I could to avoid waking my marefriend from the serene grasp of sleep. Then, setting my forehooves down on the floor as softly as I could, I finished inching out of bed.

Softly touching down my rear hooves, I started an almost tiphoof crawl across the bedroom avoiding obstacles like a ninja on the prowl. I silently inched open and crept through the door.

At the top of the stairs, I ignited the magic in my horn which cast a shadowy illumination throughout the darkened hall. Carefully, I crept down the potentially treacherous stairwell before finally reaching the ground floor.

In the predawn penumbra, the light from my horn cast an almost ominous ambience across the object of my desire's confection shop. The normally joy-bringing barrels of sweets, appeared as demonic figures haunting the darkness causing a chill to run down my spine.

Swiftly, the scent of peppermint and licorice brought clarity to my senses, pushing back the fog of sleep hanging across my eyes.

I hit the lights, and a blinding sting pierced my retinas as the ground floor of the shop became illuminated. Shaking away the initial effects of the radiance, I willed myself through the door with the store’s telltale ding..

Ditzy Doo, Ponyville's walleyed mailmare, was hovering above the landing holding out a small envelope. Her blond mane appeared disheveled and unkempt, most likely due to the hasty nature of her early morning delivery.

"Good morning Ditzy," I finally managed groggily, "what brings you here this early?"

"Letter for you Miss Heartstrings, urgent and time sensitive!"

"Who's it from?" I asked curiously shaking the last of the sleep from my eyes.

"Octavia Philharmonica."

Tavi, but that must mean she... Not waiting another second, I fired up my horn which cast a wavering golden light across the gray pegasus. I reached out, grasping the mail and pulling it inside.

"Thanks, Ditzy, grab a muffin from Pinkie and tell her to put it on my tab." I uttered as I ripped into the parcel while simultaneously closing the door.

"Okay, see you later," I heard her muffled voice reply.


'Dear Lyra,

I am pleased to inform you that I have been in contact with my friends at Canterlot Studios. They have agreed to allow me to sponsor one of the teams for the newest season of Equestrian Champions.

Thinking about all you have been saying in our letters these last couple of months, I have decided to bring you in as a contestant. It will not be an easy task, but I feel that you have the talents and an impressive enough magical font to succeed in ways few other unicorns could.

I do apologize about the timing of this letter. I feel a little more forewarning would have been more appropriate. I will expect you at noon at the Canterlot Society Club for lunch and to meet the other members of your team.

It will be a few day venture, contracts are to be filled out and other such business, pack nice clothes and your ‘A-game’.

Always with love

Octavia Philharmonica'


There it was; the news I had been waiting for! After months of no work, begging and borrowing bits, I had a real opportunity to do something, to be somepony!

Leaping and bounding up the stairs, sweat poured down my brow and disappeared into the deluge of tears streaming down my face from excitement. I raced back into my bedroom whipping open the door almost as an afterthought.

"I got in, Bon Bon, I got accepted!" I shouted, my voice a fevered pitch.It would seem I screamed a little too loudly for the early morning, because my sweetie's annoyed expression was dripping daggers..

"Sweetheart, sleep, we can talk about it when Celestia has risen the sun," My love mumbled, half asleep.

"I can't sleep now; I need to start packing! Octavia said she has a meeting set up for me at lunch in Canterlot. Ditzy just dropped me off the letter, and oh horse apples. I need to catch the train in an hour or I will never make it in time!" I exclaimed breathlessly, pacing around the room.

Grabbing clothing and personal effects, I hastily shoved everything into my saddle bags. Carefully picking up my lyre case, I made a mental checklist ensuring I had everything I would need for a several day trip to Canterlot.

With a groan, Bon Bon rolled over and sat up, pre-coffee glaze coating her eyes. She stumbled out of bed, dragging our bedsheets like a wedding train.

Kicking off her trail of blankets, BonBon sashayed over to the bedroom door. Turning around with a wink, she said, "Too bad you are in a hurry, but I will make you some breakfast before you go."

Some ponies say I am a little eager when I catch a break, but they don't hesitate to use the term "starving artist" to describe me when I go for a while without a solid job. Honestly if Bon Bon didn't help ease the time between jobs, I probably would starve. Good thing my special somepony has steady work.

While fastening my saddlebags, I took one last look around the room, pausing on a picture of Bon Bon and I on our first date. It had been over a year ago when she and I first met, but I could still remember it like it was yesterday.

Fresh out of the academy, I was such a foal. Contrary to my parents' warnings and pleading, I struck out on my own. After only a week of paying for my room and board at the Bronze Manticore with the meager pittance of bits my parents gifted me, I ended up on the streets singing for my supper and sleeping in the woods.

