• Published 3rd Jan 2014
  • 1,235 Views, 6 Comments

Rainbow, Big and Froggy - firebirdabirdoffire

After Rainbow Dash stumbled over a rock near a river because she tried to land as close to said river without falling in, she going down the stream. The river takes her to a fisherman and his frog best friend.

  • ...

"Good thinking, Froggy."

"Okay Dash, you can do this!" Rainbow Dash said to herself. "If I fail I just fall in the..." Rainbow shuddered a bit. "Water." She darted diagonal for the ground near a river. She's nearing water the fly really fast, slowly descended but still flying at the same speed and while sliding across to ground trying to break just slightly next to the river. As if to say: That's, awkward pause, Water!

Rainbow was at the sliding across the ground phase of her self imposed stunt. "Why did I think this was a good idea?" She tried to jump up but her hoof made contact with a rock, causing her to trip, or more precisely roll sideways into the river. "Help! Help!" Rainbow struggled to stay afloat. "HELP!!" Nopony could hear her. Luckily for her a floating piece of wood would keep her slightly safe.

Meanwhile... on the edge of a forest on other side of the mountain.

"Hmmm... The fish aren't biting, Froggy." Big the Cat said to his polliwog pal.


"You're so smart, Froggy. They'll have to bite eventually."

Around a hour later...

"I caught some fish, at least I something to eat. Huh, what's that blue thing over there?"


"You're right, I have help it, but how?" Big jumped in the water and picked the unconscious pony up and brought her to the dry land. "Looks like a Pony, they are a lot of these around lately, I wonder why. Hello, I'm Big." Said to the unconscious Rainbow. "It's rude not to talk back. Oh, it's asleep, my bad."


"How can we wake it up?"

Froggy jumped on top of Rainbow's face. Her eyes immediately opened and screamed. She washed her face in the dreaded river.

"Good thinking, Froggy."

"Where am I?" Rainbow said.

"Iunno." Big said honestly.

"Who're you?"

"I'm Big."

"Duh. Now your name please."

"I'm Big."

"Oh, That's actually your name."

"Yes." Froggy jumped on top of Big's head. "This is my polliwog pal, Froggy."


Rainbow felt a little sick. "I'm not a fan of frogs."

"We get that a lot."

Rainbow looks at Canterlot mountain to figure where is she was. "Man, I'm a long way from home." She flapped her wings. "And thanks to the water I'm too heavy." She tried to walk, but... "Ouch, my leg hurts badly, walking home would do more bad."

"Can I help you?" Big asked.

Rainbow observed the big cat. "Hmmm... Naw, ya look too slow. A week would've past and we still wouldn't in Ponyville."

"Okay." Big said as he swung his fishing pole's lure in the river.

"...Can I watch?"


"Thanks..." Rainbow lied down, making sure her hurtful leg wasn't in a painful position...... "What so fun about fishing?"







"Something's biting!" Big shouted, Rainbow Dash looked exited for once, since she met Big.

Big was struggling to reel it to the surface, but he did it, and it was: "A leaky message in a bottle? What a let down. Let me read."

"I can read, I'm not stupid."

"Okay, sorry."

"Let's see... It says."

Help, stuck on a tropical coast, so many hazards here. Hard to focus on readable grammar. For the love of Celestia SAVE ME!
~Dumb Ester Luck, Written in the year 996

"Sounds like it's too late for him." Big noted a him swung his rod again.

"The first two syllables of his name sums him up perfectly. Why would being stuck in tropical place ever be a bad thing?"


"Oh now you're just being silly, Froggy."

"What did he say?"

"Robot attacks. But robots don't exist."


"Oh I forgot, I was so focused on saving you that time that, I barely noticed them."

"So you fight robots, huh?"

"Sometimes, I like fishing better."

"I think don't have the patience, no offence." If Rainbow could just pace around to amuse herself and ditch this cat, she would.

"None taken, no one does." Big said without any irony, passive aggressiveness or any recognizable emotion. Rainbow felt kinda bad for considering to ditch this absurdly huge cat.

"Can we tell stories? I'm bored."


Rainbow responded within half a second. "Great! I'll start," Rainbow cleared her throat. "this the story of how did a Sonic Rainboom-"

"That name sounds familiar."

"It should, it's the most awesome thing in the world. Like I said, this story is about my Sonic Rainboom I did when I was a filly."

"...And my friend Fluttershy was alright."

"I've seen better stories."

"What?! How's that possible?"

"I was once on a giant space ship that was going to crash, destroying the planet on contact. It didn't, I bashed my head against the wall and it stopped falling."

"You were on a space station?"

"Yeah, Froggy sure knows to how pick our fishing tours."


"You crack me up, buddy."

"As awesome as that sounded, can you tell another?"

"I saved, Froggy once from a bathtub, it costed me my favorite fishing lure..." Big seemed kinda sad.


"Don't say that, Froggy. You're more important to me than a lure." Rainbow just looked awkwardly, she ignored the urge to point out that both the lure and Froggy are too big for a bathtub's drain. Unless Froggy was just a tadpole.

"SOMETHING'S BITING!" Big yelled. It seemed really heavy. With great effort he pulled it onto land. "WOW! A WHALE SHARK!" Big observed, Rainbow was in awe. "I can't eat that, I'll throw it back." Big kicked it back in the tiny river.

Rainbow facehooved. "You wasted an awesome fish!"

"I like Tuna better."

"Whatever..." Rainbow flapped her wings. "I think I'm light enough to fly again, it was fun talking to ya. See ya!" Rainbow's pre-flight pose hurt a bit, but she managed to take off.

"Bye horsey." Big waved, Rainbow waved back.

Should I write this in our journal? 'I met an awesome fishing cat today-' No that won't work... Not sure I learned anything from him.

Author's Note:

Just something I needed out of my system.

If you dislike this because Big's gameplay, I have the right to call you petty.
If you disliked it for a legitimate reason you get no complaints from me.

And how come Big was in Equestria? Um... He used chaos control.

Comments ( 5 )

3726324 Severely overhated. Emphasis on the H in hated.


Sweet, and funny. :3

Cute. :pinkiesmile: The grammar was a little hard to read during the first portion, but it seemed to improve as time went on. Or maybe it was a setup for the message-in-a-bottle gag, I can't really tell--good job on the humor by the way. :rainbowlaugh: All-in-all, it was a humorous read, and I'm looking forward to reading your next story. :twilightsmile:

4092106 It kinda was supposed to be stylistically bad since it was supposed to be a parody of bad Sonic fanfiction at first. But than I thought, let's make the opposite of what people expect of Sonic fics. That decision only made sense because it stars Big the Cat.

But of course it just could've been just some bad grammar I over looked as I was editing. Either one is possible.

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