• Published 2nd Jan 2014
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Avatar: The Last Alicorn. Book 2: Earth Pony - Jeweled Pen

The second book showing the fight between Avatar Twilight and the powerful Water Nation. With a new enemy appearing, will Twilight and her friends stand a chance?

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Chapter 29: Unjust Rulings

Twilight stood, her mouth agape. Metal shackles were wrapped around her hooves, and the hooves of her friends. Even Angel was wearing adorable little mini-shackles. Vinyl and Octavia stood behind her, though the former was the only one of them gagged. There were a number of other ponies in the same predicament as her, though she didn't recognize them.

Standing over them on the throne, was Photo. “It pains me to say this, but all of you are suspect of treason in one way or another,” the mare said with a shake of her head.

“You can't blame Twilight, she's the avatar! Why would she want your kingdom?” Rainbow asked and tried to stomp forward, but the manacles slowed her charge enough for the guards to push her back.

“I cannot ignore the fact that your friend disappeared on the very night of our glorious leaders disappearance. Please understand, avatar. This is only temporary. Once we have discovered which pony is responsible, all will be released. In the mean time, you will be placed in our safest, maximum security prisons. Away from the other prisoners.”

“You can't do this!” Rainbow yelled. “We're innocent! Applejack would never have foalnapped the emperor, she-”

“SILENCE!” Photo yelled. “The situation has been explained to all of you. Until further notice you will be tended to. Take them away.” Despite the ponies objections, they were herded from the room. Once they left the mare looked back over the assorted soldiers of the kingdom. “Until his highness has been found, Sapphire and I will be acting in his place. Spread the word, the emperor shall be found.”

The soldiers nodded their heads, but didn't make a sound as somber silence hung in the air. After she waved them away with her hoof, they turned and left the room until only she and Sapphire remained. The latter walked up. “How are you holding up?”

“Not well. I don't know how long I can keep them fooled, some ponies have already become suspicious. Is the real Photo Finish gone?”

“Yes. That wind bag is now out of the city. Sadly, still alive as her highness wishes to keep her in case there is an emergency. Good riddance.”

“This... prison you had me send them. Will it really hold the avatar and all those others?”

“Yes.” A wide grin formed on the commander's face. “The greatest benders in the world can't bend it. Once the dragon arrives, we'll have everypony gathered to destroy, just as Sweetie desires. Then the avatar will be trapped in the little prison she allowed us to put her in, helpless to stop us.”

Photo smiled and looked to the door. “Good. And that other mare, Suri, has she been... you know.”

“Sweetie was quite clear on what she wanted. That earth pony will never pose any threat to the older princess again.”

“Here's hoping that dragon arrives soon. Are you sure I'm doing Photo's accent right?”

Sapphire rolled her eyes. “It was insufferable. So loud and boisterous. Just keep doing what I tell you, and everything will be fine. We'll silence anypony who gets too suspicious. Trust me, I've already dealt with a few. When we finally strike, the kingdom will be in too much disarray to resist.” Her eyes gleamed purple as she chuckled.


“LET! MEH! OUT!” Applejack yelled as she bucked the metal walls of her prison as hard as she could. “Ah'll break the lotta yah!” Despite her threats, none of the Water Nation's soldiers gave her the least bit of attention, instead just trotting by her tent with nary a glance.

“Is useless. The Water Nation is nothing but cowards and fools,” a familiar voice said from beside the captured mare.

The mare stopped for a moment to look out the small window of her prison. “Photo? Is that you? What are you doing here? I can't see you.”

“I, Photo Finish, am in one of these horrible little prisons. So cold, so black, so many right edges, so symmetrical. Is perfect. I hate it. Sound design is so unoriginal--”

“Ah don't got time for that! What are yah doing here? Did you get tricked with a letter too?”

“No. That dreadful Sapphire. She is a traitor. Ze city shall now fall, and there is naught we can do about it.”

“What? Ah thought yah were loyal to the emperor!” She gave another swift kick to the wall, but it refused to bend in the slightest.

