• Published 17th Dec 2013
  • 1,719 Views, 83 Comments

Tale of Soarin McLighting - Electuroo

Soarin McLighting, an airshow spitfire pilot and ex-RAF test pilot for new planes in the United Kingdom. He dreams of a land of magical talking ponies where the wonderbolts take flight, this is tale when it does in a unexpecting way

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Chapter 10: The Weekend Part One

Tale of Soarin McLighting
Chapter 10: The Weekend Part One


The explosion echoed through Soarin’s cloud house, sending early morning songbirds scattering terrified in all directions. Soarin stood in the kitchen, covered in pancake mix, with a bewildered expression on his face. Applebloom and Scootaloo had managed to dive for cover behind a table, sparing them from the exploding mix, but Sweetie Belle was left to face the brunt of the catastrophe.

She was stood right over the bowl, the whole front of her body dripping in mix, holding the spoon uselessly in front of her face. Blinking a few times, her bright green eyes penetrated through the mess on her face. “Erm... I... So-Soarin I-I-I a-am sorry...”

“Wh-What the hell just happened?” Soarin wiped the mix off his face with his wing. “How did it explode!? It’s just pancake mix!”

Panicking, Sweetie Belle spotted a mop in the corner of the room. “I can clean this up!” She cried, turning to her friends. “Girls, help me please!”

“Right away, Sweetie Belle!” Scootaloo started to jump towards her but slipped on spilled mix, slamming into the cupboard door. She bounced off it and the door swung open sending pans falling out with a mighty CRASH!

Applebloom dodged the collapsing crockery but slipped in her efforts and was sent flying over Scootaloo. “Ahh!” Applebloom, cried as she hit the side of the counter, throwing even more mix across the kitchen. Soarin cringed as it fell on top of Scootaloo. “Sorry Scoots!”

“Sorry!? You did that on purpose!” Scootaloo got up and pulled the bowl off her head before tossing the mixture right back at Applebloom, hitting her in the head.

“Hey, it’s not my fault!” Applebloom called as she returned fire against Scootaloo.

“Girls!” Soarin called, trying to stop them. Sweetie Belle, meanwhile, trying desperately to clean up the mess, slipped under the mop, which flew right into another cupboard sending a selection of ingredients crashing to the ground. “Oh, you’ve got to be bloody kidding me!” Soarin exclaimed as bag of flower headed right for him. “Ah sh...” The bad exploded over his head in a puff of white smoke.

The chaotic sounds of the carnage unfolding in Soarin’s kitchen could be heard all the way in the fields by Big Macintosh who simply shrugged at the noise and carried on ploughing the field.

When the flour finally settled it looked like a bomb had been dropped on the once tidy kitchen. Soarin stood in the middle of it all, right eye twitching as he stared at the three fillies standing in the mess covered in a mixture of flower, jam and sticky pancake batter. “We’re sorry!” They said together.

Soarin sighed deeply, trying to calm his nerves. “Ok, you got this... It was an accident. Don't lose your cool, Soarin. They’re children, remember what kids are like in school... Just pretend you’re with your team and be good with them.”

Soarin closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Slowly, he opened them again. “Girls it was an accident. A crazy one...” He added, looking around. It would take forever to clean. “Why don't you girls go and get cleaned up while I fix this mess, remake the mix and get breakfast ready...”

“Ok Soarin...” They said together, hanging their heads down, not making eye contact with him.

Soarin felt guilty. “Girls, I said it was an accident and that's that... Now go get cleaned up.” He pointed a hoof to the door. “Please.”

“Ok...” They all left, eyes to the floor.

He bashed his hoof against his head, knocking a puff of flower out of his ear. “I wasn't telling them off. I am sure of it...” Soarin muttered, looking around the mess in the kitchen. “Better get started on cleaning this mess up then.” He looked longingly at the picture of Mist on the wall. “I bet Mist would be having more fun than I am about now...”


Mist yawned and was awoken the sound of hoof steps on a stony floor. She pulled her foreleg and felt the chains that held her up, leaving her hind legs free and hanging. She grumbled, swishing her tail around in a display of frustration. “The stallion with my bloody breakfast, is it? Let me guess, water, bread and soup?” She demanded, glaring at the stallion, wearing paint over his face and body, wheeling a trolley into the small, dank, stone cell.

