• Published 19th Dec 2013
  • 1,284 Views, 5 Comments

Silver Bane - FLUTTERxxDASH

A young mare, Twilight Sparkle finds herself in the services of royalty after losing her master, what will lie ahead of the talented mage and what will the future hold for her being taught by Queen Moon herself.

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Chapter One, Joining the Fleet

The Outskirts Of Canterlot


Twilight slowly made her way to the capitol, her steps were beginning to get lazy as her hooves threaded the dirt, short ragged breathes escaped her as the build of magic was becoming too much to handle, "Haah, nearly......... there," Canterlot could now be seen, the vast town and then she could see the Castle next to the mountain, once she saw this her mind began to relax more, it was a mistake.

Canterlot Castle, Thrown room of Queen Moon


A crowd of ponies stood in front of their Queens throne, one or two did not adorn the noble's obscenely over the top attire, one pony in particular had a very pompous outfit on as he was reciting his declaration to his Queen, "If I may your highness, in all due respect I find it appalling that you would fund that dirty little run down orphanage and not fund our diamond reserve, please reconsider your action, it would be in favor of your majesties funds as well as ours," bowing but never releasing the scowl he had Petty Pocket bowed.

"For the fifth and Last time, the orphanage needs the money more than you and your brood, you have money coming out of the wazoo"

"Your highness, what a wazoo?"

"Never mind that, the answer now and will always be no, anyway it is too late for me to take back the money, we are already implementing the furnishings we have supplied, if you bring this up again in my court I will see to it that your title and house is nothing but dirt under our hooves if you carry on this farce, begone now, court adjourned," The Queen rose from her throne and moved to the right where a mare with a board and quill waited, "So then Serra, how long do I have to myself before I have to get back to the drizzle of society to talk about the subject of money again with Petty piss Pocket over there," Earning a giggle from the unicorn.

"I think we can make something up and see to it that the rest of tonight and get some rest," The unicorn had a white coat, her mane closely resembled that of Dj pon3 from club Spinner albeit more refined and neat, it was two toned red and black, funnily enough she had a cutie mark of a Quill and game pad, she liked to play games too much.

"That would be brilliant, maybe you could come around and play some Hoof of the high moon, its new"

"I would be delighted your majesty"

"Oy, when were alone I said to call me Luna or should I start calling you Lady Quill"

"Touche Luna, anyway apart from that escapade earlier with the pompous ponies your free to do as you will, might I suggest a walk in the garden and then sitting down to some tea by the willows"

"As always Darling," Luna let the word Darling roll of her tongue in a sarcastic way, "Come along then, lets go"

The Mare stopped for a second, "Sorry Luna, the six pillars are about to have a meeting, after it is over I shall be right there," The mare bowed before trotting away down the hall.

"Serra Quill, always the busy one that mare, never mind"

In the gardens


It was around an hour before Serra Quill found the Queen lead by the willow trees, "My Queen, you there I am here now run along," she looked at a stallion who was waiting upon the Queen, "So that was another rather boring meeting, they really do worry over the slightest detail do those pillars"

"So, any worries I myself have to oversee," Luna waited as Serra sat down on the white silk laid out on the grass.

Pulling out her files she lay them down, "Finally I can breathe, this ways a ton, anywho not really but Mammon was discussing with Leviathan how to initialize a better guard for the border between the land and sea, ofcourse as always everypony just thought it was Mammons over imagination of an impending doom so he needs to have a stronger force on the land, Leviathan just nodded in agreement to most of Mammons notions and denied few, apart from that the rest of the Pillars just reported how each sector was doing, weapons crafting from Asmodeus' group are plentiful and the enchantments are ahead of schedule so on that front everything is doing great, now about that Tea," She put her board down and levitated a cup and the teapot in front of her and poured a cup.

"That boy never learns, I gave him the title Mammon because he was the best tactician for the ground forces but instead I get a worrywart, and I suppose Lucifer didn't step in then"

"Not really she was rather aloof of the situation, I think at one point she fell asleep, funny really"

"Well I cant blame her, having the rank of Lucifer is a large task and without a Nemisis in our army she takes the weight of all the decisions herself, I guess we will have to start looking for a suitable candidate for the title of Nemesis, as of now I cant really see any of my ponies having that rank," sighing Luna placed her cup back down, "It has been nearly Thirty years since my last Nemesis left his rank and started to wander the wide world of Equine, I do hope he is okay where ever he is, well that is if he is still alive, he must be quite old now"

A sudden breeze maid both the Queen and the Seneschal cover their faces, "Maybe it is time we head back Luna, don't you think," Serra asked, now releasing her position, a few hours had passed and it was rapidly becoming dark.