During a particularly tough week and not having eaten in days, I stumbled across the town of Ponyville. After another unsuccessful day of playing, I hung out in a back alley until well after dark. Even the creepy pink pony who had stalked me for hours finally disappeared, hopefully for good.

Starving and broke, I made a horrible judgment call. Improvising a lockpick out of a bobby pin and a screwdriver, I broke into a small two-story confectioner's shop. Sneaking into the kitchen, my horn dimly lit my way to the porcelain and steel treasure box that would assuredly contain the life saving food I so desperately needed. While scrounging through the refrigerator, all attention drawn to the daisy sandwich I was masterfully crafting, a sudden intense pain arose from the back of my head and I found the floor rushing up to meet my face in a most unpleasantly expeditious manner.

Struggling to observe my attacker through bleary watery vision, and probably a mild concussion, I set my eyes upon an adorable, albeit angry, pink and blue maned earth pony. Her blue eyes glittered in the refrigerator light, and her beige coat slightly dripped water. Did I mention her mane was wet too? She was like the image of beauty, except for the rolling pin she was shaking angrily.

Being a rational unicorn, I responded in the most rational way I could think of when a malnourished unicorn is being besieged by an angry, wet earth pony. I curled into the fetal position and started blubbering like a baby.

When the next blow didn't come, I carefully raised my head. Maybe it was the concussion, maybe it was destiny, but I stared her directly in the eyes and asked, "Care for a sandwich?"

After a trip to Ponyville Hospital's emergency room, the mare, whose name I found out was Bon Bon, approached me hesitantly. "Miss, do you have a place to stay?"

"Yeah, I got a tent in my saddlebags, I'll be alright."

"What! Hay no! You have a concussion!"

"That I deserved-" I mumbled.

"Deserved or not, I caused it, and by Celestia, I will make sure you are okay!"

"I tried to rob you-"

"You were starving," suddenly the most cheeky grin crossed her face, "and besides, you owe me a sandwich."

During my time under her care I fell head over hooves for the earth pony, and one day, after making a small "fortune" playing my old beat up lyre in the park, I asked her out. I had a sandwich debt to repay, after all.

Nabbing the picture and stowing it safely in my saddlebags, I headed downstairs. A delicious aroma had drawn me from my reminiscing. On the table sat a bowl of hot oats, a couple of strips of hay bacon, and a cup of morning ambrosia.

Scarfing down breakfast like I hadn't eaten in days would have been a lot easier if halfway through I didn't decide to drink an entire mug of hot coffee.

"Ah-owwww," I moaned as I chugged a glass of water to soften the burning sensation.

"You know, Lyra, the train doesn't leave for another forty-five minutes, right?" BonBon chided me.

"I know. I'm just in a hurry. I really don't want to be late," I sighed as I finished my oats.

"I mean, I really am excited for you, but you need to calm down. You are going to over-stress yourself, and make a poor first impression if you go in there bouncing like a schoolfilly with a crush," she continued.

"Bon Bon, I know, but I haven't had a paying job in months, and your dad stares at me like a bum every time he sees me. I just want to be able to put some bits in the pot ya know, you can't hoof the whole bill," I stated matter of factly.

"Lyra Heartstrings," Uh oh, the lecture... "If I was worried about bits, I would have married some rich pony, not a musician who doesn't play in some big orchestra or a successful band," Ouch! "I'm marrying you, because I love you, the quirks, the personality, and the brains. The looks aren't bad either if I may say so myself," she concluded with a smirk.

"Hey, don't get all sappy with me now, I do have a train to catch," I replied lovingly, hiding a tinge of hurt.

"I know, I know. Do you have any idea how long you will be gone for?"

"The letter says I need to be there for a few days; to sign all the contracts and stuff. Plus, It would be nice to catch up with Tavi since I haven't seen her in almost a year."

"Don't get any ideas," suddenly a sexy smirk crossed her face, "unless you bring her home," Bon Bon cooed.

Unsure of how to respond to that, I saluted exaggeratedly, bringing my hoof to my forehead so rapidly I caught the tip of my horn. Now, most non-unicorns are unaware of a small factoid. Being the focal point of a unicorn’s magic, the horn is heavily concentrated with nerve clusters. Hitting a unicorn in the horn is akin to... Well, a stallion could probably tell you better than I, but needless to say I was staring at the ceiling with a concerned looking earth pony standing over me. My poor chair now ninety degrees from its previous position.

