• Published 14th Mar 2012
  • 737 Views, 15 Comments

The world that only i can see. - NightBeat

This is my first fic so don't expect there to be good grammer or it to even be good.

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Chapter 2: Nightmares...

First off i would like to say I'm sorry....again......I should have had this out sooner but I had to take care of school so yea....and it is kind of a short chapter but i figured it would be easier to make this into two different chapters so i could stick with my promise of haveing an update today....so i hope you enjoy....and if you don't well that kinda sucks i guess....


I walked out of the forest and slowly dragged my feet on the ground. "damn it how much farther until I get to the coast," I had said to myself with my head hung low.

Mantis's voice slowly started to appear, "hey man check it out. It looks like there is a small town over there."

I looked up and saw the small settlement. "fuckin awesome maybe they have some food or maybe even a place for me to stay the night," I said with a big smile on my face.

"hell maybe we could scare these people into giving us their stuff for free if you know what I mean Night," Mantis said with an evil smile on his face.

I instantly became depressed, "dude why won't you just leave me alone about that... I'm trying to forget all about that day and what I did."

Mantis began to laugh more, "as long as I'm here man you aren't forgetting anything."

I lowered my head and began to walk towards the town, "yeah I know..." After walking for a few minutes I finally reached the town entrance. I looked over to my left to read the sign that was there, "welcome to the town of Melancholy?"

I shrugged it off knowing that since this wasn't Equestria not all the town names had to be happy and inviting.

I walked into the town and saw ponies slowly doing their jobs with blank expressions on their faces. I walked up to the nearest one and asked him if he knew a place I could get food and shelter but he just stared at me for a second and continued to do his job.

"what's up with that guy," Mantis said a bit annoyed

I looked confused as the stallion walked off, "well that was rude..." continuing down the street I kept seeing the same blank expression on everypony's face. I soon came to a playground where five little fillies lazily played.

One of the fillies took notice of me and began to speak with no emotion, "hey mister you don't seem from around here."

I Raised an eyebrow and looked at her, "oh and how can you tell?"

"it's always easy to spot a traveler when they come here, they always have the same look on their face wondering why everypony looks so down," she said while dragging her hooves through the dirt.

I bent down to her level, "well if you don't mind me asking... Why is everypony so depressed?"

She stopped digging at the dirt and looked at me, "it's because we have all come to realize that there isn't anything great about living......all we do is work, eat and sleep that is our lives day in and day out, if we make mistakes we can't change them so why bother trying to be happy when there isn't anything to be happy about......"

I sat down and stared at her for a full minute thinking, "wow this place thinks the same why I did back on earth, I guess no matter where I am... Life is still meaningless..." my face changed from curiosity to full on depression.

"there you go mister why try to be happy when you can just live out the rest of your life like us," she then turned around and walked back to her group of friends leaving me there to be depressed.

I got up and began to walk through town without a purpose just thinking, "I left Steam-town in a journey to get to a place that I may never see..."

Mantis's voice faded in, "listen kid I don't much care for your feelings but what I do know is if you keep up this crap I'm gonna take over and I know you don't want that..."

I sighed, "why are you telling me this if you don't care?"

"I just thought it would be fair to give you a warning," Mantis said as his voice started to fade out.

I shrugged at his advice and continued walking through town with my head hung low.

After a few minutes of walking I came to a park. It was beautiful but my depression kept me from really caring . I sat down on a nearby bench and continued to think about my past....both on earth and in Equestria.

I let out a big sigh, "why am I still here?"

I put my hoofs on my head, "I don't deserve to be alive..."

Starts to cry, "I've come to a land of peace....and my first big impact I've had here was killing ponies..."

The sun begins to set and the moon slowly rises.

"this isn't what I expected it to be like when I came here…I just wanted to be at peace and escape my world," I said as I slammed my hoof down on the bench.

I open my eyes and lean back on the bench and stare at the midnight blue sky, "the only thing that's stayed the same is my love for the sky and that can only keep me at peace for so long…"

Mantis's voice begins to fade in, "then let go and let me take over…"

I continued to stare at the sky and quickly thought about my life and where I was going to end up in the future.

"so what do you say Night? Are you gonna give me control or are you just gonna continue to bitch about your life," he said with a bit of anger in his voice.

I stood up from the bench, "NO!"

Mantis began to laugh insanely, "HAHA whatever you say but in the end you body will be mine…"

I began to slowly walk down a stone path through the park when I came to a bridge. "I can't let you continue to ruin all of these ponies lives," I said with my head hung low.

Mantis stayed silent.

I slowly got onto the edge of the bridge and looked down to see the fast currents crashing against the rocks below, "I won't hurt anypony again…"

Mantis finally spoke, "if this is the only thing you can think of to stop me......then show me that you are as weak as I thought you were.....go ahead.......JUMP!!!!"

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