• Published 19th Dec 2013
  • 598 Views, 10 Comments

Peaches Eat Twilight Sparkle - Phenoix12

A (horrible) story of a purple unicorns love for a fuzzy little fruit.

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The Story

The sweet love juices burst into Twilight’s mouth coating her tong with their sweet flavor. She moaned with pleasure as she savored the flavor, the nectar dripping from her mouth. Luscious was the only word she could use to describe the flavor of her love.
Twilight looked down at the object of her affection. The pinkish orange furry ball of flavor and delight that she had fallen in love with. The greatest thing to ever grace her mouth…

…A peach

She stuck her nose right in the hole she had bitten and inhaled the divine aroma. It’s delightfully sweet sent tickled her nose as her young slowly trailed a crossed the beautiful fruit.

She savored the flavor and sent for a few moments longer before she voraciously tore into the remains of the divine orb, leaving behind only the brown pit which she quickly threw into a bucket containing the rest before reaching for another peach and starting again.

Her friends didn’t understand the pure bliss of the peach. They all thought she had a problem. She didn’t have a problem, she could quit anytime. But who would want to quit eating peaches? Certainly not her!

But her friends insisted that she quit eating so many peaches. They were all like, “yo, your going to get a wicket tummy ach” or “Gosh darn it you’ve had fifty of them things.”

Even spike was trying to get her to stop! He was the one who gave Twilight her very first peach. And oh what a peach it was… She ate it slowly and tenderly, moaning in pleasure, it was orgasmic. Which was somewhat embarrassing as she did it in the middle of the market. But she didn’t care about that now, all she needed was her peaches and she’d be happy.

Spike should be back soon as Twilight had sent him to get more peaches, she was running low as she only had little over two hundred of the little balls of saintly flavor left. Every bowl, every nook and cranny, and a few other places were stuffed with peaches. But there were still more places that could easily house the delicious fuzzy fruits, some of those stupid books would have to go, but it’ll be worth it to have more room for the peaches.

Speaking of which, she finished the last one about two minutes ago and hasn’t had another! She quickly rights this buy grabbing two at once and eating both in about fifty point five seconds, if her calculations were correct. As she devoured them their juices dripped from her mouth down onto her purple, and somewhat pudgy, stomach. She tried to lick them off but much to her sorrow, she couldn’t reach the liquid love of the peach.

She promptly gave up and reached for a new peach to enjoy… That’s when she noticed that a few of the peaches had somehow left their perfectly stacked pile in the bowl on the table. Oh well, they were just closer to her reach an- something bumped her hoof.
She looked down and their was a peach on the ground. ON THE GROUND! She needed to right this wrong. She reached down with her magic to lift the pore little fuzzy angel from the cold floor and placed it back on the table.
Where she noticed that more peaches at left the comfort of their bowls and have moved closer to her. There they sat, on their little fuzzy orangeish pink bottoms, on the table, having moved towards Twilight on their own.

Twilight just stared at them wondering how they could have moved. She glanced around her library turned peach house. All the peaches had seemly moved when she wasn’t looking. Several that were on the shelves where now sitting perfectly on the floor, and large group of them having come out of the kitchen. She knew they came from the kitchen because she saw the one she put a Popsicle stick in and stuck in the freezer, because a peach pop sounded wonderful at the time.

Twilight just shrugged at the strange antics. If the peaches wanted to be closer to her so she could enjoy them faster, then let them. She turned back to the table, seeing that now all the fruits in the bowl had moved right next to the edge of the table she was sitting at.
She reached out to the closest one with her hoof, it was the first one that she had seen make the move to approach her. As soon as her hoof made contact she felt a sharp pain. If felt like something had bit her!

She looked at the bottom of her hoof; a small train of blood was coming from a tiny bite mark. She looked back at the peach, there was a smudge of blood in the shape of a mouth on it…

“It… it bit me?” she said to herself, “T-that’s impossible, peaches can’t bite ponies.”

Twilight stared at the offending peach for a moment and it moved… It did a little hop, and moved closer to her. Twilight slowly got up from the table and backed away. Looking around the room she could see all the peaches slowly hoping closer to her. She backed up and up until she reached the wall.

“W-what, no no no! What’s going on? STAY BACK!” She cried at them as the slowly crept towards her. She cried in fear of the encroaching fruits, swatting them away or smashing them when they got too close. There were too many, and Twilight was too terrified and peach engorged to fight think rationally.

She screamed out one last time before they come down upon her.

Spike entered the main room of the Ponyville library, trailing behind him were five mares, Apple Jack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie.

“Oh Twilight, this is an intervention!” Spike said as soon as the door slammed close. “You’ve become obsessed with those… peaches?” Spike and five of Twilight’s closest friends stared slack jawed at the sight before them. The room was littered with peaches that were stained red by something. But that’s now what shocked them the most.

In the back corner of the room, was a unicorn skeleton huddled in a fetal position surrounded by peaches…

The peaches had eaten Twilight Sparkle

Author's Note:

Got the idea for this story after seeing TWO stories about Twilight eating peaches get featured... So I decided to jump on the bandwagon of peaches.

Seriously whats with all the stories having to do with peaches? And why are they popular?!

Oh and I created this thing in only one hour

Comments ( 10 )

Because potatoes.

Wat r u doin?



… "Everyone" rated? Comedy tagged? Really? :unsuresweetie:

Basic editing would be nice.


I should most likely up that to teen to the sexual innuendos at the beginning... Also the comedy tag might have been an accident...

I was referring more to the fact that the climax of the story is that Twilight is literally killed and eaten by peaches, and the others discover the blood-stained, skeletal aftermath. That's horror-movie stuff, and IIRC killing a character is automatically Teen. I can see ways in which that could be played for comedy, but this isn't it.

Anyway, thank you for changing the rating.

I kept count of how many errors (mainly spelling and the like) I saw during the read. I ignored minor things like modifiers, and reached a count of eighteen. Eighteen spots where the spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and others were lacking.

Despite that, I was laughing at bit after reading this. For all intents and purposes, this story SHOULD warrant a spot on the Floor - yet I can't bring myself to do it! This thing was just too silly for me to take it seriously, and I find myself liking it on that merit.

What's wrong with me?

*Adds to Wall Shelf*


Obviously you're insane.

Which I count as positive aspect! :pinkiehappy:

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