• Published 31st Dec 2013
  • 1,942 Views, 35 Comments

Compilation of Miscellaneous Typed Scribblings of A Random Guy - A Random Guy

Forged in the depths of an Atlanta suburbia, a collection is made of works of one author for the Writer’s Training Grounds!

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Changing the Things That Came (Part 3)

Changing the Things That Came (Part 3)

By A Random Guy

When the Summoner opened his eyes, everything seemed darker than usual. This was odd, considering it had been the middle of the day just moments before. So why was he looking up at a night sky?

Then he realized that it wasn’t the night sky, but his eyes had adjusted to an extremely bright light moments before. “Oh, right, the summoning,” he said to himself. He always knew that summonings came with their own light show spectaculars, but this one seemed more spectacular than usual.

Apparently, this one had more “oomph” than usual. He was sure he was standing before the ritual, not lying in the grass looking up at the day-time sky. In fact, most of the ritual was a blur in his mind, which was unusual since most summonings were pretty memorable.

Shame, he always enjoyed watching the magic unfold when the summon occurs. It was always interesting seeing all the ingredients merge together through some unseen universal force, then watching it all converge into a glowing ball and have a creature come out of it. He never knew what he was going to see, since each process was unique to what the summon is. He hoped the fillies were able to see the magic.

Wait, there were fillies with him, and they just preformed a summon! And one of those fillies was his current boss and grandmother!

He rolled over and jumped up onto his feet, looking around to see what damage those three fillies had done. His head shot around, fearing the worst that could have happened, and it did. In the grass, under the apple tree, there was a massive circle of burnt grass from where the sigil was drawn, and where the fillies were standing.

His pupils shrunk to the size of pins when the realization hit him. “Oh no,” the Summoner muttered, “I killed my grandma.” His first instinct was to run away from the scene, as per usual when these things usually happened to him, but the thought that his filly grandmother dying at his hooves scared him enough to keep him in place.

“Oh crud, why me,” he moaned, his knees buckling, causing him to collapse back into the grass. “A paradox is going to fix this, right? I know she talked about this on the train, somewhere in all that time gibberish. Oh, Luna, they were so young! They did not even tell me their names!”

“Oh, we didn’t? Well, I’m Sweetie Belle, that’s Scootaloo and Applebloom.”

The Summoner’s head shot up and looked towards where he heard the voice. Sitting under another apple tree were three fillies, alive and well, sipping on straws that poked through their juiceboxes,

“Oh… so I am not going to prison again” he said as he got up from the grass again. “That is a relief.” He brushed off the grass blades that stuck to his cloak. “Do you remember the ritual?”

Scootaloo shrugged. “Eh, there wasn’t anything special to remember.”

“Uh, what do you mean?”

“It was boring.”

“Boring?! But, wha…” A stream of incomprehensible words poured out of his mouth. “It was a summoning ritual! It is a wondrous example of how mysterious and magical our universe is! How was it boring?!”

The pegasus shrugged again. “It was just something coming out of a floating light ball. If I wanted a light show, I would’ve watched Rainbow Dash do a sonic rainboom.”

“Well, can a rainboom make a living creature appear magically out of thin air? I think not.” The Summoner curiously turned his head to look around the orchard. “Speaking of which, where is that creature”- He stopped mid-sentence when he felt a tap on his shoulder, prompting him to turn around to meet the tapper. “Well, that answers that. What creature have you sum-um um ma mwah…”

The Summoner’s mouth sputtered as he made eye-contact with the creature in question, or rather, he made eye-contact with the bottom of its kneecaps. His gaze crawled up its legs and up the body, which had muscles tightly protruding out from all over. The skin was a pitch black, covered in scars and red stripes.

As his gaze went further up, he could see a pair of massive wings blocking out the sun, the light rays formed a halo that outlined the feathers. He looked even further, to the point he was looking straight up. Looking back down at him was a massive unicorn head, the same black and red striped skin pulled tight against the face. The Summoner wanted to say the creature had eyes, but he couldn’t tell with the pair of aviator glasses covering its face.

