• Published 29th Dec 2013
  • 669 Views, 16 Comments

Lexi - PAINtheBrony

The Second Invasion of Canterlot is about to begin. It will be an event which will alter the life of one changeling in particular in ways he never imagined.

  • ...

The Hive Days (part 2)

"Alexandria! Flower Sandwich!" She bolted out of the bedroom and hopped up onto a chair at the table. She had just gotten good at running recently and now she was doing it everywhere she went. But of course it was still up to me to lift her up onto the table to sit in her favorite spot. I reached out a hoof and wrapped it around her torso, hoisting her up into the air and onto the table.

"Fow Sandich!" She squealed.

"No Alexandria Flower Sandwich. Can you say Flower?"


"Close, now try it again, repeat after me, F-L-O-W-E-R."


"Close enough." I said with a smirk as I slid the plate in front of her. Then I picked up my croissant and set it in front of my seat. I sat down while she chewed happily on her flower sandwich And began my small breakfast treat. No knock on the door this morning. Of that I was certain. Everything had actually been quite quiet on the 'front' for a long while now. After the first day I had brought her in with me to work a few more times. Maybe two or three but not too many and not at all this past month. I could tell that she missed going in to work with me though, she must not have liked being stuck in this place for hours while I was gone. I always left food out for her but I didn't like having to feed her like some kind of wild animal. At the same time if I brought her with me to work EVERY day than the other Senators would probably complain and I don't know what I would tell Azandria. At least I could rest assured that me and her were still on good terms. I had done an excellent job so far with the finances and economic recovery seemed to be right around the corner. It had only been four months since the attack but so far we had been able to cut our losses quite well.

"Wook?" I looked up at her, coming out of my otherworldly daze.



"Oh! You want to go to work with me?" She smiled which I took to mean yes. "I'm sorry honey but I can't today, you see I'm very busy and me and Senator Philius have to divide up the loot that a team of drones brought in just a few days ago from one of the Griffin kingdoms. He says that it should be put into the infrastructure of the Hive but I say that it needs to be used to pay off some of the drones that still have only gotten a few paychecks since the Second Invasion of Canterlot. Not that you would really understand what any of that really means though."


"Yes Alexandria Canterlot. That's where you're from. That's where I found you; Canterlot. Did you know that?"

"Catot!" She squealed happily as she bent down and continued to gorge herself on flowers.

A few minutes later I was done eating and went through the normal morning routine. I had already changed her diapers just before breakfast and now I just had to slice up some vegetables and put them on a plate on the chair so she would have something to eat when she got hungry. That would tide her over until lunch when I would come home and cook her some meat with milk or bring her strawberries and blueberries (or sometimes feed her applesauce if I had a bad day). I still wasn't sure how she had come to enjoy meat so much but I didn't give it much thought anymore. She was chasing her tail in the other room while I sliced a carrot. After I was finished making her brunch I sat it on the table and walked into the other room with her.

"Watcha doin?" I asked.

"Taw." She said while continuing to run in circles.

I giggled. Then I asked, "What's taw?"

"Taw!" she insisted while furiously spinning around and around. I reached out and picked her up with my magic, to which she looked most dismayed. Then I sat down and drooped her down into my two front hooves, cradling her against my chest.

"I'm gonna go to work now Ok honey? I'll be back soon and you just be a good little filly until I get back home Ok?" She looked up at me with her sweet little blue eyes, but she didn't say a thing. I knew she understood, she was a quick learner. Even when I said nothing, she always had a way to understand what I meant. I gently lowered her to the floor and headed for the door. I opened it and, with my mind already off in another world, somehow forgot to lock it. Then I headed off to the office.

I got to work about two minutes early and stopped by the office to do some paperwork before my meeting. I had to write a note to Azandria and have it delivered sometime today so I might as well write it out right now. It was about the tax policy regarding drones currently living in Equestria and how much of their paychecks they should be mandated to give to the Hive. Seeing as they already gave the majority of the emotions that they collected to the Hive asking for too much of their paychecks might not make them very happy with the new administration. Not to mention that they already had to pay Equestrian taxes on top of what they made. Of course with our current economic state it was more than difficult to convince the Queen of this, but if I didn't than we risked alienating the working class changelings from their Hive. I had always tended to favor the lower classes over our own and usually so did Azandria but recently after taking up the title of Queen she had become a lot more like Chrysalis. Not in personality so much as policies. She was still very approachable but not so much agreeable. After I had made my case against the new tax policy I signed the letter and slid it into a drawer. Then I got up out of my desk, glanced at the clock, and made my way down the hall to my meeting with Senator Philius.

When I arrived in the room I saw him sitting at the meeting table along with a drone with some parchment and a quill, presumably there to write down everything that was said as it was said. Also sitting at the table were a few other Senators who would be helping to make the decision that would take place at the end of the meeting.

"Ah, Senator Arex, please have a seat good sir."

"It's good to see you Senator Philius."

"Likewise my brother, likewise." He smiled. His smile was a bit fake, and you could tell. He had always been a very outspoken member of the Horn party. Him and I really had no common ground and it was abundantly clear that we were anything but brothers. Still I put on a smile of my own and sat down next to him.

"So Senator we are here to discuss the appropriation of the money retrieved," (I used that word lightly), "from the Southern Griffin Kingdom."

"Indeed, or to be more specific we are here to discuss how and where the money will be put to use repairing the Hive's crumbling infrastructure."

"Senator by 'crumbling infrastructure' do you mean to say that you want to build a new park?" He did not seem phased by my blunt analysis of his spending plan.

