• Published 13th Mar 2012
  • 4,344 Views, 66 Comments

Facets of the Equestrian Sky - Cirrus Sky

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Chapter Two: Warm Blankets, Warm Thoughts

Warm Blankets, Warm Thoughts
Sunlight ~ Cereal ~ Spike

The warmth of a blanket and the rising sun woke Twilight, “Huh, wussat? Millennium hoof and shrimp…” she muttered turning slightly. “Gah! My neck!” she groaned and sat up, rubbing the aching muscles. “I fell asleep at my desk again!” she said, giving the offending furniture a thump. The thump dislodged her large camouflage book sending it crashing to the table top. The expulsion of air scattered her notes and her slimline volume fell from its larger host. “Eeep!” she squeaked like Fluttershy, gathering up the papers and oh so scandalous book from their landing sites. With a burst of magic she teleported the ‘sensitive’ documents into her locked bedroom cupboard.

A blush took her as she caught sight of her little note from last night. ‘What if Rainbow saw? What would she think? How will she react?! Oh Celestia! She probably hates me and will never speak to me again! Maybe she’s run away to Cloudsdale and I’ll never see her again!!!!’ Twilight began to pace anxiously back and forth, hooves making hollow clumping sounds on the wooden floor.

“What’s the panic Twi’?” a sleepy voice asked from the stairs. Relief flooded the unicorn as Rainbow Dash slowly fluttered to the ground floor, a sheepish smile on her face.

‘Thank you Celestia! Luna!’ Twilight mentally squeed, whatever had occurred Rainbow was still her friend.

“Hope you didn’t mind the blanket, I thought you’d need one last night.” She sauntered past towards the kitchen, “Breakfast?” Twilight facehoofed, she had mentioned breakfast in her note, but Spike was still asleep.

“Uh, I have some cereal? Bottom left cupboard,” she direct Rainbow to the cupboard in question and soon the pegasus was routing through for some food. She grabbed a box triumphantly and dumped it on the table.

“WonderOs? Really Twi?” she laughed.

“What? They have all the energy and nutrients a healthy pony needs!” she pulled an offended face but her magical aura surrounded the box and poured it into a pair bowls she took from the sideboard. “Got any plans for today?” she asked as they started breakfast.

"Yeah, I got some weather duty and a whole lot of practice to get in!” Rainbow said between munches, “You should totally read that book Twi’ it’s awesome!” finishing off her cereal she glanced at the time. “Gotta go, see yah later!” and she was gone.

“Yes, Rainbow really does dash everywhere doesn’t she?” Twilight smiled. Levitating the dirty dishes to the sink and sending her cereal box back to the pantry, Twilight began her mental checklist for the day. “Breakfast, check. Find schedule for today…” She looked around and stuck to the refrigerator was a note with today’s date. “Check!” Twilight smiled and brought it over. There were two simple tasks ‘Study on you know what, read The Hyperion Connection’. “Well, that is a good list for today! I’ll get right on it.” She trotted up to her room, mindful not to wake Spike and sat on her bed. Teleporting her notes from their hiding place she began her re-cap.

“Love/Lust? Deciphering your Desires by Hearts Compass”. Twilight took out her own notes but was ashamed to find most of them were doodles of a certain cutie mark combined with her own. Blushing lightly she decided to start from the beginning once more. This time with no distractions.

The heart is a mysterious and often fickle thing. Often times disagreeing with the head and otherwise steering it down thorny and confusing thoughts. Two of the main directions of the heart are Love and Lust. Sometimes the two are combined, love leading onwards to lust towards the object of one’s affections or lust developing over time to love for the pony of its desires. Sometimes the two can be separate, pulling in different and damaging directions. This guide aims to be a map towards a positive conclusion for ponies making their first steps into deeper interpersonal connections. Our first step, dear troubled reader, is defining these emotions you feel.

Twilight paused in her reading, “Book, I trust you. I turn to your kind when I need to learn and research experiences and knowledge that I do not yet have. Please, I hope to trust you with this most delicate task, do not guide me wrong.” She whispered a silent request. This was something, like friendship before it, that she had never really thought about until it happened. Taking a deep breath she read on.

First of all we shall define Lust.
Many a growing filly or colt has grappled with these feelings as they have matured. Dreams and thoughts that can embarrass, upset and confuse flood their hearts and minds. Fellow ponies who had been friends before set off strange desires that may shame the more sensitive. As a pony grows older these feeling still surface from time to time. While fillies and colts may be too shy or confused to act on these feelings a grown mare or stallion sometimes does not have these inhibitions and can damage relationships, self-esteem and reputation irreparably.

Twilight jotted down some notes. As a filly she had been too busy studying and practising to even notice other ponies. Oh, during the holidays spent with her parents a few colts had shyly offered her some candy or ice-cream or wanted to know if she’d like to go for a walk in the park. ‘Poor Proof’ Twilight thought a little sadly. ‘He really did try. I’m glad it all worked out for him.’ His recent parcel of manuscripts had contained a photograph of the grey unicorn stallion with a gorgeous pale pink mare and a letter gushing about how happy he was. They had restarted contact when Twilight had sent some of her own works to the publishers and the editing pony had recognised her name. Finishing her musing she returned to the present task at hand.

While Love, to be defined further in out next section, is a Need. Lust is very often a Want. A want which demands quick fulfilment and disregards any other considerations. Lust is often more physical, desiring the appearance and form of a pony and giving them greater importance over feelings of friendship and respect, the personality of the target pony and their own feelings on the matter. To act on it objectifies the pony which leads to hurt and pain. It is important to check that this attraction is not merely a wanting lust if you do not wish to hurt anypony, including yourself.

As Lust fixates on the physical aspects of a pony, such as build, colouring, bearing and perceived skill in the bedroom, I highly recommend that you list these aspects you yourself admire about your intended.

Twilight took her paper and quill with her magic and began to think about the physical aspects of her desired. “Oh… she’s so athletic, lithe even. Not slimline, you can see the defined muscle but she never carries any extra weight around. Her wings are gorgeous and her coat reminds me of the sky she so loves. She is always so confident in her actions. Hmm…” Slightly more lewd thoughts began to break through into the rational unicorns mind. “She so energetic and deft, precise even… Oh just think what it would be like…” Twilight trailed off, lost in a sea of slightly unexpectedly heated desire. This wasn’t the first time she had thought it over, but she was going so much deeper… A happy sigh escaped her mouth and was nearly joined by another until, “What are you doing Twilight?” Spike said, her number one assistant had woken up!
