• Published 1st Jan 2014
  • 3,213 Views, 28 Comments

A Heart Warming Eve - Vex

The girls play a game of truth or dare whilst opening each other's gifts which leads to the group learning about Twilight's hobby which directly involves Rainbow Dash, much to her surprise.

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Chapter 1: Discovery

Twilight’s library was usually a sanctuary of solitude for those with the hunger for knowledge (such as herself), or those with a lust for adventure (such as a certain rainbow-maned pegasus). Today, however, was a day for celebration! A day for loved ones, family and friends alike to join each other in good company and share tales of the passing year whilst sharing meaningful gifts with one another.

“-and then I said, ‘Oatmeal? are you crazy!?’” exclaimed Pinkie Pie, join the others in a fit of collective laughter.

Rarity was the first to recollect her composure, “That poor stallion! Please tell me you weren’t too tough on him?”

Pinkie waved of hoof dismissively at her, “Nah, we ended up using his idea after all! It turns out oatmeal sticks to walls REALLY well! We can’t even get the posters down now!” she howled in laughed as she collapsed onto the ground once more and her five other friends followed suit.

Rainbow Dash sat back onto her haunches and wiped a tear from her eye, “Pinkie you are so random! Ok, Pinkie you know the deal, you choose someone and they get to choose truth or dare before opening one of their presents!” stated Rainbow Dash. She had been the mastermind behind this whole activity, insisting it would make the surprise even more awesome.

“Okie-dokie-lokie! I choose~… Twilight!”

Twilight looked generally surprised at the outcome and chewed on her lip a little before deciding her fate, “Uh… truth I guess?”

Pinkie proceeded to stroke her newly found, fake beard with a forehoof while her friends questioned where she even acquired it from, “Are there any adult books in the library? I mean, you sure spend a lot of time in here so you must have some stashed around right?” asked Pinkie, completely oblivious to the sound of four pony’s plus one dragon’s jaws dropping from the sheer incompliance that the question had made in their brains. At least Rainbow Dash’s brain was working enough for her to collapse into laughter once more.

“Words cannot describe! I can’t breathe!”

Well working enough might be a bit much. Let’s just say she was having a cross between a seizure and a laughing fit. Yeah that works.

Twilight attempted to rescue the situation, “O-of course not Pinkie! I mean, that would just be silly, right?” she exclaimed, her eyes darting from object to object, never focusing on something for more than a second.

Spike tapped her gently on the shoulder and spoke up, “But Twilight, what about that one you wrote about-” his words quickly became a series of muffled grunts, as a purple forehoof was promptly jammed into his mouth.

Now the spotlight was on Twilight, who had now developed a deadly case of embarrass-itis, fortunately a deep-red blush and a racing heart were the only symptoms. She looked to her shoulder, this time a soft, orange coated hoof lay reassuringly on it.

“Twilight, we’re all your friends here and we aint gonna laugh at you none, ‘specially if y’all are embarrassed ‘bout it. Aint that right girls?” she asked, watching them all nod with a caring smile on their muzzles, hoping to put out the fires of doubt in their studious friend’s heart.

Sighing away most of her anxiety, Twilight let out what we would usually call ‘word vomit’, “ImayhavewrittenabookaboutasensuallyromanticeveningwithRainbowDashandIasthemaincharacters!” she blurted, leaving all of her friends to stare at her as if she had just grown a second head.

“Er… What was that sugercube?” questioned Applejack.

“Yeah, if you repeated than in Equestrian that would be nice,” stated Rainbow Dash.

“I said I wrote a sensual based, adult novel starring Rainbow and I!” she exclaimed before hiding her face with a nearby sofa cushion, hiding her blush from the world.

Moments ticked in complete silence, Spike could feel that the tension was so thick you could fire it out of a party cannon at a changeling and knock the love right out of it, so he promptly left to check on his gems.

A few moments after he had left, Rarity decided to break the tension, “So… Can we read it darling?” she asked. Ironically, this may have added more tension rather than breaking it.

