• Published 14th Mar 2012
  • 27,004 Views, 1,295 Comments

Learning ABCs - Adorable, Bothersome, Chaotic - Isopod

Twilight unwillingly starts seeing something more that just chaos in a certain Draconequus.

  • ...

20) Things that We Do

Twilight Sparkle felt like curling up into a tiny ball, walking into a mouse hole and sleeping for a season or two. Perhaps an exaggerated statement but it meant a lot in the context of her habits. For the past week, she had barely gotten three hours of sleep each night. It wasn't the first nor the last time she'd stay up late, attending to some of her numerous interest in the library but it started to cross the line. She would commonly stay up until the dawn would break, catch a few hours of rest and then wake up, grumpy and messy, to continue her studies.

Her bad mood, inflicted by both lack of sleep and the ton of work she insisted on having, had rather negative consequences for the rest of the natural flow of the library, one of them being that Spike had much more work to do which by itself already meant most residents of the library weren't in a peppy mood. As for the rest...

"For the 18th time, Discord," Twilight started through the gritted teeth, "no, I don't have time to go out, play a game or watch a movie. I can't help you prank anypony, nor am I in the mood to leave the house. It is too cold these days, anyway. I have a ton of work to do, so I implore you, leave me alone already."

It would be a fruitless effort to whine about how bored he was - even more than he already had - so he offered to do the one thing he definitely hated more than all.

"How about I help you with these, dear?" Discord flipped through a fat, heavy stack of research that was only one of the many that were ready to be sent. "You have been under a lot of pressure lately, I can see - if I was any more impolite, I'd even suggest you need your beauty sleep."

Twilight glared at him momentarily before snorting. "Yeah, as if you could actually help me with something like this. My job isn't easy, you know."

"Well then, teach me. I have been doing nothing you pony folk would call 'useful', anyway. While a life of pranks and mean spirited antics has its many perks that I would could never do without, I prefer to be of use every once in a while." Discord replied.

Twilight honestly doubted his words, concluding he was simply so bored out of his mind, he was even willing to assist ion menial tasks. "Alright, fine then." Twilight said as she pulled out her one of her lists, "let's see if there is something in here to keep you busy for a bit. But if you screw it up, forget it. I'd rather do it all properly than do it again."

Discord clicked his tongue but said nothing - who knew she saw him as that unreliable of a draconequus. He peeked over her shoulder to check out the list. It was mostly composed of research she had to finish and reports she still needed to write. One of them was on friendship. Huh. Discord wondered if he was ever the main subject of her findings in the end.

"Oooh, how about this?" Discord excitedly pointed over her shoulder to one of the tasks on the bottom of the page. Through tired eyes, Twilight focused to make out her tiny writing among the countless tasks; finally she made out the small letters that read 'visit Princess Celestia and pick up the books - important, pick up personally'.


"Oh come on." Discord whined, playfully swirling around the Unicorn. "I'll guard those books with my life and I won't cause any trouble, I promise. I do wish to pay Celestia a little visit, though." He sneered.

"See, that!" Twilight pointed her hoof accusingly at him. "That very grin is why I can't allow you to go there! You'll do something, I know it!"

Discord's smile faded a bit. "Don't you have any faith in me?"

Twilight groaned at that face. He probably wasn't aware of it but that whenever she as much as gently nudged at some spot of his personality that bothered him even in the least, his eyes would grow bigger - it was hard to say whether literally or not. "Well- I-- Oh, fine, fine but I swear, you must be at your best behavior, or else! This will be the first time you're going out of Ponyville since you were released and I don't want you to cause mayhem in Canterlot, or anywhere else for that matter!" Twilight kept on with her little lecture with a long list of to-do's and not-to-do's, nearly bringing the Spirit to sleep with her long winded speech. Not that she noticed. "... and last but not least, do not. Bother. Anyone." Twilight warned.

