• Published 28th Dec 2013
  • 1,572 Views, 10 Comments

Persona: The "Pony"-verse Legacy - Golden Flare

Two humans from another world came into Equestria, unsure of where they are, and they are somehow able to wield card-like creatures called "Personas".

  • ...

Episode 2: Even Darkness Has A Heart

"Even... Your eyes." a worried Ley said.

"My eyes?" Even asked, confused.

"They're green... And red." Ley replied.

"?!" motioned Even.

A few moments after that, his eyes returned to normal.

"Even! Your eyes! They're normal again!" Ley shouted with delight.

Twilight, the orange pony, and the white unicorn were laying on the ground, defeated, while the yellow Pegasus was still hiding and cowering, but they still stared at them, shocked about what the male was capable of.

Even and Ley shot a quick glance at them.

"Um, maybe we should go." Ley suggested without hesitation.

"Yeah, I agree." said Even.

They both ran and hitched a ride on the caboose of a train in the middle of town.

"Heh, let's see 'em catch us now." Even said with a smirk.

The four ponies saw the couple ride off into the distance, until the pink pony, Pinkie Pie, the purple dragon, Spike, and the rainbow-maned Pegasus pony, Rainbow Dash, caught up with the group, despite that Rainbow was still dazed from that blow to the head.

"Whoooooooaa, what the hay happened here? Guess we missed the party." said a disappointed, but concerned Pinkie Pie.

"Twilight! Are you ok?" Spike worriedly asked.

Twilight just laid there, astonished, thinking up a proper course of action.

Then, Twilight knew what to do.

"Spike... Take a letter."

Episode 2: Even Darkness Has A Heart

"Whew! That was a close one!" Ley said, relieved.

"Yeah, too close." Even said.
"Still, that thing... And that card... Do I have... Superpowers or something?" Even asked himself.

"Nah, it can't be superpowers, you're too... let's say, plain, to be saving the world." Ley said, jokingly.

"Oh, Thanks!" Even said, annoyed.

"Ha ha! C'mon, Even! You know I'm kidding! Before all this happened, you were anything but plain!" Ley said, trying to lift her friend's spirits.

"Yeah, yeah." Even replied.

"I'm serious! Really!" Ley said.

The train stopped at one of it's destinations.

"Hey, let's get off before someone sees us." Even said.

"Okay." Ley agreed.

They got off the train and hid in an alley in between two large buildings.

Like in that other town, this one had the same inhabitants, except this town was different, it appeared more high class.

"Whoa. Fan-cy." Even said, impressed.

"Yeah, but we have to lay low, we don't want to attract anymore unwanted attention." Ley said, being dead serious all of a sudden.

"Gotcha." Even replied.


"Ok, Twilight! The letter's been sent! Now what?" said Spike.

"Now we wait." Twilight replied.

They walked around the library that they were in, with the other five ponies trying to get some R&R.

Spike stared at the burn mark on Twilight back, the mark that came from that last attack from that giant King Sombra.

"Um, Twilight? Does it hurt?" Spike asked.

"Does what hurt?" Twilight asked.

"That mark on your-"

"DID YOU GUYS SEE THAT?!" a small, orange and purple pony burst in shouting, interrupting Spike.

"Scootaloo?! What are you doing here?!" Twilight asked.

"Ah think ya mean, what are we doin' here?" said a small, yellow and red pony with a red ribbon in her mane.

"Yeah! Don't leave us out!" said a small, white unicorn with pink and purple streaks in her mane.

"Apple Bloom?! And Sweetie Belle?!" Twilight said.

"Hey, Applejack! That was one humdinger of a hoedown out there!" said an amazed Apple Bloom.

"It was soooooooo cool! Almost as cool as-"

"Don't. Finish. That. Sentence." An annoyed Rainbow Dash said, interrupting Scootaloo.

"But it was." said Sweetie Belle.

"Girls, y'all should be home right now, where it's safe." said a concerned Applejack.

"That's right, Sweetie Belle, I mean, what if that, that... Thing, comes back?" the white unicorn said in disgust.

"But Rarity!..." whined Sweetie Belle.

"No buts, Sweetie Belle!" Rarity said, sternly.

"Aw, c'mon!" whined Apple Bloom.

"Home! Now!" demanded Applejack.

"Hmph!" scoffed Apple Bloom.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle stormed out of the library while Scootaloo stood there.

"You too, Scoots." said Rainbow Dash.

