• Published 14th Mar 2012
  • 8,743 Views, 380 Comments

Don't Step on a Rune. - Warpony

A human, Rune magic and enemies. This is the story of Mythic (Daniel) Rune, the human and the Mystic

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Bang...Bang...Bang As Mythic and Luna slept, they began to stir to the sounds of a large bang at the front door. Once again they heard three bangs at the door. Mythic stirred from his sleep and awake to a sight he didn't quite expect. He saw Luna with her hair in disarray, softly snoring with a small bit of drool. Mythic found it cute, but thought it would be easy to disturb her sleep. He gently lifted the covers and removed himself from the bed. He quietly arched over Luna, as his bed was against the wall. Mythic found himself stuck over Luna as she slept. Bang...Bang...Bang The sudden banging cause Mythic to fall in his half-wakened state. He fell flat on his face and winced at the pain.

All the noise caused Luna to also awaken from her dreams. She opened her eyes lazily and lifted her head. She looked to where Mythic had slept but found him on the floor. "Mythic, why are you on the floor?"

Mythic wished to play off his clumsiness, so he thought of an old classic. "I was checking for termites. You know can't ever be to sure." He then lifted himself off the floor and dusted himself off. He walked out the bedroom door to go down stairs. He came up to the front door and opened it. Before him stood two white pegasi, dawning golden armor.

"Greeting sir, is this the home of a Mythic Rune?" The guard on the left asked.

"Yeah this is my house. How might I help you, sir?" Mythic asked uneasily. The guard on the right moved away from the door. "What is this all about?"

"Mr. Rune, is Princess Luna in the house at this moment?" The one guard that stayed asked.

"Yeah, she's here."

"Good. Might you go fetch her for us? Princess Celestia wishes to speak to her."

"Her sister, aye? Alright i'll be right back." As Mythic turned, he revealed his wings and the guard gasped. "What's wrong?"

"Are you- you're really an Ali-Alicorn?"

"Yes, but i'm not royalty or anything. Don't worry, i'll be right back." Mythic walked up the stairs and disappeared from the sight of the guard. The guard sighed heavily a looked to his left to see his partner escorting Celestia to the house. "Her Majesty, were you aware that there is an Alicorn living in this house?"

"I was fully aware of that." Celestia said in a slightly harsh tone. "But he is not of noble blood, so don't do anything for him."

"Sister." Luna called from the stairs. She trotted down the steps and run to hug Celestia. "It's nice to see you Tia."

Celestia smiled with joy. "It's not even been two full days, Luna."

"That doesn't matter, it's still good to see you. You didn't tell me you were coming today."

"And I didn't expect you to sleep in this late."

"Wait, what time is it?"

"It's twelve thirty. Didn't you get my letter?" The two sisters where interrupted by Mythic, who held a scroll in his mouth. He walked down stairs and dropped in like a dog would a newspaper. "Is this anyone's? Found it under my bed." He left it on the floor and trotted into the kitchen. He fetched an apple and started to eat it. He levitated the fruit in front of his face, the moved to the garage. "If you need me, i'll be doing some stuff in the garage."

"Alright Mythic, see ya soon." Luna waved to him, even though he wasn't really going anywhere. He then walked into the dark room. The stale air irritated Mythic so he pushed the button to lift the large garage door and let fresh air and sun light fill the large dull grey room. He sat by the door and finished his apple before starting on his work. For about five minutes Mythic worked on a project he's been working on for a whole year. He worked on a high pressurized cannon, he was almost done with setting up the air tank when he heard the flapping of wings right outside the garage entrance. He looked up and through his leather strap, metal rim goggles, saw Rainbow Dash with a purple saddle bag in her mouth. Mythic dropped the goggles around his neck and greeted his friend. "Hey Rainbow, how's it going?"

"Oh hey, you're final awake. It's all go, just went on cloud patrol. Went by to see how everyone was doing after the party last night. Man that was awesome!"