Then, the creature’s mouth opened, showing off rows of razor sharp teeth. “‘Sup,” it said.

“Um… hello.” The Summoner turned to Scootaloo. “How can you think that summoning an alicorn is boring?”

The pegasus took a long sip from her juice box before looking up at the Summoner. “We managed to summon a giant squid monster. Anything smaller just isn’t as impressive.”

“What do you mean not impressive?!” the large alicorn boomed. “I am Gilgamesh Megadeath of Epicness! Savior of Equestria twenty times in a row! God of all the Alicorns! Husband of Luna, Trixie, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and others! How could you not be impressed with me?!”

“Oh, pu-lease,” Scootaloo said, “I don’t know about those other mares, but you could not be the Husband of Rainbow Dash. She’s married to the art off flying”

All ponies present experienced the odd phenomenon of a simultaneous eye-roll.

“I have a question,” Sweetie Belle said, “How do you spell your name?”

A twinkle of pride shone through the alicorn’s aye as his grin stretched with his ego. “Yes, that would be good for you to know. It would be a shame if the history books couldn’t get my name right, they would be wrong for centuries to come. They might get confused with the wrong Gilgamesh Megadeath just because they missed a ‘Q’ in the middle of my name. It is not something that”-

“Just spell it.”

“Alright, you don’t need to get all prissy about it, geez. It’s G-I-L-G… E, wait, that’s not right. It’s G-I-L-H, no, that’s wrong too. Uh, G-E-H… Give me a moment.” The epic deity sat down, rubbing his chin with the tree stump that was his hoof. “G-L-I-G, nope, G-M… G-A-M. Uh, ‘I’ before ‘E’ except after, or was it ‘I’ after ‘E’? But what came after ‘E’?”

Apple Bloom let out a yawn as the large alicorn’s hooves traced out shapes as he muttered strings of random letters. “Do you have a nickname? I think that would make things a whole lot easier.”

“Gilgamesh Megadeath of Epicness is my nickname.”

“Okay, what about your birthname?”

“I’m not going to tell you that.”

“Why not?”

The alicorn threw a little sass in his voice. “Because, Gary isn’t as cool as Gilgamesh Megadeath of Epicness!”

“You’re name is Gary?”

Gary gasped. “How did you know?”

“Lucky guess.”

“You’re not supposed to know my name! It’s forsaken by the gods for mortals to know my true name!”

“Don’t you think it’s easier to”-

“Oh, Mother Galactica has forsaken me!” the alicorn wailed, throwing his head up towards the sky. “My name is known! I will forever live in shame under these plebeians!”

“Dude, chill, you don’t need to get worked up over- did you just insult us?”

The giant alicorn fell to the ground and rolled on his back. “Oh, Mother, I ask of your assistance in my time of need! Save me from this wretched fate!”

In answer to Gary’s request, a rock dropped from the sky, plopping off his head and rolling to the Summoner’s feet. When it came to a standstill, the cloaked pony looked at the rock, on which he recognized a string of characters that were carved into the stone. “’You didn’t say please’,” he read aloud. “I think the universe wants you to use your manners.”

The Summoner looked up at the alicorn, who was rubbing the welt that was developing from the impact zone of the rock. “Um, can you please do something about this?” the alicorn asked, looking up to the sky.

Another rock fell from the sky in a similar fashion as before, this time cracking Gary’s aviator glasses when it shot at him. The Summoner read the words out loud when the rock rolled to him. “’No, you illiterate scab on the skin of reality. P.S: Stop calling me your mother.’ Wow, that is harsh.”

“Don’t worry about it. It’s…” he paused as he sniffed, his voice increasing in pitch, “It’s how she usually talks to me. I’m used to it.”

Sweetie Belle leaned over within earshot of her friends. “Is the giant alicorn god crying, or am I just seeing things?”

Before her friends could respond, Gary rolled over onto his belly and got up from the grass. “Sorry, I have to go,” he said before turning around and storming away, sending trembles through the landscape with each of his stomps.

The Summoner and the three fillies watched the large alicorn run over the hill, wings outstretched as he was about to fly, but he seemed to forget that he had them. He turned to the fillies with a questioning look on his face. “What exactly did you say before the ritual started?”

