• Published 25th Dec 2013
  • 1,107 Views, 24 Comments

Diary of a Soldier - TheCamel

The griffons attack on Los Pegasus, from the view of one pony guard.

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Los Pegasus: Day 8

This is impossible. Celestia help us, we’re all going to die.

We’re hiding in a partially collapsed building. By ‘we’ I mean just Swift and I. The others are... Luna watch over them, the others are all dead.

They’re gone.

I... still don’t know what happened. Swift and I are still in shock. We have no idea if anypony else managed to escape the shopping center, or maybe we’re the only ones left.

We all were ordered back to HQ to help evacuate the wounded. I guess some of the ponies were able to fight their way to the smaller freight rail and managed to secure a train for our retreat. Lt. Hoof, Swift, and I went downstairs to see if we could find a cart to help move the wounded, but just when we were about to head back up an explosion went off somewhere upstairs. Lt. Hoof ordered us to stay put until he figured out what was going on, but after he rushed upstairs he never came back.

All we heard was the sound of fighting and ponies dying, so we headed upstairs but something had fallen across the door. We had no choice but to head to the second floor and try to find a way back down, but once we reached the first window and saw what was going on we both froze. The griffons had managed to break past our defenses and were inside, but leading them was something that even Discord would never do. A griffon with a horn growing out of his head was fronting the attack. I don’t know how, but he was using magic and casting attack spells while also dissipating any attack thrown back at him.

We saw pony after pony fall to his attacks, and the griffons behind him were picking off anypony that was wounded or tried to escape. We saw... Swift and I, we watched as Red and Lieutenant Hoof tried taking this monster head on. They never touched him, they were killed before they could get anywhere close to them. Right after that we saw Max being cut down, he was trying to help an injured pony get out through a side door without being noticed but they were caught and ripped apart.

Only small circle of survivors were left, Night Sparkler one of them. He must have seen us staring down at him because he shook his head when Swift and I were preparing to jump down to help. We stopped, thinking that they would be taken as prisoners and Swift and I could then try to rescue them. But... but that griffons monster, he ordered the others to attack, we watched them all die. Every single one. The last... the last thing my best friend said to me, he told me and Swift telepathically to run. Run, get out.

So we did.

We ran.