• Published 1st Apr 2014
  • 4,129 Views, 52 Comments

Sins of the Mother - Chelis

The children of the main six embark on a quest to save their parents in a foreign land.

  • ...

The Drones

Even with the lack of on demand heated water and no running water, Anthea still made it a point to bathe daily. She might have gotten into this journey knowing the hardship, but she was going to do it on her terms, even if it got in the way. There was a river nearby the camp so she had her water source. all she needed was someone to help her. Turquoise couldn't do it because for obvious reasons, even more so with Bolt. Even with how much of a gentleman Golden Delicious is, asking him was out of the question. Claire was asleep and was never a good idea to wake her. Same with Cotton Candy.

Luckily, another girl at the camp was on her way, and they walked together. Sharing stories, gossiping, enjoying their new found friendship. The arrived at a sandy embankment at the river, and once her friend looked to see if the coast was clear, they started to undress.

"So, how about that cute boy, the one in your group, tall, handsome, green hair."

"Turquoise? He is hot... and he his mine, don't forget it,"

"For now."


The fair skinned woman disappeared in a green light. Although Anthea couldn't see it fully, the blurry shapes that were the girl were no longer pale with brown hair. it was black and green. She had seen that shape before and knew she was in for a world of hurt.


The bells from the makeshift watchtower were loud and booming in the midmorning. For the farmers and peasants, it made them panic., for that meant they were under attack. the nobles, it was their wake-up call and a reminder of what happened when you drank too much. For Prince Leon, it was a cup of coffee, jolting him awake and alert, to lead his people into battle and to come out victorious as always.

He saw that Turquoise was awake, and run around calling out someone's name. In the panic that was unfolding, Leon didn't pay attention. He had people to wake.

The first tent he passed by was Illusion's and Clare's. They were both in their underwear, cuddled up and not moving, even if the bell and Leon were pounding in their ear

"What is the griffin rambling about?" Clare asked.

"We're under attack," Illusion answered.

"Does this mean we have to get up?" she asked.


"Fuck," Clare moaned.

With the exception of Crystal Clarity, Prince Illusion, and Princess Starburst, everyone else shared a larger tent.

So, when they were awoken, the boys were up and ready. Candy was not a fighter, so she didn't really have to get up, instead stay under the sheets, peeking at Golden and Bolt change to their uniforms with a sort of smile that showed that she knew she hit the jackpot.

It was no secret that Starburst slept in the nude, so when Leon had her as his last stop. He knew what to do.

"Star! Star! Get up!" he shouted. Trying his hardest to not go inside.

"Let me sleep! And tell the bellman to knock it off!"

"We are under attack!" Leon shouted. He went silent, waiting for any sign of life in the tent. It took less than ten seconds, but Princess Starburst walked out of her tent, all dressed property and ready for battle.

"Oh, and don't bother asking about how I got my guns loaded that quickly." she smugly said as she slung her musket.

"She truly is my dream girl," Leon said as he followed her.

They all met in front of the wooden palisades, while the rest of the guard were helping the commoners into the wooden walls. As for the children of harmony, all were accounted for, except one.

"Where is she?!" Turquoise panicked. It seemed that he was the only one that was worried for her, seeing how everyone else knew she can handle herself.

"Calm down! where did you last see her?" Clare commanded.

She went to the river an hour ago with another girl... blue dress goes by the name of Marie Pierre."

Leon's paleness said it all. "I remember young Pierre... she was the personal maid to my little sister, but she died in the attack on the capital.... the same one where my family mostly were killed.... There's only one way she could be alive."

"You mean!?" A distraught Turquoise asked.

Leon nodded. "The woman Anthea left with was a changing."

it was then the sky became covered in Changlings. The black and green humanoids blotted out the sun, and chaos ensued inside the camp. There were three of the Changelings that dropped down, thinner than the rest of them. Two black and green ones, and a white Changeling. Next to them was another, unconscious and trapped in a green bubble.

"You son of a bitch!" Turquoise shouted as he fired his flintlock at the Changelings, only for them to cast a barrier and stop it.

"Ya, not gonna work," The white Changeling smirked. He turned his attention to Leon

"Hello Leon, have you decided to surrender yet? I hate to torture your people even further back in Griffinshire.

"You can go to hell!" Leon spat back.

"Why are you even doing this?!" Clare asked.

"I hold claim to the Crystal Empire, and in order to enforce my claim, I will need a staging ground. The Griffin Empire is a great place," The white Changeling announced.

"Anyway, we are going to use this girl, obviously someone who means to you and get what I want. If you don't unconditionally surrender by this time tomorrow, I'm going to kill her and devour her heart." The Changeling smiled before flying away.

Turquoise was sitting against a barrel, his hands over his head in anger. His friends were around him, trying to comfort him

Leon looked at that scene and turned to one of his generals. "Top twenty men of each battalion, our entire scouting legion. Our finest horses and our best canon crew!"

"Leon, what are you doing?" Starburst asked

"Getting a rescue together. I will need her if I am to win this war."

"How so?"

"The master plan," he said with a wink. "All I need is to find out where they are keeping her."

"Illusion stepped forward. "I know a spell."

"Good! Once you find out we can leave within the hour!"

Illusion closed his eyes and began to concentrate. A blue aurora surrounded him as he continued. As soon as it started, it stopped. He opened his eyes and smiled. "

"How far is Fort Saint-Malo from here?"

"Not that far, why?" Leon asked.

Author's Note:

I have a skype group for fans, writers, and editors. If you want to join the madness here is the link https://join.skype.com/MkJbzfI1D8o2