"Yes, yes, I understand." Discord rolled his eyes. In the next moment, pushed something into his hands.

"This is my letter with my signature, so you can prove you came with my approval," Twilight started, "just show this to the guards at the entrance and they'll let you in... hopefully."


"The best you can do is catch a train - although I somehow doubt that is the method of travelling you prefer."

"You doubt right!" Discord smiled at her sweetly before clicking his fingers and disappearing. Twilight let out yet another sigh and frowned a bit sadly as she turned back to her lengthy research. "Maybe I'm overreacting with all this studying... I can't avoid him forever nor is it good for me." She murmured in frustration as she scribbled another note about the development of dragons in young age.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Oh, the joys of a road trip!" Discord joyfully exclaimed. He indeed had taken the train but much to discomfort of the train staff, he took his spot on the roof. Once the train moved, he summoned a picnic basket and enjoyed the crackers with cheese, not at all minding the strong wind nor the way it made most of the food before him fly away. Once they were about to enter the tunnel, he barely avoided getting his head hit before he ducked.

Not even halfway on his journey to Canterlot, Discord became predictably bored and he flew up, watching the train as it got lost behind the hills, the noise of its engine disappearing quickly along with it. He was all alone, surrounded with hills and small mountains. In the distance, he could see the shiny glory of Canterlot. Slowly, almost lazily he continued flying, on his way there deciding to be a little naughty as he colored the trees, left a few cotton candy clouds behind him to wander around and creating a few new flowers to grow at rapid speed - a short lasting freedom but he was going it enjoy it as long as he could.

It was already late afternoon when Discord reached Canterlot. Deciding it would be fun, he pulled out the enormous hat Rarity had gotten him, in addition producing a cane and a monocle and started prancing through the city like a really awkward but utterly smooth gentlecolt.

Needless to say, the fine ponies of Canterlot were both shocked and frightened to see Discord here - many of them had frozen in terror and some even retreated silently to their homes, despite knowing he had spent quite some time living quite peacefully in Ponyville. Much to his entertainment, a few mares dared to comment on how different he looks as they eyed his hat and cane, thinking innocently that he had gained at least some of the Canterlots' refined behavior.

Soon, he found himself before the very castle he intended to visit and was greeted by two tense but determined guards. The unusual visitor didn't stop the faithful servants of her Majesty to stand firm before him and demand an explanation for his appearance and the reason for his seeking audience with the Princess.

"Miss Sparkle had sent me on official business." Discord spoke with an accent, enjoying his fake role of a sophisticated citizen - it would seem the guards didn't exactly buy it but the moment they saw Twilight's letter, they allowed him through. Discord danced right in, twirling like a ballerina around the fancy floors and swirling around the massive decorative columns. It was unusually empty, aside from an occasional guard that would pass - most of them gave him but a surprised glance and some of them even ignored the playful Spirit. The punishment for ignoring him was having their armors turn pink - which, much to the Spirit's amusement, most of them didn't notice.

"Celestia, sunshine? Luna, our sorrowful ruler? Royal Princesses, where are you hiding?" He sing-alonged just as he passed a certain room - he took a few steps back and entered it. Ah, now he remembered. This was the room where the Elements of Harmony were locked - oh how easy it was to break Celestia's protective spell... with power he didn't have anymore, he bitterly noticed.

Oh! This was the window where he showed them all his famous shuffle dance, that which he had picked in the world beyond the Great Fourth! Oh, good old times when he had all the Chaos of the world under control. He reminisced until a familiar voice made him jump.

"Discord? What in Heavens are you doing here?" Princess Celestia asked, genuinely surprised. Discord decided it was time for a royally good prank.

"Why, to steal and hide the Elements once again, of course. I already took care of Miss Bookworm and the entirety of your Kingdom is next."

Prank was a brilliant success if it were to judge by her expression of shock - but it was time to stop the fun once he saw the dark aura spreading around her, her face already contorting into an expression filled with rage.

