• Published 15th Dec 2013
  • 4,729 Views, 54 Comments

Love & Entropy - DraconequusMaximus

Spike realizes Rarity isn't for him 10 years into the show's timeline. Deciding that he needs to get away from everything he decides to put his new wings to work as he searches for something to complete him. What he finds is not what he

  • ...

A Complex Creature

A week had passed since Spike had wandered into Discord's "Lost City". Discord seemed to have issues with problems he couldn't simply magic better. Spike was amazed to find that these problems seemed surprisingly few in number. Discord's city-state had no formal military, & no police force of any kind. But the city had astonishingly low crime rate according to the people of the city Spike had talked to.

"Discord? How are you running this place? You don't really have much of a government, & honestly I'm surprised there isn't mass panic & looting in the streets." Spike said with a serious tone.

"I only have a few laws, no stealing, no discrimination, no violence, & don't make others unhappy intentionally. If you can't live in peace here you get sent back wherever you're from, sometimes that's the worst thing you can do to someone. Otherwise everyone is allowed religious & cultural freedom & is free to love whoever they choose. If you leave you can only tell those who need it like you did. This isn't an empire Spike, it's a home." Discord's tone was more serious than he had ever heard before. Spike thought about it for awhile, the place felt inviting despite appearances, & everyone cared for one another unconditionally. Discord's city was really like a big home.

"You know, I never thought of you as a caring individual but this may be the greatest thing anyone has done, like... ever." Spike said completely sincere. Discord eyed him like he had lost his mind without saying a word.

"Does he really think I'm a good person? After I ran from my friends & conquered a country... twice?" The entity thought to himself.

"I was wondering, how did you do all this? The princesses might not have been able to do this in a century if they worked together & you did it by yourself in no time. How much more powerful than the sisters are you?" Spike asked slightly unsure he wanted the answer.

"Roughly 250 times give or take." Discord said as if it were no big deal.

"You're messing with me, there's no way that's possible. Celestia & Luna throw the sun & moon around everyday!" Spike said in disbelief.

"I can put them on shuffle by myself, It's just as easy as breathing for me. Celestia gets power from the sun & Luna gets hers from the moon & the ambient radiation that hits the atmosphere produced by other celestial bodies. I take power from Thuban, the earth's original pole star. It's much more powerful than earth's sun. It just looks like any other star because it's 300 light years away. In the year 20346 it will be in position to be our pole star again." Discord stated factually with numerous charts & diagrams appearing as he spoke. The lecture was preceded by a white lab coat & thick-rimmed glasses appearing on the draconequus' face.

"You're connected with the heaven's like they are? Can you move Thuban around?" Spike asked curiously as the lecture gear disappeared, although Discord kept the glasses & placed them in case which he then proceeded to eat.

"Yes, & yes but I don't. Thuban's light & heat supports it's own system. Moving it would freeze everything." Discord stated seriously again.

"Are you telling me aliens exist?" Spike asked skeptically.

"No but I heavily implied it didn't I?" Discord replied with a smug smile. Spike still had trouble figuring out exactly what was fact or fiction when dealing with Discord, but he had to admit things were never dull. The pair continued hanging around the main hall of the palace answering requests of the civilians. When something needed repaired or adjusted to better accommodate the citizenry Discord used his magic. When Discord couldn't magic away a problem Spike offered him council. This happened often enough that Spike had begun being called "The Royal Adviser" by everyone even though he held no real title.

Eventually the two became very good friends & after 2 years of the same routine (Excluding the first of every month which was city-wide chaos day) Spike had become just as tall as the mismatched god. Things were going well in the city, everything was now running more efficiently & some small contingents of citizens became peace keepers, a fire department, & a union of construction workers. All because of the various suggestions of Spike, but through all of it the city kept it's homey feel.

Spike was feeling happier now but realized that he was going to outgrow the city within the next decade or so. He confronted Discord about it.

"Discord, I know this is the place for me but I'm going to have to leave eventually, I'm just gonna keep growing year after year. The city will be too small for me." Discord visibly grew worried as soon as the question was asked, his eyes darted back & forth wildly for a moment before he came up with an answer

"What if it didn't have to be? I could stop your time, you wouldn't change anymore you'd just go on & on like me. Would you be alright with that? You could stay here... with me?" Discord said with a nervous expression. Spike for the first time could read Discord's expression with absolute certainty: worry, fear, & longing. Spike had been blind not to notice before, Discord had shared things about himself that Spike was sure nothing on the planet knew but him. Discord laughed at his terrible puns & let him stay in the palace & gave him gems whenever he desired them. He knew Discord could make them out of nothing but he had never seen the draconequus share with anyone else directly before. The god of chaos was falling for him.

"Discord, I-I didn't know you felt like that... I hadn't considered that you felt like that. I need some time to think about this, okay?" Spike said unsure of what would come next. Discord merely sunk down into the throne & nodded. Spike did the only thing he could think of, he took wing & flew away but not to run away. He was going to see some old friends hoping they would have the answers he needed.

Author's Note:

So... I had a hard time deciding which direction with this. I think all Discord really needs is a special someone to set him straight (so to speak).