• Published 31st Dec 2013
  • 2,418 Views, 102 Comments

Mega Mare - DrakeyC

Twilight Sparkle is Mega Mare, and with her trusty AI assistant Spike, she's tasked by Celestia to stop an uprising of berserk cyber-ponies.

  • ...

The Nocturne

Mega Mare

Chapter 9 – The Nocturne

"Well, here we are." Twilight stopped as she crested the rocky hill and looked down. The hill descended into a tall mass of reeds and gnarled trees rising from a mass of murky green and grey water. The ground rose from the water in some places, short spikes of grass growing from them. In other places stones emerged, some flat enough to allow passage, most not. Twilight's map displayed the blinking name of the site at the bottom, "Froggy Bottom Bog". Centuries ago when Ghastly Gorge still held a flowing river, Froggy Bottom Bog was the water source that filtered into it bringing rainwater from Rainbow Falls and wastewater from Ponyville. Then a landslide diverted the river from the gorge and the swamp's waters found a new path that lead them back near Ponyville.

"So she's a way in, hm?" Twilight zoomed her map out to focus on the distant blinking red dot of the second Shadow Hunter.

Spike flickered behind her head. "Yeah. Be careful around here. Even the ground you see isn't stable, the water is so deeply seeped into the soil that it's very prone to breaking down."

"Any advice on moving around?"

"Step lightly and quickly."

Twilight nodded and started down the hill. There had been a faint aroma as she had looked down on the swamp. Now as she came closer it became an overpowering stench, the air moist with the smell of decaying vegetation and fungi. Twilight wrinkled her nose and pressed on. Her hooves passed from barren rock to patchy grass to tall weeds. Twilight was soon up to her flank in overgrown grass, the stalks brushing her flank and mane. She began to wonder if it would grow taller until she couldn't see. Her fears proved unjustified when she shortly emerged on the edge of the ground and found herself staring over the swamp.

Twilight scanned the waters and saw a strip of ground just under the surface. She dipped a hoof down to test the depth, then stepped in. The ground held under her steps and she briskly followed the winding ground through the swamp. In a few places the water receded, in others it grew too deep and engulfed her almost to her stomach. Yet she was able to continue. "Sensing any hostiles in the area, Spike?"

"Aside from the Shadow Hunter, just one. It's a ways off though, on the far right and not moving. Can't tell much more than that though. The Shadow Hunter's interference and the swamp gasses are making it hard to get a fix on things." Twilight turned her head to look. She didn't see anything, but what she could or could not see with her own eyes wasn't much. The waters of the swamp resisted any effort to see more than a few hooves down and the landscape was so twisted that something could easily be hiding. She called up her map. There was some sort of hostile presence in that direction, but the blinking red dot alone wasn't much help. And unfortunately it seemed that the rough path she was on, which had been steadily turning to the left, was now leading her away from the Shadow Hunter's signal.

"We need to cross the water somehow…" Twilight looked at the murky depths around the bottom of her hooves and thought. She could swim, but that would make combat difficult if not impossible. And there was no solid ground to use that was close enough to jump to. Twilight looked down at her Multitool and thought. The steel shifted form, an electrified prong emerging from the top as a large propeller blade formed behind a grating. "Spike, no discharge. I don't want to electrify the water… or me."

"No problem."

Twilight raised her hoof and it whirred to life. The light grey storm cloud of Derpy Thunder formed in front of her, wobbling slightly as the last bits of water vapor condensed and emerged from her hoof. Re-casting her cloud-walking spell for safety, she hopped up on the cloud. It shook but held her weight. Twilight raised her hoof to fire another cloud at a downward angle. She jumped over to it. Twilight repeated the pattern and slowly worked her way over the swamp water, a bridge of clouds supporting her. Glancing behind her she saw her earlier clouds start to disperse. "Spike?"

