• Published 10th Jun 2014
  • 10,245 Views, 122 Comments

Path of Redemption - Lucidenn

The impossible has happened, through all the pain and darkness, Twilight Sparkle succeeded in her impossible mission...mostly. King Sombra is still plenty rough around the edges, but despite being an old dog he's making an effort to learn new tr

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Chapter Two: The New Regime

The Friendship Express train car was unbearably silent.

Twilight Sparkle shifted restlessly on her seat, in part due to the challenge posed by her distended belly in getting comfortable. Two seats in front of her gathered her PFFs. Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie clumped together on one seat, while Rainbow Dash Applejack and Spike spilled across the isle onto the seat across. The first three would contort their faces in a range of emotions, alluding the storm raging inside of them, opening their mouths as if to ask a question that was burning in their minds, but close them before a sound could come out. The last three remained stoic, trying to hide the fact that they were staring at her, and at him. They were apprehensive, the hesitation to trust, to feel for her again plainly written in their eyes.

Twilight shifted around again, her anxiety starting to get to her. Her friends had been genuinely happy to see her return, but what if they never fully forgave her? What if they could never fully come to trust her again, after what she'd done to them? What if... but that thought was soon cut off by the warmth of her husband's side as he slid closer to her. He had opted to lie down and relax for the train ride to ponyville, all but sleeping through it. He couldn't care less for how the others felt about him, he wouldn't bat an eye if they riled against him in anger, or if they showered him with friendship, they simply didn't matter to his happiness.

Now, he had is left eye cracked open to peer at her from that charming ruby iris of his. He said nothing, just looked up at her for a moment, before a hint of a smile graced his lips. Closing his eye once more he scooted even closer than before so that she could feel his warmth, his love, radiating throughout her body. Confound his tranquility, it had such a habit of spreading to her; she couldn't help but to feel relaxed, all warm and fuzzy inside, when he was so close like this. Looking back to her friends, took a quick breath and regained a mote of confidence. She could never earn their trust and friendship back if she paralyzed herself with 'what ifs'. It was time to take matters into her own hooves. As she opened her mouth to speak, Rainbow Dash decided to walk over to the seat directly in front of her and sit down.

"So am I going to have super powers or something?"

The question was so outlandish, so completely out of context, that it threw Twilight for a complete loop, wiping out all of her carefully constructed conversation topics. "I...huh?"

"Because if my left wing's gonna have super strength or speed now, I think I'd need my right wing fixed up too, gotta keep things balanced right?"

Twilight burst into laughter, it was too much for her to handle. All the stress she'd piled on herself about trying to make up to her friends and here Rainbow was asking her about magical modifications, just like the time she wanted Twilight to change her into a gryphon. Her laughs became intermingled with sobs so that she was making a hiccupy/gaspy sound. Sombra had cracked his eyes open again, wise enough from the past few months to remain as unobtrusive as possible, while simultaneously as supportive as possible for his wife's mood swings, though he doubted it to be entirely hormonal this time around.

"How, how can you...already..." was as much as Twilight could gasp out of her uncooperative mouth. Rainbow's eyes grew somber, there was so much pain left over still, a scar too deep for anything other than time. "I can't really forget what happened Twi, when I lost my wing I...look I'm not good at all this mushy stuff. I was broken, but now you're back and you've already fixed a part of me. Let's just call it even and start off a blank slate, deal?"

Twilight nodded happily, "Deal." Now her other friends came closer to join Rainbow. "Darling, I think what Rainbow is trying to say is that while you made a mistakes, we only got hurt because we made mistakes as well. If we had really listened to you that day, this whole mess could have been avoided in the first place. Funny how every time it turns out so disastrous hmm?"

"Rares got a point Sugarcube, my silly brother's still over the moon for that rag doll from the first time we didn't listen." That prompted a chuckle from the rest of her friends, and an embarrassed flush of blood from Twilight. Spike suddenly leapt up onto her seat to cling to her in a desperately needed hug. He looked just like he had 9 months ago, though perhaps was he just a little bit taller now? Those eyes when he turned them to her pierced her heart, filled with tears and somewhere between love, and fear. "I know you had to leave Twilight, but what took you so long?" It would seem the supply of liquid to her tear ducts were endless this night.

"Oh Spike, I'm so so sorry. I promise not to leave you, any of you ever again." He nodded in acceptance, for now that would have to do. "As for your question, well let's just say Applejack used to be the most stubborn pony I've ever known." Applejack gave an embarrassed cough and suddenly became extremely interested in the cushion she sat upon. Sombra for his part simply stuck his tongue cheekily at Twilight, which in turn naturally earned him a gentle elbow to the rib cage. Everypony was laughing now, the silence gone to be replaced by the old warmth of companionship. For the first time in more than a year, Twilight finally felt like everything was certainly fine.