"I am of the school of thought that the best way to to invest the money in question is to invest it in such a way as to give back to the community as a whole in the most efficient way possible. This being the case I believe that we should create something that all changelings living in the Hive can enjoy to the utmost. Your plan however is to pick and choose which changelings shall benefit from our new funding and which ones will get the shaft, is that not true Senator?"

"MY plan is to finally pay the drones that we sent out to fight and die for us instead of using the money for downright stupid and irresponsible frivolities such as building a park where none is needed. Just where DO you plan on building the park Senator?"

"WHERE I plan to build it is not what is important here."

"But if you want it built for the good of the community than does it not matter how accessible the recreational area is?"

"All that is important is that it gets built." He said confidently.

"Well Senator, I have seen the maps and the designs and it looks as though you want to have this waste constructed in your own neighborhood is that right?" This drew a few murmurs from the other Senators seated at the table. Still I pressed onward. "Well I for one will not stand idly by and watch such a disgusting negligence take place. We owe it to the soldiers who marched and fought for us to pay them what they have been promised. And if you can think of a better way to spend this money than to give it to those who deserve it than by all means tell me what that is." He seemed as though he couldn't fin his words for a moment, very different from the two-tongued changeling that had been sitting in front of me just a moment ago.

"Well, it is true that what you are talking about is a noble cause but a Senator as young as you could only be expected to think that way," What's that supposed to mean? "but meanwhile in the adult world we have a very real opportunity to do something good for the community as a whole, and I know that if you knew any better Senator than you would be just as eager for this opportunity as I am." He said with a smirk. He clearly seemed to think that he knew what was best, but the other Senators at the table clearly didn't agree. It appeared as though I had started to sway them, even members of his own party seemed to be shifting in their seats uncomfortably as though anticipating having to vote against one of their own members. But clearly Senator Philius had no intention of going down without a fight, and he had an ace in the hole that I definitely hadn't expected.

"So Senator Arex, lets stop being at each others throats for a moment and just cool down with a bit of pleasant conversation, how are things going with you hmm? Is everything alright with.... Alexandria?"

"Don't try to change the subject Philius we are here to discuss appropriation not family members." Suddenly his face lit up in a gleeful and sadistic grin.

"Family members! I hadn't realized you had adopted her? Well that's just lovely, I've had this porkchop sitting in the back of my fridge for a few months now that I've been growing very fond of, do you think that I should consider adoption?" That got a few laughs from the Senators seated around the table. I could feel the temperature of the room steadily rising, or maybe that was just me.

"Senator Philius I demand that you cease your ad hominem and return to the discussion at hoof!" That got some of the Senators to stop their laughing and start paying attention again. It's good to know that I can still work a room.

"I apologize Senator I didn't mean to offend you. I was just having a little bit of fun, after all, I know that no changeling could ever really adopt a pony. They are simply too stupid and disgusting of creatures. They really are the most vile scum aren't they? Especially alicorns, they are the worst of them all, are they not?" At first, a scorching rage started to build up inside me, burning my chitin and singeing away any hint of rationale or logic. I started to lose control and began having wild thoughts of jumping across the table and thrashing the changeling who had just said those things to me, but then I saw something that would most likely change my life forever. I saw something out of the corner of my eye that made my searing rage disappear and was replaced with a frozen paralysis. I deep, terrifying sense of horror and dread that overcame me like a tidal wave. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw through a window in the meeting room... a little pink dot, working its way across the sidewalk outside the Senate building.

I stopped.

I stared.

"Senator Arex," one of the other Senators at the table said," are you alright?"

"I have to go." And with that I jumped up from my seat and was out of the room. I quickly galloped down the hall, hoping that she was still their when I got outside. After rounding the first corner and getting away from the meeting room I burst into a sprint. HOW DID SHE GET OUT! HOW DID SHE GET OUT! If I don't hurry she could be kidnapped.... or she could even be injured or killed!

I reached the front door of the building and burst out of it quickly running down the stairs. When I reached the bottom, I looked around, but she was no where to be seen. I frantically started running down he sidewalk to the place where I had seen her walking, but she wasn't there anymore, it was like she had just disappeared. Then I looked over to my right and realized that there was a small crowd gathering just a few hundred feet away by another building. I thought that I might know why, so I quickly galloped over.

When I got to the crowd I heard all the changelings murmuring something about 'how did this thing get here' and 'what is it, is that an alicorn?'. I finally started to feel some relief. I slowed my pace and proceeded forward. These were not Senators, nor generals, nor really any high ranking members of the Hive. They were all just a bunch of drones, so I could also rest easy knowing that I wouldn't be getting into any trouble for this.

Suddenly some of them started to back away, looks of worry and shock on their faces. I couldn't yet see Alexandria but I couldn't figure out what would make them all start dispersing like this. Then several of them turned tail and ran. Others quickly followed suit. Their were probably about 12 of them there at first and maybe 5 or 6 started running away. That was when I saw what they were running from. Alexandria was cowering, pressed up against a wall by the crowd and looked as though she might have been crying. But I could hardly see what her eyes looked like because they were glowing. And her horn was glowing too. Suddenly she started rising up into the air. I froze in shock, I had never seen her do that before and I certainly wasn't expecting to see it now. As the glowing got brighter the rest of the drones started to turn to run, but it looked like it might have already been too late. Some kind of magical field began to engulf her as the light radiating off of her horn shot straight up into the air. Then it pulsed and shot out a huge magical burst of energy in every direction. The changelings that had been to late got hit with it and it sent them flying away, the rest that had seen what happened took to the air and started flying away screaming. The energy field continued to rapidly expand flinging the drones into the air, then it reached where I had been standing and it took me with it.