"They're artificial constructs, this low to the ground they can't maintain their structural integrity for long. Don't worry, unless you plan to dally we'll be fine." Spike's explanation provided a new source of concern. Twilight called up her display to check the power reserves on her Multitool. Her generator restored its energy over time using latent body heat and bio-electricity, but she had taxed hers heavily in her fight with Derpy. A commercial model like this wasn't meant to support weapon constructs like the ones she was using. The generator still had a good reserve charge left, but these storm clouds were eating up a lot of power to manifest. Twilight opened a hatch on her saddle and withdrew another of the energy capsules Celestia had given to her. She slid it into the reserve slot on the side of her saddle, prepared if something happened.

Twilight turned her attention back to her progress and made a few more storm clouds to work her way across the water. She could see a larger outcropping of rock up ahead that would make a good point to rest for a moment. She fired out another cloud and stepped over. Then there was a rumbling, and she heard the water of the swamp splashing against the trees and rocks. Twilight grew nervous. "Spike?"

"Uh… Twi? That hostile reading is clearing up and… we really ought to run now."

Twilight heard the fear and urgency in his voice and doubled her efforts, creating clouds and stepping over them as fast as her hoof could create them. She reached the rock ground and jumped down to it, then turned around. What could only be described as a massive "bump" of water was rising from the swamp, and as it rose higher the bump broke to reveal a large pale orange body.

Then the heads emerged shortly after.

Twilight gulped and took several steps back as the creature's shadow consumed her. It had four heads, each with jaws large enough to swallow a pony whole, set below green eyes. Long necks ran down back to the main body, still half-submerged in the swamp. Twilight realized what it was, her eyes wide.


"Can we run now?"

Twilight heard Spike repeat his suggestion and took it. She turned and broke into a gallop. The hydra roared behind her and Twilight glanced over her shoulder. Its four heads were winding towards her, tongues flitting out as they hissed at her. The rumbling returned, beyond the heads she saw the hydra's body rise from the swamp. Massive legs stepped up to the stone ground and the hydra stomped after her. The swamp shook, small waves of water forming and crashing as Twilight ran down the stone.

"Problem," Spike said. Twilight could take a guess.

"I'm not outrunning it."

"Not even close."

Twilight considered stopping then, but there was one more detail to settle. "Any tips on fighting it?"

Twilight's saddle hummed as Spike processed. "A hydra's heads share control of the main body's motor functions. Concentrate fire on them one by one, as the heads get knocked out of the fight it'll start to become confused and uncoordinated."

"I can work with that." Twilight's hoof shifted and slid up to form the Pinkie Cannon, and she spun and aimed. The glowing pink energy orb sailed through the air, striking one of the hydra's necks as its head swooped towards her. The explosion shook the air and the hydra head shrieked and pulled up, shaking back and forth. The other three heads stopped attacking Twilight to look at their fourth member. The fourth head looked ill, its eyelids drooping and the head swaying in the air. Twilight took aim at another head while they were watching the other and fired another blast. The three heads turned to see it coming, but not soon enough to avoid it. A second head recoiled as the explosion detonated against its flesh, pain shooting along its neck. The two remaining heads shrieked angrily and came after Twilight.

Twilight dropped to her hooves and ducked her head to avoid the first, her Multitool transforming. She shoved her hoof down on the stone beneath her and fired the Rainbow Tornado. The winds hit the stone and blustered back up around her, launching Twilight into the air. The second hydra head shot by below her, screeching as it missed. Twilight reconfigured her hoof as she twirled through the air and fired below her. The storm cloud of Derpy Thunder formed too late to catch her and Twilight fell through it. She cried out in surprise and thought quickly. Her hoof shifted back, Twilight thanking the Equestrian engineers for making pegasi Multitools so similar to one-another in design. The Rainbow Tornado fired at the ground again and her descent slowed enough for her to land comfortably.

