• Published 18th Feb 2014
  • 2,268 Views, 39 Comments

Pony Versus Machine - Smoker

When machines invade Ponyville and threaten to destroy everything residents know and love, who are the only ones who can save the town? Why, nine psychotic killers, of course!

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3: The Battle for Ponyville

Angel Bunny was having a bad day.

First, Fluttershy woke him up before 2:00 pm in order to take him to the party for that purple pony. Then he had to cling on to her hair as she flew up to the ceiling to hang stuff.

As if all that wasn’t enough, a robot apocalypse started up, and while he held out for a while with his friends, he was forced to retreat, and now was cowering in the safest place he knew: Fluttershy’s mane.

The two of them were hiding underneath a flower stand. The gap between the stand and the ground was barely a foot, but he and Fluttershy had managed to squeeze in there just before the robots caught sight of them.

Now they were trapped; Robot feet had tramped all around them, making it impossible to escape without being seen. Fluttershy was weeping quietly into her hooves. Angel honestly couldn’t blame her; they were in a pretty bad situation. He had tried to gain info as to how the battle was going, but that was hard to do when all the information you had was whose ankles were nearby.

Angel hadn’t seen a pony ankle for the past half hour.

Now, to top off Angel’s crappy day, a huge blue mechanical Cyclops had arrived nearby. From what Angel could gather through peeks and darts was that the big robot was holding some sort of pipe-cylinder-explosive-throwing thingy in its enormous hands. It launched glowing projectiles which exploded after a few seconds.

The big thing was camping out nearby, and though most robots had cleared out of the square which the stand was in, the huge robot was just waiting calmly, using a nearby building as a seat. Why wouldn’t it leave? Why did it just sit there? Did it know where they were? Was it waiting for them to come out? Actually, the latter two were unlikely, considering if it did know where they were, it would just lift up the stand and that would be that.

“There’s the scabby doowally now!” came a heavily accented voice. Angel looked to see Twilight and Demoman enter the square quietly. The robot hadn’t noticed them yet, but it probably would any moment.

“Demo, do you have a plan in mind as to how to defeat it?” Twilight asked.

“Yes.” Demoman said, holding up his stickybomb launcher.

“That one’s different than the one you held back near the library.” Twilight said curiously.

“That one back there was me Scottish resistance; I ran out the last of mah ammo fer it. Mah bad.” The Demo replied. “This one’s mah classic launcher; can’t launch as many bombs, but still packs a punch.”

With that, Demoman pointed his launcher. “Oi! Ya great lactatin’ wet-nerf!” He shouted in challenge to the giant robot. The huge thing roared. Demoman grinned wickedly, and pulled the trigger, shooting a stickybomb…

…about two feet.

“Wot tha…” Demoman said, launching a few more, but they all fell far short. “The bleedin’ thing won’t launch ‘em far enough!” he pulled a second trigger just below the first one, causing the stickies to beep, but not do anything else.

“Tha little buggers won’t explode, either! C’mon, ya dumb thing, work!” Demoman said, smacking his fist against his launcher.
“Look out!” Twilight cried, leaping and body slamming demo out of the path of a huge grenade.

“I di’ what ah could…” Demoman said miserably, as Twilight pretty much dragged him to a nearby doorway. Putting her horn to the lock, she magically picked it and dragged Demo inside.

“That should buy us a few seconds.” Twilight said, relocking the door. “Don’t you have any spare weapons? Anything?”

“Yeh, ma grenade launcher.” Demoman said, pulling out a device pretty much identical to that of the huge robot. “But it won’t do much good against somethin’ that size.”

Twilight groaned. An explosion rocked the house; the robot was getting closer. “Looks like I’m going to have to do all the work myself. Again.” With that, she reopened the door.

“Oy! Tin man!” she yelled at the approaching robot. “Bring it on!” She began to charge up her horn for a powerful destructive spell.
She didn’t get the chance to finish charging; the robot launched another massive grenade, forcing her to take off to avoid it. She cast some less powerful spells at the robot, but those only seemed to irritate it.

Desperate, Twilight weaved through the maze of Ponyville’s buildings, trying to lose the robot. Once she deemed herself sufficiently far away, she began to once again charge her destructive spell.

Then she saw something arcing through the air towards her. Another stinking grenade.

She tried to dodge again, but this time wasn’t quite fast enough. The grenade blew her into the air, before gravity took over and slammed her against the ground.