He didn’t respond, he never did. Instead, without a word he picked up the cup and lifted it up to her snout, offering her a drink. She tried to roll her eyes and refuse, but in her dehydrated state she couldn’t help but grap at the cup with her mouth and gulp down the cool liquid. Mist hated every moment of this, she was strung up on a stone wall, forced to be hoof fed by some tribal stallion who worked for that freak of nature Ahuizotl.

After feeding her breakfast, he turned to wheel the trolley away. Mist watched him leave, looking at the others standing guard holding spears in their right forelegs. “So when am I going to bloody meet your stupid, two faced, good for nothing leader then!” She snapped at them, kicking her hind legs angrily against the stone. “Well, are you boys going to answer me or just sit there like stupid lemons!”

As always, she got no reply and hung her head in frustration. “Interesting, it’s been four days and you’ve still got such fire in your heart.” Shocked at the response, Mist’s head snapped up to see a blue creature stride smugly into the room. It wore a wide grin on his face, showing off a row of sharp teeth in it’s mutt-like face. A huge gold band adorned it’s shoulders and it’s long tail ended in a clawed hand, clenched into a fist.

Mist stared at him with a narrow look. “Ahuizotl... You piece of crap, I don't care how long you keep me hanging here, I won't be telling you anything important, and when I get free. I will beat the living shit out of you until you are black and well...” She looked him up and down, “bluer.”

“My, what colourful language you have!” Ahuizotl stepped up to her, rubbing his tail hand under her snout. “Not much you can do being chained up though, your threats are not even mildly threatening.” Mist’s mouth snapped towards his finger, but he moved it out of range just in time. “Now tell me what was in the machine? Why would a pony have taken such an interest in you and the artefact I found in these ruins?”

“Come closer and I will tell you...” He moved a little closer and she spat in his face. “That’s my answer, you bloody prick!”

Ahuizotl jumped back, wiping his face of the spit and glaring at her, before widening his grin into a creepy smile. “If you refuse to speak, then you must be worth a fair bit, more than Zealous is offering anyway. The artefact must be incomplete. I am guessing she has the other part, which means I have to find a way of getting her to bring it here...” He turned and walk away, contemplating his ideas out loud.

Mist rolled her eyes. “Thanks for the information dumbass...” she muttered and looked around for a way to get free, get the artefact and to escape, the three things she had to do. “All I need is an opportunity. Let’s see...” She eyed the stallion guard who had the key to her chains. With a smirk, an idea came to mind and she realised what she had to do. All she had to do was wait until the time came.


Soarin served up the second helping of pancakes to the three girls and they dove into the pancakes with pure happiness on their faces as they took in the sweet, lemony, syrupy taste. Soarin watched them enjoy theirs as he ate his own. He thought back to the mess and the enjoyable meal of pancakes. They both closely reminded him of Mist and how similar this all felt.

Soarin drunk his tea and place the cup down. “Had your fill girls?”

Scootaloo burped with a giggle. “Hehe, sorry.” He nodded to her. “Yeah, they’re awesome! They’re the best pancakes I ever had! I can't believe how tasty they were!”

“Ah think they’re the best ever!” Applebloom announced, finishing off the last of her plateful.

“Yeah! Thanks for this amazing breakfast, Soarin! You’re really awesome, for an otherworld Pony!” Sweetie Belle told him, receiving a worried look from the other two.

Oblivious, Soarin sat back in his chair. “I should thank you children for making things a little exciting. Your visits really make everything more interesting. Even if this weekend gets a bit crazy, it’ll be the best sort of crazy.” The girls giggled in reply and he started to pick up the plates and cups, piling them on top of each other with the cutlery. “Now why don't you girls get ready for our trip to Whitetail Woods while I get this lot cleaned up.”

“Right away Soarin!” Applebloom saluted and they got out of their seats, galloping up to the guest room to get their things into the saddlebag.

Washing up the plates in the kitchen, Soarin looked out the window to Sweet Apple Acres. “I bet Twilight and the girls will be having a blast by now.”


Twilight was using her magic to shield her and the girls from the raging blizzard as Rainbow Dash pulled the makeshift cart to the Crystal Empire. The cart transferred Rainbow Dash’s into an additional force, making it easier for her to drag it through the thick snow. Even so, Rainbow was starting to struggle to keep her wings beating. “Twi... How much... Further?” she wheezed.