Celestia watched from her tower as the Friendship Express chugged away into the distance. It added a sense of completeness to the day, a circle opened and closed with watching a train from her window. With a hint of déjà vu, her sister approached from behind, only to simply sit beside Celestia without a word, content to share her silent company.

"It's a beautiful night Lulu, though I suspect the new addition will greatly vex the royal astronomers and their maps."

"Their maps have been the same for generations, its about time those old geezers had some real work to do."

"Perhaps, though I doubt many will appreciate the irony of a star-shaped constellation."

They shared another chuckle together before settling down to watch Equestria rest peacefully in the gentle moonlight.

"I'm sorry Tia, for doubting her like that."

"No, you were right to do so. It was prudent to be distrustful, and Equestria couldn't afford both it's rulers throwing caution to the wind in favor of personal emotion. I just thank the stars that everything went better than we could have hoped."

Luna nibbled on her lip, uncertain of how to bring up her next topic of concern. "Thank you Tia, as I'm afraid I must be further practical tonight despite how much I would wish to join you in relaxed celebration of Twilight's return."

With a slight downturn of the corners of her lips, Celestia cocked her head and looked directly at Luna, giving her a small nod to show she held her full attention.

"Nopony is more relieved than I that Twilight has not only returned repentant, but having completed her original task and then some, however that poses a significant problem for Equestria that we have not foreseen. Sparkle is barely a month out from bearing foal, which means there is a royal family about to make root in Ponyville. Furthermore, 'reformed' though Sombra may be, some things never change about ponies. Though Sparkle may have somehow turned his energies toward the path of good rather than evil, Sombra has ever been an ambitious and power-hungry individual. What is to stop him from trying to claim the right to rule over the crystal ponies once more? And if we are to deny him there, will he really be content to live out as royalty only in name, in a small town in the country? Will Twilight?"

Celestia's frown deepened, troubled by the truth in her sister's words. With a deep sigh, she turned to look out upon her precious ponies once more. "I don't know the answer to any of those Lulu, it is worrisome indeed to think what unforeseen consequences their return may bring. We shall have to tread lightly, and watch closely; we must be there to help in any way we can to help guide them across each bridge we may come across. Other than that, all we can do is hope, and to believe in them both. Twilight's proven many times now that she can do anything at all that she puts her mind to, and she deserves our faith in her decisions."

For a moment, Luna said nothing as she absorbed her sister's response. Looking outside as well, she scooted closer to Tia to wrap a comforting wing around her, a gesture that was returned in kind. "You're right again Tia, Twilight certainly has proven her ability time and time again. I just simply cannot shake the feeling that whatever it is that she sets her mind upon next will have ripples that will permeate all of Equestria....

Perhaps even, the entire world."

Comments ( 57 )

Finally, new chapter.

~Crystalline Electrostatic~

Finaly new chapter and story is "on hiatus"

I'm glad to see this story again. Any moment between Sombra and Twilight is heartwarming.

How exactly can two ponies both have their wings around one other? Wouldn't one wing around a pony cover the other ponies' wings? Just, help me understand this!

I...much prefer this good sequel to the evil one.
It give some fuzzy warm and somewhat dark feeling...But not malevolence.

It updated! :raritystarry:

Does this mean that this story will become a little more active?

4779403 Much like how one could have an arm wrapped around each other, one wing would be hugging closer to the shoulders, the other pony's wing closer to the lower spine. At least that's how I picture it.

4779865 Moreso active yes, but it will still lag behind its sister sequel.

"So am I going to have super powers or something?"

Good to see Dash is focused on the important issues. Though to be honest, her regular in-show flying skills might as well be super powers. The ability to break the sound barrier (or the spectrum barrier or whatever you want to call it) isn't exactly a skill possessed by very many other ponies.

I'm glad you were able to take the time to update this.

SO this is a real convo:

Broham: I'm happy twilights home. She and Sombrero Sombra. She sounds like she looks badass! And she pregenate! Damn! I'm glad that Rainbow broke the ice..... in the train.

Me: Yup Yup Yup.......... Wait, what does Twi look Like?? I don't remember..... Like at all.......

For the next twenty minutes I was beat with pillows... CURSE MY MEMORY!... OH NOW I remember..... wow.... thats sad.... Two whole hours later.. Anyway WE LOVE IT! Update again soon!

I hope there is a lot of lovey dovey between Twilight and Sombra.:duck:

Prequels :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::heart::heart::heart::heart:

Aww it ended :fluttercry:

4780521 I imagine that older twi looks like your profile pic :pinkiesmile:


In between. Cause she let for the shadow realm first book and was pregnant in the second chapter of this book.


