• Published 15th Mar 2012
  • 1,374 Views, 1 Comments

Hearts and Mail Day - FeatherFoot

FeatherFoot was very lonely until a certain mailmare changes his life.

  • ...

The Story

FeatherFoot got up out of his bed in Cloudsdale. His sky-blue mane was frizzled beyond belief, his wings' feathers were completely ruffled, and his darkish-gray coat was a shade darker than normal. Rubbing his teal eyes, he sighed. He kept dreaming of the same thing; his marefriend Roseluck leaving him. He just could not get enough sleep to get ready for weather patrol that day. Making his way toward the window, he thought about what happened the previous day.

FeatherFoot knocked on Roseluck's door. It slowly creaked open and he crept inside. "Rose?" he called out. No response. He made his way upstairs in the darkened house and found a note against her bedroom door.

"Feather, if you are reading this, I'm sorry to tell you that I am seeing somepony else. We met in the town center and he kept going on and on about—"

FeatherFoot could not bear to read the rest. In a huff, he ran back down the stairs and out the door.

He opened the cloud-lined window and stared down to the ground below, seeing the commotion of everyday life go on. He shook his head, snapping him out of his trance. Sighing, he closed the window and turned to the picture of him and Roseluck before they vacationed in Fillydelphia. "Rose, why did you have to leave me?" he asked, believing Roseluck could hear him somehow. He took notice of the calendar next to the picture.

He let out his final sigh. "Another Hearts and Hooves Day this Friday, without a mare to celebrate it with." He flopped back onto his bed and shed a tear. The tear dripped off his cheek and fell through the cloud to the ground below. He just laid there, not doing anything, letting tears roll along his face.

Something hit his window. He got a bit of a spook from it, but when he regained his composure, he hurried to the window. Pressed up against the panes was the local mailmare, Derpy. He just looked for a moment, before the wall-eyed mail pony knocked on the window, asking for it to be opened. Feather did just that and Derpy made a less-than-perfect landing, falling onto the floor. She got up and handed him a letter from his parents in Las Pegasus.

"Thank you Derpy. Wait here," FeatherFoot said. He ran to his kitchen and pulled out a recipe book, turning it to a page titled "Chocolate Chip Muffin." Pulling out the mixing bowl, he muttered to himself about what he needed to make it. Making sure to preheat the oven first, he turned it up to four hundred degrees. After he got all the ingredients from each of their respective cupboards, he got to work.

"Okay, first step: mix the flour with sugar, baking powder, a pinch of salt, and can't forget about the chocolate chips." He placed the mixing bowl on the counter and stirred in the required ingredients. He looked out into the next room and saw Derpy giving him a smile. Turning back to the book, he read the next step.

Thirty Minutes Later...

FeatherFoot put on a pair of oven mitts. He pulled the muffins out of the oven and set them on the table. "Okay Derpy, come on in here!" he called.

Derpy walked in and saw the tray of muffins. She gave off a smile so huge you'd need to be in a satellite to see it fully. FeatherFoot pulled a muffin out of the tray, forgetting about how hot it was for a moment. He set the muffin on the counter. Derpy took the muffin with ease. FeatherFoot was so busy making the muffins that he forgot about his mail. He dashed back out to the living room and read it.

Dear FeatherFoot,

Your father and I are going to be staying here in Las Pegasus. We found a house here and we thought it would be a very great place to live. We promise we will visit you at least once a year. I'll send a picture of the house we got soon!

With love,

P.S. Your father was at the casino and saw a cyan mare and a red stallion at the slots, and the mare won the jackpot twice! Can you believe it?

P.P.S. Your father was not so lucky on the slots, heh.

"Well, looks like my folks found a new place to be," Feather announced. Derpy smiled as she flew back out the window. She had something on her mind. Feather paid no mind to what she was thinking. She headed off to make more deliveries. Feather smiled, happy he did what he did for her. Putting the rest of the muffins, save for one, in the refrigerator, he looked at the clock.