"I'm glad you all liked it. What I did was so risky, takes balls to do what I did." Mythic chuckled.

"Yeah well that's debatable. Rarity wanted me to drop this off. She said it's full of your orders." Mythic levitated the bag over to his workbench. The bag was purple with an orange flame as the buckle. He opened both of the buckles and found three robs inside. One was identical to that of the kimono he wore yesterday, another was white with orange trim and a purple sash. The last one was orange with purple trim and a white sash. "These are awesome. I've got to put one on." Mythic took out the purple kimono and smiled at it.

"Look, it's even got holes for your wings." Dash pointed out. Mythic looked to the back looked to the rob confused.

"Why would she do that? The others don't seem to have holes for my wings." Mythic started to try on the rob.

"I don't know. Is the Princess up yet? I saw a chariot in front of the house, so I thought she was going somewhere."

"You're half right. Luna is awake, but her sister is here."

"Celestia is here!? Why, did something bad happen? What did you do?" Rainbow began to panic.

"I didn't do anything. I think it's just a nice, friendly, sisterly visit." Mythic closed the saddle bag. He then proceeded to enter the house to put the others away. Rainbow followed and the both entered the living room, where they found the two royal sister in a slight argument.

"You could have been hurt."

"No, I wouldn't. He had the whole situation under control."

"That doesn't matter. You made it sound so dangerous. If he had it under control then why send a letter? Answer that."

"......." Luna had no rebuttal for her sister.

While the two debated Mythic had slipped pass them and gone up stairs to put the bag down. He made the bed and opened his window for more fresh air. Mythic then decided to look lay on his bed. He then heard the vibrating of phone on the night stand. He brought it over to and say the same runic letters on it. Before he could do anything, he heard Luna call for him. He threw the phone on his bed and walked downs stairs. "Sup Luna."

"Mythic please explain to my sister that you can handle any situation that comes your way."

Mythic looked over to Celestia. "Madam, I can not handle everything that is thrown at me. But I will handle it with honor and dignity."

"That's not what I said!"

"No, that is what I just said."

"Well..." Celestia spoke up. "You are honest, i'll give you that. But i'm not going to allowed my sister, co-ruler of Equestria, to be harmed."

"Well if that's true, then why not keep her in the castle? She'll be safe and sound in there."

"I can't do that to her."

"Why not?"

"I can't do that because she must be allowed to do what she wishes. I love her, there for I can not contain her."

"You do, do you?"


"Well then don't worry if she gets hurt. If she is allowed to go where she likes, she might like the danger. Your Majesty, you can't let a bird fly and think it won't get lost or get hurt. Luna, to me, looks fully grown. She can surely think for herself and determine what is dangerous and what is safe."

"......" Celestia couldn't break Mythic logic.

"You care for her, i'm aware. You don't want her hurt, I too don't want harm to fall upon your land. Thats why I will fight the danger that rises. I've heard that my people once fought along side your own. Is that true?" Now I can get a few things straight '

Celestia looked sternly at Mythic. She as heard him and determined that he spoke with the truth. She liked his truth. "Yes. The 'Humans' did ally themselves with the ponies and many other races."

So Victor was telling me the truth, on that level. "What else do you know?"

Celestia looked to her guards and Rainbow Dash, who stood off in the corner, teasing one of the guards. "I ask that you three step outside for a moment." With out any response, the three pegasi bowed their heads and left through the front door. "Are you sure you want to here this. I don't promise a happy ending."

"Life isn't all flowers and rainbows. I've been through some tough shit." Mythic reassured Celestia.

"Fine, but i'll only tell you what I know. When I was little, just a foal with a pink mane and no cutiemark, there was not just ponies, griffons, diamond dogs and dragons. They came from another worlds, other realms. There were hundreds of them, all different in size, color and shape. The brightest minds and most powerful of magic users would pass through or world, not just the Kingdom of Equestria. They would pass through the whole world, they'd walk Terra's soil and learn from the people. This was also true for my parents, Queen Solaria and King Nocturnus. They would go away for a time, learning from the different races different things. While they were gone, their Housecarl, and an earth pony by the name of Aura Sight, would be in charge of the kingdom till their return.