“I am loyal, to a fault! I would die for him! But, there is naught we can do. We are... trapped. Helpless. I would take on this entire camp, but from here I, Photo Finish, cannot bend a pebble, let alone save the kingdom.”

“Buck it! We can't just give up! If the city falls now, the...” Applejack paled. “The water benders, the good ones! They been raising the moon! They're on the way. If the city falls, all them fire benders and water benders are done for, no more sun, no more moon. We gotta stop 'em!”

Photo sighed from her prison. “Very well. I, Photo Finish, will help in this undertaking. Perhaps if we work together we can make, ze magic! So, ze plan?”

“Ah haven't figured that out yet. But ah will! Just... need tah think.” She gave the wall another firm kick for good measure.


Rarity laid completely still, a pillow clutched to her chest as she lounged on the soft, feather filled bed that had been prepared for her. Her mind pounded within her skull like a raging storm, tugging at her sanity like a ground line. Each death cut at her, slicing through her like a red hot blade. Worst of all, the one her sister had told her of once she had been brought here.

Blueblood had been finished by the earth benders. Celestia was gone, captured and likely executed. Only two small lines still held her in the turbulent waters of her own mind. Her sister and the avatar. Both were wrapped tightly around her, holding her as the fierce winds pulled and tugged.

Thoughts of what she had almost done threatened to wash her away as well. She could still feel the rage, the red hot anger as she stared at those ponies. She felt the blood flow through them and, only through the strongest of control, did she manage to hurt and not kill them. But, for a moment, she realized she could. She could have made them choke themselves, tear into their own bodies, perform any number of sickening or atrocious, painful things and they would be able to do nothing to stop her.

And she couldn't help feeling sorry she didn't exert this power to its fullest. Angry at her own mercy, her kindness, her weakness. She longed to be as strong as her mother, to feel that power and use it. To not hold back.

Her horn glowed as she glided the bucket back to her head, emptying even more contents of her stomach into it with a pained moan. Tears fell down her face as she laid her head down again, trembling. What she wouldn't have given to have her aunt there once more, to tell her it would be okay. To tell her she was making the right choices. To guide her. To help her. Most important, to hold her.

The door opened and Sweetie trotted into the room with calculated grace. The pungent smell of vomit assaulted the princess' nose, but she didn't care. She watched her elder sister with glee in her heart. She had waited sooooo long for this. Her aunt could no longer stop them, now locked away in some cell she didn't care about. Her dear sister was now alone, cut off from the world and broken. All she had to do was step in, sweep the mess aside and then her sister would be too weak to ever try to leave.

“Oh dear sister, are you crying again?” Sweetie trotted forward, lowering the basket in her magic and wrapping her hooves around Rarity's head. “My dear, dear sister. It's okay. I'm here. Look into my eyes,” she whispered. They glowed purple and she looked through the unicorn.

Sweetie gazed through her elder sister's mind, sweeping aside thoughts and memories as she searched for the darkness. The small piece she could use to break the mare to her will. Unfortunately, she found the taint, loneliness. It was small, helpless, growing but still too weak to envelop and overwhelm the other emotions her sister held. It would take time to grow and empower. Time she hadn't wanted to waste on that Photo mare, but she would enjoy slowly bending her sister with.

The two were back in the room. Rarity shook her head, looking dazed and confused. “What happened?”

“Nothing, dear sister. Just relax,” Sweetie held the other mare to her chest. “Just trust me. Soon, we'll destroy this kingdom. Then it will be just the two of us. Sisters. I'll never leave your side.” She planned to keep that promise. Even if she had to shatter Rarity's mind over and over, Sweetie would have her sister. Forever and ever.


Twilight's legs were released from her shackles before being gently pushed towards the prison. “I'm really sorry, your avatarness,” the earth bender said nervously. “I'm sure once this is all settled, you and the others will be released.”

“It's fine,” the alicorn said with a sad sigh. “I just hope her suspicions die quickly. I don't know how the dragon will react without me there.” The guard nodded before slamming the door shut.

