• Published 14th Mar 2012
  • 2,404 Views, 99 Comments

True Chaos - Woolytop

The adventures of Moonstruck the Draconequis

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Chapter 7: The Mountains

Moonstruck and Rumble each took a moment to ensure they had made it out of the cave fully unharmed.

“Well, we're going the right way,” Moonstruck said. She lifted herself into the air to fly over the mountain.

“I don't understand. If the home of the draconequines is causing these changes in the world, then why are they just starting now?” Rumble asked.

“I'm pretty sure that it moves,” Moonstruck replied. “Draconequines are naturally talented in chaos magic, so why would our home stay put?”

“Because that's the definition of a home,” Rumble pointed out as he soared to catch up with her. He caught her on his head as he flew over the mountain.

“Exactly. It would make sense for it to be in one place all the time,” Moonstruck explained. “I'm sure it'll explain everything once we get there. Or not.”

Rumble began to huff and puff as he flew higher over the mountains. After a few moments, he landed on an outcropping for a break. Moonstruck found herself running out of breath as well, despite her lack of activity.

“I just need... a little break,” Rumble panted.

Moonstruck huffed and puffed. She remembered Nana told her once that if she flew too high she'd run out of air. They sat for a while, their valiant attempts to catch their breath mostly in vain. Moonstruck looked around. They were near the top of this mountain, it's snowy cap just above them. They were about halfway over the mountain range, and if Rumble could just make it to the top, they could probably glide the rest of the way down to the other side. She froze as a roar echoed from somewhere above them. She looked up, and could have sworn she saw something move, but didn't quite see what it was. More roars echoed throughout the mountain range.

“What is that?” Moonstruck puffed.

“Sounds like yetis,” Rumble huffed.

“What's a yeti?” she asked as she stood to see if she could catch a glimpse of one.

“A yeti is a type of mountain ape,” Rumble explained. “Don't worry. They're not a threat. To me.”

“Well, that's good,” Moonstruck smiled. There was a final roar from a ledge over their outcropping. She looked over and finally saw what had been moving around.

The creature was huge, easily twice as tall as a normal pony. It's face was flat, and black, with huge, open nostrils and beady eyes. The rest of its massive body was covered in white fur, which made it blend in to the snowy background quite nicely. It had stubby little hind legs, and long, brawny arms not unlike Moonstruck's own right arm, which it used like front legs. It opened its mouth and let out another roar, revealing huge canine teeth and sharp incisors.

“Hi!” Moonstruck shouted with a wave. The great snow ape cast his gaze at her. His eyes widened as he looked her over.

“A draconequus.” His voice was rough and scratchy, but he spoke with an almost reverent awe. He leaped from his perch and landed with a heavy thud onto their outcropping. He flattened himself out to bow... No, grovel to her.

Moonstruck hopped off of Rumble's head, fluttered her wings, and gloriously face-planted into the ground. Rumble chuckled as she pried her face off the rock. Once she'd regained herself, she approached the still prone Yeti.

“Hi,” she repeated. “My name's Moonstruck. What's yours?” The yeti made a noise, but Moonstruck couldn't catch a word from it. “Lift your head. I can't hear you,” she said.

“Forgive me, Lady Moonstruck,” he said, lifting his head just enough so his face was no longer in the ground. “My name is Rinzen, Ma'am.”

“Are all yetis this formal?” Moonstruck asked as she sat down. “You don't need to call me ma'am.”

“I dare not disrespect the first lady of luck since the great freeze,” Rinzen replied, his head still only just barely off the stone.

“What are you talking about?” Moonstruck asked.

“You don't know?” Rinzen asked. “I must take you to the chief! He'll want to see you right away.” He stood and climbed up the ridge he'd dropped from. His fingers and toes found easy grips as he quickly scaled the mountainside.

“Are you going to be alright?” Moonstruck asked Rumble.

“Once I've got my strength back, I'll meet you on the other side of the mountain,” Rumble nodded. Moonstruck teleported after Rinzen, but found this left her no less out of breath than simple flight would have. The yeti lead her through the snow, higher up the mountain. It wasn't very steep, and it almost seemed as though there was a path, but the exertion was a strain on Moonstruck's lungs.

Soon they arrived to a cave, lit by torches. While the mouth itself looked like it could have been naturally formed, the inside walls had been smoothed out to a rectangular hallway. The walls were covered in carvings and letters of an origin Moonstruck didn't recognize, but seemed to depict some of the history of the Yeti race. She couldn't glean much from the pictures, which were either too weather-worn to make out in the low light, or just weren't very good in the first place.

The air inside the cave was even harder to breathe than the air outside. Moonstruck had to stop every few paces just to keep herself from passing out.

