• Published 30th Dec 2013
  • 1,366 Views, 17 Comments

Double Vision - Closer-To-The-Sun

Applejack literally bumps into a brown stallion. After chasing him to his blue box, she gets quite more than she bargained for.

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Chapter 4: Police On My Back

Chapter 4: Police On My Back

Trotting towards five figures in black and gray armor, the two ponies were cautious. It was obvious that Applejack was scared about this situation, but her pride wouldn’t let it get the best of her. In her mind, she was piecing out just what had happened to lead her to putting all of her trust into such a bizarre brown stallion with a strange, blue box.

“Greetings, my Judoon friends!” the Doctor called out to the platoon of aliens. They quickly shifted their attention, and their weapons, to the ponies. Applejack let out a small noise of terror as she stared down the barrel of the weapons. “Now, now, no need for weapons. We are all after the Zygon fugitive, are we not?”

One of the aliens, apparently the leader of the group, spoke in a booming voice, “Identify yourself.” His head was that of a rhinoceros on top of a very sturdy, bipedal body, just like the rest of his platoon.

Reaching with his hoof behind him, the Doctor seemingly pulled a small piece of folded leather and opened it, showing it to the Judoon. “I'm Doctor Smith and this is my partner Applejack Wesson, and together we are Smith and Wesson." Putting the item away, he smiled as he looked to Applejack and the Judoon, “Smith and Wesson….has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?”

The Judoon leader spoke again, “What is your purpose of being here?”

“My partner and I are Time Lords private investigators. We were hired to make sure that you and your prisoner would be transported without a problem, but it seems you had a problem,” the Doctor spoke.

Another Judoon spoke up, “Impossible, there are no Time Lords left from the Last Great Time War.”

“So? Maybe some Time Lords turned into ponies like me. It’s not a bad body, you know,” the Doctor smirked.

“Silence, we will check if his story checks out,” the platoon leader said, taking a device from his belt. He scanned the two ponies with the device. After a few moments, the machine made a noise. “Strange. It reads that the brown pony is, indeed, an alien not of this planet. However, the orange one contains traces of alien DNA.”

“Let us deal with the problem later, after we catch the fugitive,” another Judoon stated, raising his weapon up.

“So we all are on the same page? Excellent! Let us find the Zygon so you don’t have to destroy this planet.”

“Agreed, we shall work with Smith and Wesson. However, when we find the fugitive, he is our prisoner and under our jurisdiction,” the Judoon leader instructed.

“Fantastic! Come along, Applejack!”

The two ponies and the five Judoon soldiers started assessing the townsponies. As the Judoon scanned the frozen figures, Applejack began to worry about a few things.


“Yes, Applejack?”

The mare looked at one of the frozen ponies, “How is it possible that all the town’s frozen like this, yet we were fine?”

“You mean how we were safe in the TARDIS while the rest of the town was not?” he asked.

Applejack simply nodded.

“To make it brief, the TARDIS exists in it’s own dimension, keeping us safe from the weapon. In fact, the TARDIS even has pocket dimensions within itself, really quite remarkable,” the Doctor explained.

“Okay, ah guess….but what ‘bout that thing ya showed them,” the mare pointed to a few members of the Judoon platoon, scanning yet another pony.

Taking it out again, the Doctor displayed the piece of leather, “Psychic paper. Makes others see what I want them to see. Try to keep up,” the Doctor winked as he teased the orange pony.

Applejack was annoyed at his jest. She trotted up to him and pulled at him with her hoof, “An’ what ‘bout that stuff me bein’ me havin’ some alien DNA, or whatever.”

“Simple DNA transfer,” the stallion explained.

“Through a kiss?” Applejack’s voice was both hushed and angered.

A sly smirk appeared on the Doctor’s face, “Don’t act like you didn’t enjoy it.” With a laugh, he continued helping the Judoon with the scanning of the citizens of Ponyville.

Applejack made a sour face, annoyed at the Doctor’s comment.

One of the Judoons called out, “Sir! We have found a non-local entity here.”

“Ya found the Zygoon- or whatever?” Applejack turned her head towards the direction where the voice came from.

“Brilliant! Let us take care of this and wrap this all up in a neat little package,” the Doctor trotted towards the gathering of Judoons around the pony in question.

Upon arriving, Applejack was stunned to see the pony that the Judoon found the alien signal coming from. “Wait a minute….that’s the mayor!”

The readings were coming from a tan mare with a gray mane and glasses resting on her nose.

“She is right, this is Mayor Mare. To think that the Zygon would choose her to mimic,” the Doctor commented.

The platoon leader spoke, “Wake her.”

One of the soldiers took a device from his belt and placed it to the mayor’s coat. A sound was emitted and the body moved as it normally would. After a few dizzy steps, the mare spoke, “Wh-What’s going on?”

“Prisoner 41251: Krilath. You are here by arrested under Article 57 of the Shadow Proclamation. You are also guilty of escaping captivity,” the platoon leader dictated to Mayor Mare.

The tan mare looked up at the five Judoon and the two ponies that surrounded her. “It was a good run while it lasted,” she spoke, in a voice that was a stark contrast to the mayor’s voice.

This surprised Applejack greatly. “Jus’ who are ya and what did ya do with the major?!” she barked out.

“My name is Krilath, a proud Zygon. As for your precious mayor, she’s knocked out, but unharmed. It took me quite a while to get used to her body, and I needed her around to assist me with it,” the alien spoke.

The Doctor interrupted, “The Judoon stated you are being arrested under Article 57. What could drive you to destroy a Level 5 planet?”

“My cover was blown on that planet. I came close, very close to controlling the planet completely. I was going to make it a paradise for fellow Zygons. But my cover was blown. And with that, I saw no other option. It didn’t matter away, it was full of primitive and inferior species, what do I care?” the Zygon explained.

The Judoon soldiers interrupted, “You will be placed on trial for your actions.”

“Oh, I’m certain I will. That is, if you can capture me!” the alien was quick as they bucked each of the Judoon soldiers onto their backs, leaving them defenceless. With them dealt with, the Zygon made their escape while still in the mayor’s body.

In pursuit of the escapee, Applejack followed behind the Krilath, “Get right back here, ya varmint!” she shouted.

Krilath didn’t reply. Instead, it tried to gallop away faster. However, Krilath tripped over the mayor’s own hooves, as they still were having trouble with their body. Applejack took full advantage of the situation, leaping onto Krilath and wrestling with them. The two ponies brawled it out, both taking multiple hits from one another.

Struggling up to her hooves, Applejack took her hat off her head, “That’s it partner, the hat is off….an’ yer goin’ down.”

Also getting onto their hooves, Krilath looked back at the orange mare, “You got a lot of moxie in you, pony. It’s a shame that it’s your own boldness that will get you killed. Or rather….” Krilath paused the sentence as the appearance of the body changed from that of Mayor Mare’s to that of Applejack’s, “it’s a shame that it’s my boldness that will kill you.”