Twilight groaned, and looked up to see the enormous robot approaching once more. As a matter of fact, she was right back in the square. “You’ve gotta be kidding me.” She said as the robot raised its grenade launcher once more.

“OY!” came a roar. Twilight and the demobot both looked to see Demoman appear from behind the corner, wearing a shield on his arm and carrying some sort of stick.

With a mighty battle cry, the Demoman charged at an incredible speed towards the robot. The very air seemed to hold him back as he rushed towards the huge Demobot. The big thing launched another grenade, but missed completely, as Demoman got right up to the bot and smacked it with the stick.

There was a massive explosion. Demoman came careening out of the smoke cloud which immediately followed, and landed right next to Twilight. “Mah caber.” He said in response to her questioning look, holding out the stick to her, which was his Ullapool caber. The explosion had used it up, so now it was just an exploded mess. “It’s a godsend.” Demo said proudly, still breathing heavily from the charge.

Then they heard movement. They turned to see the smoke clearing, revealing the giant robot. Demoman’s caber had blown off one of its legs, and given most of it a good scorching, but the robot was still going. In its right hand, it held its enormous grenade launcher. It pointed the launcher at them from pretty much point-blank range. “Oh, me mother…” Demoman cursed.
Then the robot’s solitary eye spontaneously exploded. There were popping and fizzing sounds from the robot’s head, before it froze, then went limp, thudding to the ground.

“Thanks fa standin’ still, wankah!” came a voice from behind them. Twilight and Demoman turned to see the Sniper, holding a rifle in one hand and waving with the other.

“Good shot, lad!” Demoman said cheerfully as he picked up stunned Twilight gently.

“Thanks, mate.” Sniper replied. He noticed Twilight. “Well, who’s this precious li’l pony?” He said, scratching Twilight’s stomach. She giggled, feeling like an idiot.

“Not sure o’ her name… sumthin ‘bout vampires, maybe?” Demoman said, cocking his head.

Sniper was about to say something, but then he stopped. His keen eyes had just noted a tiny movement nearby. Years of experience had taught Sniper that if there was a flicker in the corner of your eye, there was a spy near. He gave the Demoman a signifigant nod, who nodded back, and carefully placed Twilight over his shoulder. This freed one hand to grab his grenade launcher.
The two of them walked towards where Sniper had seen the movement: under a nearby flower stand, half-destroyed by the robots. They got into position, and Sniper abruptly flipped over the stand, Jarate at the ready.

Then he stared.

Under the stand was another, hidden pony. This one was yellow, with a pink mane, and 3 butterflies on her flank. Sniper caught a glimpse of a turquoise eye, before there was a squeak and the pony buried deeper into her mane.

A small white bunny poked its head from the pony’s mane. Glaring at Sniper, it crawled on top of Fluttershy’s head and made a fighting pose, like a tiny boxer.

Sniper looked over at Twilight, who had crawled so she was on top of Demoman’s head. “Y’know this one?”

“Yeah, that’s Flu-“ Twilight said, before she suddenly had a flashback to the fake Rarity standing over her. She shuddered.
Sniper shook his head. “Trust me, if she was a spy, she’da cloaked or attacked by now, or at least moved.” He turned back to Fluttershy, kneeling down to her level. “Hey, little pony. Wha’s your name?”

The small yellow pony made another squeaking sound.

“Come again?”

A third squeak.

Sniper looked back to Twilight. “Is she daft or somethin’?”

“No, just shy.” Twilight said. Then she called out, “Fluttershy, it’s Twilight! You’re safe now.”

Fluttershy peeked out of her mane, then slowly stood up. “Oh Twilight, thank Celestia! I was worried I was in trouble there!”

“No, these are friends. This is Demoman, and that one’s… Sniper, right?” Twilight said, turning to Sniper.

“Yeh.” Sniper said. He smiled peacefully at Fluttershy, and the mare’s shaking subsided slightly.

“O-oh… well ok…” Fluttershy said quietly. Then she gave a small smile. “Quite the welcome party, don’t you think, Twilight?”

Just then, an enormous robot head came flying through the air and landed not ten feet from the group. Fluttershy squeaked again.

“Yeah… wonderful.” Twilight said sarcastically.

“C’mon, mates!” Demoman said, hefting his grenade launcher. “Dem robots ain’t gonna kill ‘emselves!”

Twilight hung on to Demoman’s head as he moved. “You know, I can walk just fine.” She said with a hint of indignance.