"I've got time for a quick shower before I go," he told himself, as he made his way to the bathroom to take a shower. After he got out, he flew out to perform his Weather Patrol duties.

Feeling the cool midmorning breeze go through his cyan mane, FeatherFoot flew through the air, memories of Roseluck filling his mind once again. The image of the picture he saw in his room caught him. Pegasi dodged him as he flew past, not focusing on flying at all and nearly losing control. Minutes felt like hours to FeatherFoot, as images continued to flood his mind. FeatherFoot shook his head and regained his balance.

FeatherFoot arrived at his destination, the weather control station on the far side of Cloudsdale. Pegasi were putting on their uniforms to get ready. He made his way to his station and put on his uniform and headset. One of the pegasi next to him gave the signal to fly out. After he flew out, four other pegasi flew out in unison. As he looked back, he realized his team was short about fifteen pegasi.

"What?" Feather called out. "Where are the others?"

One of his team members, Cloud Trotter, called back. "They're helping disaster-proof Equestria!"

He sighed. "Looks like our training will be well worth it," he told them, as he his team darted through the air. They all split off, FeatherFoot and Cloud Trotter going to gather clouds from the east, and the others going to the west.

Cloud Trotter noticed the sudden change in FeatherFoot's expression. "Feather, something wrong?"

No response. FeatherFoot just stared forward with a bit of a down expression, one that could not be remedied even by Pinkie's smile song. Cloud waved his hoof in front of Feather. He did not even turn his head in response.

Feather's head filled with images once again. His flight became more wobbly than when they took off.

FeatherFoot made his way to the town center. He looked around and saw Roseluck and the pony she was with now, named Roid Rage.

FeatherFoot made his way to them. "Rose? Why did you—"

Rose cut him off. "Well, you are so busy and everything, I thought you couldn't make time for me."

Feather was taken aback. "What? If you said you wanted to spend more time with me, I could tweak my schedule!"

Rose turned her head to Roid. "Well, it's too late now for him, isn't it, Roid?"

Roid turned his attention to Feather. "YEAAAH!" he shouted. FeatherFoot stumbled backward, and landed on the ground on his back.

Rose giggled. "So long, Feather. Have a good life." She and Roid trotted off.

Feather's eyes closed and tears formed in his eyes. Cloud could not get his attention one bit and he hung his head down. As he looked down, he saw what they had come for.

"Feather, come on, the clouds we need are there!" he announced as he dove down toward them. Feather kept his eyes shut and cut off all sounds from everything but his conscience. He shook his head, but not in time before he felt an immense impact press against him. He and the body he ran into fell through the sky. After coming back to reality, he was able to recover, holding who he crashed into. He drifted slowly to the ground and set the body on the dirt. He instantly recognized the pony he crashed into. It was Derpy.

Feather panicked. "Oh man, what do I do, what do I do?!" he announced. Derpy slowly got up without needing assistance. FeatherFoot was so panicked he did not even notice her come up behind him. She tapped his shoulder.

"GAH!" Feather shouted as he leaped into the air, flipped, and landed on his back, legs straight up in the air. Derpy giggled. FeatherFoot looked toward her wall-eyed expression. "You-You're okay?"

"Of course!" Derpy answered. "I'm used to it!" Feather smiled a rested smile. He immediately remembered the clouds needed moving.

"Oh, horseapples! I've gotta get back to work!" he annouced. He waved to Derpy and he flew into the air and darted off. Derpy looked in his direction, and with a smile, she turned around, and flew off.

FeatherFoot made it back to the clouds that he needed to gather. Cloud Trotter was looking around for him, searching everywhere around the cloud for him. Cloud turned to his right and saw FeatherFoot approaching.

"There you are! What happened?" he yelled.

"I ran into a..." he fumbled with his words and coughed. "...flight control problem."