Apple Bloom tapped her chin as she pondered on the question. “I think I asked to bring us a mighty creature from afar to scare the bullies of our school, and make them stop being bullies… more or less that.”

“Did you remember to say please?”

“Um, I might have?”

The Paladin wasn’t amused with the situation she was in, which was understandable since protecting ancient books from various liquids was usually an unamusing task. That wasn’t to say she wasn’t good at protecting ancient books from various liquids, she just was unamused.

“Oh, that was cool. What else can do with your voice?” Twilight Sparkle asked, or rather, Princess Celestia asked. There was some weird body switching going on and apparently Celestia was in Twilight’s place for some reason. The princess was rather vague on the details.

“Hmm, let’s see, that pony over there looks like he’s doing something important,” said the Paladin’s Alder Sage, who everyone else knew as a very old Sweetie Belle from the distant future. Time travel, what else needs to be said?

“I believe his name is Thunderlane. Luna said that he has some weird bondage dreams.”

“Shall we allow him to live out his dreams?”

Celestia grimaced with Twilight’s face at the thought. “You should pass on that one. I wouldn’t even force my worst enemy to watch those dreams.”

“Well, he’s an innocent bystander, and you’re a princess. An innocent bystander must serve his princess.”

“Now that I think about it, I am a bit parched. I think the innocent bystander should provide us with the proper sustenance for such a travesty.”

The Paladin threw a deadpan look at the duo. “You must be kidding. Do you remember the wine that Bon Bon threw all over us? It is still dripping from the hood of my cloak.”

“Oh, it’s not gonna stain,” said the Alder Sage. “Wine stains don’t show up on black. You’ll be fine.”

“I am less worried about my cloak as I am of the Diary,” she replied, tapping the book that her forelegs held close against her body. “Having ponies literally throw drinks at us is not good for the Diary.”

The Alder Sage let out a chuckle. “Lighten up, we’re in the past. It’s a vacation form all the doom and gloom from our time. You should enjoy yourself. Just watch and laugh. Ahem.” Her voice took on a fast-paced melodious tone as she broke out in song. “Make sure I'm drinking in the right, amount of fluids day and night, I wish I may, I wish I might, have just one little thing”-

No!” the Paladin yelled. “You are not signing another song! I refuse to risk the safety of this book another time.”

The Alder Sage’s mouth opened wide, taking in a big gulp air.

“No, do not do it.”

Her open mouth further stretched into a big grin.

“Close your mouth, now!”

The Alder sage nodded, and her lips closed, though her grin remained.

“Thank you. I am glad you are being a little more considerate than usual.”

Sweetie Belle looked at Celestia with her big grin, tilting her head and raising an eyebrow. The princess returned the elder a sly glance and a grin of her own. The elder nodded towards the Paladin, to which the princess responded by vigorously shaking her head up and down.

“No, stop it you two. Do not conspire against me.”

Sweetie Belle turned back towards the Paladin. “Oh-would-you-please-finally-bring-me-that-tiny-glass… *gasp*… -Of water?

“Oh, damn”-

“Did a princess order water?!” a dark-grey pegasus interrupted with glazed eyes staring off into nothing.

The Paladin turned away as the stallion threw paper cups of water at the group. A few of the cups ricocheted off her back, slashing water over the top half of her cloak.

“Thank you for using my services!” the pegasus yelled, running back from where he came.

The water started boiling off the Paladin’s cloak as her anger started a bonfire within her body. It added fuel to the pyre as Celestia and Sweetie Belle cripple themselves with their laughter, rolling around on the floor in a futile attempt to get up.

“I think it is best is best for the Diary if I were to leave this scene.”

“Aw, come on, it’s all in good fun.”

The Paladin shook her head as she got up to leave. “Nope, too many shenanigans going on.”

The princess reached out with a hoof as she walked away. “Don’t leave us. It won’t be the same without you. Think of all th- and she’s gone.”

“Ah, we don’t need her or her book. We got wine!” declared Sweetie Belle as she held up the corner of the wine soaked picnic blanket.