The two hydra heads were coming back for her. Twilight looked back at the two she had hit before. They had slumped down on the rock, eyes glazed over and unfocused. They were out of the fight, but it seemed the other two heads had control of their body just fine. Twilight ran towards them, jumping to avoid one as it came at her and rolling under the other as it went a bit too high. She shifted her hoof to the Pinkie Cannon as she rolled and swung her hoof up as she stopped on her back, firing a blast forward to hit the back of another neck. A third hydra head went limp, the back of its neck singed black.

"One to go." Twilight got up on her hooves as the last head turned towards her. She held her hoof up, but the head didn't come diving at her. The hydra must have learned the metal hoof meant danger when it glowed pink at the bottom. It wavered back and forth, teal eyes glaring at Twilight, but didn't strike.

"It's waiting for you to make the first move," Spike whispered. Twilight smirked. Best not to disappoint then. She focused and fired a pair of energy bolts from her horn. The hydra pulled to the side to avoid them, Twilight's Multitool turning before it caught the fake-out. The Pinkie Cannon blast caught the hydra in the face, a cloud of smoke obscuring Twilight's view of it. She waited, poised to dodge if the head had endured. But the smoke cleared to reveal the hydra's head limp, the main body at the end of the four necks falling to the ground.

"All things considered, not too tough." Twilight transformed her hoof back to its default form and looked at her map to get her bearings. Turning towards the Shadow Hunter's signal, she set off down the stone path. It ended at another mass of swamp water, and a series of Derpy Thunder shots created a cloud bridge to cross it. From her map it seemed they were on the far edge of the swamp now. Twilight saw solid ground coming into view, there were still many weeds and swamp plants growing but the water was growing shallow. Her hoof whirred and spat out another storm cloud, the last one before she leapt to dry land again.

"Energy reserves are pretty low," Spike said. Twilight felt her systems working as the energy capsule she had set in her saddle earlier drained to restore her power supply. She ejected it and floated the spent capsule to a waste slot on her saddle, withdrawing a fresh one from another hatch and clicking it into place.

"How many more of these do we have?"

"Counting the new one? Four."

Twilight thought. "Should be enough, if we can keep going at this rate and find the third Shadow Hunter soon after this one."

The two reached an open field, hard dark brown dirt under Twilight's hooves. Gnarled swamp trees grew around the field along with tufts of tall brown-green grass and reeds. On the horizon Twilight saw the waterfalls of Rainbow Falls, which flowed into the bog along with other natural rivers. She called up her map. The Shadow Hunter's signal ended around here, but she didn't see anything. Twilight took a few steps forward and looked around the area.

"Twi, look out!"

Twilight looked up and cried out. She leapt away as a massive piece of steel shot down at her from a tree, embedding itself in the dirt with a loud clang. Turning back she looked to see what had almost hit her. Sticking out of the dirt was a long metal construct, the bottom curved and bulbous with a narrower section emerging from the top. Twilight realized what it was and blinked.

"Is that… a cello?"

Twilight began to step forward, and a pony landed heavily behind the instrument, causing her to jump back again in surprise. It was an earth pony, with a light-gray coat and dark grey mane. Her right hoof was a Multitool. The pony grabbed the cello in her left hoof and effortlessly picked it up, swinging it behind her. "I had thought that the hydra would be enough to get rid of you," the pony said, "but it seems I underestimated your ability. Not the first time we've made that error."

"So, you're the second Shadow Hunter." Twilight took a step back and assumed a ready stance.

The newcomer sniffed and tossed her hair. "I am Octavia, musical prodigy extraordinaire and second of the Master's most trusted generals." Octavia turned her head away and gave Twilight a sideways look. "And you are Twilight Sparkle, student of the Usurper and champion of Harmony."

"Your Master is the usurper around here, not Celestia."

"Ignorant, as anticipated. You do not even know who our Master is, do you?" Octavia looked at Twilight expectantly.

Twilight thought. "…well, no. Not exactly."

"And yet you call her usurper. Our Master is the rightful ruler of Equestria. She is here to take back her throne. The Usurper cannot hope to stand against her. You know I speak the truth, you have beheld it with your own eyes. Our Master's power outstrips that of the Usurper."