After about four hours of work, they had moved every cloud back to Cloudsdale. Cloud wiped his forehead and the sweat drops fell straight through the fluffy white puff.

"Well, that took longer than I thought." Cloud said. Feather nodded, while sporting the same frown as Cloud had seen him wear earlier. Looking off to the east, both Cloud and FeatherFoot spotted the other three making their way over with clouds, each of them pulling one cloud behind them. They landed on the takeoff platform. They set down the clouds with the others and flew off again.

"Maybe we should help them?" Cloud asked. Feather stared blankly. "Feather?"

There was no response at all. Tears formed in FeatherFoot's eyes as he fell to the cloud floor.

"Feather!" Cloud called out. He tried to help Feather up, but he was out like a light. Cloud panicked. "I need some help over here!"

FeatherFoot shot awake in his bed. He looked around, took note of where he was, and his heart rate slowly dropped to normal. He was breathing heavily and sweating profusely. After he got out of bed slowly, he made his way to the window. He noticed that it was daybreak.

How long was I out?

His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the window. He opened it and Derpy flew in. She landed, fumbled, and fell forward. She giggled a bit. FeatherFoot made his way to her.

"Hey there Derpy." he stated. "I hope you are all right after—" He was cut off by a letter being given to him. "Oh. Thanks." He opened the letter.


Dude, you're not going to believe this! I befriended a Wonderbolt! Can you believe it?! I can't either! I'll be sure to come by sometime to tell you about it!

Also, My friends Shadow Breeze and B.B. are the best! They want to see them too! Maybe you'd want to also!


~Cloud Dasher

Feather set the letter down and turned to Derpy. Giving a smile, he headed out to the kitchen, opened the fridge, and pulled out a cold muffin. Derpy took notice of what he had.

"Here you go, as an apology for earlier and to thank you for the letter." Feather said as he set the muffin in Derpy's hoof. She ate it happily. "Sorry if it is a bit cold."

"Cold or hot, no muffin is bad for me!" Derpy announced cheerfully. Feather let out a chuckle. Derpy then flew back out the window, more deliveries needing to be made. Feather gently shook his head and began to prepare for another day of work, but he heard a knock on the door. He made his way to the door and opened it. It was one of his friends at work, Dewdrop.

"Hey, just to let you know, the station got a massive rainbow juice leak, and it covered everything in the factory, so we have to take a day off." he told Feather.

"Okay, thanks for telling me." Feather replied as Dewdrop took off. Feather closed the door and put on his flight goggles he wore on occasion. He reopened the door and took off.

He felt the breeze through his coat, mane, and tail. He felt that he could go anywhere. He closed his eyes to embrace the feeling, but images flooded his mind once again.

"Rose, please, give me another chance!"

Rose turned away from FeatherFoot. Roid was nowhere in sight.

"Rose, please, I'm nothing without you."

Rose trotted away, completely ignoring Feather. He sat on the ground, tears streaming like waterfalls.

Feather was so caught up in his flashback that he slammed head on into another pony, the force feeling worse than before. Both bodies fell out of the sky like rocks, neither one losing momentum, and were headed straight into the Everfree Forest. Both forms crashed into the forest floor with an audible thud that could be heard as far away as North Ponyville.

Featherfoot felt himself falling through the sky and it was a bright and sunny day. He looked down at the ground and it was approaching fast. He tried to open his wings, but felt nothing. Shocked, FeatherFoot craned his head around to see his wings were gone. He plummeted faster and faster toward the ground. He closed his eyes, bracing for impact.

FeatherFoot awoke on the ground of the forest, breathing heavily. He shook his head. "Ow." he muttered. Still dazed, FeatherFoot got up and found his leg to be in pain. He looked around. Haven't actually been here before. I'd better watch my step. He was about to hobble his way down one path when he had a realization. His eyes shot open. In a panic, FeatherFoot made a full 360 degree turn and winced at the pain in his front leg.

