• Published 27th Dec 2013
  • 7,193 Views, 37 Comments

Blackmailing the Teacher - quiteTricky

Diamond Tiara has had enough of Cheerilee's lack of respect. Her detention was the last straw. With only a camera and a friend, Diamond Tiara is going to teach the teacher her place, and she's going to enjoy it.

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Comments ( 35 )

and then diamond tiara accidentally gets kidnapped by foal sex slavers. i wonder how that happened.................

i am going to hell because i would buy her............

One part of me wants to see this go all the way to the end.
The other part wants to see Diamond get her karma in full.

I say we prioritise things—go all the way, then suffer the karma!

3687473 darn, just as I thought I would write it!

Anyway, this has potential. Keep going

Keep it up! Got my like and fav.

I like where this is going! :pinkiehappy:

will this at any point be clop?

I am aroused and i am like, not even sorry:pinkiehappy:

more please. I hope Silver Spoon gets in on this action.:trixieshiftright:

Put some clop in this, yo!

Well then GG! I think there is only one way Cheerilee could ever solve this problem. :rainbowwild: LoL Favoriting this! Can't wait for more!
Also, Do you think Cheerilee and Twilight Sparkle is a good ship?


It was an hour past the end of the school.

Either "the" is superfluous, or "day" should be at the end.

“Our time is over Diamond Tiara.”

There should be a comma between "over" and "Diamond."

“Thank you Miss Cheerilee.”

There should be a comma between "you" and "Miss."

The fact Diamond Tiara thought her detention was unjustified after she nearly got Scootaloo, Sweetie 1A.)Belle and 2.)Applebloom seriously injured was 1B.)astonishing and Cheerilee had been in such a fury at the time.

1AB.)There should be commas between "Belle" and "and," and between "astonishing" and "and."
2.)"Apple Bloom" is two words.

Yes Miss Cheerilee?”

There should be a comma between "yes" and "Miss."

“Of course you can sweetie,”

There should be a coma between "can" and "sweetie."

“1A.)Thanks Miss Cheerilee.” Diamond 2.)TIara opened her mouth to go 1B.)on but closed it a second after.

1AB.) There should be commas between "thanks" and "Miss," and between "on" and "but."
2.) The "i" should be lowercase.

Thanks Miss Cheerilee!”

There should be a comma between "thanks" and "Miss."

They gave her a small giggle, watching them all but flee the classroom. Her giggle died when she realized it was at last just her and Diamond Tiara.

This should probably be, "She gave them."

She did not look up when Diamond Tiara replied, “Yes Miss Cheerilee.”

There should be a comma between "yes" and "Miss."

She smiled at her red-faced teacher. “Bye Miss Cheerilee!”

There should be a comma between "bye" and "Miss."

“Is something wrong Miss Cheerilee?” Diamond Tiara asked innocently. She had definitely given an annoyed sigh but there was no sign of it.

There should be commas between "wrong" and "Miss" and between "sigh" and "but."

“This stupid detention was the last straw, but its about a lot more than that ‘Miss’ Cheerilee..."

There should be a comma between "that" and "'Miss.'"

It was obvious why Diamond TIara had picked that way of being addressed, even the verbal emphasis had been identical to how her students said ‘Miss Cheerilee’.

The "i" should be lowercase.

Pale under her fur as she considered what would happen if she got three strikes, Cheerilee nodded. “Yes Miss Tiara.”

There should be a comma between "yes" and "Miss."

“I didn’t hear a ‘yes Miss Tiara.’”

“S-sorry Miss Tiara.” Cheerilee swallowed. “Yes Miss Tiara, I won’t give out any detentions.” She agreed.

There should be commas between "yes" and "Miss," "sorry" and "Miss," and between "yes" and "Miss."

A wooden ping-pong bat, a flat circle with a short grip. “Perfect, I knew the blank flanks tried ping-pong yesterday.” Taking the bat in the mouth, Diamond Tiara hurried towards her teacher with a smirk visible around the grip in her teeth.

Here, you call it a ping-pong bat.

She stopped turning, keeping her eyes on the blackboard. “Y-yes Miss Tiara.”

