• Published 12th Dec 2013
  • 1,145 Views, 16 Comments

Sisu - Ebony Gryphon

After unleashing the power of an artifact, an Assassin's hold is sent to Equestria.

  • ...

Chapter Eight A keen mind, a strong will, and the silver tongue that made it so

David's eyebrows rose up his brow at the sight that greeted him in his office. At his desk a dark furred and maned filly sat, eyes roaming over the pages of a book, seemingly unaware. Closing the door, the human cleared his throat, and giving a yelp of surprise, the unicorn looked up.

Crossing his arms, David asked "Might I ask who you are, and what you are doing in my place of work young lady."

Giving a sheepish smile, the filly tapped her hooves together, her ears folding back slightly.

"Forgive me my Lord David. I'm Midnight..."

Rubbing his chin, David hmmed softly.

"Sunbeams daughter, correct."

Nodding, Midnight bit her bottom lip, and looked askance.

"Please... grant me your pardon my Lord. I meant no slight... but I've never read a human book before! And I shouldn't have taken it, but it looked so interesting.... please don't forsake us or punish Mother..."

Brows furrowing, David snorted.

"Child! Stop!"

Sniffling, Midnight stopped, eyes wide with fear. Smiling gently, or at least as well as he could, David nodded to the book.

"Might I ask what thou has choosen."

Smiling back slightly, Midnight softly said "The Art of War."

Davids brows raised again. Tapping the page with a hoof, Midnight said "What it says here reminds me of you and mother." Clearing her throat, Midnight recited "Thus to fight and conquer in all your battles can not be called supreme excellence. Supreme excellence is gained when victory is won without fighting."

Walking forward, David chuckled.

"Oh. And how did ye come to this conclusion, lass."

"I'm a filly, Lord David, and despite what Mother has proclaimed, I am no fool. You gave Mother back her title and place in court, and with it, put her on a chain and gained an ally."

"Very good, my dear. Now, first hand, you may call me David. Now, if you'll allow me, I'd like to ask you again why you are here."

Narrowing her eyes, Midnight said evenly "Because I want to make it clear as day that if you hurt Mother, I will kill you."

Cocking a brow now, David tilted his head.

"You mean you'd try..."

"Don't think for a second I don't know my Mother good sir. She's a harsh mare, borderline mad, and an absolute monster. But she's my Mother, and I love her, and as far as she can, she feels the same. Her loss of title nearly killed her. She went days with nothing so I would not want."

Closing the book, Midnight sighed sadly.

"You're the first to best her David. She gained not because Celestia needed her, but because you vouched for her. She..."

Here the filly gulped, and rubbed her eye with a hoof.

"She did it all for me! She wanted me to be schooled by the best, to live a better life then she or her mate had... she put on your chain and collar so I would not suffer. If she lost it all again... I don't want her..."

David walked to his desk, and knelt down. Chuckling, he put his hand on the top of the fillies mane, and ruffling it, said jovially "Child! Dry thy tears, and ease thy soul of such matters! You are not a burden or a mill around thy dam's neck! Why, when we meet, she practically busting at the seams to tell of thy doings! Of thy high marks and thy brilliance!"

Rolling her eyes, Midnight snorted.

"It's true! She brags about you every chance she can! You're her little girl, even if she is not of fair temper to tell you."

"You don't have to lie to make me feel better... Maker knows Mother doesn't..."

Frowning now, David said sternly "Now listen young lady. Your mother loves you..."

Sighing again, Midnight shook her head.

"I know. But she doesn't like me very much. Not like Shadow and Gale..."

Sniffling again, Midnight rubbed a hoof against her foreleg.

"She's all I have, you know... and ponies are always telling her how horrible she is, how she... should just die... and since mom died, all she has is me... and I'm so slow in my studies... Maybe if I was more like her..."

Standing suddenly, David snapped "Now thats quite enough! Thy troubles lie not at thy hooves child, but at thy Mothers!"


Face stern, eyes blazing, David knelt, and taking a hoof in hand, he said "Midnight... your a good girl, and a jewel amongst daughters. The greatest err thine sire ever made was not letting you know. Sometimes... mothers and fathers hurt our little ones in the hope they'll obey... I know she's not a good mare, but she is a mare who tries, your Mother. And you know what."

Eyes wide, Midnight shook her head numbly. Chuckling again, David tugged her ear playfully.

"Her title... her wealth and comfort... her very life... she'd give it all for you, little star. And she'd rather cut off her own horn then for you to be anyone but you!"

"Bullshit, David."


Smiling sadly, Midnight shook her head.

"She may praise me, but will always nettle me for more, strike me when I err or fail. Her words slice my heart, her disappointment worse then any blow. I see how Shadow looks at Gale... and sometimes I envy my best friend so much I hate her. I'm a odd filly, David. Most ponies are loathe to speak to me, even Gale tires of my macabre thougts. My Mother is cruel... but never tired of me. She has been ashamed, angry, and disappointed, but even in my worst moments of my nature has forced me to be anyone but me. She may have wished it, but never forced."


Eyes downcast, Midnight gave a shrug, her eyes sad as she smiled.

