• Published 11th Apr 2014
  • 304 Views, 6 Comments

Solitude Healer and the Changeling - BronyofMeddlers

A mystical healing man with a sad past meets a changeling

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Chapter 1

I woke up in the morning. My eyes blink a few times before I raise himself up and gave out a big yawned. I felt a crack on my back and my bloody neck as I shook my head. “Ugh. That will teach me not to stay up too bloody late for a good book.” I mutter as I pick up the book and place it by my side.

I went out of the bed to take a quick piss and washing of hands as I look at myself at a mirror. A small patch of black hair on my head, tan skin with a small goatee shown, black eyes looking at mirror. A small yellow amulet shown with a glow. With a pair of pajamas of sleeping pants and shirt as I began to strip and switch into my regular clothes.

A pair of purple pants, socks of blue, a blue shirt, a long coat of blue with a dash of black inside, and fingerless blue gloves with five rings on each finger. I took out a pair of silver glasses as I went to enjoy my usual breakfast, bread with berries and cheese and milk. I sigh in content.
Afterwords I settle down on the couch as I was about to read until I heard a knock. I groan at this and settle myself up to see who it was. As I open the door I notice something furry, dogish and stupid. I tried to remember the name for this fellow until it came up to me.

Diamond Dog or something. It was gray, blue eyes, full of gems on the fellow and was barking orders.
“You will give me-,” I slam the door on the dog before he said anything else.
I turn back before I heard another knock. I open the door with a quick word. “Go away.” slamming the door once more before I heard another knock once more. I open the door just looking at the dog who was looking down and asking this time. “We need help. Can you provide medicine for us?” I arch my eyebrow. “What is the damage?” I asked.

This was the usual thing whenever I meet Diamond Dogs, shut door three times to let them know I am not in the mood for the usual crap. And before you say 'how come he isn't shock by you?' Quite simple. Enchantment. Yeah, anyone who see me within my house or by the door think I am one of their own species. I could easily disable it if I wish to, I mean just a press of it allowing those see what I am. But right now I'm not in the greatest mood.
Beside if I did do that think of how much annoyance I have from all the visitors!

“Arm broken, including gems stuck in skin and flesh.” he replied. I rolled my eyes, the usual case. “One moment.” I let the door close gently this time as I turn to open a different door to a medicine room, with a wall filled with many different glass containers with labels on them. I step on the ladder and look for the usual case. “Hmm, where was it? Ah!” I snap my fingers and moved the ladder with my magic as I went up one to pick up a container filled with gem like slugs.

I let it levitate with my magic as I took out a phial of white liquid, as I went down and open the door I place the two glass containers enter in his paws. “Slugs go on him, letting the gems be eaten out, then when they go out pour liquid on his arm restoring the bone and flesh. Do not do anything with the slugs until they are dead. Got it?”

He nod at me with a fast pace.

I snap my fingers as it open up, my payment. He enter in his pockets to reveal two large diamonds as they were in my palm. “Good day.” I shut the door on him and walk away. I put them in the medicine room on a table and shut the door behind me. I took out a long pipe that was a ruler size length and settle it in my mouth. I took out a pouch in my coat and took a pinch of a special 'herb' into my pipe and took out a match and let it sit in there for a while. I settle down in my couch and breath out the smoke.

I guess I have to explain who I am, do I?

Fine, I am or was called Meriamiz. Which meant 'magical traveler'. Now I am Abegril. Which means 'Solitude healer', it's literally what I am now. Sigh let me explain. You see I once was a healing, magical, fighting traveler helping others through the realms. Always making friends, having a smile and getting into trouble at my young age.

Now after helping everyone I could I decided to stay in one place. Oh I still have magic and can still fight, but...Now after all that travel I am feeling...tired.
It does happen eventually. In case you were wondering why I'm still young when I speak like I'm old well that's easy.

Back in the day when my people were still alive the one with the biggest magic tend to live the longest. So yeah, we’re kinda like those pointy ears snobs, except without the ears, and the girlish looks. Of both gender.

And since I was well 'strong' I could lived for a long time, until they decided to put something in me. I am part of a race called Gigasmagi, which were a bunch of magic users who could live long thanks to magic. And remember when I said they were still alive? Guess who killed them all? You're listening to him. Its a complicated and sorry story that I am really not in the mood to tell.

But let just say now I'm probably going to live for a few perhaps...Centuries or something. I lost count.

Remember when I said they put something in me? A fail safe deep within my heart. Use magic in exchange for life force. In other words the more magic I use, the less time I have living. I'm surprise that I am going to live for a while after all the stuff I done. But it doesn't matter anymore, for now I am living where I wish to be and no trouble attach to me.

And I decided to live in a nexus sort of place with a forest. Well its a forest from my point of view. But nevertheless a nexus of sort, so beings who need of a healer will find me out. Without me actually leaving or something.

But yeah, point is I'm living here alone content to all my days of helping and mostly staying a hermit for the rest of my life.

So even though I accomplish much, why do I still feel so bloody empty?
Like even though I done so much, help so many beings, save things and fought against so much, and have the greatest adventure ever. Why does it feel like I'm so hollow?

