• Published 17th Dec 2013
  • 3,595 Views, 26 Comments

Gravity Falls: Secrets of Equestria - Pentrath

Dipper, Mable and Soos are in for the adventure of their lives when they find that not only are they trapped in the magical world of Equestria but they have change species as well.

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Chapter One: Journey to Equestria

‘’Hey Dipper here, as you can probably see me, Mable, Soos and some new friends of ours have been locked in this steel cage while Bill Cipher is turning Gravity Falls into a chaotic wonder land; and you are probably wondering to yourself ‘’how did this happen’’. Well I think the best way to explain is to start from the beginning’’.

‘’ Oh-Oh can I tell this flashback, please Dipper’’ Mable begged.

‘’ No Mable I am the one telling the story’’ Dipper said with a bit of annoyance.

‘’ Aww I never get to narrate’’ Mable whined.

‘’ Now where was I’’ Dipper said to himself as he continued to narrate.

‘’ Oh yeah… as I said … It all started about 2 weeks ago when….’’

2 weeks ago

Night has fallen upon Gravity Falls as we see Gruncle Stan walking up to a vending machine inside of his gift shop. Upon reaching the soda machine he begins to type a code into the keypad that causes the vending machine to open like a door revealing a set of stair leading to a small hall way with an elevator at the end of it. He walks up to the elevator and commences to type in another code in with strange markings hiding the code sequence into the keypad located on the wall next to the elevator. As the code is entered the door to the elevator opened allowing Stan to walk inside of it before closing behind him and descending to a secret room hidden below the Mystery Shack. As he entered the room he switched on the lights revealing a bunch of computers and spy equipment. He walked up to a small computer desk, on that desk was a small cupboard containing 3 journals, each with the numbers 1-3 on the cover. He opens the cupboard and retrieves the journals and then proceeds to lay them on the desk side by side.

''After all these years…finally, we have them all’’ was all Stan said before opening the journals to the required page revealing a secret puzzle that requires all 3 journals to complete.

He proceeds to connect the 3 journals, revealing the secrets the puzzle had to hide. Upon connecting the journals, the puzzle reveals a large upside down pyramid with a circle on it. After the pyramid is revealed, Stan begins to decipher the code on the pyramid and type it into a computer. As he is typing in the code, lights in the room opposite of him started to glow through as small window above the desk that Stan was sitting at; revealing the same kind of pyramid that appeared in the journals.

‘’It’s working’’ Stan said shockingly before jumping out of his seat and rushes through a nearby door leading into the adjacent room.

As he enters the room he immediately rushes over to the pyramid and pulls a lever that is on the ground next to the machine. Once the lever is pulled the circle in the center of the pyramid begins to glow as symbols matching the ones from the journals begin to light up as electricity sparks the machine to life. As the circle lights up it illuminates the room with a dim blue glow, revealing 2 circular pads of the ground on either side of Stan which also began to glow. ‘’Here we go’’ Stan says happily as the machine is powering up. Suddenly a spark of electricity flies out toward Stan, nearly hitting him before the machine starts to go haywire as it malfunctions and starts to power down.

‘’ No no no’’ Stan screams as the pyramid powers down completely.

He begins to repeatedly pull the lever back and forth but to no prevail as the pyramid is still not powering up. Stan runs back over to the journals and begins to immediately check over them to see if a page was missing but nothing was out of order. Frustrated, Stan head back toward the elevator and proceed back up to the stair case grumbling to himself all the way up. He reaches the top of the stair and then exists through the vending machine door, forgetting to shut it before exiting the gift shop and heading up to his room. He immediately changes out of his pyjamas and into his black tuxedo that he wears when he is trying to allure customers to the Mystery Shack. He also grabs his cane with an eyeball on the top and his car keys.

‘’ I need to take a long drive’’ Stan said to himself disheartened by what happened as he exited the Mystery Shack and got into his car and drove away into the night.