I attempted to roll over onto my hooves, but the straps connecting me to the saddlebags trapped under my chair prevented me from so easy a victory.

Horse apples.

I looked over to Bon Bon, my eyes watering as I tried to appeal to her for help, but to no avail, as her heavy laughter had caused her to turn the table into an impromptu face rest.

Slightly irked, I started to channel the magic into my horn for one of the most advanced spells I knew; teleportation. However, that dream was short lived, as the pain that answered my magical summons served as a reminder as to why I was in this particular situation.

After a few minutes of my best turtle impression, Bon Bon finally managed to stop laughing long enough to assist me by unbuckling the straps around my belly; however, not before stealing a not entirely unwanted kiss.

Finally free, Bon Bon helped me to my hooves, re-strapping on my saddlebags. With a final nibble on my ear, and a swat on my flank that left my cheeks a burning crimson, she ushered me out the door.

With the sun barely peeking out over the horizon, I hurried my way towards the train station. I cut corners and trotted at a decent clip until at last my destination was in sight. However, as I passed the alleyway near the sofa shop, I heard a less than desired voice call out my name.

A pale white pegasus with a bag of bits cutiemark beckoned me over to the shadows. The scars on his face easily complimented the macabre griffin fur coat he wore. The crowbar resting on the wall next to him removed any kind of illusion that this was a social call.

"Got my money?" He questioned mockingly.

"No, Usury, I haven't had a paying job yet. I'm on my way to start one in Canterlot right-" My well-rehearsed speech cut short by a hoof forcibly connecting to my muzzle.

"Two weeks Heartstrings, and you better have my bits, or your little fillyfriend better have insurance," he growled.

I backed away slowly until I was back into the light, then turned and galloped at full speed to the train station. I noticed a warm wet sensation dripping down my muzzle as I ran. Great, my nose is bleeding. Bon Bon is going to kill me if she finds out I owe that creep money.

As I reached the depot, I walked over to the fountain. Washing my face, I took a long look at my reflection. This is my big chance. I am going to be on tv, and if I perform well, I might be noticed enough to be signed to a label. I can't keep doing this. I need to borrow money as my work is infrequent, and now I'm risking Bon Bon by my actions. This is no way for anypony to live, so I have no choice. I will win this contest. I will make them see that I am great, I will make sure everypony from Baltimare to Las Pegasus will know the name Lyra Heartstrings!


I paced back and forth in my wagon, the aged mahogany resounded with the weight and force of my hoofsteps. My heart was racing, and all I could see was red.

"What do they mean ‘Trixie's show is a flop?’ Trixie is a top-tier magician! She uses the best tricks, the best lighting, and the best illusions! Those foals have no appreciation for what real art is!" I shouted at nopony in particular.

I opened with a bang, appearing to materialize from a column of smoke, the pyrotechnics masking my approach to center stage. I didn't expect a humongous reaction to a simple opener like that, but dead silence? Ridiculous! But then nopony gave even the slightest applause for my better tricks. What did I do wrong? The reviews said I had copied most of my act from other, more prestigious showmares, but how was I supposed to know that somepony had already done a failed water tank escape? I lead the trick into what appeared to be my death, eaten alive by mare-eating piranhas, and escaping through a trapdoor in the bottom. While the audience was fixated on the red food coloring, and the fish eating what appeared to be me, I crept into the auditorium, using an invisibility spell, and seated myself in the chair I cleverly reserved for myself ahead of time. It was brilliant!

However, in spite of all the research I had done, somepony by the stage name of White Horse, performed the exact same trick two months ago at a venue in Cloudsdale. I overlooked it because there was no way I could conceive an inferior, winged rat having the audacity to call herself a magician. But I had been wrong in the past. After all, that purple bookworm had gotten the better of me.

I glanced back at the mudslinging rag that had caused my fury, and decided that it needed to die for its insults. Levitating it off the table, I used a basic ignition spell to burn the heretical paper, satisfied when it finally fell to the floor in a pile of ash.

Maybe I should get a pegasus for my assistant?... It would be beneficial for me not having to waste so much time and energy setting up the stage myself, and then I could expand my repertoire to include new feats of wonderment, like sawing her in half.

To ease my mind, I set a kettle to boil, igniting the hotplate with my magic. For good measure I grabbed a bottle of bourbon from under the cabinet by my sink, pouring a double shot. Just as I settled in to relax for the night, a sharp whistle broke the silence.

Levitating the teakettle over, I poured some of the boiling water into my carefully prepared mug, the liquid cascading over the specially-picked blend of white tea, chamomile, and rose hips. The aroma-infused steam flowing up reminded me of times when I was doing better for myself, and thus was an indulgence I particularly enjoyed. Again, I poured another double shot. Can’t hurt to be overly relaxed right?

