• Published 1st Jan 2014
  • 5,616 Views, 27 Comments

Discord's Sweet Friend, Discord's Feral Pet - firebirdabirdoffire

It's time for Discord's weekly visit to Fluttershy's a day after the events of the episode "Bats!". So unknown to everypony, Fluttershy will forcibly transform into FlutterBat every night.

  • ...

Two sided friendship

"Oh, Fluttershy." Discord knocked on Fluttershy's closet door full of her winter attire, from the inside. Fluttershy opened the door.

"Hello Discord. How have you been?" Fluttershy asked.

"Besides pranking Celestia at every opportunity, flirting with Luna in a friendly way and providing the surprise lunch for all the guards, nothing noteworthy." He said dismissively.

"That's nice." Fluttershy smiled. "I prepared some hot water for tea, do you want some now, or do you want some later?"

"I'll have some now, thank you." Discord snapped his fingers and they were suddenly downstairs in formal wear. Discord is a dress and a blond wig, Fluttershy a purple tuxedo.

"Would you mind it if I took this thing off? It itches really bad."

"No, won't mind."

"Thank you." Fluttershy said as she took it off.

"I'm going to take this off too," He snapped his finger again, he was now in a tuxedo with a top hat. "much better."

Fluttershy giggled as she poured the hot water into their cups. "Reminds me of classic stage magician."

Discord smirked. He held the hat upside down and pulled out in order Spike, Celestia, me, Discord, my useless where's waldo OC: Dumb E. Luck, Angel, a waving Pinkie and stopped at a tea sack. All but the latter were immediately pushed back in the hat after he pulled it out. Somehow he made Fluttershy crack up.

"Hihihihihihhi!" That showed a beautiful smile along with her teeth.

Her smile did raise an eyebrow from the chaotic being. But he decided to bring it up nonchalantly, however. "Say, I like your new look."

"New... look?"

"Yes, those fangs look good on you."


'Yes, fangs. They're tiny but they're definitely there." Discord pulled out a mirror from his sleeves.

"Ohmygosh!Ohmygosh! It can't be!" Fluttershy was hyperventilating.

"Calm down, Fluttershy. Why don't you tell Dr. Discord what's wrong?" Discord said as they suddenly were in a psychiatrist room.

"Well it all began two days ago..."

"...After the first day everything became a blank..."

"...and then Twilight changed me back, and. Or so we thought, I don't know what's going to happen tonight."

"So you turned into a vegetarian Vampire, that's a neat idea. I should've come up with that in Return of Harmony as one of the minor things on my piece of paper with non sequiturs that I call a list."

"It's not that great, according to the girls, I became an vicious animal. They said that all I did was eat apples, menace them, and hiss a lot." Fluttershy shuddered. "It explains why I crave more and more fruit. I don't what this to do happen again."

"You could have had worse."


"A vampire fruit bat vampire sounds better than the garlic hating, the ones whose weakness is silver, which is wrong, the glittering, and the vampires who get killed on contact of water."

"I-I guess, but I still won't end well."

Discord was thinking. He came up with an idea. "Fluttershy, your pal, Discord, happens to be pretty much a physical god. If I can't handle FlutterBat, there's something wrong. I'll stay here with you the entire night, if you transform we go see Princess Bookworm McNewbie. If you do not, a night is wasted, no big deal."

"That sounds great, Discord. Thank you."

"No problem, now if you excuse me," He formed a phone shape with his claw. "I have to call Celestia to tell I'm staying with you."

"Oh, of course."

Discord started calling. "Hey Big Butt, I'm staying at Fluttershy for a while. Why? She has... an illness of some kind. No I didn't cause it, I would never do such a thing to Fluttershy! Maybe somepony else," Fluttershy looked at him disapprovingly. "okay I won't. It's nothing I can't handle. And yes, I was the reason you caught the flu recently, bye!" Discord hung up. "It's settled. Now let's put bars in here that you can't get through." *Snap* "It's for your own good."