“Why was she getting so prissy over that book?”

“She thinks it’s the diary of our cult’s god or something. I don’t know, I found it in some rubble and gave her it one day and I told her something like that.”

“Does she believe anything you say?”

“Oh yes, down to the letter. I gave her some gibberish on a train about how we went back in time to stop a war. Silly girl, I just went back because I heard the past had good tacos.” The Alder Sage put the corner of the blanket in her mouth and started sucking at the wine-stained cloth.

The princess gave a sigh of relief. “Then there isn’t a future war that I have to worry about. That’s good to know.”

“Lady, I ain’t said nothing about not being war. I said I came back for tacos.”

“Well, you implied it.”

“I’m a senile old hag, I imply a lot of crazy things. And now I’m implying that I have done the impossible and traveled back in time for tacos.”

“Wait…” Celestia rubbed her chin as an idea boiled in her head. “Now that I think about it, you’re the only pony that I met from the far distant future, and I think there might be a problem with that.”

“So, just meet the other buffoons I brought with me. There you go, problem eliminated.”

Celestia shook her head. “That’s not the problem. The problem is that the only reason I’m meeting a time traveler from a war torn future is because she wanted a taco.”

“Why worry about that? I think it’s an excellent way to meet friends.”

“Just think about it. You’re the only time traveler I met. You could have come to stop a war, but you don’t seem to care about that.”

“I don’t care about many things, nor do I not don’t care about many others.”

“Yes, but there must be other ponies in the future who do care, and they would do anything to stop their war. But the pony who wanted a taco was the only one I met so far.”

“Are you trying to make a point? I feel like you’re trying to make a point.”

“What I’m saying is nopony else has come from the future, and that means nopony from the future is willing to protect their Princess in the past and time travel.”

“Seriously, that’s all you’re worried about?”

“I should be. It tells me that there’s a severe drop in patriotism from now and then. I need to do something about that.”

Sweetie Belle scooted closer to where the princess was sitting. “I might be senile, but I can give you excellent reasons why nopony care about you enough to time travel.”

“Did you have to say it like that?”

“Reason number one,” said the Alder Sage, holding out a hoof to indicate number one, “Nopony in the future knows how good the past tacos are.”

“Well, that’s a brand loyalty issue the taco companies have to”-

“Reason number two,” said the Alder Sage as she stuck out another hoof, “Everypony is a princess in the future. It makes your title.”

“I’ll blame Twilight for that one.”

“Reason number three,” said the Alder Sage as she stuck out her back-leg. “Time travel needs a paradox to work, and usually you do that by killing yourself by not killing yourself, and they don’t always succeed.”

“Er, how did you do that?”

“Drank a bottle of liquidized breezy wings. Makes me alive in the past and dead in the future. Don’t ask how that works, I’ll just ramble on and you’ll learn nothing. Reason number cuatro,” said the Alder sage as her tail rose to indicate the third number, “You didn’t start a cult.”

“Really, a cult?”

“Yep, you’ll get a following of unquestioning minions that do whatever you ask, and they obsessively promote your holiness. It’s free advertising, and will take care of your patriotism problem.”

“And how does one start a cult?”

“Brainwashing, looking cute, writing cheesy fan-fiction,” the Alder Sage deadpanned at a random guy that was walking by. “Just attract a few ponies and they’ll do the rest.”

“I’ll note to start one during my lunch break tomorrow.”

“Best part about a cult, since it’s considered a”-

As Sweetie Belle rambled on, a large figure poked over the hill behind them. The figure rose from the horizon, revealing its immense size, which the oblivious ponies didn’t notice.

When the figure was completely over the hill, it began to trot down the slope towards the picnic. When it noticed the get-together between the two ponies, it made a mad dash towards the otherwise peaceful.

“-monkey, and when you build your cult’s kitchen, you’re going to want to hire”-

The sound of the figure’s footsteps echoes through the landscape with each of its stomps. The ponies remained oblivious to the noise, though Celestia’s ear twitched as the sound grew closer.

“Do you hear something?”