'Oh I don't know.' my mind spoke to me.
'Maybe because you're the last of your species and can never find love so bloody easily? Or perhaps you live here all alone with no one to actually be with?' I argue back. 'Well excuse me princess mind! Let see you save a billion of lives throughout the universe, survive all that you taken on in life, and somehow manage to be sane after all you been through!'

'Who said you were sane to begin with?' replied my mind
'Okay you know what? Not talking!' I shout back
“Denial~' my mind sang to me.
'Shut. Up.'
'Its denial if you're arguing with yourself. Face it. Your lonely.'
'I'm not fully alone. There was that pink pony that visit.' I reason myself
'Dumb luck!' my mind told me.

And right on cue there was confetti landing beside me. “Hi Abegril!” She called out to me as she landed by my side. I gave a smile. Nice to have company once and in a while. 'You were saying? This is her 40,500 visit.'
She giggled. “40,000 and 501 visit!” she corrected me.

'See?' I told my mind. It was silent. 'Yeah that's what I thought.' I turn to Pinkie Pie. “So what can I do for you today? Need musical instruments to fight off those parasprites?” I asked. She shook her head. “Naw, but its nice to visit you once and a while. Took me three tries of looking around until I found you!” She told me as she hugged me, I grin as I don't even try to hid the fact we were two different species. Last time I tried that she saw right through the enchantment on me. To this day I still think she's a magical savant. She always denied though.

“So special occasion for you to visit me?” I asked. She shook her head. “Nope! Just visiting a friend who is in need of Pinkie Pie! Which reminds me do you have something for old bones? Applejack said Granny Smith is feeling achy.” I sighed. “Fifth box to your left on the far upper side.” She hops away to the medicine room and found it. She gave me a smile. “Thanks! Foods for payment on the table!” I nod. “So long!” she went out of the door this time.

I tried stop fighting her from going through that room. But no matter what I do she still find a way in it.

I just decided it wasn't worth the headache.

Funny story on how we meet. I was in that realm for some time in a unicorn form and meet her just as I was walking through town on that day. It was when those parasprites came into town and she was trying to find out where she can find instruments. I help her a bit and we became good friends.

However I was need elsewhere in other places in that realm. Told her to drop by when I actually found a place to rest. Didn't knew she could find it. But then again when you enter in a forest with a desire to meet a medicine man then its quite easy finding me.

I got up to pick up the book I was reading earlier and settle down on my couch as I went back to the page I was on

'So this is retirement eh? Just laying about and waiting until you die. Pathetic.' Told my mind.
'At least I have good company that comes once and a while.' I pointed out.
'Yeah, but do you remember the old saying? No being is an island. You need someone who can stay longer than just a few days.' argue my mind.

'And what? Just wait for them to die out in their natural age while I watch over them? No, better like this for everyone sake.'
'Oh really? What about your sake?' added my mind.

I was silent on that part.

'Face it, you need someone to be with, someone to be your friend once more, you done it before in the past, what's the difference now?'

'Well for one mind, they need to stay here and not want to go back to whatever they belong to, second who would want to live in a nexus? Third before I settle down I was always on the move. ALWAYS. And finally, Who would be DESPERATE enough to live here with me?'
After that there was only silence.

I sighed as I close the book and rub my head.

“Well looks like I am insane. Question is how long will I last?” I mutter to myself.

That's when I heard something.

A knock.

But it was different. It was a knock I haven't heard before. I quickly got up and ran toward the door and opening to see something new on my doorstep. It was a changeling. A badly injure changeling, but nevertheless a changeling. I was mildly surprise on this. Changelings never come to my doorstep, I meet a few in my lifetime when I was traveling but it was when I was trying to find them, not the other way around.

I look around to see if she was follow, you can never be to sure on what could happen. I gently pick up the changeling and close the door behind me as I notice the blood coming down. “Oh bugger.” I mutter as I quicken my pace as I lead the changeling to the emergency room. I gently lay down the changeling as I activated the procedure. The changeling body gently floated on where I lay the being down as I began to use a x-ray vision of her body with the room.

“Hmm, damage exoskeleton, some tissue destroy and let see nothing too major but we can't let this...girl, be here without patching her up.” I notice her gender when I look at the organs within her, true fact. I accidentally stumble upon a dead changeling corpse at one point and decided to see the organs, it was mess but I learn much from the fellow.

It was a rare opportunity.

One that I can never have again.

I decided to fix the tissue within and soon out as I began making healing runes around her body and letting them revive the cell within the wounds and fast healing them and reconstructing the tissue. I then focus on the exoskeleton as I regenerated her entire body, soon as it was complete I check to see any other damage just in case, turns out I gotten everything. Now all she need is some rest. I gently lay her down on the table and actually notice her body structure.

It was a typical changeling look, black chitin, holes on the hooves, short tail, no mane, chipped ears on the end of them, fangs just before their teeth.

I admit I am curious on what this changeling is doing here, but I have a few guess. One she needed a healer, but the question remains on how she was damage that concern me. Hopefully she can understand me or I can find a way to understand her.