"Oh geez, oh geez, this is bad. If I can't find who I hit..." He turned a corner and saw who he hit lying on the ground, out cold.

It was Derpy.

"Oh my Celestia, Derpy!" Feather shouted. Derpy didn't even budge.

"I think I know what to do!" He started CPR on her, but she was still out. He started to tear up. "Derpy..." He shook his head fiercely. "No no no!" he called out. "Why did I have to dwell on the past?! Why?!" He mentally kicked himself. "If it wasn't for those flashbacks, none of this would have happened!!!!" He fell to the forest floor, tears streaming like rivers down his cheeks. "Why..." He stood back up, trying to ignore the pain in his leg, but still wincing from it. FeatherFoot made his way down one of the paths, continuously kicking himself mentally and scolding himself.

A few minutes after FeatherFoot left the clearing, Derpy's eyes fluttered open. She looked around and saw nopony else around. She tensed. "Hello?" she called out. She began to quaver. She called out again. "H-Hello?" No response. She began making her way down one of the paths, the one she hoped would lead her back, but was ambushed by five beings out of nowhere. Instinctively, she did what anypony else would have. She screamed.

It felt to him like hours, but he saw the edge of the forest. Smelling the fresh air, he moved a bit faster. As he was about to reach the bright light that was the exit, he heard a scream come from deep in the forest. FeatherFoot stopped in his tracks and turned around. He tried to make a choice.

Feather raised one hoof. "Okay, on the one hoof I go back to Cloudsdale and ignore my curiosity..." He put it down and raised the other. "On the other hoof, I save whatever screamed and risk my own life for what could just be a screeching animal." He contemplated his choices, but eventually his curiosity got the best of him as he turned around and ran back into the forest.

After a few moments of searching the paths and paying attention to where the screams were coming from, he reached a clearing deep in the forest and saw five cockatrices surrounding the once "dead" Derpy. She had her eyes shut, making sure not to look directly at them, if it was possible. Feather gauged the possibilities.

"Okay, either I rush up and ambush them and save Derpy, but potentially kill myself, or I leave her to them. Oh, the second thing I would never do." With that being said, he darted up to the scene and screamed at the five cockatrices.

"GET AWAY FROM HER!" He attracted the attention of all five of them. They glared at him trying to turn him into stone. He had his eyes closed the entire time, but eventually he started to fight back. He flew into the air and darted at one of them. four of them chased him, while the last one went for Derpy, unbeknownst to FeatherFoot. He did a sharp 180 degree turn and rammed all four of the cockatrices into the air and deeper into the forest. He then turned to Derpy and she was slowly being turned to stone already, the fifth cockatrice glaring at her. He darted up and got between Derpy and the fifth cockatrice as fast as lightning. Derpy started turning back to normal, but noticed FeatherFoot did not have the same fate, as he was staring right at the beast. His last words before he blacked out were...

"Go... now... save... yourself..."

Derpy did exactly that, with tears in her eyes. She ran all the way out of the forest and flew into the air. FeatherFoot stared into the cockatrice's eyes, feeling himself turn to stone. He didn't care. All he took solace in was that Derpy was safe. He felt the petrification reach his neck, and he could not move anything other than his head. After a few seconds, nothing. The cockatrice fled, leaving the statue of FeatherFoot in the middle of the clearing.

Derpy looked back toward the forest. She started to tear a bit. "But...why would he do that...for me?" she told herself. She landed in front of her home in Cloudsdale and went inside. She put on her mailbag and flew back out, tears still in her eyes.

"He...gave his life for me." she softly told herself as she flew to the post office. "He...must like me for something..." she started tearing more. "He...was my muffin." She cried all the way to the post office.

The stone statue that was FeatherFoot stood in the middle of the clearing, with not a sound around. Although his physical body was petrified, his thoughts still raced through his head, poking at him subconsciously like a never-ending torment.


Various images flooded FeatherFoot's mind. His subconscious self just glanced at each while they passed by.

