• Published 19th Dec 2013
  • 655 Views, 8 Comments

Twilight and the Magic Peach - Light Angle

A peach appears before a princess.

  • ...

Just a Peach

Disclaimer: My Little Pony belongs to Hasbro

Twilight was reading a book in her bed. She wished she could say she was doing so comfortably, but this was not this case. Her still relatively new wings were popping open at odd angles. Just when she thought she was setting there was a flashing green light above her and something fell into her lap.

“What in Equestria was that?” she questioned, irritated by the disruption.

She looked down and saw that the object was a peach. Twilight tapped the fruit with a hoof. Nothing happened. She looked over at Spike’s basket. The dragon was quietly sleeping. Twilight looked back at the peach.

“I know I didn’t summon anything, and it doesn’t seem like Spike did it either.” Twilight thought aloud. “Where did it come from?”

She decided on double-checking on whether it was Spike or not. She went over to his bed and nudged him with a hoof.

“Spike.” The dragon continued sleeping. “SPIKE!” Twilight said loader, this time while levitating his blanket to floor.

“Uhh.” Spike groaned sleepily. “What is it this time?”

“A peach.” Twilight exclaimed frantically, her wings jumping out on their own again.

“A peach.” Spike deadpanned. He took a clock out from under his pillow and looked at it wearily. “You woke me up at 3 am to tell me about a peach.”

Twilight was now of course sure that Spike wasn’t involved. That however, only made it stranger.

“It just appeared out of nowhere.” Twilight explained.

“Are you sure?” Spike questioned. “Maybe you summoned it in you’re sleep or something?”

“No I didn’t, maybe you did.” Twilight was only slightly aware of how juvenile this conversation was becoming. “Besides, I was still awake.”

“Hey! You know for a fact that if a message comes in while I’m asleep it wakes me up.” Spike replied. “Wait, but you mean you were still awake.”

“I was trying to finish the newest Hidden Love novel.” Twilight said blushing.

“You mean one of those weird changeling love stories?” Spike asked. “That doesn’t see to be..”

“I know they’re a little lowbrow, but they help me relax a day of serious studies.” Twilight quickly explained.

“I was actually just going say it’s weird that you’d enjoy that series. I mean it’s about a changeling who’s obsessed with a pegasus. Given what happened to Shinning, it’s an odd choice. You know since once Dawning Beauty realizes Hidden Agenda is a changeling she still accepts him. Opps.” Spike put his hands over his mouth.

“You didn’t spoil anything Spike any who’d read the first two books knows…” realization dawned on Twilight. She laughed, and then put Spikes blanket back on him. The dragon fell back to sleep almost instantly.

After making sure Spike was settled Twilight turned her attention back to the peach. She poked at it again. It was definitely real. She debated casting a spell on it. She tried to think I she knew any that could reveal where it had come from. Nothing came to mind. Twilight went downstairs into the library. She looked through every book she could think of. Books on food, book on teleportation, even a book titled ‘Magical Peaches and You’. None of them had any information. Even the one on magical peaches was only about peach trees that didn’t need to be watered as often.

Twilight returned to her room. She stared hard at the peach, still just siting on her bed. She looked outside; the sun was beginning to rise. She’d been looking for information for hours by now.

“Maybe Spike was right.” Twilight muttered. “Maybe I did just summon it without thinking. My magic has been getting stronger. I know for a fact there is a bowl of peaches in the kitchen.” With that thought Twilight took the peach and popped it into her mouth.

Twilight blinked almost expecting something to happen.

“I guess Spike was right.” Twilight chuckled. “Nothing..”

All of a sudden Twilight was hit was an overwhelmingly odd sensation. Her body was wracked in pain. She struggled to keep an eye open. She noticed that green flames surrounded her body. It seemed almost to be the exact opposite as when she gained her wings. That had made her feel lighter, safe. This fire was burning her inside and out. Eventually Twilight reached her breaking point and passed out.

Twilight awoke after what seemed like forever. She looked up to see Spike looking at her, a worried look on his face. “Twi are, are you okay?”

“I think so, I mean now I am.” Twilight said shakily.

“That’s a relief.” Spike stated. Then he noticed that maybe everything wasn’t all right. “Hey Twilight. I don’t know how to day this…but your wings are gone.”

“WHAT!” Twilight exclaimed. A quick look to her sides confirmed that Spike was indeed correct. Her wings were gone. “I knew I shouldn’t have eaten that peach!”

“Wait…you ate it?” Spike questioned. “Why would you eat a mysterious peach?”

Twilight glared at him. “You were the one who suggested that I summoned it.”

“Yah, but who knows where you summoned it from.” Spike said defensively.

“Why would I summon it from anywhere other than my kitchen?” Twilight questioned.

“Oh, right.” Spike conceded.

“Although if it was subconscious…” Spike rolled his eyes. She was going to be like this for a while. He figured it was best to get a jump on things. He scribbled a quick note and sent it to Celestia.

Twilight snapped out of her thoughts some time later. She turned to Spike. “We need to send Celestia a letter..” she trailed off after a look at Spike’s face. “Which you already did. That’s why you’re my number one assistant.”

Spike went over to Twilight and gave her a hug. All of a sudden green flames surrounded Twilight again. This time she noticed the changes right away. It was impossible not to notice. Her wings where back, but they weren’t hers, they were far too thin. Her horn was different too it was black and curved. She didn’t need to look any further to realize that she now, somehow, a changeling. Despite that she did continue looking only to notice some odd details. She still had her cutie mark. The stuff, whatever it was, that was coming out of her head still looked like her main did. She also seemed to lack to holes that riddled the bodies of most changelings.

“There’s something about this that seems familiar.” Twilight thought.
After a second it came to her, Hidden Agenda. The fictional changeling had a cutie mark. He also lacked holes. It only took another second for her to completely catch on. She focused all her energy, and woke up.

Twilight opened her eyes, and let out a sigh of relief at still being an alicorn. She went up to her window and opened it.

“DISCORD!” she yelled, using the Canterlot royal voice for the first time in her reign.

The chaos spirit popped up in front of her. He had a copy of the first Hidden Love novel in one hand and a peach in the other.

“Can I offer you some breakfast princess?” He asked holding out the peach. Twilight levitated it into is face and slammed the windows. Discord wiped the fruit of his face and poofed off muttering about Twilight being no fun.

Twilight rolled her eyes and headed toward the stairs as she passed by Spike she noticed that her copy of the newest Hidden Love book was hanging out of his bed.

Twilight blinked, shook her head and continued down the stairs.

Comments ( 8 )

There needs to be a peach emoticon. :twilightsmile:

why are all of these new stories about peaches?!!:flutterrage:

3650824 I know right?And most bother Twilight

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