• Published 22nd Dec 2013
  • 2,531 Views, 31 Comments

Friendship is Shining: Twiley's Return - Hopeful_Ink_Hoof

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Morning Announcement

Dear Princess Celestia,

Some times it is nice to have a friend you can talk to. Not only do you have a pony that will be willing to listen, but also someone who might see things a little different. Also if it is something that friend has experienced, then it's possible that you could learn something from it. What you're told may not be what you want to hear, but that's not always a bad thing. By having a friend who has been through something, you can better understand them and what you might be facing.

signed, your faithful student,

Shining Armor

Shining Armor rolled up the scroll and set it for Spike to mail when the young dragon woke up.

In the kitchen, the young stallion started going through the cabinets to see what he had and trying to figure out what to make for breakfast. He had to make something special. There was not much in his cabinets and refrigerator though. He could make waffles or pancakes, but they had eaten those yesterday. Besides, there was no way he could match Pinkie Pie's amazing waffles.

After some consideration -- and having no real alternative -- Shining Armor decide to make oatmeal. Not exactly a favorite, but maybe some honey and strawberries added to it would make it more flavorful. Fortunately he still had plenty of both. The honey was easy enough, just had to pour it in at the right time. The strawberries would need some cutting, so he would have to do that and keep an eye on the oatmeal to be sure it did not get burned.


"Morning, Spike," Shining said. "There's a letter waiting to be sent to Princess Celestia on the table."

"What are you doing?" Spike asked as he moved to the table. Grabbing the scroll he took a deep breath and blew. A gout of green flame burst from his mouth, igniting the scroll and burning it into smoke that floated away.

"Making breakfast," Shining Armor answered.

"I know that." Spike gave a roll of his eyes. "It's just that normally you don't cook breakfast. You just have something boring like toast or whatever, or we have cereal."

"Well we don't normally have the rest of the family visiting. Besides, I want everyone having a nice meal when I mention my decision."

"What decision?"

The stallion and dragon jumped slightly at the question. The two turned to catch sight of the purple unicorn filly standing in the doorway.

"I'll tell you after we all started eating," Shining Armor told her. "If you really want to know, wake up mom and dad and tell them that breakfast is ready."

With a grin, the filly turned and dashed for the stairs, shouting for mom and dad. The sound of hooves striking the steps echoed through the library as Twilight galloped up to the second floor.

While Twilight got the parents up for breakfast, Spike began to set the table while Shining Armor made sure that the oatmeal was ready. Satisfied, he stirred the honey in then put it into five bowls. Finally, he added strawberries to it.

"Shining," his mother called out as she came down the stairs. The white mare stepped into the entryway to the kitchen, horn glowing. Floating behind her in an aura of magic was Twilight Sparkle.

"Would you mind telling me," the mother said slowly, "why you decided to send your little sister to wake us up?"

"Breakfast was ready and she wanted to help?" Shining asked, tilting his head to one side. "I don't understand why you're upset. She's woken you two up before, and so have I when I was near her age. Where's dad?"

"You're father will be down in a moment." She set Twilight down. "He took a full-speed flying filly to a very sensitive part of his body and is waiting for the pain to subside."

Shining Armor winced.

"What does that mean?" Spike asked.

"I'll explain when you're older," Shining answered. "You go ahead and start eating. I'll check on Dad."

"No need to check on me," the father said as he came down the steps. "I'm fine. A little sore but fine. It's not the first time I've had a hyper child hit me in the..." his eyes glanced at Twilight and Spike, "...stomach."

"Well, breakfast is ready," Shining Armor said as he motioned toward the table.

"But what about the decision you mentioned?" Twilight asked, looking up at him.

"Decision?" their father repeated.

"Does this have to do with what we discussed yesterday?" their mother asked.

"Yes," Shining answered, "and something I promised I would explain to Twilight." He looked at her. "How would you like to stay with me in Ponyville?"

"Like for the rest of summer?" Twilight asked, ears perked and a grin on her face.

"Actually, Mom and Dad were thinking for a year to begin with."

Letting out a squeal of excitement, Twilight jumped up and grabbed her brother, hugging him tightly around the neck.

"Yes!" she shouted. "Yes. Yes. Yes." She let go, hopping excitedly.

"Do you know what this means? I'll get to play with Apple Bloom. I'll get to spend time with the Cakes." She let out an excited gasp. "I'll get to go to a new school! This is so great! I have to tell Apple Bloom!" The young filly turned and started running for the front door.

Halfway across the main room, an aura of pink energy engulfed the young unicorn, lifting her up. She blinked as she floated back to the kitchen where her parents, brother, and Spike stood. She turned her head to look at her brother, whose horn was glowing while he grinned.

"Maybe the news could wait until after you've eaten breakfast?" Shining Armor suggested as he set her back down.

"Oh," the filly said with a slight smile. "Yeah. Okay." Once the magic dissipated, she headed for the table.

"Shining," his mother whispered, "are you sure? I mean, we were hoping you would, but we expected that you would need more time to decide."

"I'm sure," Shining assured her. "I talked to Big Macintosh about it since he had to do something similar with his own family. He told me that yeah there are going to be some hard times." He turned to look at Twilight as she started to grab a spoon and dig into the oatmeal. "But over all, it would be worth it."

"So there's going to be three of us living here now?" Spike asked, looking around.

"Yeah." The young stallion gave the dragon a rub on the head. "Hope you don't mind too much."

"It's fine," the dragon answered with a shrug. "Besides, how much trouble can one filly cause?"