Unbeknownst to anyone including Stan, a shadowy figure that was attracted by the sounds of the pyramid powering up waits patiently for the sun to rise as Dipper, Mable and Soos sleep soundly through the night, unknowing what awaits them in the morning. The next day, Dipper was the first to wake up as he quickly got dressed and went to go see Stan (which he hoped he could talk to about getting his journal back. He headed down stairs to the living room where he expected Stan to be sleeping and was shocked to see he was not there. He ran back upstairs to Stan’s room to see if he was there for a change but unfortunately Stan wasn’t in his room either so Dipper started to call out for Stan as he did not know where he had gone.

‘’Grunkle Stan…. GRUNKLE STAN WHERE ARE YOU’’ Dipper called out but to no prevail.

Dipper gave up and assumed Stan was out trying to attract customers so he went to the kitchen to make himself breakfast when he noticed the door leading to the gift shop was open. Knowing Stan does not usually open the shop up until he had swindled a group of people in to checking out the fake museum first, so Dippers curiosity got the better of him as he approached the door.

‘’Grunkle Stan are you in here’’ Dipper called out as he opened the door all the way but got no response; he looked around the unlit room for any sign of life before turning on the lights.

As the room lit up he noticed that no one but himself was in the room but what caught his attention was the fact that the soda machine had been moved, revealing a passage way leading down below the Mystery Shack. As Dipper descended down the stairs he came across the elevator leading to the secret room under the building. Fortunately for Dipper, Stan had forgotten to reset the password so it was still entered into the keypad which meant Dipper only had to press enter to open the elevator.

‘’ What is this room and how long has it been here?’’ Dipper thought to himself as he looked at the elevator.

‘’ I need to show Mable and Soos this, where ever this elevator take us must be very secret for it to have been hide under the Mystery Shack''. Dipper said as he turned and ran back upstairs to inform Soos and Mable of his discovery unbeknownst to him a shadowy figure slips through the crack of the elevator door and the hand of the dial above the elevator door starts to turn, indicating the elevator is descending down as Dippers disappears out of site upstairs.

‘’MABLE...Mable wake up’’ Dipper shouted while shaking his still sleeping sister.

‘’ DIPPER it’s too early go back to sleep’’ Mable said in annoyance at being woken up.

‘’Mable please it is important I found this secret room under the Mystery Shack that has an elevator leading to how know where’’ Dipper said with excitement.

‘’Come on we need to also show Soos’’.

After a few minutes had passed, Mable and Soos change out of their pyjamas and into their casual cloths. They followed Dipper through the secret passage as Soos accidently closes the vending machine door as they enter.

‘’Soos why did you do that? How are we going to get out now’’ Dipper said.

‘’He-he sorry dudes’’ Soos said innocently causing Dipper to sigh.

‘’Let’s just go, we will figure a way out later’’ Dipper said as the continued down the stairs leading to the elevator.

‘’ Ok we are here’’ Dipper said.

‘’Now the only question is how do we open the elevator’’ Dipper asked as he turned to look at Mable for ideas.

‘’ Done’’ Soos said as he had just pushed the enter button on the keypad.

Mable and Dipper looked surprised and were about to ask Soos how he knew the combination when the elevator door opened, allowing the three of them to enter.As soon as they entered the door of the elevator closed behind them and the elevator automatically starts to descend to the bottom floor. As they reach their destination, the elevator door opens and they are greeted to a dark room with computer monitors and radars giving a small amount of light. Soos flips the light switch witch reveals the room in a much more detailed way as the computer monitors, telescopes, switch boards ect. came into view.

‘’ What is this place?’’ Dipper asked.

‘’ Maybe it’s kind of spy equipment’’ Soos said nonchalantly as they continued through the small room until they reached a small desk nearby a door that lead to another room but what caught Dipper’s attention was the 3 opened journals that sat on the desk.

‘’ The journals’’ Dipper called out before dashing toward the desk.

As he approaches the desk he sees that the journals are opened to a specific page and that there is some kind of code typed into the computer next to the desk. As Dipper examines the code and the journals he comes to discover that the code is unfinished and commences to finish the code using the journals. As soon as he types in the last line of code he upside down pyramid in the other room begins to light up revealing itself through a small window just above the desk.

