• Published 29th Jun 2012
  • 1,114 Views, 21 Comments

Pony Emblem - Alkem

The tale of a band of ponies who came to the newly formed kingdom of Equestria in its hour of peril.

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Shattered Crystal

After liberating Fort Stonewheat from the Mud Ruby mercenaries' hold, commander Staghoof's squadron discovered a larger threat making its way further into Equestria. His men were exhausted from their previous ordeals and unfit to move ahead. Following the advice of the battle hardened Marry Glee, he let his troops remain in Stonewheat where they could recover their strength while he planned their next move.

Inside the barracks, though the beds were a luxury compared to the ones back in camp, Shining Armor couldn't rest. Plagued by his performance during his last fight, he couldn't close his eyes without seeing it all play out again. Vowing in his head to better himself for his sake and for the sake of his squad mates, he finally closed his eyes.

Unfortunately their respite would be short lived, for scouts were returning with dire news from nearby Castle Crystal Rock.

Shattered Crystal

The sun had already risen but morning mist still blanketed the fields surrounding Crystal Rock Castle. Flying over the shrouded land, a pair of pegasi flew their way towards the solitary structure. One was slumping over the other for support as they landed atop the castle tower.

"Hang on, Ruby. We've finally made it. You're going to be okay now."

Still hanging on her friends shoulder, Ruby let out an exhausted groan. "You should've just left me back in the forest Tipsy. Because of me we lost so much time..." She coughed violently, straining to take another breath. "There's no telling when those Equestrian soldiers will show up. We have to let Iron Rust know."

Tipsy wrapped her wing over Ruby, pulling her close to make sure she wouldn't fall. "Don't worry, we'll tell him… But your safety comes first. Let's find a healer to—"

"No! We warn Iron Rust and collect our payment first! After that… After that I can go get patched up."

"But Ruby, you're in rough sha—"

"Our pay comes first! You got that?" Fighting the pain, Ruby managed to pull off a convincing glare.

Tipsy knew better then to fight that determined stare. Even if the mare eyeing her was so weak she needed her support to stay up. "Fine! We'll talk to that crust covered unicorn. But afterwards you're getting some rest."

Ruby's head slumped down. He next words barely slipped out of her mouth as Tipsy dragged her inside. "Thank you."

Inside the conquered throne room, Iron Rust stood over a group of rope bound ponies. In front of him lay a regal looking white coated unicorn in a purple cape with white fur trimming. The unicorn kept silent, unwilling to answer the armor stallion questions.

"You traitor!" said Iron Rust, staring at the unicorn with disgust. "Simply give us back what's rightfully ours." His armor creaked as he stepped over to a light tan unicorn lying nearby. "That is unless you wish to see any more of your subjects fall." Using his magic Iron Rust pulled out the long lance holstered on his side. "Now princess, you wouldn't want me to harm this poor little mare? Would you? Isn't she something special to you as well as this kingdom?" Iron Rust pushed the tip of his weapon against her.

With the lance's tip pressing against her neck, the mare drew a stifled breath. "Don't tell him anything your highness. We must not let the treasure fall into their hooves."

Iron Rust pressed his lance forward slightly, causing the mare to yelp. "Such brave statements. It's a shame you decided to leave us for this joke of a kingdom. You would have been better off, Clover the Clever. But I assure you we'll find it. It may not come at the cost of your life, but one body after another the princess will break and tell us. After all we've already disposed of some many soldiers, what's a few more?"

Just at the peak of his interrogation, a soldier stepped into the chamber with two pegasi following behind him and saluted. "Excuse me, Commander Iron Rust. Two pegasi from the mercenary unit have just arrived from Stonewheat."

The soldier was pushed aside as Tipsy, with Ruby still leaning on her, walked past him. The weakened mare mustered her strength and called out. "Iron Rust! We've completed our part of the deal. It's time you pay up!"

The commanding unicorn clicked his teeth in dissatisfaction. With his magic still pressing his lance against Clover's neck, Iron approached to the winged mares with disdain in his eyes. "So you actually managed to do your job. You two look a little worse for wear as a result."