It had just dissipated as it it hit me but still flung me back about 20 feet where I landed on my back and skidded along the sidewalk. At first I was too dazed to process what had happened but then I regained control of my limbs and got to my feet. I looked over to see her still suspended in the air with a whirlwind of magical energy surrounding her. Their were no changelings in the area anymore as all of them had fled except two who were laying, apparently unconscious, on the ground a little ways away. Now that I was on my feet I dashed forward to the young alicorn.

"Alexandria! Alexandria!" I was yelling at her as I ran but she didn't seem to notice me.

"LEXI!" I yelled after I got a little closer. Then I saw her brightly lit eyes turn and lock onto me. For a second I was scared, I finally knew what it was about alicorns that scared the Generals. I finally saw for the first time just how intimidating they could really be, and it was the only time that I could honestly say Alexandria had ever scared me. But, being who she was, that didn't last long. I knew that she could never hurt me intentionally, so I yelled up to her again.

"Alexandria! It's OK honey! I'm here now, please come down!" The magical whirlwind almost immediately vanished and her horn quickly dropped to a dim glow, but her eyes remained brightly lit. Then she just dropped. It was lucky that I was standing right under her as she was about 15 feet in the air by now. I reached out my hooves and caught her as she fell straight down to me. As soon as she was safe in my grasp her eyes returned to their normal pretty shade of blue.

"I thought I told you to be a good little filly until I got back young lady!" I said while grinning down at the toddler in my arms. "And here you go getting into trouble. Well, well, well... It looks like the trouble maker just got caught huh?" She responded by wrapping her hooves around my neck and refusing to let go.

It was then that I became aware of just how much my wings hurt. I craned my neck back to take a look at them, they looked a bit more torn up then usual and were probably in need of some healing. But that would have to wait, my first obligation now was to take Alexandria back home. Luckily it was a short walk and I would be back at work in no time. The downside being that I would then have to explain what all of this was about. I was not looking forward to that. One thing at a time Arex. You've already saved Alexandria so just try to be thankful for that.

The whole walk back home Alexandria refused to take her arms off of my neck. She latched onto me like a vice and just wouldn't let go so I had to carry her the whole way there. I'm not complaining though.

* * *

I had been thinking a lot about school. Not for me but for Alexandria. At first I had thought that the expensive preschool that had been set up near the Palace for the Hive's more affluent residents was a ridiculous waste of our money, but the more I saw it from a parent's point of view the more sense it made to me. Not that I was a parent, I had still taken Kytlus' advice and not become too attached to Alexandria, but still who was I to not allow her to blossom to her full potential. And that was only going to happen if she attended a school, and a good first step in that direction would be to go to the Hive's Royal Preschool. But that was second on the list of things that I thought about sitting here at my desk.

The other thing that I had been concerned with was trying to figure out when Alexandria's birthday was. I was certain that whatever the date was she had probably already missed it and I really wanted to throw her some kind of birthday party. She deserved to have some kind of celebration and meet new friends, she had clearly been getting a little bit lonely.

Then I felt her brush against my leg down below the desk. I had made it a habit to start bringing her to work with me everyday. Ever since the little incident a few months ago I had decided it was best not to leave her on her own. As a result I brought her into work with me everyday now, though she usually didn't get to leave my office because it made the other Senators in the building uncomfortable. I suppose that I couldn't truly blame them, after all, she clearly could be dangerous if put into the right situation, but I didn't think it was anything to worry about. She already had met most of the senators many times and I tried to persuade them to let her leave my office with me to run errands, but so far they had only agreed that she could come out of my office once every other week. This was disappointing for me, but she always did enjoy herself on those days. Again... she didn't have enough friends.

Then their was a knock on the door.

"Come on in." I said. Senator Kytlus opened the door and proceeded towards my desk. Alexandria saw him come in and bounced over to him with a smile on her face.

"Kitus!" He smiled down at her.

"Hello Arex! How has your morning been going?"

"Oh... quite well.... I was just a bit lost in thought."

"Well I'm glad it's going well my friend. Listen, the others wanted me to inform you that tomorrow at noon in Meeting Room C will be the Wing Party's monthly conference, don't forget to show up on time right Arex?"

"Who do you think might want to come to the party?" He just stared at me in obvious confusion.

"No, no, no, Arex I think you might have misheard me. I said that the monthly conference is tomorrow. Their is no party."

"Don't worry Kytlus I heard you. I just was thinking about throwing a birthday party for Alexandria in a few days. I wanted to celebrate her birthday but I don't know when that is so I just figured that now is as good a time as any." A look of annoyance appeared on his face.

"Arex, please tell me that your kidding about this. Your kidding right?"

"Of course I'm not kidding. Everybody else gets to have a birthday why not her?"

"Where would you even have her birthday party?"

"Well at my house of course.... wait a minute.... THAT"S A GREAT IDEA! I should definitely take her out somewhere new for her birthday party! Somewhere she has never been before! Alexandria always loves new places don't you Alexandria?" She looked at me with her big blue eyes and blinked a few times. "Well then it's settled, I'll take her somewhere new. Hmmm..... where do you think it should be Kytlus?"

"Arex.... I'm not a part of this little hair-brained scheme of yours." He said with complete seriousness.

"Scheme? Come on lighten up Kytlus! It's a party! And of course you're invited so you might as well help plan where it should be."

"What if I don't want to go?"