"At least most other animals can still go outside if the wanted." All the animals in the vicinity understood what to expect tonight.

"Hey Fluttershy, this is a sleepover right?"

"I guess so, I never had a sleepover before."

"Do you know what friends do at sleepovers?"

"Um... Play boardgam-"

"Pillowfight!" Discord slapped Fluttershy with a sudden pillow.

"Ow..." Fluttershy rubbed her cheek.

"You literally got hit by the softest pillow in Equestria. That shouldn't have hurt."

"Can't we just play board games? I don't want to scare-off the animals before I change into FlutterBat."

"Oh, All right. But if your alter-ego knocks all the pieces over I blame you."


"Don't be."

"I feel... like I. Can't think straight. Am I changing?"

"Naw..." Discord shook his head with sarcasm. "Your coat is definitely not paler, your ears are not bigger and fluffier, and your fangs most certainly have not erected."

"Oh my!" She checked every part Discord mentioned. All were the opposite of what Discord said, shocking isn't?

"Here... It. Comes Dis... cord..." Words were too hard to stitch together for her now.

"Brilliant deduction, Sherlock. Here have a banana."

As he held it up FlutterBat took over completely, she charged at it, draining its juice. "Hrissss!" She hissed. Every animal fled for now.

"Impressive." Discord noted, as he took a closer look at her as she drained every other nearby fruit. "Awww." FlutterBat turned to glance menacingly at the mad deity. "You're adorable, here, have another banana." He threw it like a boomerang, FlutterBat sucked the juice from it.

Discord had a whole sting of ideas. He whipped up an apple yo-yo, FlutterBat ate it during the around the world trick.

He pulled out a rugby pear, cherry marbles, grape bullets, mango tennis balls, a giant water melon dodge ball, oranges grenades and pineapple from a Pineapple Launcher. She drained them all flawlessly. Discord applauded. He willed a durian into existence, he bounced it to the ground and FlutterBat sank her teeth into it, which she immediately spit out. "HRISSSSHH!!!" She hissed in anger.

"Tsk. Tsk. Where are your manners? Allow me to help you with that." He touched the Vampire on its for head. Making her even paler.

FlutterBat was panting, wagging her tail and smiling. "Hri-Hrish." She hissed in a barky way.

"There, much better."

FlutterBat flew and hung from Discord's arm. "Hrish." She said as she snuggled between her wings.

"And to think I only had to touch her forehead to tame her."

He made another durian, which 'Batsy grabbed with her tongue, this time she enjoyed it.

"I hope this doesn't affect 'Shy in the morning." Discord thought. "That dilemma has to wait, Fluttershy's a bat, just like as she said. This is the best slumber party I ever have been a part of."

The next morning.

"What happened?" A just barely awake Fluttershy said, she saw she lying on Discord's belly.

"I'm glad you asked." Discord began to explain everything.

"...We played fruity sports...

...gave your bat alter-ego the friendliness of a dog...

...we played dress up...

...your evil aunt finally disowned you...

...you turned out to be Twilight's long lost twin sister...

...a shark jumped us...

...there was this turtle I had to safe you from...

...space, and lots of it...

...won the curling tournament...

...It was on like some cranky kong...

...the musical was fantastic...

...and that's why we don't celebrate Christmas anymore, because the econo...

...world record book of worthless writers...

...Danger was lurking around every turn, you trusted my feelings to live and learn. But once again. To be fair your bat form was pretty obedient...

...And that's it."

"That's terrible, I'm allergic to durians."

"Oops... On the bright side your Bat side isn't as nearly as wild."

"I guess, can you make me aware of my actions next time? I feel like I missed out on a fun time..."

Author's Note:

Here, have a bad and Lack luster FlutterBat story.

I actually have a better FlutterBat story premise, thanks to one guy. It's about a young FlutterBat being adopted by the Apples. It's better than it sounds. Should I do it in the future?

