• Published 3rd Jan 2014
  • 1,424 Views, 97 Comments

On The Rebound - AdmiralSassMcAwesome

When Pinkie Pie is feeling down, the Cakes decide it's time for a change of scenery. What new discoveries will Pinkie make in Canterlot? **DonutPie shipping within**

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Personal Space

The sun was setting as Pinkie slurped up the last of the cupcakes left over from today's sales. The frosting had developed a light crust on the upper layer and the treats were heading towards being more solid than fluffy, but they and an assorted selection of similarly fading doughnuts had sufficed nicely as a makeshift meal for the pink pony and her stallion friend.

Night and day were giving each other a brief greeting and goodbye as Luna's starry sky replaced Celestia's. The sight was truly something to behold. In the higher stratosphere was a deep blue dotted with scintillating spots which melted into various shades of purple before hitting an orange sunset that was lingering lazily on the horizon.

Pinkie sighed happily as she licked her lips savouring the last of her dinner/desert and settling firmly on her belly to begin digestion.

Joe couldn't help but smile as he watched her. He still couldn't believe he'd managed to spend a whole day with her without feeling any hint of annoyance. It may have sounded mean, but while Pinkie Pie could be a lot of fun, Joe had no illusions as to the boundaries which Pinkie ignored in her social interactions.

"This has been really nice." She said softly, startling Joe from his musings.

"I agree."

"Maybe we could do this again tomorrow?" She suggested hopefully.

Joe raised an eyebrow. "Don't you think you'd get sick of this if we kept it up?"

Pinkie giggled softly and inched her body closer to his. "Oh, Joe! I could never get tired of spending time with you."

Joe felt his heart flutter involuntarily as he saw the way she lowered her eyelids playfully while glancing at him.

He stammered. "I... That's very sweet of you. I only meant that maybe we should do something different?"

Pinkie's face lit up. "For real? You really want to go out with me again?"

"That's what I said, isn't it?"

Pinkie sighed dreamily at the stallion who was smiling softly back at her. Without a second thought she moved herself right next to him on their picnic blanket, her side pressing lightly against his.

The sun was beginning to look like a broken yolk as it spread its final rays along the horizon, surrendering itself to the evening with a powerful display of colour which almost hurt the ponies eyes... Had they been watching it.

Joe's attention was currently preoccupied with the pink mare beside him who was nestling her head, rather unexpectedly against his neck. Her eyes were closed firmly.

Joe felt the flutter grow stronger beneath his breast. It had been a long while since a mare had been so affectionate towards him. He didn't like to dwell on the thought for too long, but there had been more than several occasions in the past few years where he had longed again for this kind of company. His chest surged with delight at the thought of a new romance.

Unfortunately for Joe, his heart was not in any position to make demands or take the lead in dishing out orders. His head was still firmly placed upon his shoulders and more than aware of the dangers involved in romances. Even now, his mind was recalling past scenes which reinforced its cautions to take things slower yet.

Joe decided to make conversation.

"Why do you have your eyes closed like that?"

Pinkie rubbed her face firmly against his coat once more before answering, still not daring to pull away.

"If I keep my eyes closed, then I'm shutting out one sense so that I can allow my others to be further indulged. Besides, I can't see you from this position. It would be a total waste of the moment." Pinkie spoke as though it were the most obvious thing in the world.

Joe was slightly taken aback by her frankness. After taking a moment to recover himself and once again remember he was in the presence of one of the less predictable beings in Equestria, he felt a desire to ask; "And what exactly are you savouring so intensely?"

Pinkie pressed her muzzle into his neck, giving him the gentlest of kisses. "You, of course."

Pinkie had almost planned out that moment. She had figured that after her light gesture and undeniably salient admission of affection that she might begin to shower him with her love more unrestrainedly. However, she had not accounted for the slight chance that Joe may respond the way he in fact did.

Feeling the warmth of her lips on his coat, Joe's mind demanded that defence positions be assumed. Without warning, he jolted away from Pinkie in a state of alarm which caused Pinkie to feel suddenly as though the stallion before her had no recollection of ever having met the mare before.

"What's wrong?" She asked worriedly.

Joe swallowed the lump in his throat as he processed his reaction. "Sorry, Pinkie. I just need some more time..."

Pinkie smiled sadly.

"Okay, Joe."

Joe wiped his brow, feeling a shadow of guilt drift over him and linger like a yoke.

"Maybe it's time we headed back. I'll walk you."