Twilight looked out through the shield for some landmark or sign that they were getting close, but it was impossible to see more than a few meters ahead through the storm. “I don't know Rainbow Dash... I really don't know...”

“Well we’d... Better get there... Soon... I can't keep... This up much... Longer.” Rainbow Dash panted between staggered gasps for breath, sweat rolling down her face. Her wings were aching so much from all the overnight flying she had put into pulling the wing powered cart.

Fluttershy turned to Twilight. “I wish I hadn’t hurt my wing when we jumped off the carriage...”

“I know how you feel, I wish I could take turns too, but this blizzard’s been non stop, and I have to keep this barrier up or the freezing elements will prevent us from getting anywhere at all,” Twilight sighed, looking up at her horn as it shimmered with her magical aura that created the barrier around them. “It’s not easy keeping up something like this while moving at these speeds...”

“Darling, it’s neither of your faults, we have to keep positive.” Rarity put her hoof on Twilight. “If we need to, we will stop here and let Rainbow Dash rest.”

Rainbow Dash shook her head defiantly. “Not a chance... I am getting... Us there!” Rainbow Dash put more power into the cart, struggling against her aching muscles.

Applejack was about to pull on the rope to drag Rainbow Dash in but Twilight her a hoof on hers, stopping her. “Twi?” Applejack asked.

“I don't think that would help...” Twilight glanced to Rainbow Dash.

“Sugarcube, she need to rest!” Applejack insisted and yelled out and the struggling mare. “Rainbow Dash, come on the cart, yer’ve done enough, let me and Pinkie pull for a bit!”

Pinkie Pie nodded. “I can do that that! Helping my friends is what I do best!” She squealed enthusiastically.

“I thought that was parties, darling.” Rarity frowned.

“Oh, that too!” Pinkie giggled.

Rainbow Dash looked back at them. “Hehe... Yeah... That’d be great...” Rainbow Dash slowed down and the cart came to a stop. She landed back on the cart, breathing heavily as the girls took off the harness. “Thanks girls...” she managed to say before sloping over, finally getting to relax.

Rarity put one of the harnesses on Applejack and another one on Pinkie Pie. “Ready Pinkie?” Applejack look at her pink friend.

“Indeedy do! Let’s get rolling!” Pinkie Pie replied and Applejack was about to get them on their way when Twilight noticed a light in the distance.

“Girls wait! Look!” Twilight pointed her hoof out to the blizzard.

Coming through the barrier were a snow covered Shining Armor, several guards and, behind them all, A.K.Yearling, wearing a heavy, hooded purple cloak. “Well that was a short walk,” she commented as they reached the girls.

“Indeed.” Shining Armor replied glancing over to her, then he smiled at Twilight. “I am glad to see you and your friends are alright, Twily!” He gave her a hug as A.K. Yearling inspected the rail cart.

“Impressive contraption you’ve got there,” she admired.

Twilight smiled. “We used what was left of the blown up carriage to make this. For some reason Pinkie Pie had some plans for a wing powered cart, so we all worked together to get it built. Still, it did take us all night to get here...” Twilight looked at Rainbow Dash, concerned. “Rainbow pulled us here all night long. She needs some rest.”

“Don't worry Twily, we will get her back to the palace right away and put her into bed.” Shining Armor took a look at the sleeping rainbow maned mare.

“Thanks Shining.” Twilight smiled gratefully. “But how did you know we were in trouble?”

A.K. Yearling responded first. “Your brother and I were waiting at the station when the train pulled in without a carriage and you lot weren’t on board.”

“We got as many guards we could, gathered our gear for a long hike and then we set off to search for you. Before we had got very far though, we spotted a purple shining shield through the snow storm on the outskirts of the empire.” Shining Armor finished. “But that doesn't explain what happened to the carriage.”

In frustration, Applejack stomped her hoof on the cart floor. “It was that Dr. whatiz and his henchponies! He put some sort of explosive called C4 on our carriage and uncoupled it!”

“Dr. Caballeron darling, that’s the name of that dreadful pony!” Rarity corrected Applejack. “Poor Fluttershy hurt her wing when we had to jump out of it before that C4 blew the whole carriage up!”