There should be a comma between "yes" and "Miss."

Smirking, Diamond Tiara felt an intense rush each time the loud slap of ping-pong paddle on plot filled the classroom.


Lowering the paddle at last, Diamond Tiara giggled.

And here, you call it a ping-pong paddle. For the sake of consistency, you should choose one or the other, bat or paddle, and stick with it.

After a few seconds recovering from the pain of the spanking, Cheerliee tried to answer. “B-because-

The i and the l in this Cheerilee are inverted. Also, even though this sentence was cut off, it should have a close quote.

“Y-yes Miss Tiara,” she mumbled, looking down on the filly blackmailing her.

There should be a comma between "yes" and "Miss."

Cheerilee lowered the hoof she had raised, blushing in embarrassed.

"Embarrassed" should be "embarrassment."

Cheerilee is an idiot. Everyone knows that Diamond Tiara is a bitch, and they would be more willing to believe Cheerilee over Diamond Tiara. That is, until that last picture. Because I am a horrible person, I want to see just how badly Diamond Tiara tortures Cheerilee. Therefore, I will favorite and upvote.

I'm hoping this turns out well, as in doesn't suck, because I really want to like this. :raritystarry:

Absolutely love seeing quality stories about Diamond Tiara breaking in a new toy. Ah, good times ahead with this story. Eagerly awaiting new chapters comrade.

well.... I just might read this... but does it really count as 'rape'? I haven't read it, but I would think that cheerilee would A) have enough pull with twilight and possibly celestia to B) have enough power to stop this if she really wanted to. so, not sure why it was put into rape group... I refuse to read unless it's complete though. It's one of my weird things I do.

3687182 We're gonnna get into one of dem ol bidding wars now arn't we?

Comment posted by ThisAccountIsDeadd deleted May 3rd, 2019


Cheerilee is an idiot. Everyone knows that Diamond Tiara is a bitch, and they would be more willing to believe Cheerilee over Diamond Tiara.

Canonically speaking, no, they don't. Most everyone seems to think she's decent enough. Miss Cheerilee even thought well enough of her to make her the editor of the school paper. If there are foals people have a low opinion of, it would be far more likely to be Snips, Snails, and/or the CMC (love poison, parade sabotage, cutie pox, gossip columnists, and the list goes on). Plus DT has the photographer to back her up, so it wouldn't be just her word against Cheerilee's.

That said, yup, Cheerilee is an idiot.

God... I feel bad for Cheerilee.

I want to see where this goes, so I will favorite and upvote.

Oh Diamond Dazzle Tiara, you magnificent evil little bitch. :pinkiecrazy:

Love it, can't wait to see more.

Diamond Tiara fic done right.
Would love to read some more.

This could be really enjoyable, but the believability is ruined for me by the fact that any responsible or intelligent adult, even an actual foal-fiddler if she wanted to be safe, would simply explain what happened after the first or second kiss to their authority figure and to the foal's parent. Having a little faith in the system solves the problem. Even if Cheerilee were paranoid, risking the consequences of a lesser crime she didn't commit is obviously safer than digging herself deeper.

If this were pure clop I wouldn't care, but this is mostly plot so I can't ignore it.

There are definitely ways it could be fixed, especially at this early stage. it'd be worth it in my opinion to fix since you write relatively well otherwise.

that was an awesome first chapter hope it updates soon:rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss::pinkiehappy:

why isn't this updating:fluttercry::fluttershysad::twilightangry2::raritycry:

If its canceled, please tell us. I love it so far, but you haven't updated it in forever.

What's threst of it going to be like?

One year later still no update,
:eeyup:this is dead:ajbemused:


well heres how I see the ending. goes on for about three days or more CMC sees it reports it to twilight diamond gets called out. and gets WAY more than just a detention. pluse she dosnt have anything to really fear. Diamond has a history of blackmail and bullying with lots of evidence as well as support from other students.

6819262 dude that was over a year ago I wrote that and STILL no update
Hell I can't even remember what I read that made me mad


oh...I was just browsing really. Sorry.

Finally! There really needs to be more foalcon stories with the younger one as the dominant. :moustache:

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