• Published 18th Dec 2013
  • 767 Views, 8 Comments

A History of Equestria - Lumosity15

When two young alicorn's family is ripped apart, the orphans must find their own way in world they never knew, and fight against all odds to become the most powerful ponies in Equestria.

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A New Discovery

“Cela, I’m tired!” Whined Luna, flopping onto her back and waving her feet in the air. Celestia held back a sigh, rolling her eyes.

“Luna, we’ve been walking for five minutes, I think you’re fine. Now, are you sure Zelia went this way when she left?” Luna nodded her consent, so the two young fillies travelled on. Since Luna was so rarely silent, Celestia usually enjoyed these times when there wasn’t an incessant blue filly yammering in her ear, but now, with worry about her parents, and wariness to her surroundings, she wished Luna would say something silly, like she always did. However, before her wish could be granted, a loud Crack rang through the woods. The two fillies stopped dead in their tracks, Cela cocking her head to listen, Luna hiding between her sisters legs.

“Luna, stop shuddering, I’m trying to listen!” Muttered Celestia in an undertone, trying to triangulate the sound. Luna obliged but continued to hide under her sister, covering her eyes with her hooves. Moments later, another loud Crack rang out. Celestia whipped her head towards the sound, trying to see if there was something in the trees. Cautiously taking a few steps forward, she then stopped to peer around once more.

Suddenly, the world went pitch dark. It was as though the sun had vanished! Luna screamed. Celestia threw Luna onto her back and with a shout of “Hang on!” she took off running, desperately trying to reach some form of light. Then, the ground vanished from under her hooves, and she and Luna tumbled into a pit of blackness.


“Unhhh” moaned Luna feebly, her eyelids fluttering open. She could see a dim light glowing in the distance, much like the silvery brightness of the moon. She looked around for Cela, but black as it was, she couldn’t find her. Like a moth toward a a flame, she dragged herself toward the light. It grew brighter and brighter. To Luna, it was like being enveloped in a star. When she reached the center of the star-like light, it turned out to be the most beautiful tree Luna had ever laid eyes on.

It had sweeping silver willow branches, glittering like frozen dew on a winter morning, flashing rainbows across the canyon, as the tree swayed in a non existent wind. In a hexagon around the branches, shone five bright gemstones; a ruby, a sapphire, a topaz, a rose quartz, and an amethyst. In the center of the tree was a strange six pointed star, no two arms the same length, almost like a compass rose. Luna had no idea what the tree was, but she was sure Celestia would.

“Cela! Cela! CELA!” Luna cried. A faint moan was her only reply. Against her instinct, she raced back into the blackness, that, for some reason didn’t seem as dark as before. Another light had flared up. By instinct Luna followed it. Somehow, she just knew it would lead to her sister. However, it was apparent that all Celestia could see was the dim light from tree Luna had followed before. The sisters barreled into each other, and rolled over one another, before coming to a rest with Celestia squashing poor little Luna. The filly wriggled out from under her sister, and proceeded to badger her, until she would follow Luna back the tree. When they reached it, Celestia almost fainted with shock.

“The Tree of Harmony!” she breathed. Her mouth was agape with awe. “I thought it was just a legend, but its real!”

“You mean this is The TREE OF HARMONY! You said that was just a fairy tale!” cried Luna, both indignant, and amazed, “If the tree is real, does that mean that the elements are real too?” Celestia sighed.

“I don’t know Lulu. But, I think you remember how to find out.”

“You mean touching the trunk like the ponies did in the story?” Luna Said, her excitement growing.

“Thats exactly what I mean! On three then?” Celestia asked. Luna nodded vigorously, positioning her left hooves over the trunk.

“Ready? 1, 2, 3!” Celestia cried, then pushed her hoof onto the shining bark. The second their hooves made contact, a great rumbling arose from the very roots of the tree. The star in the center began to split into two halves, opening like a door to reveal a magenta gem, in the same shape as the doors that enclosed it.

A rainbow hue shot up the tree, causing the other gems to glow. Then all at once, the gems each shot a brightly colored beam of light into the six pointed star in the center, as though a conductor. The Magenta gem combined the beams into one ray of light, shooting out between the fillies, and forming two alicorn silhouettes. The light abruptly died away, and the magenta gem was once again hidden away behind the doors, and the rainbow hue faded away, leaving two fully grown alicorns standing there, behind the fillies, one with a coat as dark as night, and a mane shimmering with stars, the other, a sun yellow coat, and a mane of flames.

The sisters turned around to face the alicorns, expecting to the faces of some ancient ancestors, to grant them wisdom, or something like that. Instead they were looking into the faces of the two ponies they wanted to see most.

“Mom, Dad” screamed Luna, throwing herself at them. Sol, enfolded her in his hooves and held her tight. Celestia got over her shock,and trotted over to her mother. Soon they were all crying, and hugging together, just like they used to. When they finally broke apart, Stella and Sol, were beginning to flicker strangely.

“Celestia, Luna, you must listen to us, for we do not have much time.” said Sol in his deep steady voice. “We may be here now, but we are simply visiting, and will not be able to return again. You are the rightful rulers of Equestria now. You must go claim your place at the throne.”

“We fear, that with tribal boundaries flaring up again, it will be no better than it was before the alicorns came to power,” Continued Stella,” It is imperative that you find your way back to Equestria, and take your place, as the last of the alicorns.”

“You mean they’re all gone?” said Luna, a sob embedded in her voice

“Yes, my darling, but never fear. Though we may not be able to speak with you again, we will always be with you, to help and guide you in times of fear. We love you my darlings, we always have. Now go, before the Unicorns of Equestria fail in their duty!”

“We love you Mom and Dad” The Fillies cried. Then with one last smile at their daughters, the king and queen of Equestria vanished, leaving the princesses to take the throne.

“NO!” Luna cried. She raced back to the tree, and pressed her hoof back where it had been. “Come on Cela, it has to be both of us!”

Though Celestia knew it was futile, she pressed her hoof back where it had been before, if only to humor her sister. However she was astonished to see the rainbow glow flare back up, this time coming to rest around the fillies hooves. To their amazement, where Celestia’s hoof was, a sun was being carved into the bark, and the space Luna’s tiny hoof occupied, now sported a beautiful crescent moon. Then, as quickly as it had come, that rainbow glow faded away once again.

“It must be a sign Lulu.” Said Celestia. “A sun and a moon, it must mean that we are to control out elements, like Mom and Dad said.”

“I guess.” Sighed Luna. Than, brightening up she added, ”Though the situation with The unicorns sounded serious. Lets go save Equestria!”

“OK Luna, Lets go save Equestria!”

Author's Note:

Yay New Chapter! Sorry it took so long, the holidays were CRAZY.