‘’ Whoa, what is that?’’ Mable asked.

‘’ I have no idea but I think it has something to do with this picture in the journals’’ Dipper explained before closing the journals and picking them up before himself, Mable and Soos heads into the second room with the giant pyramid.

As they approached the pyramid they were shocked that such a thing has been hidden under the Mystery Shack for so long.

‘’ As soon as we find Grunkle Stan we need to show him this as this might be a way to finally get him to believe me’’ Dipper said just as Soos called out to him and Mable.

‘’ Hey dudes look at this lever I found’’ Soos says before pulling it.

‘’SOOS NOOOO’’ Mable and Dipper yelled in unison but it was too late as the circle in the center of the pyramid began to emit a blinding white light as electricity began to spark between the symbols around the outside of the circle and a large gust of wind begins to suck Mable, Dipper and Soos into the hole. Journals 1 and 2 are the first to get sucked into the circle as Dipper is holding on to journal number 3 with all his might.

Soos grabs on to the lever and onto Mable who holds on to Dipper as the suction becomes worse, unfortunately for them Soos’s grip is not that strong and his hand slips off the lever as he, Mable and Dipper are sucked into the circle before the pyramid begins to power down again. As soon as the machine powers down a car pulls into the drive way of the Mystery Shack as Stan steps out feeling rejuvenated from the night before.

‘’Ah nothing like a relaxing night at a fancy hotel and a Jacuzzi bath to get your mind off of things. Now where are those kids, we got suckers to scam er I a mean show a delightful time’’ Stan corrected himself as Old Man Mcgucket walks past taking his morning stroll down the road.

‘’Hehe I will find that sock monster eventually’’ Old Man Mcgucket says before running off laughing hysterically.

‘’This whole town is full of idiots’’ Stan says before heading back inside.

Mable, Dipper and Soos all scream as they tumble through what looks to be some form of worm hole as they begin to stretch as they reach the end of the worm hole and a white light engulfs them again. What seems like hours pass before Dipper starts to come too.

‘’ Ow my head’’ Dipper said as he placed his hand on his head, or atleast he thought it was his hand. As Dipper comes more familiar with his surroundings he notices that they are in a dark forest of some kind. Dipper reaches down to pick up his journal when he notices that his hand is no longer a hand but a hoof. He immediately checks his other hand to find that it too was a hoof, as he examines his body he finds out that he has turned into a small horse with a blue pine tree tattooed on his flank.

‘’ Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!’’ Dipper screamed alerting not only Mable and Soos who were just now waking up but also some unwelcomed attention. As they ran to where Dipper was screaming they were shocked at what they found. Siting on the ground in front of them was a small tan colored earth pony with a red t-shirt, blue vest, and wore a white and blue baseball cap with a blue pinetree on it.

‘’ Dipper is that you’’ Mable asked. Dipper who had just finish screaming looked for the source of the question and found a small tan colored unicorn with a brown curly mane with a pink hair band in it, she wore a purple sweater with a shooting star on it and had a shooting star on her flank as well, she had a faint tint of purple on her muzzle and had a long brown tail with solid black eyes. He also saw a large and round green Pegasus with a small patch of hair on his head and a small brown cap. He had two buck teeth showing at the front of his muzzle and had an aftershave under his chin. He had a small slab of hair for a tail with a question mark as a cutie mark and small stubby wings.

‘’Soos, Mable is that you… and why are you horses?’’ Dipper asked prompting Mable and Soos to look down in shock. Mable raised a hoof up to her horn to confirm that she was indeed a unicorn now. But instead of screaming in fear like Dipper did she began to squeal in glee at her new form.

‘’ Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh, I am a unicorn, it has like been my life long dream to be one and now I am. I can now die happy’’ Mable said before falling on her back and rolling around happily.

‘’ He-he I’m a horse now’’ Soos said as he looked at his wings.