“Hold on, Vinyl. Just a little... there,” Octavia said before the gag fell from the water bender's mouth with a soft clink.

“Why did you all let them lock us up? We didn't do anything! We're being framed, obviously the Water Nation is behind this!” Vinyl yelled as she stomped her hooves.

“Easy,” Rainbow said with a shrug. “It's only a matter of time before they come crawling back, begging us to save them. It's what we always do.”

“I wouldn't be so sure, young flier,” a mare's voice said from across the room. The ponies turned to see Celestia.

“You! What are you doing here?” Rainbow yelled as she flew into the air and readied herself. “Does that mean your little brat is here? I knew they had to be behind this!”

“Easy Rainbow,” Twilight said with a frown. “This mare is... semi-good. Sorta. I... I think. I don't really know what your motives are.”

“The same as everypony else's, of course,” Celestia said before she got to her hooves. “I merely wish for this story to have a happy ending.”

“Yeah, and have Twilight as one of your prisoners!” Rainbow said with a growl.

The elder unicorn merely shook her head and chuckled. “No, dear child. The avatar's capture would do nothing but ruin this story. As much as my niece believes that is what she wants, and needs, I believe there is yet another way for this to play out.”

“W-wait, niece?” The alicorn groaned and face hoofed. “Is Rarity here? Are we going to have to fight her again?”

Celestia's smile slipped. “No. I was captured... separate from her. While I did see our other comrade's... never mind. My niece is still out there, whether captured or still running I cannot say. Tell me, what leads to you three being locked away in these prisons like criminals? I never imagined the Earth Kingdom would turn on you.”

“The emperor, Fancy Pants, has disappeared. We're prime suspects since... well, Applejack disappeared last night.” Twilight turned and walked to the door, gently reaching out to touch it. “It worries me that she hasn't come back yet. I couldn't imagine she'd have stayed away for long once the emperor's disappearance was announced.”

“Your friend could be in grave danger,” Celestia said as she looked to the door. “You are seen as a guiding light to many. Locking you away would not be a decision to make lightly, but now you are trapped in a prison you cannot escape. I sense Sweetie's involvement in this.”

“Really? Why? How could she have anything to do with this?” the alicorn asked before giving the door another tap.

“I do not know. Your friends disappearance, your imprisonment and the imprisonment of... Vinyl Scratch, is that you?” Celestia turned and gawked at the unicorn.

“Heh heh, yeah. Long time no see,” Vinyl said with a nervous wave. She lowered her head and shuffled her hooves a little.

“By the stars, I don't believe it. Vinyl, are... you being shy?” Octavia asked, her mouth falling open.

“Well, yeah, she's one of my teachers and a grand--”

“Vinyl!” Celestia interrupted with a glare.

“Oh, right, well, ummm, she's good! Not at all like her elder sister. Trust me, she's cool.” Vinyl gently swayed her hoof to the right. “Way cool.”

“Just what are you hiding?” Twilight asked.

“Avatar, trust me. There are still things you are better off not knowing of.” Celestia laid down on her stomach and closed her eyes. “You have more than enough on your plate as it is.”


“Do not be in such a rush. Calm yourself. Now, I believe we have a while yet until we'll be able to do anything. I'd advise all to rest. When you leave, you may require all the strength you can muster.”

Twilight glared at the unicorn, but finally gave up and laid down. “Fine. But once we get out of this city, I want to know exactly what it is you are.”

“Oh avatar. I can tell you that now. I am a friend.”

“Wooo! Best friends forever!” Pinkie yelled and threw confetti into the air.

“Where did she get that?” Octavia asked with a cocked eye.

“It's usually best not to ask,” Rainbow said with a shrug, before laying down on the hard metal ground.


“Commander Sapphire!” a stallion yelled as he galloped through the halls, his armor clanking and clanging with every step.

The earth pony turned and cocked an eyebrow. “What is it?”

“Ma'am, the Great Dragon has been spotted,” the pony said before skidding to a stop in front of her. He quickly formed a salute, though his chest heaved up and down as he caught his breath.