"I'm joking, I'm joking!" He waved his hands. "Twilight Sparkle sent me for books she needed to pick up! See? There is a letter too!"

Celestia blinked and whatever rage that had been emanating from her disappeared in an instant as she eyed the familiar seal on the letter, still angrily frowning at him for such a cruel prank. "Jest like that again and you shall spend the next century being taught manners by a foalsitter." She seemingly threatened but couldn't help a playful smile. "So, how is your chaotic Majesty dealing with the life of a regular citizen? Twilight hadn't written me much about her progress with you - in her words, I have to see it to believe it." Celestia started, still stern, though with a hint of curiosity in her voice.

"Is that so." Discord wondered, then gave her a smile. "So, do you believe it?" He bowed to her, grinning.

"Well, you do seem much more cheerful than the last time I saw you. At least I can rest assure that my drapes are safe."

"Really? I think I am just as same as before."

Celestia arched her brow. "Before your depart, you physically attacked my guards, wrecked my chambers, called me a tyrannous ruler and wished for my royal career to end swiftly."

A short silence ensued.

"Well, aren't we spiteful." Discord said, feigning emotional pain as best as he could while trying not to laugh. "That's all in the past."

Celestia's clicked her tongue. "I sincerely doubt you had any good intentions whatsoever coming all the way here instead of my protege."

Discord shrugged, twirled through the air. "No intentions that aren't meant to aid me first, dearest Celestia. Twilight Sparkle is an extremely busy mare at the moment, which means she has no time for me which, ever since you so evilly stole my powers, put me in a situation that makes my eternal and usually fairly colorful life rather boring."

"If you think you'll make me regretful of my decisions, you're very wrong, Discord." Celestia noticed.

"Drat. Tricking you is no easy task. Never was, in fact."

"I'll take that as a compliment." Celestia remarked. They finally found themselves in Celestia's chambers, a room that was as neatly decorated and as serene as Discord remembered it from those few times he was here.

"Did you know that the last time I got out, I came here to prepare a few pranks for you?" Discord suddenly remembered gleefully - a memory that Celestia didn't seem to appreciate.

"I unfortunately do." She deadpanned, recalling having fallen into a pool of ice cold water that was once her bed and her carpet coming to life and trying to turn her into a taco ingredient. "It wasn't welcome."

"Then I did well." Discord nodded wisely. Celestia gave him a brief smile before reaching with her magic for a package that contained some books. It was heavy in Discord's hands.

"There you go. Give Twilight Sparkle the best of our regards."

"Already kicking me out, Celestia? Don't you want to chit chat about the philosophy of Harmony and Disharmony over a cup of tea? I heard quite a bit of rumours coming from beyond the Fourth and I'm sure you'll love them all."

"Perhaps I would if I knew what it was and I'm sure I'd have the time of my life with your lucrative offer but alas, I am still a ruler of a big and, for some reason, quite trouble-attracting country. I have many duties to attend to."

"Is that the reason you were prancing around the castle before meeting me?" Discord tried to tease but was met with Celestia's indifference.

"As you like to say, one can hardly make right decisions on an empty stomach."

"I can't argue that. I was however hoping for a longer conversation with one of you's. Where is the other?"

"If it's Luna you're speaking of, I am not certain. She might be asleep, it is too early for her to be awake. I'd love to help you look for her but duty calls. Enjoy your short stay, I assure you you're quite welcome." Celestia made sure to give her tone just the right amount of sarcasm that came off more as a joke than an unwelcoming, bitter sentiment before flying of her balcony into the sunny sky.

Discord pondered over whether he should or not leave a prank or two waiting for her but decided against it. She'd have seen it coming and that would kill the entirety of the fun. Carrying the package, he kept wandering the castle, unsuccessfully searching for the younger Princess. Frustrated with his fruitless search, he was about to give up when out of the corner of his eye he saw her starry, dark mane. In one of the lounging rooms, Luna was napping on a divan, a few books surrounding her. For a short second, he remembered Twilight and wondered how was she doing with all that research she had to do.