"I won't take no for an option Senator.... besides, if you don't go you'll hurt Alexandria's feelings." He looked down at her after I said that.

"Fine. I'll go. But after you throw her this little.... birthday party.... Then you should think about planning a farewell party too. She can't stay here forever and sooner or later we WILL send her back to Equestria where she belongs."

"Ehh.... probably.... But while she's here I might as well try to have her enjoy her stay right?" In reality I had no intention of sending her back to Equestria anytime soon. I had already made up my mind about that months ago, but I wasn't going to involve that in this conversation.

"I guess so. But in case you don't remember you aren't supposed to take that thing out in public anymore." I had forgotten all about that.

"Ohh... right..... well nevermind. I guess that the party will have to be at my house afterall. Anyways, thank you for the notification of the meeting Kytlus, I will be sure to be their on time tomorrow." He smiled and nodded then went back out the door carefully shutting it behind him. Meanwhile I slowly drifted off into thought about party planning while Alexandria began spinning in circles once again chasing her tail. That seemed to be one of her favorite things to do these days.

* * *
Two days later I found myself walking down the halls of the Senate building with Alexandria in tow. We rounded a corner and proceeded into Senator Phasius' office.

"Hello Senator!"

"Hello Arex! How are you doing today, come with some documents to sign?"

"Even better Phasius, we have an invitation for you!" I said with a smile. He looked around confused for a second, before noticing Alexandria staring up at him from the floor with an expression of joy plastered on her face.

"Ohhh... I see.... is this for that birthday party I've heard you were planning?"

"But of course! Alexandria and I wanted to come here personally to deliver your invitation!" I slid the card onto his desk with an image of a smiling young changeling on it. I would have gotten one that was more fitting, but unfortunately the store hadn't been carrying alicorn birthday cards at the time as they had reluctantly informed me.

"Ahh... well then... I suppose I shall have to set aside some time on my schedule to attend its.... her birthday party."

"Well we are very excited that you will be able to make it. Now we are going to go deliver the rest of these invitations, say goodbye Alexandria!"

"Buh buh!"

And then it was off to Senator Japhus' office. He had already seen Alexandria several times so I knew that he would have already heard about the party. Still I had to wonder how it was that Phasius had heard about it, maybe Kytlus had told him?

"Good afternoon Senator Japhus, how are you doing?"

"Oh! Hello Arex, I just finished up some of these forms," he had been sitting reading a magazine when I walked in however, "what is it that you wanted to talk to me about?"

"Actually I wanted to give you an invitation!" To my surprise, he frowned when I mentioned the invitation.

"An invitation? What is it for?" He said now trying to fake his smile.

"Why it is for little Alexandria's first ever birthday party in the Hive! We really hope that you can come and it is a kids birthday party so you should bring your children too." Now he just looked plain uneasy.

"I'm sorry Arex, but I don't think that I will be able to attend, is it going to be tonight?"

"Yes it is, are you sure that you can't come?"

"Yes actually I'm going to be very busy tonight I have to..... uh..... clean. My wife has been planning this for several weeks and she has decided that our house is simply a mess so as soon as I get home she has a list of chores for me a MILE long! I won't have nearly any time to sleep let alone attend a party! I'm so very sorry that I won't be able to come, but I'll send a paige with a gift for her. Will that be alright?"

"Well... I suppose so. I mean if your busy than that is perfectly understandable, and thank you for being generous enough to send a gift Senator."

"Well absolutely, it's my pleasure."

No matter, I thought as we left the room, We still passed out plenty of other invitations and mostly to changelings that have kids. I'm sure that still enough guests will show up that Alexandria will have a chance to make plenty of new friends.

* * *
I stood by the door. The cake was in the kitchen, I had baked it about ten minutes ago and had expected the guests to arrive sooner but none had shown up yet. So I just continued to stand by the door. And waited.

With mounting impatience I walked over to the counter where I had a few extra invitations sitting, I opened one up to see what time it said inside for the guests to arrive at. The card said the party started at 5:30. I had invited nearly 20 changelings and told them all to bring their nymphs. I glanced at the clock on the wall. The clock said the time was 5:50. With mounting impatience I walked over to the door and continued to wait.

Just then their was a knock on the door! I eagerly unlocked it and opened it up to see the party guests on the other side.

"Hello Arex." said Senator Kytlus. Then he looked around the room. "Where are all the other party guests?"

"That's just what I was thinking." He frowned at me.

"Oh. I'm sorry. I might have mentioned that you were planning this party to some of the other Senators and.... I think maybe.... word got around." I sighed.

"That's Ok Kytlus. I don't blame you. It was all of them who clearly didn't want to show up. I mean I knew that some of them would probably lie about coming, but, I just didn't expect this. Thank you for being the only one to show up, but you don't have to stay, I won't keep you here if their isn't going to be a party."

"Again, Arex I'm really sorry for how this all turned out, I probably just shouldn't have said anything."

"No, no. It's fine, even if you said nothing I have a feeling that this would have probably happened anyways."

"Where is Alexandria?" Hearing her name she came running into the front room and stopped just short of Kytlus. He looked down at her and smiled. "Well happy birthday to you little one. I hope you have a good year ahead of you."

"Kitus!" she squealed in delight.

After he left I took her into the kitchen where her cake was. Then I sat her down in the center of the table where she liked to be, and watched as she started sniffing the frosting.

"No no Alexandria. Don't eat it yet, first we have to cut it." I picked up a large knife and sliced out a thin sliver of cake for Alexandria. She was still young so I didn't want to be feeding her too much unhealthy food. Then I put it on a plate and she pressed her little snout into it gobbling it up as she eagerly chowed down on her new snack. Then I cut off a significantly larger peice for myself and got out a fork to eat it with.