Shining Armor frowned with a confused look on his face. “Erm Rarity... Dr. Caballeron is a fictional character... He’s not real.”

“Oh my, he is... We saw him ourselves some time ago, deep in the forest with his henchponies.” Fluttershy replied. “It was when Daring Do was trying to stop him from giving the ring to...”

Shining Armor interrupted her. “Please, now isn’t the time for jokes, he is not real! Nor is...” Suddenly, A.K. Yearling threw off her cloak, leaving him stuttering in disbelief as he finished his sentence. “D-D-Daring... Do!” He stood, speechless. His mind couldn't process it. Daring Do, a fictional character, standing right before his very own eyes.

“Right, let’s skip the cloak and disguise! Tell me what happened, Twilight!” Daring Do demanded, deliberately ignoring the startled and shocked reaction of the prince and royal guard.

Twilight sighed. “Not much Daring, only that he told us we wouldn't be getting here soon. For whatever reason, he seemed insistent on purposefully trying to delay us from getting to the Crystal Empire. Although why, I haven't got a clue. And the explosive he used is nothing I have ever seen before! It had wires sticking out of a small box attached to some weird plastic stuff and written on it was 'C4'.”

Daring Do paced back and forwards in front of the group, contemplating mystery that had befallen them. “Caballeron is not usually the sort of pony for sabotage, or having unknown, highly powerful explosives, that is a new one on me. He’s either got some crazy scientist working for him or he’s working for somepony that gave him the equipment.” Daring Do continued, trying to figure it out.

“But that’s not like him at all. He’s an archaeologist, he raids ruins, not trains, and he’s certainly not somepony that plants explosives on carriages and blows them up! It’s just not his style at all!” Daring Do stopped, rubbing her head a little. She turned to Shining Armor. “Prince Shining Armor, we need to get back to the palace. First of all to get Rainbow Dash into a bed, but I also need to use your library to find anything on the ruins north of the Crystal Empire. Finally I need a few guards to help me drag something out of the snow too.”

Shining Armor shook his head out of the dazed look he had. Twilight was nodding furiously for him to approve it. “Alright, I will have some guards go with you to get this 'something' and bring it back to the palace. The rest of us will get Rainbow Dash back to a bed and find out anything on these 'ruins' north of the Crystal Empire.”

“Thank you, your highness.” She was about to bow but he put a hoof out.

“Call me Shining Armor. Any friend of Twilight's is a friend of mine. No need for formalities.” Shining Armor smiled briefly then turned back to the pegasi crystal ponies. “You four go with... Erm... Daring Do and help her get that 'something' back to the palace.”

“Yes sir!” The stallions saluted.

Applejack stepped up to Daring Do. “Sugarcube, ah will help ya too, ah'm pretty strong mahself and willin' to give a helpin' hoof.”

Daring Do nodded. “Very well Applejack, I accept your help.” She turned to the stallions. “Follow me.” With that, Daring Do, Applejack and the four guard ponies left to get this 'something'.

Twilight turned to Shining Armor. “We also need a doctor to look at Fluttershy too.”

“We’ll get it sorted when we get to the palace, Twily.” Shining Armor replied. He and the remaining guards helped pull the cart through the storm and into the calm, warm air of the Crystal Empire. They gently lifted it off the rails and carefully, without waking her, took Rainbow Dash back to the palace.

As they made their way back to the palace, Pinkie started giggling to herself. ‘Pinkie, what is it,” Twilight asked.

“Hmm?” Pinkie Pie looked at Twilight with a big smile. “Oh, nothing Twilight, I was just wondering how Soarin's trip with the Cutie Mark Crusaders to Whitetail Woods was coming along.” Twilight was about to question Pinkie, but decided against it.


Soarin with the CMC stood at the entrance to Whitetail Woods, first thing he noticed was tree sap pouring into buckets. “Interesting method, never seen anyone collect sap like that before.” He stepped up to a bucket looking inside the contents.

“It’s normal here Soarin.” Applebloom assured him. “Come on, there’s a really cool lake we can go to!”

“Lead the way girls,” Soarin replied, and they took him deeper into the woods. “Sound like a great way to enjoy the day, fun at the lake,” he chuckled.