“Well, have all the fire benders gathered and prepare a location suitable for his landing.”

“That's just it, commander. The dragon stopped. He came close enough for us to see, but he veered away and is now resting on the clouds in the distance. We have no way of communicating with him.”

Sapphire stopped and glanced out the window. “Why wouldn't he... no matter. Send a pack of pegasi to see what he wants. Make sure they are strong enough to break through whatever barriers the Water Nation has prepared.” She then glanced down to the courtyard. “Have all the fire benders gathered as well. He may be waiting for them.”

The stallion nodded and gave another salute, before turning to leave.

“Hold,” the mare said as a grin formed on her lips. “Tell me, what do you think of the avatar's imprisonment? You have permission to speak freely.”

“Well... to be honest, I don't believe she is behind it. But I'm not sure who would try to harm our emperor aside from the Water Nation.”

“My thoughts exactly. I believe Photo Finish is using this tragedy to make a grab at the throne. She'll likely accuse me next of being the traitor.”

“Ma'am? But you're--”

“A loyal soldier of this kingdom. I have proven it again and again, but that is what she'll try. With the avatar imprisoned, I am the only one who she will likely see as a threat. Spread the word, if she or her soldiers try anything, no pony is to hesitate.”

“You mean--”

“Yes. This is the emperor's kingdom, I will not allow that pebble bender to take it because she sees an opening. Understand?”

“Of course. I will inform the others.” He trotted away.

Sapphire chuckled softly the moment she was alone, before trotting away through the halls. She stopped outside Photo's room, giving it three swift knocks, followed by a short pause and two slow ones. The door opened a crack. “It's time. The uniforms are stored in the prisoner's possession safe, in a large yellow crate. The guards will have the keys.”

“Got it. We'll take care of things, remember to give the signal once they finish.”

“Of course.” The mare trotted away as the door closed behind her. She couldn't suppress the grin as she walked. It was all going so... sensationally.


Sweetie smiled as she gently ran a hoof through her big sister's mane. “It's not your fault, sister. I mean, sure, he wouldn't have been stabbed if he wasn't trying to protect you, and that only happened because you told him. Not to mention the earth benders would have never harmed a fire bender if he hadn't protected you. But it's not your fault. It was an accident, right? It's not like you meant for your actions to cost him his life.”

Rarity trembled, her head buried in her sisters side as each word cut at the fresh wound. She knew Sweetie was just trying to help, but all she was doing was making it worse.

“And Littlewing? Well, that wasn't your fault. I mean, perhaps if you had spent more time practicing and honing your water bending so you could have just knocked him aside, he'd still be alive. But you can hardly be blamed for that! You were just panicking. You had far more important things to do than be precise,” Sweetie said with an evil grin, squealing inside as she felt her elder sister's emotional supports topple over, one by one. Guilt flowed free, allowing her to stand as the only support Rarity had left.

“Shadowhoof was definitely not your fault,” Sweetie said with a shake of her head. “Your healing arts are so... weak and shallow. I doubt you had much time or attention for them, right? So focused on bending? I'm sure our aunt would have known how to tend to him, but no pony could expect you to learn all of those skills from her. How could you have possibly known that one day some ponies life would hang in the balance?”

Rarity let out a soft, gentle wail. “I never... I never wanted to hurt any pony. I just wanted the avatar. That's all!”

“Exactly... it's the avatar's fault. All of it,” Sweetie said with a gentle coo into her sister's ear. “If she had just let you capture her, you'd be home now. None of those ponies would have died. They'd be safe and you could just be where you belong. With mother and I. But it's not too late.”

“I-It's not?”

“No.” The young mare leaned in to whisper. “Together, we can still capture her. Together, we can defeat this kingdom. Together, we can return to the Water Nation as heroes. Legends.”

“Yes,” Rarity said softly. “We... we will.”

“Good. Sister, look into my eyes,” Sweetie said as her eyes glowed with a purple light.