Pinkie jumped up in alarm. "Oh no! I couldn't possibly let you do that. I've kept you out late enough. After this morning it's obvious you need some extra rest." She noticed Joe look as though he might protest. "I'll be fine. Really." She smiled reassuringly and simultaneously gave Joe a look which warned him that he had better not say another word on the matter.

He sighed, defeated. "Alright." He said softly. "And, thanks for looking after me."

Pinkie grinned, "No problem. I..." She bit her lip and looked somewhat bashful. "I like looking after you."


Joe stared at his reflection in the mirror.

He had hung up his uniform upon arriving home, and promptly gone to brush his teeth. But before he went to bed he had caught his reflection in the mirror and hadn't so far managed to get away from it.

Joe was by no means a vain pony. In truth, he barely used his mirror. But right now, his reflection had him captured. Not because he liked what he saw but because he was wondering what exactly it was that he saw and furthermore what it was that she saw.

It was somewhat like an out of body experience to stare at oneself for so long. Joe tried very hard not to become too philosophical as he gazed, questions concerning matters of consciousness and being all forced to one side of his mind as he focused on things that seemed more realistically understood.

He was not what he considered to be handsome. And given the amount of attention mares gave him, he was certain that others felt similarly. He had let himself go somewhat, a rounded edge appearing on his jaw and belly.

Now that he was evaluating himself he realised how tired he looked. His eyes seemed to be constantly drooping as though he hadn't gotten enough sleep. Not to mention the lack of defining colour within them. Other ponies seemed to have such striking eyes compared to his.

Thinking on his eyes, he recalled again the eyes of Pinkie Pie. They were so big and blue. They seemed sometimes as though somepony had just freshly polished them. Her eyes made him smile.

The smile contorted his less than satisfactory face further.

What did she see in him?

His mane needed a brush.

Joe shook his head.

These things are all so superficial. Does it really matter how my mane looks? Surely mane's and personalities have no proven correlation.

He sighed.

Okay, so my personality. What is there to that? I work, I eat, I sleep. I don't have any dreams. I don't have any hobbies outside of baking. Heck! I don't even have friends...

Joe focused his gaze squarely on his reflection. His eyes peering into the eyes before him.

What is it that dictates life and what it means to live? Am I living?

He shook his head again. Was he going too deep?


Life is about risks, its about little things. It's about making mistakes and messes, its about feeling the wind in your hair, running till all your muscles ache, crying till your eyes are red, making friends, making enemies... It's coffee in the morning, and tea before bed. It's the smell of old books being reopened, the sound of a pencil scratching out a message, the chirping of birds in their nests...

And I suppose at the end of everything, its about being able to laugh at all these things. Laughter is the culmination of the joy that comes from even the worst things in life. Laughter is hindsight and contentment with all that is past. Laughter is the thing that holds all those inexplicable other things together. Laughter is...

Joe smiled.

Laughter is Pinkie Pie.

He climbed into bed still grinning when his mind began berating him again. As he settled under the covers he couldn't help saying aloud;

"Give it a rest. She's a nice mare."


"Oh goodie! You're awake!"

Joe groaned as he attempted to roll onto his back, his senses slowly returning to him as sleep fell away. As he went to move however he felt himself catch against something outside his blankets.

Did somepony say something? That voice, it was...

"Pinkie Pie?!" Joe's eyes shot open.

Pinkie was standing above him, her forehooves on either of his shoulders, her face leaned down towards him so that her muzzle nearly pressed against his.

His tired ears were hit rudely by the sound of her high pitched giggling.

"Good morning, sleepyhead!" She chimed happily. "You look sooo cute when you're sleeping!"

"What in Equestria are you doing here? Were you... How long were you standing there?"

Pinkie was startled as she realised Joe's eyes had narrowed. His tone was disapproving and suddenly she wondered if she had over stepped some kind of boundary.

"I... I only wanted to help. I thought that..." She stepped off of his body and sunk to her haunches at the end of the bed, Joe sitting up to face her. "After yesterday, I didn't want you to sleep in again."

He looked at her pouting face and almost felt sorry for her, but then again she couldn't get off so easily, he needed to tell her what she had done.

"Pinkie, haven't you ever heard of personal space?" He sighed running a hoof through his mane.

Pinkie cocked her head. "Plenty of times! My friends used to bring it up a lot, but not so much anymore..."

"Not so much anymore?"

Pinkie shrugged, "I suppose they're just used to me."

Joe wasn't sure how to respond to that so he just stared at her for a while in thought.

"Well I'm not." He said finally.

Pinkie gasped a little, her front curl drooping downwards. "I've upset you, haven't I?"

