• Published 21st Dec 2013
  • 1,921 Views, 15 Comments

Forever, Forever - Drizzle Quill

She sings to me. She sings to me about how she will stay by my side forever. But I know that isn't true, that it can't be true...

  • ...

She will watch forever...

They sat together on the bed, and he was crying.

She tried to comfort him slowly, with the lightest touch of a snow white hoof upon his back, a light whisper in his ear or a concerned nuzzle against his cold, scaly cheek. Her blue eyes saddened as his sobs only increased, his whole body trembling from the effort. He cried, and cried, and cried.

Finally she had the nerve to ask him. “What’s wrong?”

He looked at her with green eyes glossed over by tears and shook his head slowly, biting his lip and turning away as if the mere sight of her was repulsive. She could not lie to herself that this was the inevitable truth; quite hurt, she simply forced herself to watch as he hugged his arms around his knees and cried, and cried, and cried.

It took him quite a while to stop, and when he did, Rarity was still not quite convinced he was alright. Spike still appeared quite shaken, with scales messy and eyes dark, foreshadowing.

She dared to ask him again. “Spike, what’s wrong?”

After a minute of silence, her mind considered it a lost cause, only to be proven wrong as he opened his mouth and, in a dry, husky, scratchy tone, spoke.

“I’m going to live for thousands of years, Rarity, as an old dragon. T-Twilight says.” He hiccupped; a rather cute hiccup, but that was beside the point.

Rarity nodded uncertainly, still not quite grasping his concept.

Spike’s next words came slowly and softly, so softly she could hardly hear him speak. “And…and you won’t.”

It hit her like a bullet to the heart.

But she forced a smile, forced back the liquid bubbling in her eyes, and simply smiled in a bittersweet way at him. “Oh, Spikey,” she sighed, nuzzling his cheek. “You simply cannot get so worried oh-so-soon! I hope to be alive for many years yet, and I will spend as much time as I can with you; you know that.”

He stared at her, hope in his eyes. “As much time as you can?”

She kissed him gently on the cheek, lips brushing his beautiful shiny scales. “As much time as I can.”

Sniffling, he looked at her with green eyes still wide. “Rarity?”


“Will you sing for me?”

She blinked at him curiously. “Sing?”

Spike wrung his claws desperately. “Well, yes. Any kind of song. I’d really like a lullaby, though.” His eyes were still puffy and wet; a lullaby looked to be exactly what he needed. Rarity’s body relaxed. She enjoyed singing, especially to Sweetie Belle, who loved music even more than her older sister. And lullabies were considered her specialty.

Rarity cleared her throat, smiled, and began.

In the darkness of the night
Comes a moon, clear and bright,
Shining throughout horrid fright
Go to bed soon.

As you worry in your sleep
Restless, turning, counting sheep
A watch over you I will keep
Guided by the moon.

Forever, forever. She will watch forever.
By your side she firmly stays
Forever, forever…

Rarity smiled, using her magic to cover the now-sleeping dragon with a blanket. The poor dear was just tired and confused. Of course she wouldn’t die before him. Of course not.

One of Spike’s eyes opened; he looked up at her, grinning. “Rarity?”

She leaned in close, blue eyes meeting green. “Yes, darling?”

He smiled. “You have a beautiful singing voice.”

Five years had passed. Rarity was as beautiful as ever, at least in Spike’s eyes, though her mane had lost a hint of its previous sheen, and her coat had begun to get a little bit messier. Spike, however, had noticeably changed. He was taller, lankier. His eyes held a wariness he previously did not have.

But he was still the same little dragon. Wasn’t he?

On this particular night, they sat in Carousel Boutique, much like they had five years previously. Spike had his arm around Rarity’s shoulder. She had his head on his chest. They stared at each other. The whole scene was really rather romantic, until Rarity choked back a sob.

Spike jerked his head up. “Rarity? What’s wrong?”