And that was Alexandria's first birthday in the Hive. Not too many guests and not too much excitement, but still, a part of me still enjoyed that day.

A few hours later a paige arrived with a small package. It was Alexandria's present. I opened it up for her to see what was inside. It was a hairbrush. Not what would normally be considered an exotic present among ponies no doubt but in the Hive, inhabited by changelings who didn't have any hair, this was quite a treat. Now I have something to groom her with! I thought. At least Senator Japhus came through on his word.

After a little bit more cake I stuck the rest in the fridge and we headed off to bed. Tomorrow was Saturday and I would get the day off of work. If I had been allowed to take her out in public than I would have planned something special, but at least we could spend the day together.

I curled up on my comfortable mattress and Alexandria snuggled in against my chest. At least today hadn't become a complete waste. I still had gotten her a hairbrush. I suppose I couldn't complain.

* * *

"Alright sir now just sign here and initial here and here." I was at the Royal Preschool near the Palace. I had decided to sign Alexandria up to receive an early education, and this place had quite a waiting list. As a result I knew that it would be a good idea to enroll her early. Even though she still wouldn't be eligible for the school for another two years by putting her on the list now when she was older she could start immediately. I knew this and took the necessary steps to secure a good future for my little Alexandria.

"Thank you very much, now when should I start my payments?"

"Your payments don't start until your daughter is actually in the school, so not for another, what did you say, about two years?"

"Oh! Yes two years is when she will be old enough to start going here. But I must correct you she isn't actually my daughter I'm her guardian."

"Oh, well that's fine sir, you don't need to be biologically related to enroll her here."

"Thank you for your help ma'am and here are the papers back. Do I have everything filled out correctly?"

"Yes sir, everything here is ready to go, I will bring this over to the manager at the end of the shift to be processed. Have a nice day sir!"

"Thanks you too!"

I walked down the sidewalk back toward the Senate building, with a new bounce in my step. It was nearly the end of the lunch break and Alexandria was still back in my office gnawing on a carrot. I would arrive back in just a few minutes a little hungry but with my errand taken care of.

I finally felt a little stability had entered my life concerning Alexandria. I no longer needed to worry about her being taken away back to Equestria, or about something worse happening to her. Now she would finally get what she deserved, a good education and a good future. Afterall she was technically royalty. What she really deserved was a throne. I felt a little tingle go down my spine at the thought of that. But at the same time I couldn't help but feel a little guilty about that. If she was still living in Canterlot in her rightful home, she would be a young princess. She was the daughter of a princess and the Captain of the Royal Guard afterall. If it wasn't for me she would still be there, and she would still have her birthright, and that was a throne. She would be put in charge of something important, and she had the right to be. It was me and my selfishness that had taken her away from all that.

That's not true at all. On second thought if it weren't for me she probably wouldn't be alive right now. I was at least glad that I had saved her from possible execution. But still she did have the right to a throne, it was in her blood and it was what she was born to do. I probably wouldn't ever be able to provide that for her but I certainly would put everything I had into giving her the best opportunities possible.

I walked into the front doors of the Senate building and started down the hallway to my office. When I entered I found Alexandria laying on her side in the middle of the floor apparently taking a nap. I went over to rub her on the head but realized by the smell that she was in need of a diaper change, so I scooped her up with my magic and carried her into the bathroom. That's the thing about the Senate building, very nice bathrooms. The other Senators knew that I changed hr diapers in there but it had also been done by a few of them once or twice. Admittedly I probably took advantage of the system a bit more than any of them did but so far I hadn't received too many complaints about it. There was never a mess left behind and usually no one was in there when it was happening so it didn't affect anyone all that much.

I walked in with Alexandria and set her down on the counter, then I put the clean diaper on the counter next to her. She was starting to get pretty old for this and soon I would have to buy her a little training potty but considering how busy I always was and how I got nervous whenever I left home without her i just hadn't gotten around to it yet. In fact most of the time these days I just had paiges pick up all of the groceries for me. I had changed her diaper many times before and it was very easy by now and a very quick process. I dropped the dirty diaper into the trash and started washing my hooves in the sink.

Then senator Mandarut walked in.

"Oh. Senator Arex. How do you do?" he huffed without making eye contact.

"Oh just fine fine Senator Mandarut thank you for asking. I've actually been in a very good mood for a little while, you see I just signed Alexandria up to go to preschool in a few years." He snorted in response.

"You want to send that thing to preschool do you? Hahaha,how endearing Senator. That's very admirable of you." He spoke in a somewhat condescending tone. "Meanwhile I have signed my nymph up for preschool as well. He will be starting in two years now, but of course he is signed up for the Royal Preschool. What shack will you be sending your.... alicorn to? Hmm?"

"Actually Alexandria will also be going to the Royal Preschool, and whats more, she'll be going there in about two years also! I guess that means that they will be in a class together huh?" A malicious smile started to play about my lips.

"WHAT!?! What do you mean in class together? My nymph will NOT be sharing a classroom with that MONSTER! This is outrageous, this is absolutely unacceptable! Why Queen Azandria will be hearing about this immediately!" And with that he stormed out of the room. I still don't know what he even came in for in the first place, but he clearly thought that this was too important to waste time with bodily functions.

After that I picked Azandria up off of the counter and set her down on the floor, then we walked back to my office together. Once we got back I gave her another carrot to keep her occupied while I got some paperwork done.