Soon the tunnel opened into what appeared to be an enormous underground jungle. Fresh air hit Moonstruck like a wave; She sucked in a deep breath, and then another. Her wind restored, she bounced quickly after her guide.

“Where did these trees come from?” Moonstruck asked.

“They were a gift,” Rinzen replied, “in the benevolence of our previous lord of luck.” Moonstruck smiled. Draconequines, benevolent? This was exactly the kind of thing she needed to hear. She wasn't doomed to crazed, chaotic destruction. This forest didn't make any sense. There was no natural sunlight in the cave, and the roots dug into the living rock as if it were soil, but despite that life in the cavern thrived.

Rinzen climbed up one of the largest trees Moonstruck had ever seen, while she fluttered up after him. In the top of the tree, there appeared to be a village, with several yetis that climbed through the branches with ease and grace. Rinzen let out a roar and called their attention to him, and Moonstruck.

Hushed whispers shot through the population. Some groveled, as Rinzen had. Others stood in shock, with their jaws hung open slightly. Moonstruck cracked a huge grin.

“Hello, yetis!” she said with a wave.

After a few moments, an elderly yeti appeared. He was scrawnier than most of the others, and supported himself with a stout stick that was covered in some kind of tribalistic carvings. On its very tip sat a white gem. He bowed; A proper bow, not like the grovel of the other yetis.

“Greetings to you, lady of luck.” His voice was aged and whispy. “I am Yeshe, chieftain of these yetis. It is a great honor to host one of your kind once again.”

“Hi!” Moonstruck said. “My name's Moonstruck. I have a lot of questions for you.”

“Anything you would like to know, Lady Moonstruck.” Yeshe tapped his staff on the ground. In an instant, two yetis appeared. They bore a grand, if somewhat aged palanquin, essentially a large bed on sticks. They lowered it enough that Moonstruck would be able to climb aboard with little effort.

Moonstruck blinked. While she'd seen servants and guards bend over backwards like this to please Auntie, she certainly never expected to receive such treatment. She hesitantly climbed on, and arranged herself so she could see all around her. The two yetis let out great huffs as they lifted the palanquin and began to carry it alongside the elder.

“It has been so long since we've last had a lord or lady. There were many of us who began to doubt your existence,” Yeshe said.

“Can you tell me about previous lords and ladies of luck?” Moonstruck asked.

“We only have recorded their names. Lord Bedlam, Lady Ataxia, and Lord Tumult. Their gifts included these very trees, and our knowledge.”

“They made you self-aware?” Moonstruck asked as she tilted her head to one side.

“If the old stories are correct. With their blessings, we did not simply eek out a living. We thrived,” Yeshe explained. “But...as time went on, we grew complacent, and arrogant. Lady Ataxia grew weary of our ways, and froze the mountaintop. She changed a select few of us to suit the new climate, and then left us. We struggled for a time, but I do believe we have survived wonderfully. Now that you're here, it seems as though our luck may be changing.”

Moonstruck pondered. Whenever the word 'chaos' was brought up, things like 'destruction', and 'evil' came with it. But luck, coincidence, serendipity, were all good things that were outside of anypony's control.

“In any case, I believe a celebration is in order,” Yeshe said as they came to a stop outside a large door.

“A party? I love parties!” Moonstruck said as she snapped out of her reverie. Yeshe tapped his staff on the ground again as yetis poured into the room ahead of them. Furious sounds of preparation came from within while they waited.

“Did any of the others say anything about their home?” Moonstruck asked.

“Our lords and ladies most usually kept to themselves. They would, on occasion, leave us for some time. They never offered an explanation,” Yeshe explained.

“Darn,” Moonstruck said as she propped her head on her hand. “One more question. Have you noticed anything particularly unusual happen in the area?”

“I'm afraid not.” Yeshe replied as the doors were finally thrown open. Spread out for them was a whole banquet of meats and fruits. There was a band assembled. Yeti instruments seemed to consist mostly of drums and horns, and a few basic string instruments. The band began to play as Moonstruck was carried into the hall, a bombastic tune that made Moonstruck want to dance. She cast her eyes around the hall, which was pretty empty.

“Where are all the others?” She asked.

“Others? I thought this ought to be a private affair,” Yeshe said.

“What kind of party is that?” Moonstruck asked. “Go and get as many yetis as you can find! I want ALL of you here!”

“O-of course, my lady!” Yeshe tapped his staff again, and in rapid order, it was done. What must have been every yeti in the mountain filed into the hall. They were silent for a while, and looked around nervously.

“Well? Come everypony, let's party!” Moonstruck shouted as she bounced up and began to dance. The yetis looked amongst themselves, and then followed suit.