Then, with an evil grin, he entered the room, summoned a pair of cymbals, each bigger than any normal he's seen... he spread his arms...

"What are you doing?"

A new, young male voice came from the doorway and Discord turned around. There stood a Unicorn of dark, blue mane and pristine white coat. He was seemingly an important pony, as he was wearing a unique uniform and some sort of medal. His stare was slightly displeased and confused as he raised one of his eyebrows.

"Just waking little ol' Lunny up, no biggie." Discord snickered. The Unicorn remained bemused for a while, then broke into a grin.

"Great Discord, the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony. I see you're living up to your title."

Discord felt the obvious hint of playful mock and lowered the cymbals, not smiling anymore. "Well, your Princess here is the one to blame for my inability to do so properly; if anything, I wanted some sort of payback. Now that you're here, though, I might as well bother you for some time."

The Spirit flew right over to him, following him down the hall. This visit was getting more interesting with every passing minute.

"So who are you anyway? I doubt I had seen you around before." Discord wondered.

"My name is Shining Armor. I am the Captain of the Royal Guard." The Unicorn replied politely. Discord could've sworn he had heard that name and title before, but he couldn't for the life of it remember where from.

"You sound familiar. Have we encountered each other before? Had I perhaps cast my chaotic spells upon you?"

"I am fairly sure we never met; I was fortunate enough not to get affected much by your last break out." Shining Armor said, enjoying the fact Discord had no idea he was Twilight's brother. He decided to question him a bit, if he was willing to talk, anyway. "So, how is your stay with Celestia's protege going? I heard she had you tamed."

Discord let out a frustrated gasp, obviously angered to be put on the same level as a wild animal.

"There's nothing to be tamed about me." He hissed. "If it weren't or the lack of my powers, you'd all already become dancing bananas."

"Indeed, our evil ways do need some fruitful reprimand." Shining winked. Before Discord could muster a reply to the dumbest pun in the universe, the Unicorn continued: "When I first heard about you being released, I was convinced it was a bad idea. So far, if I may be honest, my opinion hadn't changed much."

"My, am I that unpleasant of a company? Here, have some cotton candy, that usually works with everyone."

As his face got engulfed in the sugary cloud, Shining had a hard time deciding on how funny the situation was. "Thanks?" To be fair, it was rather good cotton candy.

"Say, you knew Twilight Sparkle from when she lived here, I assume," Discord suddenly started, curious, "what was she like?"

Shining Armor did his best not to laugh. Oh, the stories he could tell of his sister. "I'd say she was much like she is now, only much cuter." Shining Armor joked, laughing softly.

"You mean cuter than she is n-- I mean, I didn't mean physically," Discord swiftly corrected himself, "I mean, was she as book loving and workaholic as she is now? Lately she has not been leaving her books for even a moment."

"Oh, Twilight has those time periods when she simply wants to indulge in studying all day and all night." Shining Armor explained. "Especially when she's bothered or stressed out about something. Then she won't even get any sleep."

"Really now?"

"Yeah, she can really tire herself out - all because something is on her mind. But then, that blissful, smiling face when she finally falls asleep - so adorkable! More than once did I have to carry her off to bed when fell asleep at her desk..." Shining Armor recalled his little sister's studying sessions and tapped his hooves on the marble floor, his eyes squinted as he remembered the scene, completely forgetting about the fact he never mention she was his sibling and causing a good deal of awkward when Discord finally popped the question that's been on his mind since the moment Shining started talking:

"What are you, her special somepony?" If Twilight Sparkle had anypony like that, he would have surely know! The Unicorn, however, suddenly shook his head, looking unpleasantly surprised.