"I think you're right, let us go then......." *BOOOM!!!* Luna span her head and faced down to the whitetail woods that was on the border of Canterlot, "What was that?" another explosion sounded off as pure white light spread from within the woods, the Alicorn took no time to wait for any of her guards and with a flap of her strong wing muscles she took off in the direction of the explosion.

Five Minutes Earlier where Twilight was


Twilights pace had slowed down tremendously, she swayed from side to side as her snail paced walk carried on, "I don't think I'm going to get there in time, It hurts so much now," Twilight could feel the swell of magic, her horn was now aglow in dark purple mist as it leaked out slowly, "I cant do this much more"

Twilights vision blurred as the outlines of the far off castle appeared and dissipated from existence, she was now moving and keeping control by sheer will, "I cant lose control here, this feels so much worse than the previous Swells, I cant let this one out," just minutes before Twilight lost control and let out a small bubble of magic as it exploded a tree trunk into millions of pieces, try as she may though Twilight was rapidly losing strength as she began to release her hold on her magic, she collapsed to her knees momentarily then began to float as a purple orb of magic rapped around her lifting her off the ground.

Seconds later the bubble rapidly expanded and popped sending a shock wave of magical energy that ripped apart everything within a twenty meter radius, it didn't end there, the swell began again as a larger purple bubble surrounded her, she opened her eyes but now they were shining pure white, "Stop, don't, NOO!!", the second shock wave released from her body, this time the destruction reached thirty five meters, again the swell began to grow. Twilight began to struggle to get her magic back in her control.

Twilight heard a thump in the distance, her eyes turned on what it was, a navy blue mare with both wings and horn had landed in front of her, she had never seen anypony look like this, only certain royalty were believed to be like this, "No, stay back, you must run away, get help and stop me, I cant control my energy," even with the warning the blue mare came closer, now with a better look Twilight could see that she was tall, really tall, she walked straight up to her a meter away, Twilight felt that the swell was about to release, "RUN!!"

Luna lent forward and placed her horn upon Twilights, Twilight felt the swell release but there was no shock wave, "What is your name child," dumbfounded Twilight stayed in a paralyzed position, "yoohooo, is there anyone in here," Luna tapped her hoof upon Twilights head, this jolted the mare out of her shock.

"Oh yes, My name is Twilight, just Twilight Miss"

Luna looked Twilight up and down to see the extent of her injuries, "It seems that your magic pool is unstable because you need some training to widen it, do you not train under someone, if not then I can see your life ending rather soon at the rate your pool is growing," she saw the mare wince, "still first things first, you need to fix your wounds and need some new clothes as the ones you have now are rather beaten up for ware, come with me to my castle and I will have my doctors see to you"

"Your castle?"

"You must not be from around here, it would explain why it is so pleasant to be in your company, most ponies just grovel at my hooves or go," Luna started shaking her arms in front of her and made a squeeky voice, "your highness, your highness, and all that crap, well lets hope now you know that I am queen you don't change your attitude to me"

Suddenly Twilight was bowing before her, "I am so sorry your highness"

"See that, thats what I just said, get up," Luna let out an annoyed sigh, "First off, the name is Luna, I keep asking everypony around me to stop with the 'Highness' or 'My Queen', the name is Luna, GOT THAT!"

Twilight was suprised by how.......how............ how common the Queen acted, almost like she just met another pony in a tavern and they started talking normally apart from the drunken slurring that followed usually she seemed more common than royal, "Okay.... erm.. Luna"

"Good, now keep up," Luna turned as a guard came flying over, landing and saluting, then more landed and began cleaning the area seeing as there was no immediate threat to handle but they still had adorned the full armor and weapons for battle just in case, "First Mammon being a worrywart now Asmodeus copies him," she let out another sigh.

"My Queen, Rank Nightfall, Nimbus Smasher at your service," the stallion was in full black obsidian armour and had a weapon that glowed with a blue enchantment.

"Just a lackey then, has the Berrith mobilized to find out what happened"

"Yes my Queen, we have already been assigned our duties based off all the information we have collected, the Berrith have said that Twilight is of no harm to the Queen for now but that myself and Two other fourth rank officers must keep watch over her"

"Fine, you come along too...... wait even better, you and the other two, collect a chariot, its faster t fly than walk and I'm sure that this mare cant move muc......." Luna stopped mid speak as she saw Twilight asleep on the floor, "Well I guess we are really in need of a chariot now"

The guard left and picked up the pair after getting the chariot, once inside the castle doctors moved the now sleeping Twilight to the infirmary and bandaged the cuts and grazes her magic caused, ready to sleep herself she left the interesting mare to sleep and went back to her own quarters.

Author's Note:

Serra here, this chapter was the start to the training ark, I have a few Ideas about how to play this out but firt I need a few chapters to explain minor details or when I get all kung fooey with my words of kick ass you wont understand a thing, Thanks for reading.