Tipsy glared back at him. "As if you care. Just give us our pay and we'll be on our way. We want nothing more to do with you."

A sinister grin came upon his face. "As you wish…" His lance quickly moved away from Clover's neck and headed straight for Tipsy. She would have been skewered if not for…


Fighting back her wounds, Ruby used her blade to strike Iron's lance away.

"So, you pegasi still have a little fight left in you? It matters not. You can't possible defend against us all."

Standing with her blade weakly held between her hooves, Ruby looked back to her partner who was still shocked by the turn of events. "Tipsy." She tilted her head to point to the princess lying behind Iron Rust. "Go!"

Flying past both mare and stallion, Tipsy did as ordered, reaching the bound unicorn princess and untying her. Iron Rust let out a growl as he directed his weapon towards her, but a sudden tap against his armor drew his attention.

Ruby swung her blade once more. "I won't let you hurt her!"

Iron Rust looked to see Ruby. The swings of her sword hardly scratched his armor. "'Won't let me'? Ha! You can hardly knock the rust off my armor in the state you're in. Out of my way!"

The other soldiers began moving in to help when a distress call came echoing through the chamber. "Equestrian troops have been spotted approaching the castle!"

Everyone suddenly stopped fighting, all except for Tipsy who was finishing untying the princess.

"All troops! Take formations around the castle! We must maintain our hold until we've found the treasure!" Iron Rust turned back to his hostages and noticed Tipsy standing next to the now freed princess. "No! You won't get away!" He drew his lance to his side and plunged it forward.

Ruby flapped her wings, quickly circling around the enraged unicorn and striking his weapon away again. "Tipsy, take the princess to the Equestrians! You'll be safe with them after handing her over."

Tipsy grabbed hold of Platinum and nimbly made her way past the knights in the way. She looked back to see Ruby fending off the Crystalian soldiers. "You're coming with us right Ruby?"

Cleaving her sword through iron, she fell one of the knights. "Of course, I'm just holding these guys back while you make your way out." She clashed blade with another knight as she waved one hoof at Tipsy. "Now go! I'll be right behind you."

Tipsy hesitantly exited the chamber with princess in hoof and navigated her way through the halls. Turning a right, she came upon two knights blocking her path. They recognized the unicorn with her and prepared to confront them.

They both raised their pike and shoved them forward but suddenly stopped. "Gwaaaaaaah!" Their guttural screams were accompanied by the sounds of ice shattering.

To Tipsy's surprise, the guards dropped to the ground. Small remnants of ice surrounded their bodies as the lay motionless. Not sure what just happened, she turned to the princess who quietly nodded back at her.

More guards could be seen approaching around the corner. "Princess, in here." She grabbed hold on the princess and tugged into a nearby room. "We'll hide in here till the coast is clear. After that I'm taking you to the Equestrians. Then I'm headed back for Ruby…" Inside the room, they hid behind a few storage barrels and saw shadows pass by the bottom of the door. "Ruby, please be okay."

At the front of the castle, Staghoof's troops battered their way through the door and rushed inside. Weapons in hoof, they clashed with the unicorns waiting for them. Crystalia knights raised their shield in opposition and galloped forward. Leading the charge Staghoof bowled over numerous knights with a colossal swing of his ax. Right behind him, Mary followed it up with an equally mighty swipe of her polearm. Their spinning combination sent unicorns flying against the walls, opening a path for the others to move further inside.

"Some of you stay behind with me and Glee! The rest of you move in! Make your way to the throne room and search for survivors along the way!"

Headed down the hall where more unicorn soldiers approached, Shining Armor broke from the group with Clips, Shells and a few others following behind. "Mia, we'll handle these guys. You and the others keep going."

With her friends locked in battle behind her, Pinkamia led the charge and turned down a hall where a group of unicorn archers awaited at the other end. She looking around and pointed at the doors lining the hall. "Quick, hide in the rooms! Knights, use your shields and form a moving wall! Archers and mages, take positions behind the knights and take out those archers!"