"I'm seeing someone else, Feather" The note from Roseluck.

"Rose, give me another chance! Please!" He saw himself pleading to Rose to no avail.

"Have a good life, FeatherFoot." Those parting words.

If he could tear up physically, he would have by now.

A small hum came from the east and a pale-yellow mare with a pink mane floated into the clearing. She looked in the direction of FeatherFoot. "Oh good, some help looking for some veggies for Angel!" She hovered closer to him and noticed something that shocked and enraged her. She saw the pegasus pony petrified in stone. She let out an audible gasp and went into an immediate rage, but kept it calm for the moment. "Oh, little Cockatrice, where are you?" she cooed, hiding her ever-growing anger. The cockatrice that petrified FeatherFoot came out of hiding and flew right at her. It stopped a few feet from her when it realized who it was dealing with. Its stare changed to that of fear. Fluttershy then let out all her anger.

"I told you and your friends to stop petrifying ponies last time when you did this to Twilight and you did it again. Now, this is your last warning, mister. You will not do this again, or you will see the extent of my fury. Do you understand?" she told the Cockatrice with her "stare". It nodded and, without hesitation, it glanced at FeatherFoot and the stone encasing him vanished, as he collapsed to the ground. The cockatrice promptly ran off. Fluttershy turned around and saw the now-freed pony. FeatherFoot shook his head and began tearing up from his recent thoughts. Fluttershy immediately noticed this and made her way to him.

"Oh, my. Are you okay?" Fluttershy asked. Feather just turned away and spoke.

"If by okay you mean tormented by my own thoughts, then yes." he responded a bit bluntly, a waterfall matching a scale version of Neighagara Falls coming from his eyes.

Fluttershy had immediately spoken up. "What's wrong?"

FeatherFoot sobbed and spoke.

"I miss her...so much..."


FeatherFoot just shook his head and sobbed more. Fluttershy made her way to him, and gave him a hug.

"It'll be okay. just remember anything positive, and—" A branch fell from a tree and made Fluttershy jump and made her emit an audible "eep!" FeatherFoot, through his waterlogged expression, let out a soft chuckle.

Once Fluttershy's heart rate decreased, she continued what she was saying. "Well, you should never dwell too much on the past. If you do, you'll never truly recover from whatever happened. Also—"

FeatherFoot knew what she was going to say next. "Never forget the past, or you're doomed to repeat it." He continued the phrase. "So basically, don't remember too much, but don't remember too little. If one overbalances the other, it will send a pony's life and relationships into a tailspin." FeatherFoot's eyes grew wide and he thought about what she said. "Look toward the future and whatever it may hold." He wiped tears from his eyes and brought Fluttershy over to him for a thank you hug. He teared up a bit. "Th-thank you so much..." FeatherFoot's train of thought slammed into a brick wall when he went to say her name, which he realized he never asked about.

"Oh! M...my name is Fluttershy."

"Well, Fluttershy, nice name." Fluttershy gave a bit of a blush. "Thank you so much." He hugged Fluttershy a bit more, and stood up. "So why are you out here?"

Fluttershy gave a quiet response. "I...I came out here for some food for my little bunny Angel."

"Oh." FeatherFoot looked around and noticed some blue herbs along the side of the clearing. He made his way to them. He examined them closely and turned back to Fluttershy. "Will these do?"

Fluttershy saw what he was looking at and gasped. "Oh, no! That's Poison Joke." Fluttershy motioned FatherFoot away and turned around. She spotted some greens and pulled them up. FeatherFoot turned and looked at the hoof he almost touched the joking flower with, to find no sign of blue powder. FeatherFoot sighed in relief.

"Well, Fluttershy, nice meeting you." Fluttershy smiled a bit.

"Nice meeting you too." She said, a bit meek. FeatherFoot made his way into the forest paths, but not before turning toward Fluttershy and giving a smile.