Twilight hesitated before answer. "I admit you seem able to overpower Celestia's spells. But being stronger doesn't make your Master right."

"Doesn't it? The Usurper claimed her dominion over this land after she imprisoned our Master. Now she is free and she will take back what the Usurper stole."

Twilight shook her head. "Not if I stop her."

Octavia snorted. "You could not hope to overcome our Master. Our plans are nearly complete. Your actions mean nothing."

Twilight gasped slightly. "What do you mean?"

"You are powerful, it is true, and it is probable I will lose this confrontation. But it is of no relevance. We have already delivered the data our Master desired from Canterlot. Our acquisition of the Usurper's minions was a stalling tactic to divert her attention. The Program holds no power in its current state, without it you have no hope of defeating the Master. And by the time you retrieve it, it will be of little aid."

"Stalling… then this really was all a trap." Twilight looked at her hooves, clenching her teeth. "You set this all up… just to keep me busy?"

"Quite right, though you realize it too late for the information to aid you. Even now our Master's plans proceed as predicted. Should we three lose here we will have succeeded in dividing your attention and so are yet victorious. Now then." Octavia's Multitool shifted form, elongating into an inverted cone. Steel fibers crossed over each other on the end, forming a microphone-like shape. She hefted her cello behind her and leaned forward. "Let us play our parts to the end. Fight with all your heart!"

Twilight looked up and glared. "You got it!" She charged, and Octavia thrust out her hoof. There was a metallic clicking from it and Twilight abruptly staggered, her hooves tripping over themselves. She felt queasy, had a flash headache, and there was a ringing in her ears. "Spike, what did she just do?"

"I'm detecting low-frequency sound waves coming from her hoof. Your ears can't pick them up but they have a lot of power behind them."

"Sound waves? How am I supposed to avoid an attack like that!?"

"I think that's the idea."

Twilight turned her attention back to Octavia, who was charging towards her with her cello held out behind her. Twilight lowered her head and fired several magic bolts. Octavia hefted her cello and swung it in front of her. The blasts hit off its surface and exploded in crackles of energy, the metal glowing for a moment on impact. Octavia lowered it and leapt towards her.

"Uh-oh." Twilight dodged as Octavia landed and swung her cello through the air. She rolled, ducked and jumped to avoid the wide strikes, Octavia turning and flipping her grip on the instrument to press her attack. Twilight misjudged the angle of an incoming swing and the heavy steel slammed into her side. She flipped through the air and spun across the grass to lay sprawled on her stomach. Her head hummed with the metallic ringing of the cello's impact.

"Twilight! You okay?"

Twilight shook her head and slowly climbed to her hooves, staggering. "She has a weapon… that's cheating isn't it?"

"There are rules for these fights now?"

"There should be!"

Octavia held her hoof out and Twilight felt another wave of discomfort wash through her as the sound wave hit her. She pushed through them and fought to keep standing, sending a command to her hoof. The panels retracted and shifted wider to form the Pinkie Cannon. Twilight raised her Multitool and fired. The glowing pink energy orb arced towards Octavia and she lifted her cello as a shield. The Pinkie Cannon detonated with a mighty explosion, a flash of pink light and a cloud of smoke consuming Octavia. Twilight shielded her eyes with a hoof and looked away as the blast hit, turning back when the light fades. After a few moments Octavia ran out of the smoke, her cello held out behind her with not a dent on it.

Twilight's jaw dropped and her eyes widened. "No way!" The cello swung and Twilight narrowly avoided it. Her hoof reconfigured again as she ducked another swing and she fired the Rainbow Tornado. The windstorm pushed Octavia back along the grass, her hooves digging into the dirt to keep standing. Her cello caught most of the blast, and as the cyclone faded she lowered it and ran forward again. Twilight jumped to avoid her cello and glared. "Stop doing that!"

"Doing what?" Octavia replied, bringing the cello over her head. Twilight leapt back to avoid it, dirt flying with a metallic ringing as it hit the ground.