Actually, conception happened in the first book, last chapter, remember when Spike found the two of them in bed together the morning after their night of fun? :ajsmug:


oh yeah. SESY TIMES! *snork*

I Preferred this good story.

Love the story some much PLEASE update soon

continue this version, please?

Question: Update?


Worry not, the next chapter is in the works and is on the way. I've also taken this story off of Hiatus now that I've got a stronger story-line sketched out for this path.

That last part:

sooooo new update?

I wonder why they don't give Sombra the old castel in the forrest? That area could realy use his touch...

5769522 Wait your actually going to do that?

It's an ideal location for what I have planned. Now if I could actually write my outlines without distracting myself with the internet, you might get to see what those plans are sometime xD

sure its been awhile but relax, perfection takes time and the internet is a very distracting place

one second your looking at cat videos the next your watching some idiot jump off a roof, any farther and the police show up

truly its great but take as much time as you need, im not the only one prepared for the long game


great read, sooo whens the next one?

5985124 It's gonna be a while. For me its my characters that write the story, and my biggest struggle with Path of Redemption has been to really mold and make these characters my own as I have with it's sister Path of Damnation. If I wasn't so busy between procrastinating and working on Path of Damnation, I'd probably have put up an add somewhere looking for a co-author on this story to bounce ideas off of and help it along.

5985564 i would love to help, I really would.
but, I am just starting out on this hole author thing.:twilightsheepish:

My mother Matryoshka my father Vodka 0_o Wonderful story look forward to continuing! Praise the Sun!)) Thank Celestia!)))

Totally dug the prequel, now with TWO alternate sequels?! Oh man! Gotta say I'm enjoying this one so far, too bad it's on hiatus. I hope to see this story line continued as well. Now on to the path of damnation!

Looking forward to the continuation of this great story.

I just did a binge read of Lost in the Dark an path of redemption (not damnation, i know i'm rather narrow minded, but i like happy endings... even if they need to be earned) and i found theses fics absolutely magnificent.

Now, i will not unleash the habitual "moar" monster, or other "op will deliver" jokes, but, can you please deliver us a sign of life ? A little message with an ETA of Redemption, Damnation or any ideas you have ? Please ?:fluttershysad:

5985564 I eagerly await more writefaggotry from you.
Please deliver?:fluttershysad:

~Crystalline Electrostatic~

I really liked this story.
Are you going to continue it?

Are you going to update this eventually or are you done

Hey, just finished reading the prequel to this and what you have so far. Seeing that this last chapter was posted about two years ago, I think it's safe to say you are having difficulties finding a way to continue this story, and frankly, I don't blame you.

There's a light-hearted scene where Twilight finally reunites with her friends and is accepted back into the group. Sombra is looking to use his knowledge for good, or at least to not do bad under the watch of Twilight, and to help her raise a family. Luna is expressing concerns for what the future might hold for this promising couple, and where their ambitions might lead. Do you know what this sounds like to me? An excellent place to end. At the end of this chapter, I would not have been surprised or disappointed in the slightest had there been a great big "The End" at the bottom. That is not to say I didn't enjoy this story or its prequel. On the contrary, I binge-read this crap, I couldn't put it down I like it this much.

I just don't think there is much left story to tell. From what I can gather, you're planning something along the lines of detailing their setting up of a new kingdom or something, maybe have some drama with acquiring the kingdom or re-kindling friendships, adjusting to life with a family, but then what? Where does it go from there? All these things just sound like something that can reasonably be put on the reader to imagine once the writer puts a stop to the written version of the story. Unless you want to just turn this into some slice-of-life episodic thing like the original show, then just with these circumstances, there isn't much else to go to. You might just find yourself stuck in an awkward spot where you can't really just say, "The End" (well, maybe you can depending on how you write it...), or where you're forced to sit there with the story on "incomplete", or, "hiatus" (as it seems to be now).

There's no shame in showing this story as complete while you have an alternate universe version still in-progress, even if this one is much shorter than the other one. In fact, I think many will appreciate having the closure of seeing that there aren't going to be more updates, and you feel this ends the story properly, rather than you having just abandoned it like so many others do, with a vague promise of "I'll update this eventually".

...Or maybe I'm just completely wrong and you have great ideas on how to continue this story with interesting plot and conflict that leads to an even more satisfying conclusion than this chapter seems to present. In that case, most of this post is probably pointless. In any case though, I sincerely hope that you bring some sort of closure to this fic, it truly is a good one.

I hope you can work on this a little bit, it's a good alternate path than the damnation one, I like it and I want to see what Twilight will do

I agree with YourBasicOC I like this path better please write more:fluttershysad:

5481119 Question: Update?

So… is this dead in the water or what?

Well this is very impressive. I likey.

Great story, Hope it gets a revisit soon:twilightsmile:

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