Joe grimaced, he really couldn't stand seeing her upset. But he also couldn't stand the thought of a mare he had only recently become acquainted with, bursting into his home and watching him sleep. He shivered.

"Don't you see how what you did is a little... Creepy?"

Pinkie raised a hoof to her chin in thought. "Hmm... Not really..." She said sadly.

Joe's ears flopped back against his head as he groaned.

"Well then, imagine it yourself. You wake up in the morning, and some stranger is standing over you, watching you sleep! How would you feel?" He hadn't meant to raise his voice, but that was how it had come out.

Pinkie's face dropped. "I'm a... Stranger to you?"

Joe rolled his eyes, "Is that all you heard me say?"

"... No."

Joe didn't feel the need to say anymore. Without a further grumble, he got out of his bed and pulled the sheets back in place, Pinkie jumping off as she saw what he was doing. Her eyes were glistening with tears, but Joe knew he couldn't keep comforting her.

He sighed. "Just go back to the castle and get some sleep. I'll see you in class."

He avoided eye contact with her as he went to his wardrobe getting out his uniform. It was a few moments before he heard that Pinkie had heard him, and she was silently making her way out of his house.

As he pulled at his collar he found himself in a tug-o-war between his head and his heart once again as his heart berated him for for turning her away so brusquely, while his head applauded his affirmative action taken to straighten out her personality kinks.

"Just be quiet." He said aloud. He was growing weary of this inner ambivalence. He also was not looking forward to seeing her in a few hours...

Author's Note:

I needed some time to recover from the whole Pinkie/Cheese Sandwich thing. I still think Donut Joe is a much better pick for her so nyeh :P

I'd love to hear your opinions on Joe's dilemma, do you think it's wrong that he's not just accepting Pinkie for who she is in EVERY way?
Also, do you think Cheese Sandwich is a better partner for the crazy pink one???

Additionally, I'd like to just say thanks to all of you who have been supporting this fic, some from the start, others came in along the way. It's really nice having you here for the ride!

Comments ( 26 )

I actually prefer this to Cheese Sandwich. I love Cheese Sandwich as a character but not as much as a love interest since he is so similar to Pinkie that she loses half the fun which is seeing her be that fun with all the mundane around.

Is he wrong? No but he may be unnecessarily hurting himself. Granted since he was hurt bvefore this is very understandable and Pinkie does not know this. Perhaps he should let her know?

Donut Joe is neither right nor wrong. I can see why he has a problem, but he also wasn't being particularly understanding of Pinkie. That's the thing about romance, there isn't always a right answer. This makes the relationship feel more real to me. I also loved seeing Pinkie get romantic, yet without breaking character. Awesome. I wish I could super-favorite this or something. It's probably my favorite fanfic ever.

As for CheeziePie, in the word's of the president of the neutral planet:

I have no strong feelings one way or the other.


3903491 I think we've all done that :facehoof:

3903565 I like the idea of Pinkie and Cheese as friends but I agree with you, it's so much nicer seeing Pinkie in contrast. Besides, with Cheese around, her role almost becomes defunct. Isn't she all about helping others feel happy? Cheese seems pretty happy to me.
Thanks for your comments, I think it's time Pinkie found out more as well :twilightsmile:

3903613 :rainbowlaugh: I shall respect your right to neutrality!
Aww! Thank you SO much! Not just for the super lovely compliment, but also for your comments. I agree, it's not easy to pin this down as a right or wrong. Romance is *unfortunately* about compromise... For everyone.

I personally think that Joe is justified in his actions. He has been hurt so he doesn't want to get hurt again. I hope though he will be able to talk to Pinkie about this. I think Joe is better for Pinkie because he is grounded, and Pinkie needs some pony grounded to help her keep from going crazy. I will say though, I am loving reading CheesePie fictions though. Two hyper Party ponies. It is funny to see all the antics they can get into. I can't wait for the next chapter. IIIIIDDDDEEAAA!!!!! :raritywink::raritywink::raritywink: You can have Joe be unsure of his feels for Pinkie, and then Cheese shows up and wants to do something with Pinkie and suddenly Joe finds the idea of beating Cheese to a pulp with his rolling pin very appealing. Then Cadence shows up and helps him realize that he truly is in love with Pinkie.

3903775 Did you have to say all that out in the open?! I should have known someone would guess! Well... Not the Cadence part, but still :fluttershyouch:

3904285 Nah. I don't care, if I guess it right. Great minds think alike is what I say. Best of luck writing future chapters.

