• Published 15th Mar 2012
  • 873 Views, 14 Comments

Strange Nights. - zombylover10

Fluttershy learns a lot can happen on a strange night.

  • ...

Its a what?

Chapter 2

It had been three weeks since I had found the baby. Those past three weeks have probably been the most eventful of my entire life. I had certainly learned a lot in the past weeks though. But I never expected it to be as tough as it was.

“Oh no please don’t cry, I’m here, shhh shhh,” I said as I ran across the cluttered room to comfort the crying foal. “Shh shh it okay, it's okay.”

I learned that trying to do my normal chores and taking care of this baby was near impossible, but I still managed to get things done.

“It must be your feeding time, huh? Stay here while I get you a bottle, um, i-if that’s okay with you,” I said in a nervous, motherly tone. I also learned that Angel isn't too fond of not getting a good eight hours sleep, but I told him how we all must make sacrifices.

As I made the baby’s bottle, I couldn’t help but think of what needed to be done today.

Hmm, everyone’s fed, I checked on the beaver to make sure his arm was doing better, watered the garden, and tended to the new birds nest. I guess I can put the baby to sleep and go to Twilights to get some books. Maybe I can finally find out what he is for that matter.

“Are you ready to eat?” I asked as I cradled the baby with my right wing and fed it its bottle.

“There, much better. Are you ready for a nap?” It was no easy task, taking care of this baby but, it would be worth it in the end, when I would able to release him back into the forest so he could live his life like it was meant to be.

“Angel, do you think you can take care things around here while I got to Twilight's and get a couple of books? I will only be away for a good 15 minutes…if that’s, um, alright with you,” I nervously said to my little bunny companion.

With an angry nod from the bunny, I put the baby to sleep in the crib I normally used for fox cubs and other small animals. I walked out the door.

“Umm maybe I shouldn’t go... it seems like a lot of work to put just on you,” I said as I turned around, ready to go back inside. But I was met with a death glare from Angel.

“Oh um I-I uh will just go.”

I once again turned around ready to go to Twilight's to get the books I need. “B-but what if you need my help or what if the baby wakes u-“ I was cut off by the hard slam of the front door.

“Oh uh, okay I’ll just go… for real this time. S-Sorry.”
I turned around for the second time, ready to go to Twilight’s library to get the books I needed.

It was a surprisingly bright and sunny day today. The weather patrol really outdid themselves this time. The sky was the deepest of blues, and there wasn’t a cloud in sight - it was truly a beautiful day.

As I made my way to Twilight’s library I couldn’t help but notice a strange pony hanging fliers all over the town. He was putting them on houses and carts, each with an image of the face of Vinyl Scratch.

Hmm, I wonder what’s going on with Vinyl. She hasn’t been in Ponyville in years... not ever since she got the record deal.

I put my thoughts about Vinyl aside as the tree-house came into view.

“Umm hello? Twilight are, you there?” I asked as I quietly knocked on the door

“Hold on, I’m coming, I’m coming!” shouted Spike as he opened the door.

“Oh hey Fluttershy, what brings you here?” the baby dragon asked.

“Oh h-hi Spike I’m actually hear for some books…um is this a-a bad time?” I asked quietly while trying to peek into the library.

From what I could see, there where books and papers scattered all over the floor.

“No, no come right in. Twilight was just testing out a new spell. I’ll tell her your coming in,” he said.

As I walked in, I saw the purple mare sitting in the middle of the room with a bunch of strange looking books circled around her.

“Umm…Twilight, what are you doing?” I nervously asked.

“Hey Fluttershy! I’m just testing out a new spell that might help unicorns and earth ponies have wings temporally. I mean sure, there is that spell that gives us butterfly wings, but we all know how that ended up with Rarity, and not to mention that it uses up a lot of energy. And since this year’s Best Young Flyers competition is coming up, I thought Dash would want us to join her again, so maybe this spell can help!”

“Umm…why don’t we just use that spell that helped us walk on clouds again?” I asked.

“Well that’s just no fun, now is it?” Twilight replied after a moment of silence. “Anyway, what brings you here? Need something?”

“Oh yes. I need to checkout a couple of books …if that’s alright with you.”

“Well sure. What books do you need?” Twilight asked with a smile.

“Well I need an animal encyclopedia, a book on animal diets, and one of mythical creatures.”

“A book on mythical creatures? Why would you need that?” the mare asked.

“O-oh you never know…Who knows what might be out there, especially since I live so close to Everfree,” I said with a nervous chuckle.

“Oh Fluttershy, everything in that book are just old legends and mares tales. But if you insist, give me one moment and I’ll be right back with your books,” she said as walked away.

Oh I do hope that book on mythical creatures helps…

After a moment, she returned. “Here you go Fluttershy, all of the books you requested.”

“Oh thank you Twilight. Well I must be off, see you,” I said in a hurry.

“Okay, bye! Now to get back on this spell...”

The trip home was a calm and quiet one. The strange pony that was hanging up the posters a couple of minutes ago disappeared, and I got a closer look at one.

Missing? Vinyl's , gone missing? Oh I hope she is alright.

When I got back to my cottage I was utterly shocked at what I saw.

Animals running amuck, food spilt everywhere, and in the middle of it all, Angel trying to calm a crying baby.

“Oh no! I knew I shouldn’t have left!”

After a couple of hours trying to get everything back in order I finally had time to sit down and read the books.

“No... nothing about what he is in here,” I said with a sigh.

I looked over to the remaining book I had. “Oh I do hope you have some information that can help...”

As I grabbed the book about mythical creatures, I looked to the baby, who was now peacefully asleep. “He’s so cute when he’s asleep. It’s amazing how much chaos he causes. I’d bet he'd give Discord a run for his money,” I said with a chuckle.

As I skimmed through the book, I saw many entries about Cyclops’ and three headed ponies, but nothing that seemed to help. That is, until I stopped on one page that caught my eye.

“Ho-mo-sapiens? Hmm.” I looked over the page and saw a picture of an animal standing upright on its hind legs. Its arms were dangling on its side, and on the ends of them had what look like five appendages that resembled claws, but were not as sharp. “Is this what he will look like when he gets older?

As I continued to scan the page, I stumbled upon some writing underneath the pictures and captions.


Homosapiens or humans were widely believed to be an intelligent species.
Often thought to have lived in the time Equestria was founded but before the rule of the alicorns.
Some say they were evil bi-pedal creatures wanting to enslave other species
Others say they were peace bringer seeking knowledge
It is widely believed that humans had shared much knowledge and technology with pony-kind.
Based on some legends it is said the up until their disappearance the humans had lived in peace with ponies
Others say that they were raising an army to take over Equestria and possibly enslave pony-kind
One particular legend states that when the alicorns took their rule over Equestria
The humans where hunted into possible extinction

I looked up from the book in complete shock. “N-no... there is no way Celestia or Luna would ever do such a thing!” I looked at the baby in a mix of fear and curiosity “And there is defiantly no way such a cute animal like you could ever grow up to be as evil as that book says you were.”

I quickly shut the book and went into the other room.

“Oh I just know you aren’t as evil as the book says."