"Cancelling out my attacks!" Twilight fired another magic bolt, but Octavia deflected it and came at her again. The cello swung again and again, Twilight narrowly avoiding it.

"Rare Shield can't help, and if I grab that thing with the Apple Whip she could overpower me and toss me aside. Spike, would Flutter Stare help?"

"Not likely, that cello is polished like a giant mirror. You might catch her in it but you'd get hit too."

"We've got one option then."

The Rainbow Tornado configuration only took a second to transform, and as Twilight jumped away to avoid Octavia burying her cello in the dirt again, she raised her hoof and fired the Derpy Thunder. A dark grey storm cloud emerged from her hoof and Twilight slammed her hoof into the side of it. The prong lit up in electricity, and with a crackle of yellow light a bolt of lightning shot out of the cloud.

Octavia raised her cello to defend herself and the lightning struck it. The instrument lit up in a bright yellow flash, Octavia screaming as electricity surged through her. Twilight lowered her hoof as the storm cloud faded, its energy spent. The shock subsided, leaving Octavia looking woozy, hairs in her mane and tail sticking up from the shock. She shook her head to gather her senses and glared angrily. "That hurt!" She almost snarled the words.

"That's the idea!" Twilight shot back. Octavia held her hoof up in response. Twilight recoiled as an invisible wave of sound hit her directly from the front. Stunned, she watched as Octavia leapt through the air and brought her cello down. Twilight rolled aside at the last moment and shot several magic blasts at Octavia directly with her cello stuck in the ground for the moment. Octavia hefted it free, sending dirt and stones towards Twilight in the motion. Twilight jumped to avoid the cello and fired another storm cloud forward as Octavia sent out a sound wave. Though the blast stunned Twilight, Octavia didn't press her attack, staring cautiously at the cloud floating between them. "Anything you can do to help with that sound blast?" Twilight asked.

"Not much, it's not so much the sound itself as the pressure wave from it that's doing the work," Spike replied. Twilight grunted. That wasn't what she had hoped to hear. Octavia steeled herself and charged through the storm cloud, dispersing it with a swing of her cello and bringing it back the other way to strike Twilight. She dodged it, the wind rushing in her ears as the steel passed her ear, and fired Derpy Thunder at Octavia. Octavia jumped back as Twilight thrust her hoof out, a blast of lightning striking Octavia and making her cry out in pain. Twilight fired several magic bolts before she could recover, driving Octavia back and causing her to drop her cello. She tried to press her assault but Octavia came to her senses and swung her hoof up. The sound wave staggered Twilight, and Octavia grabbed her cello and came forward, firing another blast as Twilight began to recover. Octavia spun around and brought the cello around with her, slamming it into Twilight's head.

The world seemed to spin around Twilight as she catapulted back through the air, flipping over herself again and again and landing on her stomach. Her muzzle ached and she tasted blood. Twilight was woozy as she got up, slowly raising her hoof as Octavia came at her. She fired Derpy Thunder, but Octavia leapt up over it and flung her cello down at Twilight. Twilight more fell than rolled aside to avoid it, dirt hitting her as the cello hit the ground. "Spike, need some help here," she thought at the AI. She was still reeling from Octavia's attacks and she just wanted to fall down and rest. Her mind wanted to fight but her body was refusing to listen.

"I can't control your whole body, just your cybernetics," Spike replied.

"Well I'm not doing much for either, so halfway would be good enough."

"Close your eyes."

Octavia ran up to Twilight and grabbed her cello, lifting it behind her. Twilight obeyed Spike's command and closed her eyes, also not wanting to see this hit coming. She felt her saddle hum, and a flash went off behind her eyes. "Of course!" Twilight opened her eyes to see Octavia go prone, the momentum of her cello swing pulling her around and she spun to lay on the ground, dazed. The Flutter Stare had given Twilight a reprieve. She felt her hoof shift and Spike swung it up to fire the Apple Whip. The claw latched on the neck of Octavia's cello. Together Twilight and Spike pulled her Multitool back and hurled the instrument over her shoulder.