Dipper sighed as he stood up and started to pick up the 3 journals that had landed a few feet away from him, but as he did he heard what sounded like growling coming from a distance. Instantly he froze and Mable stopped rolling around as a large wooden wolf appeared out of a nearby bush and began to growl with drool dripping from its mouth. Dipper, Soos and Mable stood there shock and frightened by the new creature as it slow inched forward.

‘’Psst Soos, Mable’’ Dipper whispered.

‘’ Yeah’’ Mable and Soos whispered to Dipper.

‘’ On the count of 3 let’s all run, 1…2…3eeee’’ Dipper said as he darted of in the opposite direction that the timberwolf was standing prompting the others to do the same. Seeing it meal trying to escape the timberwolf took chase after the three and snarled as it did. Unfortunately they ran into a mountain side and found themselves trapped. They all backed up against the mountain as the timberwolf inched closer with its teeth showing while Mable and Soos back up against the mountain with a look of horror on their faces while Dipper franticly looked through his journal for any information on this creature but unfortunately found none.

The timberwolf pounced toward them prompting the trio to close their eyes as they await for the worst only for a lasso to come out of nowhere and tie around the wolfs muzzle causing it to fall to the ground. The open their eyes to the sound of a ‘’ Yehaw’’ as they see an orange earth pony with a blond mane and tail and three apple emblazed on her flank as she charged forward toward the timberwolf as it was trying to get to it feet. As soon as it stood up it tried one last time to get the three of them before the orange pony bucked it causing the timberwolf to go flying and shatter across a large rock.

‘’ What in tarnation is you 3 doing in the middle of the Everfree Forest, don’t yall know it is dangerous in here’’ AJ said.

‘’ Anyway names Apple Jack the most dependable pony in Ponyville’’ She said placing a hoof on her chest.

‘’ PONYVILLE’’ Dipper, Mable and Soos yelled at once.

‘’ Dipper how did we get here because I have never heard of a place called Ponyville’’ Mable whispered.

‘’Me neither’’ Dipper said before clearing his throat.

‘’ My name is Dipper, this is my friend Soos and my twin sister Mable’’ He said pointing to the two ponies beside him.

‘’As you can see we are a bit lost and would like directions on how to get back to Gravity Falls.’’ Dipper said.

‘’Gravity Fall’’ Applejack said with confusion.

‘’ I be lying if I said I have heard of such a place let alone know where it is.’’ Apple jack said honestly.

‘’Oh’’ was all Dipper said before his drooped his head down low sadly. Mable and even Soos did the same as they came to realise that the machine brought them farther from home then they thought.

‘’ Look I might not know where this Gravity Fall is or what it is but my friend Twilight might know something as she as every kind of book imaginable when it comes to locates across Equestra.’’ Aj said with a smile which cheered the fillies and Pegasus up a bit.

‘’ I am sure she will be willing to help as soon as she gets done with her errands in Canterlot.’’Apple Jack said.

‘’How long will that take’’ Dipper asked.

‘’Well she should be back some time tomorrow.’’ Aj said.

‘’TOMORROW’’ the trio said.

‘’ We can’t wait that long as we have nowhere to stay’’ Dipper said.

Apple Jack thought for a moment, ‘’Ah ha yall can stay at my house tonight, we have an extra guest room yall could stay in until Twilight can find yall a way home.

‘’ Thanks, I hope we are no imposing’’ Dipper said.

‘’ Oh not at all, I always lend a hoof to a pony in need.’’ Apple jack said.

‘’ Yay a sleep over’’ Mable said over joyed with finally getting to sleep somewhere that isn’t the old hard mattress she had to sleep on at the Mystery Shack. Dipper smiled as he gathered his journals off the ground and the followed AppleJack out of the forest heading toward Ponyville, unbeknownst to all of them a shadowy figure watched them leave before disappearing to finish the preparations of its plan.

End of Chapter One.

Author's Note:

And here is my first chapter of my new story, I hope you enjoy. I must say however that I will be spending a bit more time then I normally do on my chapter for this story so it might take me longer then the chapters of my previous story, but over all I have found this story a lot easier to write then Return of Chaos.