“Er… Rarity why would you want to read something like that that stars me and Twi’?” asked Rainbow Dash, eyeing the fashionista suspiciously, “You don’t have some sort of threesome fantasy in that classy head of yours do ya’?” she smirked.

“Why of course not darling! I accept that others may be inclined to love those of the same gender but I myself prefer stallions. I simply think that we should support our friend here in her endeavours, clearly this means a lot to her and if that is the case then our support would mean all the more to her,” she looked over to Twilight, who was now peeking out from behind her cushion, “Am I right darling?”

“I-I guess if you guys like it, it’d be nice… But what about you Rainbow Dash? Are you ok with this?”

She waved a forehoof dismissively, “Me? I’m fine with it, I mean, it’s not like nopony else thinks of things like this, I’m just too awesome to not be thought about like that!” she boasted, laughing weakly at her own proclamations.

Twilight cocked her head out of confusion before shrugging it off, “Alrighty then! You girls wait here, I’ll go get it!” she exclaimed giddily, giggling fanatically as she galloped up the stairs.

Rainbow leaned in to Applejacks ear and whispered, “AJ, do you sometimes wonder if we should get Twi’ tested for that bipolar thing?” all she was answered with however, was a swift hit to the back of her head and a scolding.

“Rainbow! It’s not nice to say things like that ‘bout your friends!”

Rainbow rubbed the back of her head and winced at the combination of her newfound pain and her guilt, “You’re right AJ. Sorry about that, I’ll think twice before I say that again.”

“Well good.”

“Yeah, I really don’t like getting hit for speaking my mind, that’ll teach me huh?” she chuckled, yelping quietly as another blow was dealt. “I was kidding! Yeesh!”

Twilight then trotted back down the stairs, a small, giddy smile on her face as she did so. It was starting to look like she was proud of her best friends reading her work, as if their approval of her writing meant the world to her (which it most likely did). “So who wants to read it first?” she asked, gently placing the very thick tome on the table beside them.

“Well darling, how about we all take turns reading a part each aloud so nopony misses out?” suggested Rarity.

“Great idea! And since you thought of it, you can go first!” exclaimed Twilight, clapping her hooves together in excitement as she magically passed the book to her unicorn friend.

Rarity smiled gently, “Thank you Twilight, and since you answered your question feel free to open one of your presents while I read,” she said sweetly before clearing her throat and adjusting herself to sit comfortably and with great poise as per usual.

The crisp winter air nipped at Twilight’s body as she cantered through the park, admiring the wonder of the snow-transformed scenery as she ran over her mental checklist. “Okay so I’ve bought Spike a thicker blanket as per his request, stocked up on quills and paper, picked out a new scarf, bought some cupcakes from Pinkie and had Spike deliver them back home before his nap. Wow, that didn’t take nearly as long as I thought it would,” she said aloud to herself. “Maybe I should see how the others are-” she was abruptly cut short as a cyan blur collided with her at an incredible speed, forcing the air out of her lungs and sending her crashing to the ground.

She quickly regained her bearings and shook away the disorientation, coming face to face with none other than Rainbow Dash, standing over top of her with a flush of embarrassment on her muzzle as Twilight lay on her back in the cold, wet snow; resulting in most of her lavender coat to hug her figure and show off her curves.

“Rainbow Dash are you blushing?” crooned Rarity, raising an eyebrow to the self-proclaimed awesome pegasus.

“Wh-what! No! It’s just… REALLY hot in here, yeah! Maybe we should open some windows or something?”

“Hey Dashie are your wings okay?” asked Pinkie, reaching out to prod one of the feathered appendages with a hoof. Fortunately, Fluttershy noticed and quickly pulled Pinkie closer to herself, ensuring that Dash was out of reach.

Unfortunately Twilight's natural reaction to answer questions and her understanding of pony anatomy may have hindered her reasoning behind this action, “Don’t worry Pinkie, Rainbow Dash is just experiencing a natural muscle reaction due to the increase of hormones in response to her arousal. Or in laymen’s terms, a wing-mmph!?” her voice quickly became muffled as Rainbow quickly closed the distance between the two and jammed a hoof in her mouth.