Derpy had delivered her last letter of the day and was returning to the office to pick up her bits for the day. She was still depressed about what happened the previous day. Arriving back at the post office in Cloudsdale, Derpy bore tears in her eyes. The mailstallion that was also working at the time took notice.

"Hey, what's wrong Derpy?" he asked her.

"My...my muffin...is..." She was stopped by him.

"I'm sorry, Derpy...I really am. Could you tell me what he was like though, just to be sure?"

"He...he had a sky-blue mane a-and a light-gray coat, and..." she was once again stopped by the mailstallion staring over to the far wall behind Derpy. She turned around and nearly burst into tears of joy.

Her muffin came back. FeatherFoot had returned.

She burst into a full-on run and stopped in front of him. She then had confusion and relief in her wall eyes. "B-but how-" Feather cut her off this time.

"A mare named Fluttershy saved me in the forest. Apparently she already had plans with animals," he told her. "Kind of a lucky break."

She broke out in tears of joy and so did he. They then hugged for as long as they could remember.


Feather awoke in his own bed. Rubbing his eyes, FeatherFoot got out of bed and recalled what happened yesterday. He smiled at the thought of seeing Derpy again and how he had saved her the day before. As FeatherFoot pondered, a knock sounded on the window. He opened it and Derpy flew in, this time somehow perfectly. She handed him a red envelope with a gold seal. FeatherFoot looked at the letter curiously and opened it.


The past few days, I thought I only liked you for your great baked goods, but now I know you are more than that. You risked your own life to save me, even if I did kind of trick you when you woke up in the forest. Anyway, I would like to ask you one thing in return:

Will you go to the Hearts and Hooves Day dance with me?


FeatherFoot looked from the letter to Derpy. He saw a smile slowly grow on her face. FeatherFoot then smiled gradually and burst into tears of joy. Wrapping his forelegs around her, he responded. "Yes, yes I will." They both held each other for the longest time. Before long, they let go of each other and headed to the dance.


Everypony seems to be having a good time, Feather thought. He even saw two blank flanks dancing with a rainbow mare and a lavender unicorn. FeatherFoot wore a confused face from the two stallions with no cutie mark, but decided not to question it. He turned to Derpy.

"May I have this dance?" he asked her, trying to act like a gentlecolt. Derpy nodded and then, as if by pure coincidence, a slow dance song started up. They then held each other while they danced, FeatherFoot at least trying to make eye contact with the wall-eyed mare. At exactly the same time they said, "I'm having a great time."

With that, Derpy started getting closer to Feather. He knew her intentions and played along. Soon enough, they held each other in a kiss. Everypony stopped dancing and turned to them. Suddenly, applause filled the building. Their kissing felt like it was an eternity. Eventually though, the two had to breathe, so they separated. Derpy took on a blush with a smile. Feather did the same. Then the two got back to dancing, not wanting the night to end.

Derpy had opted to stay at FeatherFoot's for the night. As they both woke up, they looked at each other.

"How was your sleep?" they both asked at the same time, then turned away from each other, blushing. Feather then continued.

"You first," he said, sporting a smile. Derpy returned it as she talked.

"Anything for you, muffin," she told him and started telling him her dream about trotting in a muffin wonderland. When she finished, it was Feather's turn.

He told her about Roseluck, and how she broke up with him. As he talked, he felt himself starting to shed a few tears, but Derpy put her hoof on his cheek. Feather turned to her and she gave him a reassuring smile. He smiled back. He knew she would always be with him, no matter what. He did not worry about the past anymore. He looked on to a future, one he looked forward to, knowing she was with him.


Author's Note:

I really want to thank Hyperexponential for pre-reading the story. Without his help, I wouldn't have been able to find the mass number of errors in the story o.o

So thanks so much. You are awesome.

Comments ( 1 )

Wow a year, a motherfucking year with out a comment. Well do you know what I say to that, FIRST.
Any way good story man.
Also if it a one shot should put a complete tag on the story.
Peace out!!!!!

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