"But, Rain-"

"I SAID GO!" yelled Rainbow Dash.

Scootaloo slowly walked out of the library with her ears laying flat.

"C'mon, Crusaders! We're not goin' home yet!" Apple Bloom stated.

"Why not?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Because we're gonna find that guy and get 'im to teach us how to use those giant creature things!" Apple Bloom said with determintation.

"WHAT?!" Sweetie Belle practically screeched.

"Think about it! What if we could get ah, um, 'Creature Controlling' cutie mark?"

"I guess that would be pretty cool. What do you think, Scoots?" Sweetie Belle asked, "...Scoots?"

Scootaloo raised her head with an angry look on her face.

"I'm in." Scootaloo finally replied.


They ran off, in search of the guy who could use creatures to battle great enemies.


Even and Ley were sneaking around the high class town, avoiding contact with any of the ponies.

"I just can't get this off my mind." Even said.

"What?" Ley asked.

"I have a great power, but what should I use it for?" Even said, "What do you think, Ley?"

No response.


He turned his head and noticed that his friend wasn't next to him.

"?!!" Even motioned.

"Even!!" Ley screamed at the top of her lungs.

Even looked up at the sky and saw three Pegasus guards who kidnapped Ley, "Let her go!"

The guards took Ley and flew away to the castle on the other side of town.

"Get back here!" Even shouted as he chased them.

"Forget laying low! My friend needs me!" Even thought to himself.

He zoomed out of the alley making a beeline to the huge castle.


Even was being watched just outside one of the windows of the castle.

"That's right. Come to the castle." said a tall, dark blue alicorn mare.


Princess Luna was cleaning the bedchambers her sister, Princess Celestia, when all of a sudden, a letter popped up out of nowhere.

She began to read it.

"Dear Princess Celestia,
We have a great emergency on our hooves, two creatures of unknown species have shown up in Ponyville and hurt Rainbow Dash, but that's not the worst part! The male controls that monster, King Sombra! Please write me back when you get this!"

"Your faithful student,
Twilight Sparkle"

Luna was shocked and immediately took action. She began writing a reply to Twilight.

"Dear Twilight Sparkle,
Meet me at the Canterlot castle, I have a plan of attack, bring the Elements of Harmony with you, we are going to need them."

"From the desk of Princess Celestia"

Princess Luna then sent the letter to Twilight, posing as her sister.


"Princess Luna! We're here to see Princess Celestia!" stated a familiar voice.

"Twilight Sparkle, um, my sister, um, left me in charge with the, um, attack." Princess Luna said nervously.
"Did you bring the Elements?"

"Yes, Princess Luna." Twilight replied.

"Good. Let us bring harmony back to Equestia!" Princess Luna stated.


Even made his way into the castle, trying desperately to find his best friend.

"Ley?! Where are you?!" Even called.

"Not. Another. Step." Princess Luna demanded, walking out of a silhouetted hallway.

"Where's Ley?!" Even shouted.

"Hmph. You're supposed to be the controller of King Sombra? How can that be? You're so young." Princess Luna said.

"I'll ask again. Where. Is. My friend?!" Even said.


Princess Luna remained silent, staring at him.

"ANSWER ME!!!" Even infuriatedly demanded.

"...Why does she matter so much to you?" Princess Luna asked.

"There's a question already on the table!" Even stated loudly.

"I'm sorry, young one, but you must fall." Princess Luna stated as clearly as she could.

Even charged at the nearest suit of armor, which was used as decoration, and yanked out a sword and it's scabbard. he tied the strap attached to the scabbard around his waist and pulled the sword out.

King Sombra's card began to descend in front of Even.

"I'll fight to protect my friends! Especially from you!! PERSONA!!"

He attacked the card with the sword he just drew.

Even called his Persona and began to fight for his friend. He thrust the sword on the floor next to him, cupped his hands and threw them to his side. King Sombra put his forelegs forward and concentrated the dark magic from his horn, forming a black and purple orb, while Even's eyes turned green and red once again.

"NOW!!" Princess Luna shouted.

Behind her were the six ponies from before, using the full power of the Elements of Harmony to defeat Even and Sombra. A huge rainbow formed and charged at Even, but tried to force it back with Sombra's charge attack.

"DARKNAROK!!" Even screeched.

Sombra launched his attack. The orb exploded into thousands of lasers, charging into the rainbow, but to no avail, it destroyed the lasers like they were nothing. The rainbow charged straight through Even and his Persona, beginning to throw them backwards.