The door suddenly opened. “Sweetie!” Scootaloo said as she barged inside. “It's time, the dragon should be here soon. It's... what's going on here?” The pegasus cocked an eye at the sight of the two sisters intertwined. “Something weird?” The pegasus asked with a flat tone and roll of her eyes.

“Go away, we are almost finished,” Sweetie said with a growl. Rarity tried to pull away in embarrassment, but the younger princess gripped her cheeks and forced their eyes to lock.

Sweetie giggled with delight when she found it. The anger, the pain, the guilt. Three orbs of darkness dwelling inside her sister, nurtured like saplings until they pulsated with the same power and strength of Suri's. While she could not corrupt a pony to the extent of Discord's magic, she could expand their weakness, twist them until the pony was more susceptible to her whims. While she wished she could crush her sister's will until nothing remained but blind loyalty to her, she still lacked that power. For now.


“Report,” Sapphire ordered as she trotted out into the courtyard. Some, but not all, of the fire benders had been gathered in the courtyard. The team of pegasi were only now making their descent, albeit with far smaller numbers than they had left with. A few were soaking wet while others were slightly scorched around the wings.

“Ma'am,” the front runner of the group said with a salute. “The Great Dragon refuses to land in the city without the avatar's call. However, he is carrying the water benders as requested, as well as a detachment of... well...” The pegasus looked down, chewing on her lower lip.

“Well, what is it? Spit it out?”

“I'm not sure. They have these other ponies with them. But, I've never seen anything like them. They're all striped and... weird. Creepy looking. They call themselves zebras.”

“That's of no consequence. The water benders are the important ones, not a few oddly colored ponies.” She paused and rubbed her chin. “So he refuses to come unless the avatar greets him? This could be problematic.”

“Do you think Photo will try to stop her from talking with him? Perhaps use this as an excuse to... tighten her grip?”

Sapphire glanced to the pegasus, struggling to suppress a smile and keep her mask of worry. Already she could see the seeds of distrust sprouting in her soldier's eyes. A number of them were nodding along with the pegasus' words. “Perhaps,” the commander said. “However, I won't allow her. I'll bring the avatar to be escorted herself. If Photo wishes to cause any trouble because of it, I'll deal with her myself. Everypony just remember to keep an eye out for any of her soldiers.” The ponies nodded and she turned to trot away. She made her way through the city, a gentle smirk on her face as she passed by the clueless soldiers. She almost pitied their blind loyalty, though she hoped it would continue once the city fell. The mare wasn't sure she'd like the idea of having to imprison so many. Her step faltered as the purple swirled in her eyes for a few moments. She finally shook her head and continued trotting. No. She was the most powerful earth bender in the world. Those who did not obey her did not deserve to be out from the prisons to begin with.


Twilight was awoken by the sounds of the massive steel doors opening. She sat up with a groan. “W-what's going on?”

“Avatar, please come with me,” Sapphire said from the doorway.

“Huh? What?” Her friends were awakening as well. “Where are we going?”

“The Great Dragon requests your visit. Our pegasi will bring you to him.”

“What about my friends?”

“I'm afraid they'll have to wait here. Do not worry, avatar. They will remain safe.”

The alicorn gulped and looked to her friends with nervous eyes. “Girls, are you okay if--”

“Don't worry about us, we'll be fine,” Rainbow said before stifling a yawn. “Getting them into the city is probably going to be pretty important so do whatever you need to do. We can take care of our selves.”

The rest of her friends gave their agreement, causing the avatar to smile. “Okay. Let's go.”

Once the door slammed closed behind them, Sapphire turned to the alicorn with a grim look. “Avatar, I'm afraid I have dire news I can only share with you.”

“What is it? Oh no, is the Great Dragon wounded?”

“No. It's about Photo Finish. I'm sure you noticed how quickly she had you and your companions tossed into prison?” The mare began to walk, forcing Twilight to follow.

“Yes, but--”

“I believe she is using our emperors disappearance to attempt a subtle coup. You stand in the way, however. I'm removing you from the prisons from under her nose, but once she realizes what I'm doing she'll likely try to capture you again. You must be careful. She may possibly be responsible for the disappearance of your earth pony friend.”