“Nah, I like ye better up thar. It‘s like havin’ a free hat!” Demoman said cheerfully.

“It’s a long story.” Sniper said in response to Twilight’s questioning looks. “We really should get going, though. The others are probably hogging all the fun right now.”


This is not as fun as you made it out to be!!” Rainbow Dash whispered worriedly as she and Scout cowered behind the carousel boutique. They could hear the giant Heavy-bot’s footsteps on the other side.

“How was I supposed to know it was crit-boosted?!” Scout hissed back.

The two of them jumped as the thumping suddenly grew louder. “Crap, It’s getting closer…” Scout said. He pulled out a red-and-yellow can from his pocket.

“I don’t think now’s the time for a drink, dude!” Dash said as she worriedly eyed the Heavy-bot’s shadow growing larger around the corner.

“Relax, I got dis.” Scout said, downing the entire can in one go. Then he tossed it to the side as he began to literally vibrate with energy, shaking so fast that Dash’s eyes couldn’t keep up. Then he got up, and ran so fast that he left a blur where he was a moment earlier.

“What the hay?!” Dash said as she saw Scout run directly into the giant’s line of sight. The huge thing rapidly revved up its minigun and fired at scout, but to Dash’s amazement, despite Scout being bombarded with bullets, he wasn’t damaged in the slightest; he wasn’t even fazed.

“Ya can’t hit what ain’t theah!” Scout taunted as the Heavy continued to pump bullets out of its minigun. Then Scout cried “Get ‘im, fancy-hair! I’ll keep his attention!”

Rainbow Dash grumbled, “fancy-hair?” and took into the air. Accelerating at an incredible rate, she blasted clear through the Heavy-bot’s torso…

…and smack into a tree right on his other side.

“Ugh… anyone catch the number of that carriage…” Dash mumbled as she put her hoof to her head.

“Dash! Hang on, I gotcha!” Scout said, making a u-turn. Unfortunately, that was when his BONK® drink’s effect ran out. He took a hit from a couple of the heavy’s critical bullets, and fell down. “Ugh… this bites…” He muttered into the dirt.

Rainbow Dash looked up, still woozy. She saw the giant heavy as it revved its minigun once more, about to deliver the killing blow.
Then some sort of rectangle came flying through the air, hitting the heavy on the shoulder. Instantly, arcs of electricity surged through its body, and it stopped moving.

“Honestly, Scout, you are an embarrassment to virgins everywhere.” came a calm, civilized voice. Dash looked around to see two more humans, having appeared from around the corner of the boutique.

One was a well-dressed man, clad in a striped suit and wearing a ski mask. Behind him was another human, who didn’t even look like a human – more like a red blob with a gas mask. It held… a spout connected to a propane canister?

“Good to see you too, Spy… and you, Pyro.” Scout said, pulling his face out of the dirt. “Take this guy down, eh?”

“But of course. Pyro, if you please.” Spy said, gesturing to the Pyro. The red-suited being nodded and pointed the nozzle of its device to the giant heavy, which had just begun to wake up.

Pyro squeezed the trigger, and flames spewed out of the opening on the front of his device. Wherever they struck the giant robot, the metal immediately began to heat, then melt and buckle.

The Heavy-bot roared, and revved its minigun, but then the Pyro pulled a second trigger. The gun was blasted out of the heavy’s hands by a blast of air. The enormous thing tried to smash Pyro with his fists, but the Pyro simply sidestepped the clumsy attack.
The Heavy made to attack again, but froze once more. There was a deafening creeeeak, and the heavy-bot slowly fell to the ground. It landed smack on its face, causing a shockwave to ripple the ground and a circle of dust to rise. When the particles settled, it was revealed that Spy was now standing on the heavy’s back, examining a tangle of wires he held in his hand.

“The big ones are quite easy to take down, if you pluck exactly the right wires with exactly the right timing.” The Frenchman said, climbing down from the massive robot’s back.

“Well, then why din’cha handle it sooner, ya dumb smoker.” Scout said, pushing himself up. Still stunned at the sudden turn of events, Rainbow Dash also stood up.

“Well, I was hoping to save some of your pride in front of your girlfriend, but-“ The spy began, but was interrupted by Scout.
“Whoa whoa whoa! Whoja… whatcha… huh?! She’s not my girlfriend! She’s not even my SPECIES!” The Scout said, gesturing frantically at Rainbow Dash.