"Trixie needs to do something she has never done before; something nopony has ever done before. But what?"

Suddenly a knock on my door startled me from my relaxation. Who in Tartarus could that be at this time of night? I headed over and slammed the door wide open with my magic. On the other side was a light grey pegasus with a blond mane. She seemed to be staring at me and the ground simultaneously as she presented a small envelope in her mouth. I tried really hard not to stare back, but something mesmerized me about her eyes.

"Mail for one Trixie Lulamoon," she said, innocence pervading her voice.

"You stand before The Great and Powerful Trixie," I said, cloaking my anger with pride.

"Oh, I'm sorry; I must have gotten the wrong wagon. Ditzy Doo, you featherbrain, you messed up again," she slowly mumbled, the latter part clearly not meant for my ears.

She turned to leave, her head bowed in sorrow. Part of me wanted to just let her go, but curiosity gained the upper hoof, and after all, she was just doing her job.

"Wait, I am Trixie Lulamoon, you didn't get it wrong. I just...never mind," I said, a little offended that my stage name meant nothing to her.

Skipping back around, she hooved over the letter, "Then this is for you! Urgent letter from Octavia Philharmonica. It's time-sensitive, so you should open it right away."

I started to tear into the letter before realizing I had forgotten to thank the odd pegasus. I looked up, but she had already vanished into thin air.

"Trixie needs to get her for an assistant, I never even noticed her departure!"

I turned my attention back to the letter Octavia; she was that mare my old producer was friends with. I wonder what she wants? I haven't seen her since I was back home in Neigh Orleans!


'Dear Miss Lulamoon,

It has been a while since we last talked, and thusly it has been no small feat to track down an entertainer with housing arrangements such as yours, so forgive me If I skip some of the usual pleasantries and just get straight to the point.

I have the great pleasure to invite you to be a contender in the upcoming season of Equestrian Champions. Your already remarkable talents as both a showmare and an illusionist should give you an edge over the other contestants, in both the challenges, and in the hearts of our viewership.

I thought immediately of you when I was deciding who to invite, because of your recent fall from grace after the second incident in Ponyville and some of the terrible reviews I have read about you lately. I always enjoyed your performances, and I figured this might just be the thing you need to get over your little slump. The million bit prize probably wouldn’t hurt either.
I apologize for the suddenness of the letter, but if you decide to accept, I will need you to meet me in the Canterlot Society Club tomorrow at lunchtime for the rest of the details.

Eagerly awaiting your response,

Octavia Philharmonica


The letter slowly fell from my grasp as I tried to take it all in. Equestrian Champions was watched by millions of families all over Equestria! If I won, I would become a household name, and I could use the money to open a show in Las Pegasus.

This! This is it! This will be my greatest trick. I will win this game show, and be loved Equestria-wide. Thank you, Octavia, I will see you at lunch.

Hastily squaring away everything in my wagon, packing up and strapping down, I paused only to dump the bourbon into my tea and guzzle the whole glass, all pretense of eloquence forgotten. I fired up the spell matrix powering my wagon with a spark of my magic and headed towards the edge of town.

Onward to Canterlot; destiny awaits. "And nopony is more great or powerful than Trixie!"


"They say that even the most famous of ponies are still ponies. DJ Pon3 has transcended most DJs by way of singles sales, live shows, and record sales. She is brave, outgoing, a smooth talker, and just overall awesome. I can't honestly say that, that mare really is me. I am not the perfect DJ everypony expects me to be; I am afraid of everypony."

"Miss Scratch, I have to ask, how long have you been feeling like this?" Doctor across from me asked, his voice filled with genuine concern.

"Well, Doc, a couple of weeks ago on stage, I panicked. Two hours into a gig, somepony came up to me and I froze. There was nothing scary about him, but my mind just wouldn't think, I found it hard to breathe and sweat just poured down my neck."

"Is this the first time this has happened to you?"

"No, but it has never seeped through into my DJ personality. I just don't know what to do! This is affecting my work. How am I supposed to be in front of hundreds of ponies if any one of them could cause me to have a panic attack?"

"Well, let’s just get to the root of the problem..."


Two hours later

"Vinyl, you can't just sit there on the couch curled into a ball," I heard a rather familiar voice state.

"Octy! How long have you been standing there!" I half-shouted, a shrill pitch pervading my otherwise raspy voice.

