• Published 31st Dec 2013
  • 879 Views, 87 Comments

Doctor Whooves: Shattered - forevertheDoctor

The adventures of Ditzy Doo and the Doctor

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In the blizzard

Ditzy flapped her wings madly. She didn't know where she was or how she got there or how much time had passed. She felt like she was snow blind with the whiteness that surrounded her. She kept flying, for there was nothing but a white void below her. She called out to the only stallion she knew who could help her.
"DOCTOR! DOCTOR IT'S DITZY! HELP!!" Ditzy screamed until her voice was reduced to a whimper.
"Anypony..." whispered Ditzy. At Sugarcube Corner, Pinkie cocked her head when she heard a mare's scream for a doctor. Was she sick? Injured? Did she need help? Pinkie's thoughts were interrupted by a strange sound. A sound like a steam engine wheezing if a steam engine were ever to wheeze. Pinkie's short attention span caused her to abandon the screams from the snow globes and investigate the sound. She walked outside to see a small blue box.
"Woah!" exclaimed Pinkie. She inspected the box carefully.
"A police public call box? What's a police public call box?" asked Pinkie to no one in particular. Eventually, her curiousity got the better of her. She put a hoof on the box and tried to open the doors. They were unlocked. She stepped inside to see a chestnut colored earth pony fiddling with high tech devices. He didn't seem to notice Pinkie.
'This box must belong to him.' thought Pinkie. Pinkie smiled and trotted over to say hello.
"Hiya!!!" said Pinkie. The stallion leaped back in surprise. This mare literally appeared out of nowhere.
"My name's Pinkie Pie! Say, what's your name? Because I know EVERYPONY'S name but I don't know your's!" said Pinkie. The stallion stared at Pinkie
"I'm the Doctor." said the Doctor. Pinkie giggled.
"Oooooh, you're British! 'Ello govner!" said Pinkie. She continued speaking, literally bouncing off walls and teleporting as she talked.
"Wait...Doctor? I've never heard of you...*LE GASP* which means you must be new! Which MEANS I need to sing my welcome song to you!" babbled Pinkie. Before the Doctor could even open his mouth to protest, Pinkie had already began to sing.
"Welcome, welcome, you must be new, you're a pony I never knew I never knew! But that's ok, you're here today, to have a Pinkie Pie party with Pinkie Pie, HOORAY!" Pinkie sang happily. At the end of her song she pulled out a cannon out of nowhere and shot balloons and confetti everywhere. The Doctor stared at her speechless and picked a piece of confetti out of his mane.
"Well, what did you think?" asked Pinkie, looking up at the Doctor with big adorable eyes.
"I think you just broke physics." said the Doctor. Pinkie giggled insanely.
"Physics? Buck physics I'm Pinkie Pie!" said Pinkie.
"Right..." replied the Doctor. Pinkie looked around.
"Wait...." said Pinkie suspiciously. She dashed outside, inspected the box and rushed back in.
"Well?" asked the Doctor hopefully. Pinkie shrugged.
"Meh, seems normal." said Pinkie. The Doctor's jaw went slack.
"We're simply in another dimension hyper linked to our dimension. This is a TARDIS...oooh, Gallifreyan! Isn't that interesting? Why are you shocked?" asked Pinkie. She turned to face her "imaginary" audience, breaking the fourth wall.
"Gee, you'd think a stallion would know how his own ship works, am I right???"

Author's Note:

Chapter 2 complete. So...Matt Smith is gone. I'm crying on my bed while clutching my sonic screwdriver and stroking my 50th anniversary DVD...I'M IN A GLASS CASE OF EMOTION!!!!!