She stared at him in a vague mist of disbelief. “I can’t believe it…” She swallowed and batted her eyes in a desperate attempt to withhold her tears. “You’ve gotten so big…”

The dragon stared at her as Rarity began to cry. “But…but what’s wrong with that?” His voice cracked in desperation. “Don’t I look more mature now? Aren’t I a better dragon?”

“Of course,” Rarity managed to choke out.

“Then…” Reaching out one arm, Spike snatched a tissue from her bedside and handed it to her; she took it delicately and dabbed at her eyes, eye-shadow smearing in the process. “I don’t understand. What’s wrong?”

She stared at him. “Do you not remember?”

His blank stare was enough of an answer; she tipped her head to the side. “The conversation we had?”

And it all came rushing back.

She huddled against his chest, shoulders shaking, and all he could think as he stroked her beautiful, beautiful mane was ‘Oh, how the roles reverse.’ Reaching out an arm, he pressed her into his chest. “Shh, shh. It’s okay, Rare. Remember what you told me?”

“I’ll be there as long as I can,” she sniffed, still not looking up.

He smiled. “That’s right.”

So they stayed like that, dragon and pony, pressed tight against each other and chests heaving as both fought to control their overwhelming emotions. Neither knew how long they stayed together, but both knew when they broke apart.

Rarity, lip still quivering, closed her eyes.

And she began to sing.

In the darkness of the night
Comes a moon, clear and bright.

Slowly, slowly, Spike felt his muscles begin to relax, and his chest beginning to slow as she sang, and she sang, ending the song on a crisp, clear note.

Forever, forever…

Spike smiled.

Her singing voice was still beautiful.

Ten years had passed. Rarity was now older, her mane now a lighter indigo rather than her dashing plum purple, and her coat was a pale grey, silver tinged hairs littering among her previously snow-white coat. Spike was larger also, his tail thick and lashing, his eyes reptilian and slit, his mind darker, his thoughts more shadowed and dark and maybe a little bit scrambled. But their love remained. It would always remain.

Such as the previous times, they sat on Rarity’s bed in Carousel Boutique. Rarity was curled up next to Spike’s stomach, breathing easy and content, chest rising and falling in perfect time. He watched her with green eyes pleased, tail flicking oh-so-silently.

She looked up at him with blue eyes bright, blue eyes beautiful, more alive than any other part of her. “Spikey?”

“Yes?” he asked her, voice so much deeper than fifteen years previous. How time flew…how time flew.

Her voice trembled slightly with the effort of spitting out the words. “Am I still pretty?”

The question was like an electric shock. “But of course, my little Rarity! You will always be beautiful to me.” He grinned, showing teeth sharpened by years of practice. What this practice was, even Rarity didn't know.

Rarity shook her head sadly. “I won’t be beautiful forever, Spike. I am aging, and you know how age affects a lady.”

He frowned in confusion. “Are you saying you don’t believe you’re beautiful?”

“I am saying so, yes.”

He growled, a rumbling noise coming straight from inside his throat. “That is an outrage, Rarity!”

She met his gaze straight on. “Perhaps to you. But I am a mare, and mares, unlike dragons, grow old, and die. And as they grow old, their bodies wither. I know that I am no longer beautiful, Spikey. But it is very sweet of you to think so.”

Spike blinked a few times in confusion. “But you said…you promised…”

Rarity smiled. “You still remember that? I promised that I would stay by your side for as long as I can.” Her voice grew soft. “I admit not quite beautifully by your side, but by your side nonetheless.”

Spike furrowed his brow, confusion whipping through his small brain. But…being beautiful is what makes you Rarity! You love fashion! You love to be beautiful! It’s who you are! And this…isn’t…you! And I want YOU! Not some imposter pony who doesn’t care about being beautiful!

His voice trembled, deep and foreboding. “Rarity?”

She bit her lip and looked at him.