The Alder Sage waved her hoof as if she was swatting an imaginary fly. “It’s probably an earthquake. I think they’ll come more often. Anyways, the bruiser will take care of-”

The figure was charging at full speed. When it was close to the picnic, it turned to its side and dug its large hooves into the ground, throwing mounds of dirt into the air as it skidded to a halt, casting a shadow across the mares.

“-Slicing up those babies into thin pieces. Then you want to roll them up into the dough and what the heck happened to the day?”

“Oh, did Luna forget to take her meds again? I swear, every millennium she- whoa,” said Celestia as she turned around, and looked up to see the giant figure towering above her. “Uh, hello, do you need something?”

The mares covered their faces to protect themselves from the wet storm that came out of the figure’s mouth. “Twilight, my love, I’m so glad I have found you. Comfort me.”

“Uh, do I know you?” Celestia asked as she tried to remember what happened that one night in Las Pegasus.

“It’s me, Gilgamesh Megadeath! We got married at Musical Victor’s.”

“No we didn’t.”

“Okay*,” said the alicorn as his head sulked to the ground.

* Arguments provided by Musical Victor’s Multiversal Merch-N-Vendors are not guaranteed to start outside of Musical Victor’s Multiversal Merch-N-Vendors.

“I have a question,” said Sweetie Belle, “How do you spell your name?”

A twinkle of pride shone through the alicorn’s aye as his grin stretched with his ego. “Yes, that would be good for you to know. It would be a shame- wait a minute,” he said as his ego and grin deflated and a scowl filled the void left behind, “I already did this. If you’re just going to make my mom hate me more, well I’m not going to fall for it.”

“Fall for what?”

“Oh, don’t play dumb. You’re gonna force me to spell my name, then make fun of me for not being able to, then you’re gonna make fun of my dumb real name, Gary, and then a rock is gonna fall from the sky and my mom’s gonna insult me and it’s gonna be kindergarten all over again! I am not falling for it!”

The Alder Sage and the Princess exchanged glances under the scowl of the immense alicorn. “I wasn’t going to make fun of you,” Sweetie Belle explained, “I just like knowing how to spell long names.”

The alicorn sniffed as he pushed up his aviator glasses with a hoof and rubbed his eyes. “Why would I tell you? You’re just gonna make fun of me by spelling it when I can’t.”

“Honey, I am a very old pony. I’ve had time to learn how to do things younger ponies don’t know how to do.”

“Well, I’m older than you, so ha!”

“I don’t think age has”-

“I’m five thousand years old, beat that!”

Sweetie Belle gave a little nod. “Alright, you’re older than me. But that’s not an acceptable age to not know how to spell your own name.”

“See right there, you’re making fun of me.”

“Hold on there, buckaroo, I was going to offer to help you learn.”

“I’m a pretty good singer. I can teach you a song to help you remember.”

Sweetie Belle could see the alicorn’s eyes light up behind his shades. “You will? How?”

“Well, I need the help of my princess friend.” The Alder Sage nudged Celestia in the side, who was looking off into the distance beforehand. She motioned for her to lean in closer, allowing Sweetie Belle to whisper something into her ear. The princess nodded as she went on, muttering an occasional “uhuh” or “yep” as the elder whispered.

When she was done with the exchange, the Alder Sage leaned back and smiled up to Gary. Celestia, however, remained in her leaning in position with a confused look on her face. “Why did I agree to do this?”

“Reasons. Now, Gilgamesh, since neither of us knows how to spell Gilgamesh, would you be fine learning how to spell Gary?”

“Pff, I know how to spell that.”

The Alder Sage gave a sly look. “Do you really?”

“Ya…” the alicorn hung his head in defeat. “Not really.”

“Alright, that’s fine. We’ll learn how to spell Gary. What we’re going to do is Twilight an I”-

“Celestia and I,” the princess interrupted.

“-Celestia and I will sing the song first, then you’ll sing the song after us. Does that sound easy?”

Gary nodded with excitement. “That does sound easy. I can do this.”

“Okay, now sit and listen. Ready, Princess Celestia?” Sweetie Belle asked the princess. The princess only responded by rolling her eyes.