“Oh, please. At the rate your sex life is going, you should be glad to have an animal to-“ Spy said, but was again cut off by a scattergun to his chin.

“Finish that sentence, frenchy, and the only thing o’ ya left intact will be ya cigarette!” Scout growled.

“Come on, we’d best be going.” Spy said, not fazed in the least by the scattergun as he turned around and began to walk away.

“Wait!” Dash said, and the three turned to her. “Where’s Rarity?”

“Rari-wha?” Scout questioned.

“She’s my friend, and this is her home. She said she was running back here to get more ribbon, but I haven’t seen her anywhere.”

“Speakin’ a’ missin’ people, where’s Pyro?” Scout said, looking around. Then he spotted Pyro, who was pressing his face to one of the windows of the Carousel Boutique. Without looking away, the gas-masked maniac waved a hand for them to come over. “What’cha find, mute?” Scout asked as the three hurried over.

The others looked through the window, and they saw two robots through the window; a pair of those helmeted ones. They were tearing things up, and ravaging the shop, apparently looking for someone.

“I will find you! That’s what I do! That’s all I do!” One of the bots said as it flipped over a table.

“I’ll take them.” Scout said, reloading his scattergun.

“Before you rush into things like you always do, I’d suggest you take a look over in that corner.” Spy said, putting a finger to the glass of the window.

Rarity had appeared from in between the dresses of one of the few racks still standing upright. She ducked back in as one of the bots passed her, then promptly leapt out, tackling the robot from behind. With a battle cry, she twisted the robot’s head clean off of its body. The robot made a beeping noise, and fell to the ground with a clank.

The other robot turned around at the noise. “There you are! Shutting down.” It said, before spontaneously dropping to the floor.

Rainbow Dash wasted no time in opening the door. “Rarity, that was incredible!”

“Oh, Rainbow Dash!” Rarity said, running towards her. “Thank goodness you’re-“

Suddenly, the apparently shut-down robot launched at the unsuspecting Rarity, gripping her tightly to its chest. “Gotcha, crouton!” It growled as it stood up, Rarity clenched in its arms.

The robot looked to the doorway where Rainbow, Pyro and Scout stood. “I am taking this organic life form hostage. Any attempts to stop me will result in its death. I will-“

The robot was cut off by a loud “KRANG”. Its grip on Rarity weakened, and she slipped to the ground and fled. Then the robot over to the side, revealing Spy standing behind it.

“That was pathetically easy.” Spy said, plucking his butterfly knife out of the robot’s back and wiping it off with a handkerchief.

“Nice work, Spy. Let’s get outta here before more show up.” Scout said, already beginning to run down the path to the center of Ponyville.

“He’s rather impatient, isn’t he?” Rarity said, as the other four began to also walk back into town. The Pyro nodded in agreement. “Nice suit, by the way.” She mentioned to Spy. “It, um… matches your mask quite nicely.”

The Spy raised an eyebrow under his mask. “I hardly think now is the time to be complimenting each others’ dress choice. I’m not into animals, by the way; that was a very transparent attempt to hit on me, you know.”

“Well, I mean- it’s only polite to- I just wanted to-“ Rarity said, suddenly flustered. Her cheeks blushed a visible red shade from under her coat.

“Wow, Rarity, I didn’t know you had a thing for guys in ski masks.” Rainbow Dash said, stifling a giggle.

“It’s a balaclava.” Spy growled.

“It’s a medi-gun.” Medic growled.

“No it ain’t! it’s magic’s what it is!” Applejack retorted.

“It’s not ‘magic’, it’s science!” Medic said angrily. He was sick and tired of arguing with the farmpony, but she just wouldn’t stop. “Using nanoscopic particles and highly advanced targeting technology, I induce a chemical-“

“Don’tcha use yer fancy mathematics to muddle the matter!” Applejack said.

“It’s not math, it’s science.” Medic said, and would have said more, if he wasn’t interrupted.

“For Sandvich’s sake, SHUT UP DE BOTH OF YOU!” Heavy roared. “Heavy eez trying to kill puny robots, and he gets no satisfaction because stoopid pony keeps argooing with Medic!”

Then Heavy sighed. “Heavy eez sorry, pony and doctor. Heavy has been fighting robots for what feels like hours, and Heavy gets grumpy when he no gets snack break.”