"Over five minutes now, and truthfully I want to help," Octavia said morosely. A look of concern briefly crossed her face as she approached slowly, like one would an injured animal.

I could tell she was concerned, but I didn't want to burden her with my problems.

"It's nothing."

"It's obviously not 'nothing', I have never seen you act like this before. Did somepony hurt you?"

She reached her hoof out toward me, the rational part of me said to take her hoof, perhaps embrace her in a hug and proceed to unload everything on my mind. Instead, I just flinched. Stupid brain. She looked visibly hurt by my reaction, but I just couldn't build up the courage to tell her what was really wrong.

"I just- I don't know; give me a minute," I sighed slowly, uncurling myself from the couch.

She sat down next to me, her expression screaming 'I wish I knew what to say right now'. I slowly reached over and placed my forehoof on her lips to silence the inevitable.

"I saw a therapist today; he started asking me questions and I just panicked. I ran, Octy, I just ran from my problems. Like a scared little filly I just ran away."

"What? Why? Did somepony hurt you," she gasped, "Were you-"

"No and no," I stated flatly, "but I was terrified, am terrified. I thought I have always been able to control my fear, not saying it wasn't there, mind you, but I had it under control. However, two weeks ago, something flipped, I had a panic attack on stage. It was terrible, but thankfully not too many ponies noticed it. I don't know what to do, and I can't go onstage like this. Ponies go to see Pon3, not some scared little filly. I had to cancel the tour I was going to make through the Zebra Lands, and from what I understand, there was a riot in Roam."

"Vinyl, I wish I knew what to do. You’re my best friend, and I hate to see you hurting like this."

"Yeah, but short of a miracle, I don't think there is a Celestia-damned thing you could do."

"Vinyl, I... Actually, I have an idea. In an hour, I am going to go meet with two ponies, part of the reality show that I volunteered for. I don't know if it would help, but we need one more pony to fill in the team roster. Fleur recently fell ill, and I have been at my wits end trying to find a last minute replacement. It would be a huge favor to me, and besides, I think it might just help you to overcome your fear. You would be working in teams of three, small groups for a small start. And I have always found that the easiest way to solve any problem is one step at a time."

"Yeah," I sighed. Foal steps. I can do this. I am DJ Pon3; I can be brave. Hay, if Dash's friend, um what’s-her-wings can face her fears. Worst case scenario; I can fake it. And after being on stage, in front of hundreds of raving ponies, this should be a walk in a park. Manehatten's Central Park, but a park nonetheless.

"I'm in."

"Splendid, I think you will love the mares I'm going to be meeting with today. One is an old friend. You might remember her; Lyra. The other is an old acquaintance of mine; she is an incredibly talented, albeit cocky stage magician by the name of Trixie Lulamoon. But um, darling, no offense... you may want to go wash your face up a bit," she took a long whiff at the air, her nose scrunching up and her eyes squinting a bit, "or maybe a shower. When’s the last time you took a bath?"

Backing away slowly, I chuckled under my breath. Three days ago, maybe? Using my magic, I grabbed my sunglasses and a hoodie before I slowly walked into the bathroom.

I walked over to the shower, considering asking Octy if she wanted to join me. I knew she would refuse, being a stallion’s mare after all, but it would make her blush. And seeing her all vulnerable was so adorable.

I popped my head out of the bathroom for a moment, my world famous Pon3 grin plastered across my face, although not quite reaching my eyes. Octavia was walking down the hallway, and she stopped to see what I wanted.

"Hey, Octy, I just thought of something that you could do that might help cheer me up."

"What's that, Vinyl?"

"Well, remember what you said about me needing a shower? Well, I am a very dirty filly, and I could definitely use some help with that."

As expected, Octavia grew bright red and her pupils shrank to pinpricks. She shot me a look of utter disbelief and stared for almost a full minute. I could tell she was racking her brain, trying to figure out if I was being sincere or not.

"Vinyl, sweetie, I know you are into, um, that sort of thing, but as I told you, that one time in Las Pegasus..."

"Relax Octy, I was just jerking your chain. I know, what happens in Las Pegasus, stays there."

With a sigh that sounded almost like a tire deflating, Octavia bopped me on the nose playfully. With all the refinement that her breeding and station could demand of her, she turned away and continued back to her room.

I couldn't help myself but stare at her flank as she unintentionally sashayed into her room.

Blushing and a sexy swagger? The adorable has been doubled!

I turned back into the bathroom, and looked at myself in the mirror for the first time in days. Sweet Celestia, I look like crap!

Author's Note:

Redone, refitted, and more on the way, thank you for your patience, and I hope that this is overall a more pleasant experience.