• Published 14th Mar 2012
  • 3,437 Views, 226 Comments

Spring's Song - 71NYL-5CR4TCH

5 years after the epilogue of 'Winter's Howl' we follow the story of Rainstorm

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Chapter 9: Preparations part 2

A signature orange glow briefly engulfed the front door of sugar cube corner before swinging open. Pumpkin walked inside, returning from her separation with her...date? Friend? Colt Friend?

Eh, titles. From Rainstorm, that's what matters. She blushed a bit at the thought, having Rainstorm as her colt firend, a giddy giggle escaped her as she began to head deeper into the shop, her mind racing with all the things she needed to do to prepare. It'll be strange seeing him in this new light after we've been friends for so long... Her mind haulted, a terrifying mix of horor and and anticipation flooding her thoughts, This could change...Everything. What if this doesn't work out? Will I lose him? My best friend? My crush? A raging inner battle between desire and safety, I guess I've already rolled the dice... so did he though... As her mind continued to feud with itself, she took a long look around her home.

The residence felt vast and hollow without the normal bustle of customers and comments of her parents. The lights were off and not a sound was to be heard in the brightly colored bakery, like a long forgotten toy emporium, silent, still, the children which used to bring so much light, laughter and love now all grown up. But an emporium faithful, waiting for the next generation to ring the bells on its doors.

Pumpkin drew a long breath in through her nose. The extensive baking, frosting, and selling of so many treats had caused the jubilant odor to become absorbed by the residence itself, regardless as to whether any goods were being made or not. It was not a smell of a particular cake nor cookie, but of sugar, flour and icing, a warm, welcoming scent, which alone could tell you this was a place of comfort, of joy.

Funny, I've been living here 14 years... Pumpkin mused, I never get tired of that smell...

Pumpkin began her assent to her room, debating in her mind whether not she should wear anything, she had no idea where this date would be taking place, or if Rainstorm would be dressed, or really anything at all. All she knew was to be ready by 8, and the clock struck 7 as she passed by its antiqued wood structure.

Calmly stepping into the restroom, Pumpkin focused her magic around the shower, readying to turn the nozzle before catching a nearly inaudible "ah-choo!" come from elsewhere in her home.

Pumpkin froze, unsure as to the origin of this unexpected noise.

What...was that? Is somepony breaking in? HAS somepony broken in?!

Another faint sneeze, this time more clear. A small closet down the hall let out a small gasp, and then again, silence. Pumpkin glared, and began to march toward the closet door with new found determination to beat the living hay out of whatever thing could possible lie behind those closet doors. A grasp of magic and fling of doors later reveled a...

Vacuum Cleaner.

What the hay? If the noise wasn't coming from here than where...

The vacuum sneezed.


Pumpkin then noticed a strange bulge in the vacuum cleaners bag. Tentatively, her magic clasped the zipper of the cloth vacuum bag and she began to unzip, preparing for the worst of-

"AWWW! YOU FOUND ME! Gosh it took you guys a while but you finally did it! You found me oh my gosh this was one of the best games of hide and seek ever! Did it just drive you guys crazy trying to figure out where I was? Huh huh did it?" Pinkie Pie burst from the vacuum cleaner with a small shower of confetti and balloons with an enormous grin and covered in large amounts of dust.

Pumpkin jumped back in surprise at the oink burst of energy, "PINKIE! Sweet Celestia you sacred the living hay out of me!"

"Aw I''m sorry Pumpkin I just found this super-duper hiding space and I wanted to use it I didn't mean to scare ya, honest! Anyways, wanna play another game? Where's Pound?"

"I don't know Pinkie and I can't right now I have to get ready for my date with Rainstorm." Pumpkin said, rather annoyed, while turning back to the bathroom.

"Whoa...how long was I hiding?" Pinkie asked with wide eyes.

"Wha..? Oh, uh, I don't know, maybe 5 hours or so?"

"I don't believe this! I've watched you the three of you grow up your entire lives waiting for some kind of drama and I hide for 5 hours and TA-DA! Two of you are dating."

"We're not dating Pinkie, we have A DATE. It's our first one."

"AWWW! How sweet! DId he ask you or did you ask him? Ooo, Ooo tell me EVERYTHING!"

"Umm...we were hanging around and I kissed him in front of Pound and then I hit him until he had a concussion and when he woke up he asked me out."

"...Because nothing says 'I love you' like a hoof to the skull?" Pinkie questioned.

"Damn straight. Now I really have to go get ready, he's meeting me here at 8."

"Oh ok! What are you going to wear?"

"I...I don't know Pinkie. I don't even know if I'm going to wear anything."

"What?! Why not?!" Pinkie asked, bewildered.

"Because he's used to seeing me like this. This is what I was wearing when he asked me out, and it's nothing."

"Well are you going someplace facy?" Pinkie waggled her eyebrows, "Romaaannn-tic?"

Pumpkin stomped a hoof, "I don't even know, all he said was he'd pick me up at 8!"

"Well FINE miss party pooper, no need to get all antsy-pantsy...Go do what you need to do, I'll be right here." Pinkie smiled, "I can't believe little Pumpkin's growing up..."

"Pinkie...can we save the sentimental time for later? I'm in a rush..." Pumpkin's face dropped a bit, this wasn't a conversation she even wanted to have, let alone then.

Pinkie sniffed, producing a handkerchief from what could only be presumed as an alternate dimension, and began to wipe her watery eyes, "It's just...so special *snif*"

"Oh Celestia if you're like this mom's going to melt down..."

"*snif* Oh Pumpkin, *sniff* you have no idea..."