Due to legitimate complaints the color font of all charaters have changed
For the curious:
Fluttershy was using the Fluttershy colour option (#e6b91f)
Discord was using grey (#cccccc)
And FlutterBat was red (#be4343)

Comments ( 27 )

Even though it was kind of hard to read, I liked the wackiness of it.

I actually have a better FlutterBat story premise, thanks to one guy. It's about a young FlutterBat being adopted by the Apples. It's better than it sounds. Should I do it in the future?

Yes, you should do it. If fact, you should do it now instead of waiting for an eventual future.

3715390 I have a backlog of about twenty more fun ideas. It's hard to pick a priority.

That was fantastically hard to read, to the point where I gave up. There's no colour of background where that shade of grey you used shows up well, it either becomes exactly the same as the rest oft he white text or just vanishes entirely.
As for yellow... It just hurts the eyes.
Now that's blunt, but honestly do you want it sugar coated? This isn't a script, you don't need some gimmick to distinguish speakers.
I'd like to read to this story, because the premise sounds interesting, but I genuinely can't strain my eyes enough to dredge up the words.
Wow I sound like a plot head. I'm really sorry about that, but it was just that bad.

3716739 I'm not insulted in anyway, it's a legitimate criticism. I know I don't colour coded text, I just wanted to do something different. If one more person criticizes that aspect I'll change it for everyone's benefit.

3715393 Outch! Thats a LOT of stories to write. Good luck!

3716756 id also say that maybe just maybe you should change the colour of the text I already have bad eye sight and I couldn't see the text at all against the white backdrop. (really at first I thought half the story was missing)

3720005 Thanks.

3720242 I don't have that problem. Sure the yellow is bright, but not that bright. Fine I'll change it, with the author's notes saying how it used to be.

3720242>>3714795 3716739 The color font is "Fixed" so it should be readable now. I personally didn't see the problem, personally. Redundancy.

3720590 i was actualy talking about the gray not the yellow.

3720957 That was highly visible too. Maybe it was your computer settings.

Must be mine too....hummm, quite the coinkidink there. And I'd tried every background setting there is....

I enjoyed that. It had a good fun rhythm to it. It could stand to be pre-read though, just a few mistakes.
I'm glad I got to read it.

3721244 It was 4:00 A.M.
I was too tired to pre-read. And I like the comments and faves to come over night, that way I won't get distracted by the info thingy in the corner.

Oops I left this story on incomplete the whole time.

Firebirdabirdoffire, yet another great story. May I suggest you use discord in your stories more often.

3749184 May I direct you to Foal adventures.? I've written a few chapters of it. Most of them have Discord.
Specifically The Puny Pony Pirates of the Luna Sea! arch and a Blueblood Carol. It kinda late in, and there were three prequels before it.

(Does this count as shameless plugin?)

3749196 Nnope:eeyup:. Thanks for the suggestion I’ll give it a read:pinkiehappy:.

twas interesting. not great, but not bad at all.
Careful with editing though, I noticed a few misplaced quotation marks.

How wacky and enjoyable.

Wow that was a pretty long night they had. What was Luna being lazy or something? This was a funny story.

All of the type is the same color to me: black. It could just be the mobile mode, though...

It is parody, I know. And it was good, but...
Fluttershy does not behave in this way, I mean that "Ohmygosh!". Discord was good, but Flutter maybe too energetic

5906368 Wouldn't you say something similar if you found out you're still a monster after a terrible day?

5919877 You may disagree with me, but in my opinion when you wrine a story (parody, romance, horror etc.) in existing world (like all Equestria), and you white an adventure about existing character (like Fluttershy and Discord) you must obey the laws of that world including personal characters. Than you must think not "how I would react?" but "how she/he would react?". Than, I think in this situation, Fluttershy wouldn't react like you show. But this only my opinion.

5919903 Maybe. I always write character reactions from the character perspective. But I also don't stuff as seriously.

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