Sweetie smiled and opened her mouth, letting a gentle melody flow out.

She is a baby gosling and she starts with G,” sang Sweetie.

The princess rolled her eyes once more before she responded, without much enthusiasm. “Honk honk, I am a gosling and I start with G,” she deadpanned, doing her best lackluster impression of a gosling.

Gary stared at the mares as they continued on.

She is a baby aardvark and she starts with A,” sang Sweetie.

The princess responded with similar enthusiasm as before. “Ark ark, I am an aardvark and I start with A.”

The alicorn continued to stare.

She is a baby racoon and she starts with R,” sang Sweetie.

“Hiss hiss, I am a raccoon and I start with R.” The princess shrugged when Sweetie glared at her when she made the hissing sound. “What, I don’t know what other sounds raccoons make.”

Gary continued to stare.

She is a baby Yorkshire and she starts with Y,” sang Sweetie.

“Uh… bark bark? I am a Yorkshire and I start with Y… Seriously, Yorkshire? That’s a dog breed, not an animal.”

The death glare Sweetie Belle shot at the princess was worthy enough to get her on the government watch list. “Do you an animal that starts with Y?”


“Well that doesn’t fit with the song. She is a baby yak and she starts with R, it misses a beat.”

Gary interrupted by raising his hoof. “I thought the Yorkshire was good.”

“Thank you Gary,” Sweetie Belle grinned at the Alicorn. “I think you can sing the song now. Do you want to try?”

“Uh, sure, I guess. Um, She is a baby gosling and she starts with G,” Gary sang.

Both Gary and Sweetie Belle looked at the princess, who was busy scraping out some dirt from her hoof. “What?” she asked when she looked up.

“Are you going to do your part?” Gary asked.

“Oh, fine. Honk honk, I am a gosling and I start with G.”

“Uh, can we start over?” Gary asked, “You messed me up.”

“Are you freaking kidding me? It’s the most simple song I’ve”- Celestia was interrupted by a hoof punch from the Alder Sage. “Ow!”

Sweetie looked back at Gary with her soft smile once more. “Go ahead, take your time.”

Gary smiled back as he cleared his throat to sing once more. “Ahem, She is a baby gosling and she starts with G.”

“Honk honk, I am a gosling and I start with G.”

Gary looked at Sweetie, who motioned to keep going

She is a baby aardvark and she starts with A.”

“Ark ark, I am an aardvark and I start with A.”

She is a baby racoon and she starts with R.”

“Hiss hiss, I am a raccoon and I start with R.”

She is a baby Yorkshire and she starts with Y.”

“Bark bark, I am a Yorkshire and I start with Y. Good Luna, is it finally over?”

“Almost,” Sweetie answered. “Can you try to spell your name, Gary, using the song?”

The flustered alicorn nodded. “I can try. Umumum… She is a baby gosling and she starts with G… She is a baby aardvark and she starts with A… She is a baby racoon and she starts with R… She is a baby Yorkshire and she starts with Y… So, gosling, G, aardvark, A, raccoon, R, Yorkshire, Y?

“Yes, and when you put it all together?”

“G… A… R… Y?”

“Yes, that’s good. Do it faster this time.”

“G-A-R-Y. Gary. GARY!”

Sweetie let out a squee of excitement. “You did it, Gary! You can spell your name!”

“G-A-R-Y-G-A-R-Y! I can do it! I can spell my own name!”

“And you showed off your beautiful voice, too!”

Gary’s chipper mood suddenly and unexpectedly deflated. “I wish my mom would say I had a beautiful voice,” he said, each word sulking his head lower and lower.”

“Oh, um… oh,” Sweetie mumbled as she froze, forgetting the best thing to do in this kind of unforeseen situation.

“Well, this is awkward,” Celestia declared. “And awkward is entertaining! Bring on the awkward!”

Sweetie gave the princess another one of her death glares as she walked up to the base of the large alicorn’s legs. “Um, Gary, I know I’m not your mother, but I am another mare’s mother, so I am an authority on the matter, so listen to me and listen good.”