It would be years later, after Luna was born and I had matured, that something foul happened. Now that i'm the ruler, I was give the information, but at the time I didn't know what was happening. Another race of powerful beings came and attacked not my land, but others. This happened for years with out me knowing. My parents kept the knowledge to a minimal in an effort to keep the peace. One day, with out warning, a massive portal opened over our home of Canterlot. Strange creatures that did not speak nor feel attacked. The force was small, but dealt much damage. The creatures were black, yellowed eyed and could grow wings that a bat of the night would frown upon. I believe Luna detailed something similar in her letter to me. They ravaged the city till a small number of what are now called Mystics, came and fought them off. It was like this for a time, and it always got harder and harder. Always at the head of the pack was Aura Sight, that old man was the greatest, given his condition."

"What kind of condition? Was he near death?"

"No, Aura was blind. He was born a blind foal."

"So how could he fight?"

"No one could ever figure it out. They say he could see, but pretended to be blind. Others say he was really blind, but use magic to see all around him. But others say it was his weapon, that it was enchanted to give him the power that he had."

"And what weapon was that?" 'Like I need to ask.'

"He called it Deity Boon. But if what I think is try, then you know that you have the same weapon."

"That's true, it's in a different form and I call it Eclipse. But it is the same weapon, from what I gather."

"Then you know that it was give to my father before Aura's death. There fore it's mine by right."

"That's not an option. See for yourself." Mythic then summoned his black Eclipse blade. He then hoofed it to Celestia, she tried to levitate it with her magic but it didn't respond. She then tried to move it with her hooves but it didn't budge. "I knew it. Now lets try something else." Mythic walked to the door, opened it and threw the blade into the forest near by. The sudden action caused the guards and Rainbow Dash, who still taunted one of the guards, to jump. He turned around closed the door and summoned the blade once more. "Told you, this baby is mine. It chooses it's wielder. Which is me, it's not your birth right. So tell me, how did Aura die."

"He died in an inferno."


Celestia sighed. "After a few years, the... do you have a name for them?"

"The black creatures are called corrupt."

"Well, after a few years of the attacks, a new people came through the portals. They called themselves the humans. They were younger then the rest. The humans seemed afraid of the world before them, but journeyed forward anyway. No one had heard of them till a small group of explorers found them in a field on a different world. Even among all the magic out there, there is much surrounding humanity. What do you think you were born of?"

"That's a touchy subject, your Highness."

"Well many thought that you are made by the very hands of the gods. The humans were very powerful, a natural talent in the ways of Rune magic. Through their leadership, the monsters were destroyed. But the humans go ambitious and went to the source of the problem. It was never really told what they found, but many died. Aura Sight was one of the many who died in the fighting. But he left behind his sword. He told of an old of an elderly creature that came to him in a dream. The creature was shrouded in dark cloth and spoke in cryptic messages. Aura said that this being warned him ever since his youth and he trusted it. He gave his Deity Boon to my father and lead the final assault. My father had ordered me and Luna be seen to our safe haven in Everfree castle. There laid the Elements of Harmony, the most powerful weapon in the world. It was believed to be one of the most powerful in all the realms. For there are legends of other tools of magic that can surpass that of the Elements."

"And what happened to Aura. Luna also told me that... well..." Mythic didn't want to finish, but Celestia knew what his question was.

"You mean my mother and father?" Mythic nodded. "They died in the same fire that claimed a million lives. The link between the worlds were held by a two main portals. One was over head near Canterlot and one was held near Everfree. The reason I say Aura Sight died that day, is because a large fire, black and tainted, came through the portal over Cantrelot. It twisted and ran wild till it hit the castle. The whole city was burnt." Celestia strong domineer faded as tears started to pour from here eyes. "They died in the flames, we never were able to uncover the bodies. They were chard with the rest of... of the ponies and others. I promised i'd never let something like that happen again. After that,we tried to contact other worlds, but none responded. We didn't know what happened, except that I just inherited a nation in ruin. Any and all Mystic that came through the portals and lived, scattered across Terra. After that, anything to deal with Mythic's is out the window." Celestia and Luna broke into tears.