He put on his most dashing smile, teeth sharp, teeth pointed. “Sing that song again. The one that -”

Rarity knew which song he spoke of, and she smiled, interrupting him, and she began to sing. As she sang, her eyelids drooped and her breathing slowed; Spike grimaced as she fell asleep resting her head against him. He knew that was what he had been hoping for. But still…

No, his mind firmly told him. You want Rarity by your side forever? The real Rarity? Then you know what must be done. Don't you?

He nodded, and for only a second it pained him, the realization of what he was going to do. Only for a second. Spike flexed his claws. It had to be clean. Oh so clean.

“Rarity,” he whispered in her sleeping ear, “You have the most beautiful singing voice of anypony alive.”

In her sleep, he saw her smile.

Three hundred years had passed. Rarity’s mane shone indigo. Her mouth was constantly curved in a content smile. Her coat shone silvery-white. She had not changed a bit, except, perhaps, for the long scar that ran right over her chest, but he had helped her to clean that up and now she was all better.

Spike held her against his side, nuzzling her tiny cheek with his now enormous muzzle. Over the years he had continued to grow, and grow, and grow. She had not. But that was okay, because they were still together. They would be together forever and ever.

The walls of the cave were dark and damp, not shining with treasure like any other dragon’s den. Spike had his treasure with him. His Rarity. She sat by his side, smiling and comforting him. Her presence, her never-ending presence, was glorious enough for this dragon.

Sometimes, he would hear her speak. Her mouth never moved, but he knew she was speaking to him, because he could hear her voice clearly in his head.

“Oh, Spike, how are you today?”

“Spike, do you like my newest look?”

“Spike, I love you.”

He would respond, and she would smile.

She always smiled.

It was funny, really. Years and years before, Rarity had said that one day she might have to leave him. But that was silly, because she never, ever left! She was fulfilling her promise. She was staying with him for as long as she possibly could.

And Spike adored her for it.

Today, she decided she was going to sing him a song. It was a pretty song, a song Spike felt he should know but did not quite recognize. He listened eagerly to her angelic voice ringing throughout his mind, mouth never moving.

“In the darkness of the night
Comes a moon, clear and bright,
Shining throughout horrid fright
Go to bed soon.

As you worry in your sleep
Restless, turning, counting sheep
A watch over you I will keep
Guided by the moon.

Forever, forever. She will watch forever.
By your side she firmly stays
Forever, forever…”

He smiled, and he nuzzled her again. “Rarity,” he growled, voice low and deep as a full grown dragon's. “You have the most beautiful singing voice of anypony I have ever known.”

And she smiled.

She always smiled.

Comments ( 15 )

Um, did Spike taxidermy Rarity?

This went from tragically beautiful to tragically...tragic. I liked it, but just...wow. I don't like what becoming an older dragon has done to spike, or how he handled her growing old. Just...:pinkiegasp:

But I did like the story. It's just...wow.

(Also, good luck!)

Greed gone way way way wrong. :raritydespair:

It went from beautiful to shocking.....I-I'm not sure what to say

I mean first I was like :rainbowkiss:

And then I was like :pinkiegasp:



Lovely stuff~

The centerpiece of Spike's hoard. What's frightening, of course, is that it makes so much sense.


Most lovely. :pinkiecrazy:
I must only hope the other judges enjoy it as well. :twilightsheepish:


Then I have done my job, as strange a job as that may be. :raritywink:

(And good luck to you as well! :pinkiehappy:)

Holy shit, this was brilliant
I was all warm inside, and it was cute... :twilightsmile:
And then it wasn't. :rainbowderp:

3659966 Spike's draconic nature in this story affects him the older he gets. As Rarity got older her loss of confidence in her looks mixed with his addled mind created the idea that she was becoming something other than the mare he loved, so he killed her so that she would be "beautiful," in mind and body forever in his memories. Essentially, he was preventing his memories from being soiled by Rarity's new perspective and beliefs.

Dark, romantically dark. Interesting piece, very solid.

... No... Spike is stronger than that

Beutiful till you went to the Bates Motel, Spike is old school romantic Twi would see to their aging needs.:facehoof:

Well.....that took a turn. :applecry:

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