The alicorn looked into her eyes as she spoke.

“I don’t know why your mother doesn’t see you as anything but beautiful. But I do know that she is missing out, because standing in front of me is one of the most beautiful stallions I have ever seen.”

For the first time for what felt like eternity, deep within his black, red striped and scared, giant alicorn body, Gary felt something that he had never felt before. He didn’t know what to call this feeling, but he did know it compelled him to do two things.

The first thing felt like doing was to let the largest grin he had ever mustered stretch across his spiny teeth.

The second thing he felt like doing was lifting the enormous foreleg that was closest to Sweetie, and pulling her in for a hug, and Sweetie hugged his leg back.

Princess Celestia just sat there and pointed her hoof at her open mouth, doing what a mime would do if he was acting like he was puking.

“Oh great, now this is going to make me look the villain,” a new voice spoke outside of the picnic.

All present at the picnic looked over to where the voice originated. All who looked found a light grey mare, suspended in mid-air by a pair of transparent butterfly wings.

Gary waved at the mare with the hoof that wasn’t hugging Sweetie. “Hi, Flux. How’s it going?”

Flux nodded. “It’s going good, Gary. I didn’t expect you do be in this universe.”

“Yeah, well, I don’t know how I ended up here. I was just in my castle and suddenly I was here.”

“Ah, well, do you want me to call Dranorth to come pick you up?”

The giant alicorn nodded.

“Alright, I’ll call him in a minute.” The hovering grey mare turned her attention to the mare that was embracing the alicorn. “As for you, Mrs. Belle, you are in violation of Temporal Protocol Form forty six dash seven b of this universe. You are accused of forced time travel and are hereby ordered to return to your time before further damage can be done.”

“Wait wait wait,” the Alder Sage let go of the giant hoof and walked over to the hovering mare. “You’re the time police? And you’re charging me with crimes that I wasn’t aware of breaking?”

Flux shook her head. “I am not arresting you, Mrs. Belle. You broke through a system that was fortified against breaking through. I am merely the plumber who has to replace the pipes you broke. You are just the mess after the breakage I need to clean up.”

“You’re sending me back to the future?”


Terror coursed through the Alder Sages body, leaking out through her face. “You can’t do that! I died in the future! If you send me back, you’ll be killing another pony!”

“I’m sorry, Mrs. Belle, but you weren’t supposed to break through the system in the first place. Now you have to deal with the consequences.”

“No, no, you can’t make me go back! I came to save you all!”

Sweetie tried to run away. She tried sprinting for the other direction, as far from Flux as possible. But her feet would not move.

“Celestia, help me!” she cried out. “You’re the princess, do something!”

She tried looking at the princess, but she could not move her head as well. Now that she tried, she could not move any other part of her body. She was stuck, forced to look at the grey mare’s brass colored eyes.

“Stop! You don’t know what you’re doing. I was trying to stop a war!”

The world at the edge of her vision began to blur. The blur started creeping further into her sight, like the spindly legs of a spider engulfing its prey.

She tried to say something, but her mouth could not move. She could only scream “Stop!” in her own mind. Her vision was fully blurred, and blackness was taking over now.

The blurred light that she could see shrunk smaller, and smaller, the size of a plate, then a cup, then a golf ball.

All that remained of her vision was a pinprick that jetted out against the eclosing darkness. Before she was fully engulfed, the last thing the elder felt, the Alder Sage of the Nightly Mother felt… Sweetie Belle felt… rolling down the side of her cheek, its path chilling her skin as it fell…

…A tear.

To be continued?

Yeah, I'm continuing it.

Author's Note:

Confuddled? This chapter is actually a chapter of a larger whole. What, did you think this was just a mass of random stories in one compilation? No, it's not. I've been habitually weaving continuity throughout all the chapters in this Compilation. The Compilation is just a name. Call it a rose if it helps you. So, if you want, read all the chapters in this bloody thing, you'll see an overarching story unfold, and this bard is having a blast telling it.

On another note, I need an artist. See the Author Note in Chapter 10 (Changing the Things That Came (Part 1)) for more details.