"W-wha-- No, oh by Equestria, no way! Twilight is--"

"Well, if you observed her in her sleep, that can be either romantic or creepy - depending on the relationship status, I guess."

"No, you-- Twilight is my sister!"


"Oh. Oooooh!" Discord suddenly remembered where he heard the name. "Oooh! You are a sneaky one!" Discord sneered and laughed, the Unicorn soon joining him in doing so.

"Well, that was awkward." Shining Armor nodded. "I must say, as surprisingly pleasant as it was chatting to you, I must meet with my wife Cadance, now. I promised to be back early as we're going out for dinner."

"Oh, what's the occasion?"

"A monthly anniversary of our marriage."

"... a monthly one?"

"We do it every month." Shining Armor admitted, a bit sheepishly.

"Not sure of horrible or terrible but it sure is one of those." The Spirit teased. "But never mind. It is already that late, now is it? I best be going back - your little sister will be giving me one heck of a death stare should I not provide her with her precious literature."

"I know the feeling." Shining Armor confirmed. The two stood there for a moment, reminiscent of how unsettling Twilight could be when something involving her book would go amiss.

"Well, it was a pleasure meeting you." Discord finally said.

"I am surprised to say so as well." Shining Armor admitted. "Say hi to Twily for me."

"Wait, wait, wait, wait. Twily? Seriously, Twily?"

"You're going to abuse that nickname now, aren't you?"

"Why, I would never." Discord devilishly smiled before clicking his fingers and disappearing.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Twily, I'm home!" Discord sang playfully as he burst into her home. He was however met with complete darkness, aside from a single candle that burned on the table in the middle of the library. Twilight was there, surrounded by six complete research papers and ten reports stacked on top of each other, all ready to be sent.

"Wow, she is actually done." Discord noticed, as he gently put the package of books on the table. He sat down, wondering if he should wake her up.Then he realized she was probably extremely tired and much too worn out for any sort of communication. Having nothing to do, he opened the package for he because he had no sense of manners.

Inside, there were three books. Two of them were just new copies of historic books, both with a small note that said these were an addition to her library. The last book, though, was a book of poems. It was apparently borrowed from Canterlot library. Twilight read poems? This was new. The mare never struck him as a poetic type. Or any sort of artsy type.

He opened the book to read a few. He had absolutely no sense of what was good or bad. He ended up hating some and liking some but nothing in particular caught his attention.

"...'cord?" He looked up. Twilight looked over at him through a sleepy squint, a small smile on her face.

"How was..." she was interrupted by a big yawn, "...how was your trip to Canterlot? I hope ya didn' make any trouble?"

"It was loads of fun." Discord admitted. "I met your brother. I though he was your coltfriend."

A stiffled laughter came from Twilight as she tried to stretch without much success. "That's hilarious. Did you get my books?" She asked as another yawn occupied her. Discord tapped the book he was reading.

"I am reading the poem one right now."


"What is it?"

"Well, um... how is it?"

"Most of the stuff is boring. Some of these are quite weird though, I don't understand them at all."

"Oh goodie." Twilight relaxed. Discord frowned.

"What is so good about that?!"

Twilight wondered whether she should tell him it was a collection of some of the best of love and romantic poems every written. Of course, that would only bring up question and since he was the subject matter of the romantic thoughts in her head, she thought better than to elaborate.

"Nothing. Sorry, I'm talking nonsense - I'm just so tired." Twilight gave him a suitable excuse. Discord's expression immediately softened.

"How about I take you to your bed? You seem too tired to even walk properly."

"Hey, if you insist." Twilight joked with a smile, before her headed plopped on the table again. She was sleeping. No wonder, he figured, it was a good thing he got to talk to her at all.

Once Discord put her in her own bed, Twilight's face was graced with a grateful smile as she nuzzled into the soft pillows. Shinging Armor sure knew what he was talking about. Adorkable.

Author's Note:

Edited by his ass-majesty, the one and only Skittles :D