“Applejack? What did she do to her? Do you know? Is she okay?”

“I don't know. All you need to know is you can trust me. The dragon will be safe so long as I am there. As will you and the fire benders.”

Twilight nodded and smiled. “Thanks. It's good to know I still have one pony out here I can depend on.”

“Of course. Just trust me, avatar. Everything will be alright. Now, how good are you at flying?”

“I'm no wonderbolt, but I can do a pretty good job.”

“Good. You'll need to fly through the barrier the Water Nation has set up.” The two continued on until they stepped out into the daylight, where a dozen pegasi stood at attention, waiting for her arrival.

“I don't suppose they're air benders?” Twilight asked with a nervous chuckle.

“Where would we have gotten air benders from? They're just normal pegasi, to set up the weather as needed. If you don't feel safe going with them, we could try going by land. However, that could cost the lives of dozens, or even hundreds of--”

“By air is fine,” Twilight said with a nervous gulp. Before she could say any more, she was whisked away by the pegasi and drawn into the air. Tension surrounded them as she struggled to keep up. They were graceful, experienced fliers. Meanwhile, she was an air bender. Actual flight without bending was a struggle for her. Fortunately, they managed to adjust to her slightly erratic flight patterns before they flew over the wall, allowing them to move as a solid unit.

The dragon was easy to see, his massive frame perched on top of a cloud even larger than the one holding Cloudsdale. Unsurprisingly, the mass required to make the resting spot left the skies clear. The Water Nation seemed to be giving the beast a wide berth, the ground he floated over completely devoid of even the smallest tank.

The clear skies proved to be a benefit. There was nowhere for the approaching pegasi of the Water Nation to hide as they lifted off from the camps and flew towards the avatar's group. Groups of water benders gathered over large drums of water, bending together to sends fountains of the icy liquid at them. “Hard left!” one of the pegasi yelled out and the group veered to the left. Twilight was caught by surprise, barely moving into position with them as the pillar of water exploded, missing the group but still showering them.

“What was that?” the alicorn asked with a gasp.

“Water. They're trying to slow us down enough so their pegasi will have a chance. Just try to avoid getting too wet and you'll be fine,” a pegasus to her right said as the group tried to shake the moisture off as best they could. Three more explosions of water went off by them, drenching the group, before the enemy pegasi were close enough to risk hitting.

“Hold on!” Twilight yelled as she dropped from the group. She turned to the pegasi and stopped. The approaching ponies were dressed in armor, but none wore the shadowbolt's uniforms. They appeared to just be normal soldiers of the Water Nation. Her distraction cost her precious moments as the nearest pegasi came straight at her. She flapped her wings faster, the winds starting to pick up but she realized she was too slow.

The pegasus' hoof came straight at her, but at the last moment it veered off and went past her head. Her winds picked up and sent the pegasi hurtling backwards, scattering the soldiers. They pulled back from her, giving up almost instantly. She stared in confusion, before shaking her head and flying after the group.

“Well done, avatar. You showed them who's boss,” one of her group's pegasi said.

“I-I guess. They used to be a lot more tenacious than that,” the alicorn said before glancing back. “A lot more. I've never seen them give up so quickly. They aren't even shooting shards of ice at us.”

“They must be tired of you crushing them so hoofedly. Maybe they're getting smarter!” another of her companions said with a chuckle. It was clear flying the rest of the way to the dragon, but Twilight was unable to shake the feeling of unease that buried itself into her stomach. Even as she landed on the cloud before the Great Dragon and stared up at his huge, red hide, she could not shake the trepidation that flowed all the way to her hooves.


Applejack's legs burned, but she couldn't stop clanging against the metal. Perspiration flowed down her body, rising off her in thin clouds of steam. She kept her eyes closed, each clang of hooves against metal gave her a little more information. Allowed her to see a little more clearly. Revealed a little more of the impossible. She gave it another powerful buck as the smallest of dents formed against the surface.