“Twi’, please stop talking?” she asked, her voice reduced to a mere squeak of embarrassment. Twilight nodded her head in compliance and Dash removed her hoof before returning to her spot.

Rarity cleared her throat abruptly, “Right… thank you Twilight for that… biology lesson. Shall I continue?” there were no words spoken but the few nodding heads were the only reply she needed.

“Heh, sorry Twilight, we always seem to be bumping into each other like this don’t we? Or I guess it’s more of me doing the bumping isn’t it? Sorry about that,” chuckled Rainbow as she repositioned herself and held out a forehoof to help her bookish friend up. She seemed to stare at it for a short moment before accepting it with a small smile.

“Thanks Rainbow Dash and don’t worry, I don’t mind it so there’s no reason to be sorry. Besides it’s always nice bumping into you, even if it is more literal than usual,” she giggled, drying of herself with a quick moisture-evaporation spell. “I’m actually free right now if you wanted to spend some time together? It’s as they say, ‘The warmth of a friends company can thaw even the loneliest soul!’”

Rainbow Dash grinned at the prospect, “Well why wouldn’t I have time for my number one bookworm?-” she exclaimed as she gave her a firm pat on the back, “-Where did you have in mind?”

“Well I was thinking we could head down to Ponyville Lake? Pinkie taught me to ice skate this year and I was thinking, maybe I could teach you?”

Rainbow tapped her chin in thought, “Do you really think I’d be good at it?”

“Of course! To you it’d just be like gliding but on ice so you’d probably be a natural at it!” shouted Twilight, her voice full of glee at the thought of becoming teacher for a day to the brash pegasus.

“Well then count me in!” she exclaimed, “In fact, I bet it won’t even take ten minutes for me to master! After all, I am the Rainbow Dash!” she puffed her chest out in pride before striking a very Rainbow-esque pose, giving Twilight a fearless from a side and pulling a forehoof into her chest.

Twilight giggled merrily at her friend’s antics and waved a hoof dismissively, “Well you’ll probably catch on faster than I did, it took me a week before I could even steer! I’m just glad Pinkie’s so patient with me.”

“Speaking of patient -” said Rainbow slyly as she flexed her wings, “- last one there’s a rotten hay-fry!” she shouted before taking off at almost supersonic speed towards the lake.

Twilight tried to shout out to her, “Rainbow that’s the opposite of patient!” but it apparently went unheard. So with a smirk on her muzzle and a flash of her horn, Twilight teleported to the lake and patiently waited for her company to arrive.

“Calling it now, Twilight’s gonna propose to her at the lake!”

“Pinkie that’s absurd! They aren’t even dating yet!”

“Ah think they might just have a roll around in the snow after Rainbow figures out she can’t skate!”

“Rainbow would never do that, she doesn’t do… that without knowing for sure she cares for them first, she’s been like that ever since flight camp.”

“Right Flutters,” nodded Rainbow, “there’s no way I’d sleep with Twilight before a couple of dates first! She’d have to wait ‘till at least the third one!” she exclaimed, completely oblivious to how exactly that sounded to everypony else.

Twilight was the first to react, blinking dumbly in surprise and still staring at her new telescope for few seconds before facing her, “I would?”

Rainbow Dash scoffed, “Well duh! I’m not just gonna jump into bed with you before our third date!”

That was when the bit dropped inside Rainbow’s head.

“Wait that’s not what I meant!” she exclaimed defensively, watching as Twilight looked away quickly as a blush spread across the unicorns muzzle.

“I think it’s very sweet of you Rainbow,” commented Fluttershy.

Rainbow’s ears drooped down in defeat before letting out a long, tired sigh, “Can we please just get back to reading the Celestia-damned story?”

“But of course! My turn is over though I am afraid. Who wants to go next girls?”