"I'm sorry Celestia."

"No, don't. It's because you humans wanted to attack that there died. Because of humans, my parents are died!" Celestia used the royal voice on Mythic. "If your ancestors didn't attack, if they weren't so eager to fight, then they'd be alive."

Mythic didn't saw anything. He watch as Celestia cried and blamed him for it. As Celestia started to control her tears, Mythic asked one question. "So you hate me or what happened?"

Celestia looked down to him. "What did you just say?"

"Do you hate me or do you hate what happened?"

"I hate you!"

"So you don't hate what happened?"

"Well of course I hate what happened!"

Mythic rose his brow. "So you hate what happened?"

Celestia screamed. "I hate both of you!"

"No you don't, Princess Celestia. You hate the fact that it was human mystics that called the shots and got all those people killed. You loath that it caused there deaths. You dislike me because of my ancestry."

"No, I hate you!"


"Princess you don't hate me. You hate what happened, my people are just a medium for that hate." Clestia stood silent. "I know what it's like to lose a loved one. I lose one almost every year, old age, accident.... murder. I've seen my own family be put in the earth. Some I would play with, some i'd fight with. But it's always the same feeling, death behind your back. Looking at them cold and forever gone. Only to be reunited at the end of it all. But they really aren't gone, I should know. Ten years have passed, but i'll be forever etched into my mind. My uncle, the man I looked up to, died in my arms. At the tender of seven, my idol died in my arms. Stabbed and bleeding out, he asked me to do one thing. Be the best I can be, do all that is done of a noble soul. I have tried, I really have. But Princess, let me tell you this. I haven't seen just family die, i've seen millions die in the blink of an eye. Bombs, shoot outs, war, all of it I've seen it all. Not in person but i've seen it. It's a cruel thing. I'm not going to say I went out and traveled to stop it.It cruel but lovely in my world. But i've been living a mostly grand life, but I always look at the past. Those who died, we are their legacy. You are the legacy of your mother and father, while i'm the legacy of my family as well. I don't expect you to fully accept this idea, but I thank you for listening. I want you to be my friend, not my enemy. Once more i'll ask, do you hate me?"

Celestia teared some more, she looked over to Luna who too was crying. But Luna smiled a bit and looked to her sister and nodded in silence. The Princess then looked back over to Mythic. She gulped. "No. A creature with that much sprite can't be all bad. I don't fully trust you, but i'll accept your friendship."

Mythic sighed. "I excepted much, but I never said you had to trust me. But this is a start." Mythic extended his hoof out and Celestia shook it. "I'm sorry Princess, but I think we need to end this short, I want to get same more training with my Runes in. If you don't mind me snatching your sister that is."

"No problem at all. I think I should get going anyway."

"You should go see Twilight if you haven't already. She's going to be in a duel or match or whatever the called it."

Celestia rose looked confused. "What do you mean?"

"Well last night a mare name Trixie came into town and apologized for her behavior and actions the last time she was her. She then challenged Twilight, just a friendly spar she said."

"I see, are you two going to watch?"

"I guess I could, she said at dusk. I'll leave in about five hours."

"Then i'll see you later." She then hugged Luna and walked out the door. Allowing Rainbow Dash to enter the house.

"What happened, I heard yelling?"

"Nothing. I just made a new friend. Luna!" He turned to his teacher and friend. "Prepare for teaching! For I have seen through the vale and understand the basics, thanks to Victor. So I think we should move on to some more up scale stuff."

"I agree, there's a few placement runes I think you'll like."

"Then lets get moving my Princess of the night. I mean come on, what kind of trouble can happen today?"

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