“Iss’ok, pardner.” Applejack said. “Ah feel like ah’ve been workin tha redeye shift on the farm durin’ applebuck season.”

“Indeed. I believe we’re all tired.” The Medic said, continuing to overheal Heavy. He held his medigun with one hand and pinched the bridge of his nose with the other. “I really vish the Engineer vas here. He could just put up a sentry, and ve’d be able to take a break at zhe dispenser.”

“Does the engineer wear tinted goggles?” Applejack said.

“Why… why yes, he does. How do you know zat?”

“Cuz I think that’s him right over there.” Applejack said, pointing to her right.

An enormous mass of robots was clustered around the town hall. On the front porch was a most curious duo: the Engineer and Pinkie Pie.

“Pinkie! Watch that spy!” Engineer said, constantly smacking his sentry with his wrench. The machine was constantly turning and firing, keeping the tide of robots at bay.

“Yessiree!” Pinkie said, leaping over and tackling a skinny robot who was about to attack the Engineer’s dispenser.

“Hey! Over here!” Applejack yelled, waving. She, Heavy and Medic were on the other side of the enormous crowd, but were still visible to Engineer and Pinkie Pie.

“Applejack!” Pinkie said delightedly as she wrestled the robot.

“Heavy!” Engineer said, waving with his free hand as he continued to whack his sentry.

“MEDIC!!” came a third voice, and to Applejack’s astonishment, a third man leaped, impossibly high, out of the crowd of robots. He wore a large helmet and carried an enormous weapon of some kind. The man fell flat on his face right in front of the three.

Medic rolled his eyes, and activated his medigun. “Honestly, Soldier, you must stop wading into crowds of robots like that. One of these days, you’re going to be gravely injured, and I’m not going to be around to heal-“

“Thanks, doc!” The Soldier interrupted, standing up as the medigun finished healing him. He then yelled a battle cry and charged straight back into the horde of robots.

“…I take it he isn’t the shiniest apple in the barrel.” Applejack said after a moment.

“I suppose he isn’t, but he has a good heart, and only wants to help.” Medic replied, turning his medigun back to Heavy. The huge man revved up his minigun, preparing to fire at the crowd.

Then Applejack noticed Engineer and Pinkie Pie. The two of them were waving frantically at her, with whatever limbs they could spare. The Engineer pointed at her… no, not at her… over her head.

Applejack slowly turned around to see the final enormous robot, the fat, fire-spewing one, not twenty feet from them. It leveled the barrel of its flamethrower at them, and squeezed the trigger.

“MOVE!” Applejack screamed, body-slamming Medic and Heavy to one side just as the fire came exploding out of the weapon. A split-second later, and they would have been toast. As it was, they just barely dodged it, though Applejack’s tail was rather singed.
Heavy roared, and got back up, revving his minigun. However, before he could spin it to sufficient speed, the Pyro-bot began to chase after them, and he was forced to stop in order to run.

“Sauschwanz!” the Medic cursed. “Engineer’s sentry and Heavy’s minigun are the only weapons around which can stop that thing, but the sentry can’t spare any firepower for us, and heavy can’t rev up his minigun with this thing chasing us!”

“Anyone ever tell you you have a talent for statin’ the obvious, sugarcube?” Applejack said, leading the other two around a sharp corner. She quickly bucked down a door to a random shop and beckoned them inside. “Hurry, darnit! That beast’ll be here any moment!”

The three of them managed to make it inside the shop just as the giant robot rounded the corner, hot on their tracks. They crouched down and watched through the window as the robot slowly looked around. Then it stomped across the street and began to torch the buildings one by one, reducing them to flaming rubble.

“Ok, we have a lil time… I hope there weren’t any ponies in those houses…” Applejack said quietly, turning to Heavy and Medic. “Either of you have an idea?”

“Now that we’re hiding, Sasha has time to rev up.” Heavy suggested.

“Sasha?” Applejack questioned.

“His minigun.” Medic explained. “Even so, Heavy, it would still take a bit for even you to take that thing down, and it would have reduced you to ash long before that.”

“Well, do YOU have any bright ideas?” Applejack said to Medic.

“Yes, actually.” Medic said, tapping a gauge on his medigun. “Almost… yes!” As Medic said that, his healing device began to glow a bright red. “Heavy, I am fully charged.” Medic said to Heavy.

Heavy chuckled quietly. “Excellent. Discharge on my command.” The two of them stood up and began to walk to the door.

“Wait! What are ya doin’?” Applejack said worriedly.