3904291 Guess that makes us both geniuses eh? :twistnerd:
Hahaha, yeah, but now you're spoiling it for the rest of 'em :raritywink:

3904296 Sorry, I won't say anymore though. Sorry I liked your story and was voice what I thought would be great in the plot. I guess that is a problem though.

3904308 You don't have to be sorry! You're one of the people I was thanking at the end of the last chapter. I hope I didn't upset you :twilightoops:

3904314 No Problem. This week I was chatting review with another guy on a different story and then the author cut in on our chat. I don't know if I upseted him or not. I don't know so I makes me a bit nervous when the author comments on my comments.

3904342 I just like to make a point of responding to those who make an effort to comment. Phew. All good! :twilightsheepish:

My biggest problem with Cheese Sandwich (asside from the fact I hate cheese) is I had similar idea for an OC love interest for Pinkie, except he was an earth pony mage that liked to occasionally blow things up. I suspect this is part of a new strategy by Hasbro to curb the number of same sex pairings by increasing the number of male characters.

Anyways, one to what I thought of this chapter. Yeah, I liked it. Before I thought Joe's problem was just going to be his own past, but yeah Pinkie herself and her general violating everyone's space and getting in characters' faces like that is a huge. She means well and that picnic seen where she was nuzzling him I went "d'awwww" and I'm a 24 year old man and nerd/redneck!

I really am enjoying your development of Joe. He feels more and more like a 3D person.... er pony (you know what I mean!) with thoughts and feelings. Most writers get a little heavy on the wallowing in the past and "life is nothing but pain" bits and "I'll never love again" bull. Joe's hesitations make sense since he's just feeling awkward and yeah any normal person would throw someone who broke into your house and stared at you while you slept... unless your Belle Swan but no one has convinced me she isn't a robot yet!

My one complaint is the amount of time between updates seems to be increasing, but I can't really hold that against you and this was well worth the wait. Look forward to your next update.

This story kicks so much ass, I think I'll put in my "bad ass stories" collection. Keep up the good work comrade.

Okay. I think Joe had every right to be upset. Waking up to somepony you are just getting to know watching you sleep, that is scary and creepy. It takes time to know another's quirks. Pinkie Pie, with her ability to break the laws of physics, with take even longer.

3905962 Thank you for your detailed feedback! I think you made my day saying that I made you 'd'awww' :ajsmug:
Anyhow, yes, I'm sorry about the length between updates, I think the issue is that I wrote a rough draft of where I wanted the story to go when I started and that was fine, but I hadn't put that much thought into the development of Joe. It's something I think we tend to miss because we generally write characters that are given depth in the show. So, that's probably been the main reason I had to slow it back, 'coz I've been constructing him in my mind (if that makes any sense, I'm a bit nutty that way).

3906005 :raritystarry: Thank you!!!!!
Wait... Comrade? Ahhh, my socialist past is catching up to me!!!!

Oh cheese vs donut joe?:pinkiehappy:

Well at least Cheese would accept pinkie for the way she is and not question whether she would be a good girlfriend or not just because of the random things she does like joe is doing.

Playing Black Ops made me consider thee Japanese and Russians. I learned to consider my actions before bringing dishonor, as well as the word 'comrade', which is better than using 'my friend'. Now excuse me, while I read the update on "A Rare Gem" (it's a nice Sparity made by Lux, you should check it out).

Update fellow ponylover

I love crack ships but i dunno if one would consider this crack shipping. But you just made a donutpie lover out of me originally i shipped carapie or vinylpie but at least donut joe and pinkie had interaction in the show. Also wouldn't CheesePie be too perfect to a fault? that is possible right?

Would love to see where this will go. Please update when you can.

MOAR! I love this coupling!

Please finish this

Yeah he shouldn't be so hard on pinkie pie, he needs to learn to respect her the every way she is and not judge a person's odd appearance. Just like everypony does in ponyville. :raritywink:And you know what else, i remember what Cadance would say is that "sometimes you have to listen to your heart and not your head, beacuse the heart is always the good anwser to your problems." :pinkiesmile: And as much as having cheese sandwich as a partner for pinkie, I like this Joe and pinkie together though, and I can't wait to see if Donut Joe and Pinkie Pie might be together soon.:twilightsmile::twilightsmile:

This is my opinion on this part for you to know. I Love this story you made here. Love it.:heart::heart: and I wish you a good luck on the next chapters to my friend. :rainbowdetermined2::rainbowdetermined2:

Aw man I wish this story got finished...

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