Her knights arranged their shields in the front while the others either else fell back around the corner or into the nearby rooms. The wall of shields slowly made its way forward, repeatedly pelted by endless bolts. Docile along with his follow archers returned fire while Truxte joined in with her magic. Together they closed the gap while Mia stuck behind and jumped from one room to another in the hope of finding imprisoned allies. Her search turned up little results. Each room was as empty as the next, until...

"Hello?" There were two ponies inside, but Mia dared not take her eyes off the first mare and quickly drew her blade. "You!"

Standing before the high strong swordmare, Tipsy held up her hooves up with a remorseful look in her eyes. "Please, I don't wish to fight you. I just want to save Ruby."

Mia kept her blade pointed on the pegasus, never breaking eye contact. "Ruby? You mean that other pegasus you ran away with in Stonewheat? The one that almost killed my friend?!"

Tipsy backed away but Mia stuck on her. "I'm sorry! We were only meant to delay you. When we got here, Iron Rust betrayed us and tried to kill us. Ruby stayed behind so that we could get away but I have to go back for her." Her green colored eyes became faded as they welled up with tears that started to run down her yellow cheeks. "I just… I just can't do it alone. Please… help me."

"Help you?! After what you and you mercenaries did in Stonewheat, why? Cause of you the castle's been taken and Princess Platinum is in the hooves of those unicorns!" The other pony behind Tipsy emerged from the shadows at Mia's mention of the princess and caused Mia to gasp. "Pri-Princess! What are you doing here? What are you doing with her?"

Tipsy wiped away her tears and moved beside the unicorn princess. "She's here because I helped her escape."

"Escape? But I thought you were working for the unicorns?"

"Weren't you listening? I said that slimy Iron Rust betrayed us. I now know what their after and how important it is. The second he backstabbed us, Ruby thought it would be best to foil his plan. Plus, handing the princess over to use guys would probably lighten the hatred you may have for us."

"So you're using her to bargain your way outta here?"

"No. I plan to stay and find Ruby. I give the princess to you in exchange for your help in defeating Iron Rust. We both have the same goal in mind and I made sure the princess was unharmed, so why don't we work together for the time being? You can't say no to that right?"

Mia stepped back with a look of disgust on her face. "Why should I accept your offer when I can just take the princess from you right now?" Mia tightened her grasp but as she prepared to strike, Platinum stepped forward to stand between the two of them. Mia lowered her sword and looked up at the unicorn. "Princess, what are you doing?"

Platinum stayed quiet, moving back to Tipsy's side she placed one of her front hooves on Tipsy's shoulder and Tipsy lowered her head in reaction. "I spoke with the princess while we hid. About what I did and why I did it. I told her how sorry I was. She understood and also wants to head back to the throne room as well. She wants to go save her friends who are still trapped there."

Mia had a hard time taking it all in. The chaos of battle on the other side of the door behind her wasn't helping either. "I don't have time to discuss this matter. Princess Platinum, your safety is of much concern to me, but so guarding the artifact. I'll allow you to join us as long as you follow my orders. Is that clear?" She watched as Platinum nodded, and then put her attention on the pegasus nodding beside her. "As for you…" Mia turned her head back, reaching for a sword tied on the belt around her waist and toss it at Tipsy's hooves, making it clang as it landed. "I don't understand why the princess is supporting you, but I'll trust her decision. Fight alongside us and together we'll save your friend."

Tipsy grabbed the sword handle with her teeth and bowed. "Very well, for the time being my blade is yours."

Back in the hallway, the moving wall of knights was a stone throw away from the blockade of archers. The troops behind them pushed forward and moved in to strike. Tranquil, running alongside her fellow Equestrians rushed the enemy and cutting through them with a vastly improved lancing technique, running through one then quickly jabbing another with the butt of her spear. With the knights joining in along with Docile, his fellow archers and Truxte, they cleared out the rest of the forces and moved on to the door leading to the throne room.

