• Published 4th Jan 2014
  • 576 Views, 13 Comments

"Rarity Belle" - ServingSpoon

Equineland 1943, the Ponyville native crew of the "Rarity Belle" and her Captain; Sylvia Catherine Spoon, are poised to be the first B-17 Crew to finish a tour of duty. But their last bomb run takes them deep into Nazi Germaneigh.

  • ...

Meeting Zhe Crew

In the summer of 1943,
a fierce battle raged in the skies over Europe.

Every day, hundreds of young airmares faced death
as they flew daylight bombing raids deep into enemy territory.

The Magic of friendship had faltered,
giving way to bigotry and Unicorn racial superiority.

No element of Harmony could change the fact
that fewer and fewer were coming back.

"Now let us see vat vee haf here,"

The mare with light blue coat and snow white mane, adjusts her rose tented sun shades as her young drake assistant hands to her a manila folder. She opens it as she beholds several young mares and colts playing hoof-ball on the grassy knoll.

The native born Austrian may have raised some red flags with Celestia's Army high command, with her questionable accent, but the fact she was an Earth pony and a former celebrity, not only alleviated any concerns regarding where her loyalties lie but also placed her in the ideal position of being the Public Relations attache for the E.S.A. Army in Great Bridlemane.

After all, propaganda was not merely a tool of the enemy.

'Aunt Celest' as she is comically referred to in political propaganda campaigns, in order to instill a sense of endearment and loyalty to the sun goddess, has to bolster support both financial and emotional for the war effort, a war they were essentially losing. The losses had discouraged the ponies of The United Stables of Equestria, as well as their allies. A symbol of hope was needed to stoke the fires of determination that were once kindled during the massacre in the Haywaiian Islands, committed by the Empire of Neighpan on the morning of December 7, 1941.

Colonel Photo Finish's job was to find that symbol of hope that the Elements of Harmony could no longer provide.

She ignores all other ponies around her as she singles out in tunnel vision the 6 enlisted mares and stallions engaged in a rowdy game of popular Equestrian pastime. She ignores the olive drab of her uniform, long sense resigned to the muted colors and sense of conformity the Army seeks to instill on officer and enlisted mare alike.

She flips open the folder to the first profile within and takes note of each crew mare and stallion as she goes through them, sizing them up for both desirable traits and those she would rather avoid or down play for the public's consideration.

"Snails Crawlmore.. vhat kind uf name is zhat?" she scoffs as she begins her evaluation of the potential candidates for her next big PR campaign. "Not zhe brightest pony in zhe herd." she sighs "Worked in zhe family diner before signing up, writes home every week.. ha at least ve know he can write, ja?" she chuckles as her assistant just nods.

"Now who is zhis goon?" she asks herself in dismay as she looks at the next dossier and the pony in question "Barbra Seed Orange, AKA; Babs, only Pony in zhe crew not from Ponyville, hails from Manehatten, raised by ein wealthy family, graduate uf several reform schools.." she pauses and sighs while massaging her temple "We'll jus keep her in zhe back ground." she reasons as her assistant just nods again.

"Pippin Mc Squeak." she sighs again "He really should had picked a better name vhen he got is mark." she continues "Alzo known as 'Pipsqueak'.. how cute.." she comments with an unknown level of sarcasm in her tone "I suppose ve could feature him as zhe token 'Moma's Colt' und zhe name many mares might find quite endearing. Especially zhose vith colts of zheir own, overseas. Says here he is high strung and ein devout Lunarian.. zhere's always a religious one. Age 19, Born in Trotting Ham, New Eqineland, moved to Ponyville, at age 9." closes the file.

"I sense zhe harmony is strong in zhis von." she comments with a smile.

"Scoota Loo.. I vould venture to zay her parents ver nein too kind to her, accept for zhe fact she hasn't any." sighs "Age 19, Orphaned since age 8, Resident of Ponyville, impetuous, outgoing, has a reputation of a ladies' mare, or so she claims."

"Blossom May Apple, Alzo known as "Applebloom" or AB for short. Farmers Daughter, born und raised in Ponyville Texas. Lost her father und mother vhen she was just ein foal. Raised by her sister und brother. Oh Zhis is interesting. When her brother und sister lost zheir farm in zhe 'dust bowl' she started playing piano in ein changeling 'cathouse'.. zhe papers vill luf zhat!" she scoffs heavily, her tongue dripping with sarcasm. "Expert marks-mare, tail gunner, claims 47 kills, zhouh only 40 are confirmed."

"Und finally ve haf Feather Veight.. Zhis colt couldn't be more skin und bones if he tried. Radio Operator.. former editor of his school paper, volunteered the day after he graduated from college. Alvays carries ein camera vith him.." chuckles "My kind uf stallion."

"Yes I believe I haf plenty to vork vith here.. come Mr. Spike.." she gives the young male dragon assigned to her, a small smirk

"let's make some magics!"

Feather Weight ducked and weaved through his crew mates with speed Rainbow Dash would sit up and take notice of. His small frame allowed him to dodge the other players attacks and score a touch down, affording him a triumphant standing pose, with wings and arms outspread, after throwing down the ball as hard as his scraggly arm could, into the dirt.

At that very moment the first of many B-17 Flying Fortresses roared over his head. It was followed by another, and another in rapid succession, prompting all the ground crews and other off duty aircrews to come running to watch them land and count their comrades safely returning home.

Author's Note:

Virgil "The Virgin" Hoogesteger: Top Turret.

Jack Bocci: Left Waist Gunner.

Eugene Mc Vay: Right Waist Gunner.

Richard "Rascal" Moore: Ball Turret.

Apple bloom
Clay Busby: Tail Gunner.

Danny Daily: Radio Operator.


Silver Spoon
Captain Dennis Dearborn: Pilot

Diamond Tiara
Lieutenant Luke Sinclair: copilot

Sweetie Belle
"Val" Valentine: Bombardier.

Peppermint Twist
Lieutenant Phil Lowenthal: Navigator.

Princess Twilight Sparkle
Colonel Harriman: Base commander.

Photo Finish
Colonel Bruce Derringer: Army P.R.

Army-485: "Rarity Belle"