"She is Sunbeam. I am Midnight. We may be of blood, family, but however she and I may wish it, all we can be is who we are. She's a bad mare, and that's good. Because I wouldn't want her any other way."


Midnight frowned, looking up at the human. His eyes were downcast and distant.

"You... you're exactly the same... she'd be your age..."

"Your crying..."

Smiling in his tears, David laughed bitterly.

"Silly filly... what's wrong with that. Tears shed for those who have left are never a matter of shame."

"Why isn't she with you now..."

"She died..."

Wincing, Midnight looked away.

"I'm sorry..."

Releasing her hoof, David opened a drawer, and took out a frame. On it the sketch of a young human female with golden locks was drawn. Taking the picture, Midnight smiled.

"Your kind words must have rotted her little heart..."

Shaking his head, David took the picture back.

"Nay child. I... was a poor father. I did not love her mother, and only loved my child because I had an heir. When her mother perished, I was... cruel. She wept at her grave, and I struck her for making a scene. At night when the terrors of dreams came and she sought comfort, I turned her away. I wished her a boy for years. Boys never sought comfort or cried so openly... I didn't know how to love her. So I tried to break her."

Midnight tilted her head.

"But Mother said..."

David shook his head.

"You are different child. You're mother is harsh not because she does not love you, but because she does. In her own way, she wishes to strengthen you as one would steel. Toughening you for a tough world."

Putting a hoof on his head, Midnight said "You know what."

Ruffling his hair, Midnight said "Your a good human David, a good man."

Leaning back, Midnight held her forelegs open.


Seeing the look on his face, Midnight rolled her eyes.

"Gale is not correct in many things, but her words were true in one case: hugs make all the hurt go away."

David found she was right.

"Remember though... hurt Mother, I'll kill you..."

"... You are one demented young pony."

Giggling, Midnight let the human go, and polishing her hoof on her chest, said "Well, I am my mothers daughter."

Sunbeam lips thinned as her daughter walked in, and arching a brow, she said primly "You've been about awhile. Care to explain."

Midnight looked at her mother a moment, then letting out a breath, smiled.

"Just tending to some errands Mother."

Turning back to her book, Sunbeam snorted.

"I trust thy... mood since this morning has gladdened. If so, I forgive thy failings today."

Midnight responded softly "And I forgive you..."

Looking up, Sunbeam scowled.

"Excuse me."

Shaking her head, Midnight took another breath, then looked at her mother sternly.

"No... Not forgive. I'm just... done. Blaming you for my losses, being angry at you when my life is hard."

Sunbeam mouth opened, then closed. Eyes narrowing, she said "What are you..."

"I love your mom. I'm... I'm going to stop trying to be anyone else, stop trying to be another you. Who I grow into... it may not be someone you respect or find lacking, but the mare I'll be is something that is mine. Okay>"

Sunbeam rose up on her haunches, her face now set in a puzzled from. Walking over, Midnight kissed the mare on the cheek, and with a soft good night, made to her room.

"Child.... I have to say... I don't much care for this mare you think you'll be..."

Midnight looked over her shoulder, a pitying look on her muzzle.

"Then you can stay here, as long as you want. Night."

"Good night... Midnight."

Later that night,

Sunbeam looked down at a frame, an unusually soft smile in place.

"Can you believe. Little pup finally told the old lady off. That's one hell of a little foal we've got love... She still gots a ways to go, and I ain't letting up till she leaves my home... Looks like the little cunts got your stubborn streak, you old bitch. She's growing up into a fine lady, no thanks to you."

Holding the frame up, Sunbeam kissed the glass.

"Night love..."


Celestia frowned thunderously at the human as he tossed the picture into the flames.

"You're a cruel man David."

Smiling as he warmed his hands, David shrugged.

"Come now... I merely gave the filly a little push. I have high hopes she'll prove to be a great member of the Templar one day."

The alicorn shook her head in disgust.

"David... a lie like this... its unthinkable. Its..."

"No worse then a mare who burned her own people to death, Celestia."

Turning, David folded his arms, scowling at the mare.

"We do what we must. You know that. Order must be gained, and tended to. If I have to lie, then so be it. If I have to slit someones throat in the dead of night, then I shall. If I am hated, tis no skin off my nose. I will sacrifice my very life if I must to see the world I dream of in waking, and as many lives as needed along the way. And as much as you hate it, you know I'm right."

Eyes narrowing, Celestia hissed coldly "And whatever mare she is, Sunbeam Sparkle is a better person then someone like you could ever hope to be."

Grinning, David turned back to the fire.

"Good thing I've got her on our side then, wouldn't you say. And since the Assassin's are here, then she will soon be... taken care of. Just like you planned."

Snorting, Celestia stepped up to the fireplace.

"At least my soul aches for all I've. At least I try David to not use others."

Sighing, Celestia turned away.

"And at least I can bear the sins of my life."

Looking over her shoulder, Celestia gave the human a pitying look.

"And unlike you or Sunbeam, I'm not alone. You're both so sad, and will not allows others into your hearts, and now you must both live with your unhappiness."

Shaking her head, Celestia looked forward, and began walking away.

"I'll be here... whenever you need to talk David."

David looked into the fire, his face like stone, a tear running down his cheek.

"Sacrifices... must be made..."