Down in the hallway, Shining Armor had just swatted the last Crystalian soldier towards Clips and Shells who finished the foe with an intersecting slash of lance and blade.

"Come on, we have to catch up with the others!" Shine called out to those with him as he made his way down the hall. Nearing the passage's end he stopped at an opening door and recognized the mare stepping out. "Mia what are you—" He stopped mid sentence; eyes darting over to the pegasus walking out behind her. "You! You're—" He paused himself again, getting a look at the last mare stepping out. "Pr-pr-princess Platinum! What are—"

"No time Shine," Mia cut in. "We gotta get moving and rout the Crystalians before they find the treasure. Now move it!"

"Uh, if you say so." Unsure of what had happened between the trio headed down the hallway, Shining Armor followed.

With the group of soldiers following Clips and Shells catching up, they all regrouped with the main force led by Docile making their final push for the gate. Their combined forces made short work of the remaining Crystalian defenses, defeating the last line of defense and bursting into the royal chamber where they were immediately welcomed by numerous castle workers fleeing past them.

Not seeing the one mare that mattered to her in the escaping crowd, Tipsy pushed her way through the troops collected at the entrance. "Ruby!" she called out noticing body after body of Crystalian knights lying on the ground. By the throne, the heavily wounded pegasus she'd been looking for turned to face her.

"Tip…sy." The name struggled to leave the mouth of the battered and bruised plum coated pegasus. Tipsy looked on at her weary friend, feeling her heart sink as she noticed a gaping wound on Ruby's chest. Unable to draw breath, Ruby fell over, with Tipsy dropping to her knees in response.

The last of the castle hostages rushed to the groups at the entrance and stopped before Platinum. "Your highness, I'm so relieved to see that you're safe." She turned her head back and looked at the fallen Ruby. "It was because of her that we're all still alive. She fought against the Crystalian general and his knights and freeing us in the process. I was the last hostage tied up. When she came to unbind me…" She directed her hoof into the room, pointing at the rust coated armored unicorn standing along by the throne. "He struck her from behind."

Glaring at the gathered force opposing him, Iron Rust stepped back towards the throne. "Aaaaaaaaah! You Equestrian scum! You should not have been here! If that mercenary trash had done her job, I would have already found the artifact by now!" He levitated his lance over his head and swung it in rage, slamming it against the throne and shattering it to pieces. "I won't stand to lose to the forces of a weak kingdom such as yours! I'll kill you all just as I did that filth over there," he said, pointing his weapon down to Ruby's now lifeless body.

Without a second thought Tipsy rose up and charged at Iron Rust. Using her wings to propel her even faster, she ran through Iron Rush with her blade held between her teeth.

"Aaack!" Iron Rust cringed, placing a hoof on a cut appearing on his shoulder. "Why you…" He turned back towards Tipsy. "You're the one who took the Princess! You're to blame!" He swung his lance in a descending circular arc, swatting Tipsy into the wall where she yelped from the wind getting knocked out of her. "Pegasus filth!" Iron Rust approached, aiming the tip of his weapon. "Now join that worthless friend of yours!"

He started to drive his weapon down when he felt a chilling sensation suddenly ran up his spine. Before he could look to see what had happened he was rendered motionless. The squad headed to Tipsy's rescue stopped in their tracks and moved in to investigate the giant icicle that had instantly and mysteriously encased the enemy general.

Shining Armor stepped up and placed his hoof on the massive block. "Ice?" While he and the other looked on in confusion, Mia, Platinum and Clover ran to check on Tipsy.

Standing over the slumped over pegasus against the wall, Mia extended her hoof to her. "Are you alright?"

Back by the ice block, Shining looked into the group behind him and stared at Truxte. "Nice work with the Magic."

Truxte shook her head, with her hat shaking vigorously along with her. "While Truxte appreciates that you think it was Truxte's doing, The Genius and Extraordinary Truxte had nothing to do with it. Truxte's magic consists of the elemental power of lightning. Not of ice."