Riding her scooter, Scootaloo grinned at him. “It sure will be! I can even show you some of my awesome tricks!”

“I look forward to it.” Soarin said to Scootaloo as they continued down the path.

“Soarin could you, by any chance, get my sister to make a jacket like yours?” Sweetie Belle asked him.

Soarin looked over his leather jacket and thought about it for a second. “I am not really sure Sweetie Belle, your sister might be able to make something close to this I am sure, but I’m not too sure about her working with leather.”

“Leather?” Applebloom turned her head, looking over to the stallion. “Ah’ve heard of it but never figured out what it’s made from.”

Soarin felt rather nervous all the sudden.

“I know where it’s made from but it’s probably not something you’d want to know, girls... Trust me when I say this, it’s best not to ask.” Sweetie Belle said to them in a slight serious tune of voice.

Scootaloo rolled her eyes. “Oh come on, it’s made from cow skin!” Applebloom gasped when Scootaloo said it. “Don’t worry, it’s harmless, Applebloom, I heard Twilight tell me. They use magic to scrape a small layer of skin and turn it into a fabric. The cows are healed up by pony doctors ready and waiting. It’s a harmless procedure.”

Soarin blinked, abruptly coming to a stop. “Erm... What?”

Applebloom was a bit surprised too. “How the hay did ya know all that?”

Scootaloo shrugged. “I was hanging out with Rainbow Dash in the library once and found the book about what leather was made of, then Twilight explained to me all that stuff I just said. I kinda remembered it because of all the fancy stuff spoken about how the cows get paid bits for just allowing ponies to gather the stuff to make leather and don't forget Sweetie Belle, she know about this too.”

“Yeah Rarity explained it to me the same way, that there’s nothing harmful about what they do to get the leather.” Sweetie Belle said, rubbing her front hoof over her other foreleg.

Applebloom smiled. “Look’s like ah learned somethin' new, and so did Soarin.”

Soarin carried on walking with the girls as they came to the lake side. “Things work differently where I am from, and even though the human and pony versions are all mixed together in some bloody twisted way. My memories tell me that in both worlds it’s either the humans, or ponies that are the only ones that talk. Cows, Deer and so forth aren't intelligent, they’re just animals.”

“Really? They don't talk?” Scootaloo frowned. “What about griffins? Minotaurs?”

Soarin chuckled. “Sure, they exist in the pony version of my memories, dragons too. There is even an entire nation of dragons, ruled over by the mighty Warlord Scale. Griffons have their own nation too. They roam in prides around the great plains south of the desertland, constantly warring with the Zebra herds over water and territory. They are all equal to Ponykind, even if we don’t always agree. My human memories though are… confused. It’s all blurred, but I am sure they existed there too, our worlds aren’t that different.” Soarin explained to them. “It’s a bloody mixing bowl in my head, trying to remember what is there and what isn’t.” He chuckled lightly.

“Yeah, it is kinda confusing.” Scootaloo giggled.

“Can we talk about that stuff later? We’re at the lake and I want to have some fun!” Sweetie Belle said, looking across the glistening water of the lake.

“Sure!” Scootaloo replied.

Applebloom trotted over to the water edge, looking around. “Girls, let the fun begin!”

“Yay!” They cheered and clapped hooves.

Soarin watched as they talked about ideas for getting their cutie marks. He set down a camping chair, unfolding it and placing on the ground. “Go and have fun, I will get the picnic set up.”

“Ok Soarin!” They called out as Soarin stood for a moment and watched them before going back to get the picnic together. He had managed to learn a few more things about the world he had called home for the last month and was content to let to Cutie Mark Crusaders enjoy themselves for now.

They were full of spirit and self determination. Something he enjoyed in their company. He was sure that foal-sitting them for the weekend was just the beginning of the fun that they would have together, oblivious to the events currently unfolding at the frozen north...

Author's Note:

I like to say that I am glad to hear that so many people enjoy reading this story and hope you continue to do so! Also this part I have no idea how many parts it going to be and I will try to keep things interesting and mysterious too!

It been fun creating this story so far and been interesting concept that events keep happening with what it will lead to, the truth is. I have no idea what this story will lead to and what will happen, I am working on it as I go but got some interesting ideas in mind of what going to happen and what may or might happen too.

Till next time ^^ Happy reading!