"SOMBRA! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Even screamed in pain.

They were thrown to the wall behind them, King Sombra looked like he had pixels all around him.

There was no denying it. Sombra was growing weak. And if Sombra was weak, Even was weak.

"One more blast should do it. Ponies, once more!" Princess Luna said.

They charged up for another attack, and Even knew the next rainbow would be the last one he'd see.

Because Even knew if King Sombra dies...

Even dies.


Princess Celestia walked into the throne room and noticed two guards with a human girl.

"What do you want with me?" Ley asked.

"What are you talking about?" Princess Celestia asked.

"You sent your guards to capture me!" Ley shouted.

"You will show respect to the princess!" the first guard stated, sternly.

"I didn't order my guards to do anything. What is the meaning of this?!" Princess Celestia said.

"Our orders come from Princess Luna, Your Majesty." the second guard answered.

"What?! Why would Luna-"

"SOMBRA! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Even screamed in pain.

"EVEN!" Ley shouted.

Ley, Celestia, and the two guards raced to find the source of that scream.

"Sister, I hope you're not doing what I think you're doing." Princess Celestia thought to herself.


"One more blast should do it. Ponies, once more!" Princess Luna said.

They charged up for another attack. Princess Celestia arrived just in time to try and stop this.


"What?" Twilight said, confused.

"NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" Ley screamed.

Ley charged at Twilight and pushed her over, knocking the Element of Magic off her head.

"Ley!" Even shouted.

"Run, Even! Get outta here while you still can!" shouted Ley.

"No! Not without you!" Even stated.

A red flash came from Even. He doesn't realize he leveled up.

Level 1 -> 2
Courage +2 = 9
Expression +2 = 8
Understanding +1 = 8
Knowledge +3 = 13
Diligence +2 = 11

King Sombra has leveled up as well.

Level 2 -> 3
Strength + 2 = 12
Magic + 3 = 15
Endurance + 2 = 11
Agility + 1 = 10
Luck + 2 = 9

Twilight tried to push Ley off her.

"Luna, stop this at once! This is not the way to handle the situation!" Princess Celestia demanded.

Even prepared another Darknarok charge attack.

"This is what needs to be done, sister!" Princess Luna stated.

"Sombra! Don't attack until I tell you to!" Even commanded.

King Sombra nodded his head, accommodating Even's command. Even ran to grab Ley and escape, and once he did, he shouted his signal.


And then Sombra released his Darknarok attack and nearly killed everyone, but Celestia summoned a barrier to protect them.


"ENOUGH!!" Celestia yelled, interrupting Luna.

"From now on, I'M handling this! Twilight Sparkle! Return to Ponyville, with your friends, at once!" Princess Celestia commanded.

"...Yes, princess." Twilight said, glumly.

Twilight and her friends left the Princess's sight.

"We'll talk about this later, sister. You are NOT to leave your bedchambers, until it is time to raise the moon. Do I make myself clear?" Princess Celestia asked.

"Crystal, sister." Princess Luna said.

"Good. Now go." Celestia said.

Luna walked to bedchambers, depressed. Celestia watched out the window and saw Even and Ley run to the train to ride to it's next stop.

"Do you really mean to do harm to us, young one?" Celestia asked.
"I must know everything about you two, who you are, why you're here, everything."


Unbeknownst to Celestia, Luna sent a letter to The Crystal Empire, informing it's rulers who's on their way, and what they need to do.

"Sorry, sister, but action must be taken." Luna said.


An unknown being was walking up a hill just outside of Ponyville, and Pinkie Pie bumped into him by accident. She was bouncing around without knowing where she was going.

"Hi there!" Pinkie said.
"I saw two things like you! What're you doin' here?"

"I'm looking for someone." the new human said.

He showed her a picture of someone.

"Ooooh! Who's that?" Pinkie said, joyfully.

"Her name is..."


Next Scent

"Wherever this train stops, we have to try and blend in." Even said.

"Who knows? Maybe this place might have a way back home for us." Ley suggested.

"So, you two are the ones causing all this trouble." Shining Armor said.

"I'm you, and you're me." said Ley's shadowy reflection in the crystals.

To Be Next

Episode 3: The Persona Princess

Author's Note:

Well, I finally finished chapter 2, took me all day, but it's done. I hope you guys like it! Chapter 3 will be here soon!