Shining Armor was perplexed. He looked over the ponies facing in the hopes of finding an answer. "So then who could have done it?"

"I can explain that."

Everyone turned their attention to Clover the Clever, who was walking over towards them with Mia and Platinum holding an injured Tipsy behind her.

"But first we need to get this mare treated and put the castle back in order."

It took some time but with the castle restored to its proper order, Staghoof, Marry Glee, Shining Armor, Docile, Pinkamia and a few troops joined Princess Platinum and Clover the Clever inside the throne room. Still frozen in place was Iron Rust, who remained a fixture in the center of the room.

"Now then, allow me answer your first question," said Clover who stood at the princess's side. "The one who casted that ice spell was none other than Princess Platinum herself."

"The princess knows magic?" Shelled blurted out.

Clip quickly answered with a light hoof tap against his head. "Of course she knows magic, she's a unicorn dummy."

Platinum chuckled at their slapstick, to which Clover rolled her eyes. "Yes, well not many ponies know she studied elemental magic in order to protect herself; especially during these troubling times. And as guardian of one of the sacred treasures she honed her skills so she could defend it as well as her subjects when the time ever arose."

Shining listened closely as Clover gave all the explanations, but started to bother him. "I just noticed something… Why doesn't the princess speak?"

Clover glared at him. Everyone else would have done likewise if his question was not also on their minds. Becoming aware that it wasn't only Shine who was curious, Clover prepared to explain but beat to the punch by Platinum herself.

"There's a reason for that." Everyone looked on in shock as she went on speaking. "The reason is that I've been trying my best to get in touch with the lowly commoners that are my subjects. Unfortunately as I've been told time and again by my advisor, I often tend to say thing the lower class may find… Oh what's the word?"

"Rude," Clover bluntly answered."

"Ah yes, that's it. Thank you Clover," Platinum said with a clap of her hooves.

"Don't mention it," Clover grumbled as Platinum continued to explain.

"So my lackey Clover suggested that I try a mute approach. At first I was skeptical whether my subject would be lost without hearing my elegant voice upon their common ears, but soon after my subject began to no longer react with such hostility to my decisions as they did so in the past. I found it pleasing and decided to stay this manner of ruling. Though I am trying to educate myself in the ways of speaking politely to you country folk, Clover says it will take some time till then."

Clover the Clever sighed and looked at the group. "And there. Now you understand. Any more questions?"

"I have one." Staghoof said, stepping towards them. "What's the condition of the emblem."

"Yes, the celestial Emblem." Clover walked away from Staghoof and headed for the remains of the throne. "Fortunately, it wasn't harmed when that unicorn crushed the throne."

Platinum stared at the ruins of her seat and her eyes suddenly widened. "Oh that reminds me. Clover, make an order for a new throne. I can't possibly be expected to sit on the ground now can I?"

Clover groaned. "Yes your highness." She picked up what looked like a third of a circular pendant and walked over to Staghoof. "Here it is. Our piece of the emblem. It is good that you all managed to prevent it from falling into enemy hooves; otherwise the entire kingdom would have fallen into chaos. You must take it to Canterlot where the council can hold onto it for the time being. We cannot risk enduring another attack.

"Can't risk another attack huh?" a mysterious voice echoed throughout the room. "That certainly would be bad. How about handing it to me so I may take it back where it rightfully belongs?" A black aura of magic swiped down from the ceiling, knocking the pendant shard from Clover the Clever and landed on the floor by the frozen Iron Rust. "As for you… You useless pawn. You Couldn't even bring me the one little trinket I asked for. I've no need for you so you may as well parish."

The ice surrounding Iron Rust's body cracked wide open. Shard flying as the icicle burst into pieces, flying everywhere around the room and Iron Rust's body with it. A mist filled the room from the eruption, leaving everyone but Staghoof, who dove towards the pendant, stunned and looking around for the source of the voice.

"Nah ah. I can't let you do that Staghoof." The pendant was swallowed up by black aura and rose away from the diving stallion. It levitated past the remains of the broken ice shard and landed upon the hoof of cloaked blue unicorn emerging from the fading mist. "Not before I get a chance to test something."