“Do not fear, apple pony. Just stay in de house; we’ve got this.” Heavy said. Then he and Medic walked outside. Heavy spun up his minigun.

The giant monster saw them almost immediately; it roared and began to charge at them. “NOW, DOCTOR!” Heavy yelled, spinning up his minigun.

“Ja!” Medic said, quickly pressing a red button on his minigun, but the giant robot was faster; it had already reached them, and was bathing them in white-hot fire. Applejack winced, and looked away. After a couple seconds, the flame shut off. As Applejack turned back, she fully expected to see two piles of ash lying on the cobblestone street.

Instead, she beheld Heavy and Medic, who were not only completely unharmed, but also glowing with an otherworldly red light.
“I AM INDESTRUCTIBLE!!” Heavy roared as he fired his minigun, pelting the robot with hundreds of bullets. His eyes glowed a demonic yellow as he laughed horribly.

The giant didn’t stand a chance; Heavy’s bullets shredded it like it was in a blender filled with shrapnel. By the time Heavy and Medic returned to their normal colors, the bot was nothing more than pieces of metal lying on the ground.

Applejack rushed outside. “That was incredible! Not to mention rather terrifying.” She said to the duo.

“Thank you, apple pony.” Heavy said, brushing a few fragments of metal off his shoulder.

“Ve’d better head back and help Engineer and… Pinkie Pie, was it?” Medic mentioned to Applejack.

“Oh horseapples, I forgot about them!” Applejack said. “C’mon!”

The three quickly made their way back to the courtyard where Engineer and Pinkie were, only to see that there were no more living robots around. The ground was littered with surprisingly intact corpses as the three waded through. They passed Soldier, who was shaking a robot by the shoulders, and yelling, “Do not lie down! I did not give you permission to take a nap! Fight me, you cowardly hunk of junk!”

“Nice work taking them all down, herr Engineer.” Medic said as he and the others reached where the Engy was repairing his sentry.
The Engineer looked at them curiously. “It’s a funny thing…” he said. “I didn’t kill ‘em all. As a matter of fact, we were about to be overrun, when the robots just sort of…. shut down.”

“Really? When did this happen? We just saw you fighting them off a few minutes ago.” Applejack questioned.

“Happened a matter of seconds ago.” Engineer replied, finishing his repairs and standing back up. “Oy Pinkie! Done fixin’ that dispenser?”

“Just about!” Pinkie chirped, still rummaging about in the dispenser’s main compartment.

“I never knew you could work human techno-majiggers, Pinkie.” Applejack noted.

“It’s easy! I’ve had a harder time fixing my party cannon!” Pinkie said, closing the compartment back up as the dispenser began to hum again.

The Engineer chuckled, as he patted Pinkie Pie on the head. “Ain’t she a beauty? She’s a prodigy, as far as you ponies go.”

Applejack was about to reply, when a loud noise echoed through the air. It sounded like feedback from a microphone, only even louder. Everyone cringed briefly.

Then a loud voice boomed through the air; it took a few seconds to determine that it was coming from the massive blue machine, still parked on the edge of town.

The voice was impossibly low pitched; the user must have been using a voice scrambler. Even so, they could tell it was a male speaker. The low voice reverberated through the very streets, so that everyone could hear it.


“Greetings, Equines.” The booming voice said.

“My name is not important. All you need to know is that I am the leader of these robots.

“As you may have guessed, my original intent was to try to take over your town. However, you lot fought back with surprising, unsuspected force. After you took down four giants, I decided to stop my assault.


“Because you are strong.

“And strength is one of the few things I respect.

“Therefore, I offer to you that which hasn’t been offered to any towns previously conquered: a chance for survival.

“I will not send in any robots at any point for the next seventy-two hours. I swear it upon my own soul. Tend to your wounded; bury your dead.

“You now have two choices.

“Option one: you evacuate your entire population from the town during the seventy-two hour period. I will not pursue you, nor will I attempt revenge on you. I will simply turn this spot into a robot factory.

“Option two: You continue to fight, and are crushed underneath my hordes of robots. Believe me, this assault was a fraction of what I will send out if you choose to stay.

“Seventy-two hours. Use them wisely.”

Author's Note:

I do hope that I pulled the battle scenes off well. If I did or didn't, do let me know.

Also, I apologize for any continuity errors which may occur later because of parts of this chap. Again, still sort of a work in progress.