* * *

The next day was as peaceful as any, me walking down the sidewalk from the Palace to the Senate building, Alexandria following walking alongside me admiring the scenery as she always did on our casual little strolls to work. We passed by trees planted across the street and her head turned to watch them as we walked past. The Hive may be underground but the glow of the walls and ceiling still made it feel above ground and provided enough light to let trees and other plants grow down here, though not as many as on the surface. Then we walked up the wide stair set to the large doors that made up the main entrance to the Senate building. Then we walked down the halls away from the Senate Chamber and towards the offices in the back, where both me and Alexandria spent most of our days. As we strolled we both admired the lovely sculptures and paintings hanging from the walls of the upscale structure. There were not as many sculptures as there had been many months ago because Azandria had gotten rid of most of them to pay for the Hive's more important expenses. As I had originally thought she had so far made an excellent leader for the Hive. And in the recent months our party had grown much stronger in the seat of government. Perhaps that had something to do with Mandarut's behavior yesterday? I wondered. I turned and looked at Alexandria now walking behind me, she had her mouth hanging wide open as she followed behind me. She was always on the lookout for new changelings to meet, or new sights to see. I smiled at her innocence, she was so free and blissfully unaware of just how hard life could be. She was always in a good mood, and I had worked hard to keep her that way. Although she didn't have many friends I hadn't seen her frown more than a few times since she had escaped several months ago and had that magical outburst.

We rounded the corner expecting to see my unobstructed office door, but instead it was blocked by two changeling soldiers. What's going on here? I approached them to find out why they were there, but as soon as they saw us they began to approach me instead.

"Are you Senator Arex?"

"Yes, and just who might the two of you be?"

"We are here to take the alicorn you have been keeping into custody." My blood froze. I suddenly felt very nauseous.

"W-What do you mean take her into custody?"

"We have orders from the Queen to take the alicorn to the dungeon."

"WHAT! NO that can't be right the QUEEN was the one who said that I could KEEP her!"

"Well order has changed and we are here to escort it to the dungeon." Then they pushed past me and moved towards Alexandria. I attempted to shove them out of the way and defend her but when I did that one of them overpowered me and pinned me against a wall. Alexandria shrieked in fear when they attacked me and I couldn't hear what the other one was doing but then I saw a flash of green and a light thud as she hit the floor.

"ALEXANDRIA!" I screamed as I shoved the soldier off of me and tried to scramble over to her. But then there was a flash of green from behind me and a searing pain in my back legs. They gave out and I hit the floor. But I was already spun around now and i could see her unconscious figure being lifted up in a green magical aura by the other changeling soldier.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER YOU BASTARD!" The soldier still behind me put his hoof down on my back to stop me from trying to get up.

"Relax Senator, it's just a sleeping spell. It has to be properly restrained before being taken down to the dungeons to await its execution." My body got even colder after he said that. My back legs which were completely numb began to burn.

"I'LL KILL YOU BASTARDS!" And then it got really dark.

* * *

When I woke up a little while later I couldn't remember anything that had happened. I didn't know why I was passed out in the middle of the hall. I didn't know why my back legs were sore. I didn't know where Alexandria was. ALEXANDRIA! I was in a panic as I jumped to my hooves. I looked around frantically for Alexandria unaware that I was wasting time. I stopped to try to process the situation that I was in. I stopped and tried to remember how I had gotten here. Nothing came to mind. Then in a flsah all of the memories reappeared in my mind. OH BUCK ME!

My legs skittered across the floor as I turned the corner too fast and nearly toppled over. I was running full sprint to the throne room. As soon as I got outside I buzzed my wings and flew the rest of the way to the Palace from the front door of the Senate building. I landed right outside the front doors of the Palace 30 seconds later. Then I barged in nearly toppling over a general on my way to the back of the Palace. I didn't have time to apologize and rushed forward. Finally I reached the throne room and burst in. There was Queen Azandria sitting on her throne talking to some drone standing seemingly nervously in front of her.

"WHY DID YOU TAKE ALEXANDRIA!" I screamed. Every changeling in the room froze and turned to look at me. Then the Queen turned to the drone and said, "I think that we will have to pick this up at a later time." He turned and began to walk out of the room. Just before he reached the door Azandria asked, "Is there something I can help you with Senator?" In a calm sweet voice.


"Please come and sit down Arex. Please try to breath correctly also. Try breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth." I steadied my breathing which I had not realized was a bit sporadic. I also felt the tears dripping down my face that I had not realized were there previously. I wiped them away with my hoof.

" Azandria where is Alexandria? I want her back right now!" I was trying my best to stay calm and I seemed to be holding up so far.

"Arex, I was told that you enrolled the alicorn at the Royal Preschool. Is that true?"

"Yes, but where is she?!?"

"Arex, you know that she is a threat to changelings and that having her near young nymphs would be a very bad idea. You did realize that didn't you?"

"Yes I'm sorry, where is she at right now though?"

"Arex.... She has to be put down. She is an enemy of the state and a danger to everyone around her. If we continue to let her live her then it will only lead to destruction. I'm sorry but she has to be killed, I want you to understand that." I fell down on my knees now, and I started crying like a little baby.

"Please your Highness no. P-Please don't kill her... she's just a baby.... she would never hurt anybody.... please don't kill her." She just looked down at me from her throne, with a firm expressionless face.

"This has to be done Arex. I am sorry but their is no other way. We have to put it down." I fell flat onto my stomach now and was balling.