Staghoof reached for his ax. "Test what?!

"Sorry but that's something I'm afraid you'll never get to find out."

Staghoof leaped towards him with his weapon drawn. "Because I won't let you!" He was closing the gap between them with just a few inches left when he heard that sound of glass shattering coming from above. The sound was instantly followed by an intense sharp pain shooting from his back and sudden immobility of his body. Fighting back the excruciating pain, he turned his head up.

Looming over him was a dark brown pegasus in an ebony tunic with small steel plates hanging off his shoulders. In his hoof was the lance that was nailing Staghoof in place. He jerked his hoof up, pulling his weapon up from the ground and making Staghoof slid down off it and onto the floor.

"Commander!" Mia, Docile and Shine shouted out, sprinting to Staghoof's aid.

Although just seeing her friend get impaled, Marry Glee never took her eyes off the lance wielding pegasus who prepared to attack the trio headed his way. "You three, stop!" Even with her weighty armor and shield, she rushed in and shoved the three of them back just in time to block a power thrust of the hovering pony above them. "You three get back!"

Shining Armor and Docile did as she instructed and fell back with the others, but Mia hesitated as she stared at their fallen commander. "But what about Staghoof?"

Marry's shield clanged as she blocked another attack. "Right now we have to focus on dealing with the enemy and getting the emblem back!"

Behind the fighting, the cloaked unicorn kept his eye on the pendant in his hoof which began reacting to the commotion around it. "Yes, It works! Sliver Sleek, that's enou—" As he took his eyes of the pendant shard to speak to his companion, he spotted a streak of lightning headed his way. He instantly vanished in a flash of light and appeared a few hoof steps to the right. He teleported again as a chunk of ice and ball of flames barrel at him then looked to Princess Platinum, with Truxte and Clover beside her. "Sorry your highness, but I cannot be interrupted right now; especially now that I've made such a discovery. Before I depart though, I have an important message for you."

Platinum remained silent as Clover the Clever spoke for her. "The princess does not wish to hear anything you have to say." A ball of fire began to form on the tip of her horn as she prepared to cast a spell. "Return the pendant shard or else!"

"Forgive me Clover the Clever, but the artifact is going with me. Though if the princess does as I say, then perhaps I may reconsider. You see it would be in her best interest to return home to Diamond Dust, for I fear that tragedy may soon strike dear King Platinum."

Platinum stepped past her advisor with fiery rage consuming her eyes. "What manner of scheme are you plotting?!"

The unicorn chuckled. "You'll just have to head to Diamond Dust Castle to find out princess. Though you may want to hurry, with all the riots and talk of uprising I'm not sure how long your father will last." Turning away from them, the unicorn looked to the pegasus still locked in a stalemate with Marry. "Sliver, that's enough. We're taking our leave."

Landing one more blow against Marry Glee's thick armor, the pegasus named Sliver Sleek fell back and flew out the winder he'd entered from while the unicorn vanished in a flash of light.

The room went silent. All but the sounds of weeping and sniffling could be heard inside. What once was a victory over a long and arduous battle, now turned into a tragic defeat with the loss of someone dear.

Comments ( 4 )

Staghoof, why!? :raritycry:

(I'm glad Dirty Bit showed me this, this is a wonderful story :moustache:)

2067539 You're welcome :ajsmug:

Also, with the mysterious unicorn and Sliver Sleek, I now think of Lehran and Zelgius.

2067795 :eeyup: Zelgius was pretty cool. I remember in PoR, my brother saw him and knew immediately who he was. :rainbowlaugh:

Then when he's revealed in Radiant Dawn: "Oh, what a surprise."

So who will lead the group now that Staghoof has been killed in action? Marry Glee? Anyway, I really love this story, since I also love the Fire Emblem series. I really hope to see more soon!

Edit: Maybe you should also put in Support Conversations whenever you can to develop the character's personalities and relationships. Just a thought.

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