I think I have a translation spell within a book around here, I kept it just in case, however only time will tell on this one. Hopefully she'll see me as a fellow changeling, but the story on how she see me is going to be tough.

For one I don't know much about changeling beside their body structure and how they operate, ask me how their mind system work and their government is and I will claim that I have no idea.
Seriously no one is lucky enough to meet a changeling and see what their home is like, only ones who could do that are the beyond lucky, or beyond stupid, or beyond crazy. I sighed as I notice my pipe haven't been smoke on too much thanks to all of this, I gave a sighed as I put a match in it again to smoke once more.

Which reminded me that I might need to get more of this stuff, last time I check I was sure I was running out. I can probably last a month or two. Hopefully this changeling won't cause me trouble. I gave a smile as I saw my new guest.

'Perhaps, just perhaps, fate decided to give me a break for once!' I told myself as I place a blanket on her and turn off the light and gently close the door as I decided to make lunch.

Author's Note:

This is my first time making this story, bugger even putting on a story on this place! Hopefully I won't be chase down by angry viewers with pitchforks and torches all calling out 'Exterminate this story!'
As you can see this is unedited as well.

Comments ( 6 )

It's a good start! Honestly though, when you upload a story is 90% of your chance for exposure. I really would spend the time editing in future. It doesn't take long. I find reading things out loud helps me, as when I read in my head, my mind fills in the missing gaps for me and I don't notice them.

You qualify for a Warren Peace review. Prepare yourself...

First things first, WAY too many tags. Three is good, four is pushing it, and five and more is far too many. This can, and will, make you look like a newbie who's just trying to get his stuff shown across all the rag boards. It will get seen, and people will give you hate for abusing the tags (though not much compared to most other offenses).

Lucky Luckily a changeling came to me. It happen happened like this.

Speaking of most other offenses, errors in the description are a good way to get hate. The description is one of the first things that a reader will see of a story. If it's got errors then you're already letting people down. It also doesn't help that you used the wrong tense of: improved at the end there.

Anyways, no other pre-story problems, so onto the story!

I woke up in the morning. My eyes blink and blinked my [color] eyes a few times before I raise himself getting up and gave letting out a big yawned yawn.

You broke tense, used the wrong tense wording, and just plain used the wrong words here. All I can say is get an editor and/or proofreader if you've got stuff like this in your story. They'll be able to help you get these before assholes like me come along and gripe about it.

washing of hands

I was going to point out that you needed to use hooves here, but a bit of further reading told me that the real problem is that this is a human story. If this is the case then you need a human tag or else those who hate human crap will give you a dislike once they spot this fact.

You see I once was a healing, magical, fighting traveler helping others through the realms.

So he was an OP Gary Stu? Great! No. Gary/Mary Stu/Sues (essentially overpowered cardboard characters who everyone loves and are perfect, which sums up Abegril so far) are the scourge of fanfiction. If you have one of them in your story you'll get nothing but hate unless it's a satirical piece, and this one isn't. Again, an editor will be your best bet here as they'll be able to further help you develop a decent character.

And speaking of the character, what point is there to having him be this super-special human thing. If you removed all that stuff and just made him a unicorn the story would be no different (aside from not being yet another HiE, which is generally a good thing not to be in the first place). My suggestion, therefore, is ditch this character for a more standard pony one.

“40,000 and 501 five hundred and first visit!”

Write out all numbers less than 1,000. It's proper and makes you look less lazy.

“So what can I do for you today? Need musical instruments to fight off those parasprites?” I asked.

[New paragraph]She shook her head. “Naw, but its it's nice to visit you once and a while. Took me three tries of looking around until I found you!”

New speaker, new paragraph. That's a rule of writing. If you don't do this, everything becomes one big jumbled mess that isn't any fun to read, and that's no good.

“So long!”

For the record, Pinkie wasn't poorly done (in my opinion), so good job there, her character was decent.

As you can see this is unedited as well.

WHY!? This statement makes me (sorta) want to start a mob to chase you down with torches and pitchforks. There is no excuse for not editing a story beforehand (unless it's a trollfic), especially not the first chapter of your first story. Again: there is NO EXCUSE.

So yeah.

Either justify or get rid of the poor main character. Replacing him with a unicorn doctor in a small town would be far more appealing, as well as be much easier to write. The idea of him taking in a changeling to heal, while unoriginal, is interesting nonetheless and has potential. Potential, however, that you as a new writer do not have yet.

My suggestion for now is scrap the story (or place it on password view only until you've got more belly under your belt), and try for something easier as a first with help from an editor or proofreader. My suggestion for that is a slice-of-life one-shot between two characters in a set setting. This will let you practice using dialogue and descriptions of setting and character actions (something that also wasn't very well done here). Hell, maybe put your re-defined unicorn doctor into a situation with his changeling patient, that'd work great if you write it right.

Questions or concerns? PM me. Otherwise good luck and farewell...

4229050 thanks for the criticism. Now I know what to do and not to do.

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