"P-Please Y-Your Majesty. P-Please don't take her away from me. I just want to spend one more day with her. P-Please just let me see her for one more day. That's all I want j-just one more day. Please Y-Your Majesty, please let me be with her for just one more day." She seemed to shift uncomfortably in her throne. There was just the sound of silence and my muffled cries as I had my face pressed down into the ground laying flat on my stomach trying to stop crying. This continued for about 30 seconds.

"OK. I will let you have it back for one more day. But that is it. You can have it back for the rest of today, but tomorrow, it will be taken back down into the dungeons early in the morning and executed. Is that understood Senator Arex?" I couldn't answer right away as I was having difficulty breathing. My breath came out in short rapid pants inhaling and exhaling air as fast as I could in large gulps. I felt like pure ecstasy, All the weight of the world lifted off of me and I could already feel her soft fur caressing my chitin again.

"Y-Yes Your Majesty. Thank you! Thank you so much thank you! Thank you Your Majesty you don't know how much this means to me! Really just thank you! Thank you so much! Thank you!"

"Yes, yes, that's quite enough Senator Arex. Please calm down and listen carefully. I am going to have my guard personally escort you down to the dungeons where it is being held." She motioned to the guard standing on the right side of the throne. Then you can take her back to your home and spend the day with her. You can take tomorrow off too if you would like to. Do you understand?"

"Y-Yes Your Majesty thank you!"

"Good. And you can stop calling me Your Majesty as well. I thought that I told you to always call me Azandria?"

Y-Yes Azandria thank you!" She seemed to look like she was getting a little bit annoyed now.

"Alright, now just follow him and he will take you to where it is being held."

The walk down the dungeon was quiet, the guard didn't say a word to me and I spent the whole walk just trying to catch my breath. Finally we got to her cell. Inside was Alexandria pacing around with tears streaming down her face. Her fur was ruffled as though she had been crying for several hours and she was stained with dirt all over her body. Her mane had fallen into disarray and her eyes were bloodshot. Her pace was quick as she walked back and forth from wall to wall.

Suddenly she saw the guard approaching and she began crying. She fell down in a heap in the dirt and started crying and buried her face in her hooves, which were already tear stained and dirt stained. The guard brought me right to the bars of the cell and I looked in to see her in her misery.

"Hey there little filly... did you miss me?" She looked up at me.

"DADDY!" She ran up to the bars and tried to press her little snout through it but it wouldn't fit. So instead she reared up and stuck both her front hooves through in an effort to try to reach out to me. I placed my hooves through the bars around her and closed them in on a hug around her little body. Then the guard stuck the key into the lock on the cell door and swung it open. She pulled out of the hug and darted around the now open door and leaped into my waiting hooves on the other side of the cell. I pulled her tight up against my body and squeezed her so tight I thought it might hurt her, but she didn't make a sound except continuing sobs into my chitin. Finally the embrace had to end, although she kept clinging to me, I pulled her off and set her down on the ground. It hurt me to do so but I had a tight schedule to run. She continued to quietly sob into my leg as I just stood their staring off into space. To the outside observer it might appear as though I was daydreaming again. But I more accurate word would have probably been 'plotting'.

As soon as we got home (or I carried her home) I ran into the bedroom and got out a suitcase in which I packed up all my family heirlooms. A few coins from a war long past, a trinket given to my great-great-grandmother. A hairbrush from a very special somepony's birthday party, and few other things of value. Then I set Alexandria on the bed.

"Listen to me young lady," I said staring her right in the eye," don't you go anywhere, don't you worry about where I'm going to be, and don't you dare make a fuss and have the neighbors come knocking. I'm not leaving you honey. I'm just going somewhere and I will be back in an hour or two Ok? Just try to stay calm Alexandria. Do you understand what I am saying? Stay Calm."

"Uh huh." She said.

"Good now you just stay right here and I will be right back." I locked the bedroom door and the front door on my way out.

I walked down the hall of the somewhat unfamiliar building with my saddlebags hanging from my sides. I hadn't been here since I had gotten Alexandria but I still remembered where everything was. This was the Treasury. This was where we both stored our money and all of the currencies of other nations which we had stolen. This came very much in handy when I drone needed some money for a role to play in another country. Let's say that they had to be a wealthy Canterlot noble. If we wanted them to play the part they had to have the dough to go with it. And considering how essentially worthless Equestrian money was to us it wasn't usually that difficulty to apply for it.

"Good Morning Senator! What brings you here?" Said the young female drone at the reception desk.

"I have a drone that will be infiltrating Canterlot. We are attempting to gather intelligence on how much of their GDP Equestria is spending on their anti-changeling investigation teams."

"Oh, well then right through that door Senator. How much do you need to take? You will need to file some papers before you can actually take any of the money from the vault and the papers need to get approved first too."

"The amount is classified and this has been categorized as a Class 5 Emergency. I will need to take the money immediately but it will be replace at exactly noon tomorrow do you understand?"

"Senator I'm sorry but I simply can't let you in their if you don't have the paperwork done."

"Well I'm sorry too but your going to have to listen to ME. I OUTRANK you and I am the one who is in charge here. NOT YOU. When I say that this is CLASS 5 that means the kind of CLASS 5 YOU don't get to know about. YOU are not the one who is in charge here and YOU are expendable. Now if YOU want to keep you job and not be convicted of treason than I would highly recommend you STAND DOWN DRONE!" She just looked shell shocked. Utterly speechless for a few moments before finally...

"O-Of course sir, I-I'm so sorry sir I had no idea! You can go right on in! Go ahead I will wait as long as you want to have the money delivered tomorrow! Take whatever is necessary right now no questions asked, and I'm so, so very sorry for being a nuisance sir!"

"That's more like it."

12,000 bits later I arrived back at my home and walked in the bedroom door to a now napping Alexandria. The money was heavy but I had gotten it all in the most valuable kind of bits they made, 50 bit pieces. That meant that I had around 240 bits in one pouch of my saddlebag. In the other I had placed the valuables and family heirlooms. Then I wrapped Alexandria in a blanket and squeezed her in with the valuables. She barely fit and was certainly not comfortable but I managed to get her to stay still.

I approached the cavernous Front Entrance of the Hive. There was a few soldiers standing guard as always and a row of booths that those coming in and out had to pass through. I walked up to the booths and talked to the changeling drone standing inside.

"What business are you conducting?"

"I am leaving the Hive, I have just been assigned a new position in Fillydelphia and I am on my way there to move into my new home."

"What is your number drone?"

I froze. Number? What number? I didn't know that I needed a number!"


"Excuse me? Drone what are you trying to pull here?"

OH BUCK ME! Time to resort to drastic measures.

"Alright listen up here drone. My name is Senator Arex, I am going out to Canterlot on a top-secret mission. You are not to tell anybody about this. If you say anything to anyone concerning what I have told you it will result in you swift and immediate execution. Do you understand me drone?" He just looked at me in a sort of confused way.

"Listen man... I'm just here to make sure no ponies get in or out, that's all I'm here for. I would be able to sense if your a pony and your clearly not so I don't care what your going outside for. I don't want any trouble so just go."

I walked outside onto the large flat runway-like area just outside the mouth of the cave which contained the city. As I walked past the drone in the booth, he had a strange look on his face as my saddlebag went by. He might have sensed Alexandria, but that was not important now, I had already made it outside, and it was late winter. Late winter, on a mountain. I buzzed my wings trying to fly but I couldn't get off the ground with all the weight I was carrying.

So I started my downward journey through the snow and ice. I took Alexandria out of the cramped saddlebag finally because if I fell she would be crushed. I held her up wrapped in her blanket with my magic. She was so cold in the winter air that she curled up even tighter in the blanket and started shivering. I had no such luxury however as I descended the mountaintop.

It was about a half mile down the mountain. The whole thing was covered in snow and ice with a blistering wind. After the first few hundred feet my legs already burned and the holes in my body were already sore as the cold mountain wind swept through them. After a few hundred more feet I began to feel dizzy and once again nauseous. I was in physical pain now as I stumbled downhill barely holding on the the huddled mass of blankets in my magical grip.

I was now close to halfway down the massive hill. I was just happy that it was the middle of the day and the sun was shining so I could see where the buck I was going. Every fiber of my being was now telling me to turn around, or just more simply collapse on the ground. I didn't have the energy to keep going. But still I kept moving forward, as though some invisible force was pushing me, as though some higher power willed me to continue. I kept going through the cold and the snow, treading onward toward freedom, and toward safety for my little Alexandria. That's who all of this was for, Alexandria. I thought about her and what they would do to her if we got caught, and I got a second surge of energy. I kept going down the hill carrying all of this weight with me ignoring the burning and yet freezing sensations coming from my limbs.

I had made it all the way down the mountain. I was completely out of breath and absolutely exhausted. And I knew where I was headed, but it didn't help me to know. I knew that there was a small village just two more miles away from here. I knew that it had train tracks that ran through it and that meant that there was a train that ran through it too. I knew that if I could get tickets for that train and get far away from here then I would be safe. But I couldn't. I collapsed in a snow bank at the base of the mountain. I was gonna die here. That was it. I had lost feeling and movement in all my limbs and I could hardly breath, though the dry air had already torn apart the inside of my throat. The blanket bundle slipped from my grip and plopped down into the snow bank next to me, revealing Alexandria's face. I wanted to help her, but I couldn't. I just couldn't make it two more miles, or two more feet. She looked at me with those big blue eyes. Suddenly I started to feel my limbs again. Energy started to flow back into me, and it wasn't the kind of energy that I got from looking at her either. It was emotional energy. And I knew this kind of energy very well. It was love. I had eaten it infused with my food for many years now, but his was different. This kind of love I couldn't taste, but it was stronger, so much stronger. It was ten times stronger than the most potent love that I had eaten in all of my life, and it reinvigorated me faster and stronger than I had ever thought possible. This was the kind of love that could only be given willingly from a pony. And it was Alexandria. I watched as she moved around in apparent discomfort inside the blankets, before finally passing out. Perhaps it had drained her enough that she had fallen back asleep, I hoped it was that. I hoped that she was not hurt. But if I didn't get a move on then she would be killed, and that would be just as bad, if not worse.

* * *

I got to the small village about half an hour later. I was in disguise as a pony now and Alexandria was still wrapped in a blanket so they wouldn't be able to tell that she was an alicorn. I went up to the ticket booth.

"How long until the train gets here?" I asked.

"About an hour." That seemed pretty lucky considering it only came through this stop maybe once every other day.

"Where will be the first stop that it makes after it departs here?"

"It will be going from here to Canterlot." Oh! Canterlot. Well I certainly can't go there considering who I'm bringing and plus they are probably still looking for changelings there. It may have been almost a year now but it would just be too risky to go to canterlot.

"Where is the next stop after Canterlot?"

"Ponyville sir."

"I would like two tickets to Ponyville please. One for me, and one for my daughter."

Author's Note:

After this chapter it may be a few more days like four or five days before I put up the next one so I hope you guys enjoyed it!