On her hooves again, Twilight pulled in a deep breath. "Why didn't I think of that?"

"That's why you have me," Spike said proudly. Reinvigorated over her victory, Twilight fired several magic bolts at Octavia's limp form. After the sixth hit she saw the mare's hoof lift. Twilight stumbled as the sound wave hit her, watching Octavia slowly climb to her hooves.

"I see… why you got this far…" Octavia gasped for breath and stumbled, falling back on all fours. "Resourceful. Determined. Strong… how? You're just a unicorn."

"I've got a full arsenal of configurations stored in my head," Twilight replied, facing off against her. "You're not just facing me. You're facing me and all five of Celestia's aides. And Derpy too now."

"Quite so. The Master told me not to expect to defeat you. I scoffed at the idea. But the Master was right."

Twilight's face softened as she looked over Octavia. The two mares were both sore, tired, and ready to stop. There was a chance then. "Octavia, we don't have to fight. Stand down. Tell me all you know, help me stop her!"

"It isn't that simple. Don't you realize it yet?" Octavia tapped her hoof against her head, her eyes flashing red. "We are all slaves to her will. As long as I do what she tells me she remains passive. Yet she watches us now. If I step out of line… well, you saw Fluttershy. They could resist, a bit anyway, but I can't. I don't have the—" Octavia's sentence stopped and she cried out in pain, her head tilted.

"What's wrong?" Twilight asked. Octavia's eyes flashed red again and she grimaced, shaking her head.

"F-fine! Enough talk!" She looked up and glared "We end this!" A sound blast fired from her hoof and Twilight fell back. Octavia ran past her to grab her cello and turned back, firing another blast of sound. Twilight closed her eyes and activated the Flutter Stare. Octavia tripped over her own hooves and tumbled to the ground on her stomach. Twilight reconfigured her hoof, vents and propellers forming.

"Spike, can she survive this?" She let him read her thoughts to see her plan.

"Yeah, but I wouldn't wanna be on the receiving end."

Twilight turned to Octavia and out a storm cloud. The cloud settled over Octavia, hiding her from Twilight's eyes. She was thankful for that. She drew her hoof back, the end sparking with electricity. "Sorry, Octavia!" She called out to her opponent, then thrust her hoof into the cloud.

Derpy Thunder ignited on contact, electricity pulsing through the cloud. Octavia screamed through the storm, the cloud flashing against Twilight's eyes. When it had ended she withdrew her hoof. Its energy spent the cloud dissipated, revealing the limp form of Octavia in the dirt. The shock had frazzled her coat and her eyelids were drooping. She groaned and lifted her head to look up at Twilight, giving her a wry smile.

"W… well done… Twilight Sparkle."

Octavia's head fell back, her eyes closing. Twilight followed suit, falling back on her flank and taking a deep breath. Without another word she clicked open the hatch on her saddle and withdrew two healing salves. Her magic took hold of the light blue gel and spread it over her head, the aching and bruising flesh soothing under its touch. The second capsule's contents went over her side where Octavia had landed her first blow.

"Remind me when I got comfortable fighting like this." Twilight didn't have the energy to speak higher than a whisper. The adrenaline rush of the fight had worn off and she just wanted to collapse on her side and have a nap right there.

"Canterlot," Spike said simply. Twilight flashed back to that moment, to the fury that had driven her to fight her way past dozens of ponies to find Celestia.

"Yeah, that sounds right." She stood up and rotated her head. The healing salves had worked their magic and her sore body was comfortable enough to move again. "Find anything of use in her databanks?"

"Well, it would be simple to use your Multitool to carry about that cello," Spike said.


"In that case hang on." Twilight's saddle hummed to life as her internal components worked and she looked down at her hoof. It elongated, a wire mesh forming over the end as smaller meshes appeared on the sides. "Copying that sound attack she had is pretty simple. We just have to dial in the right frequency, amplitude, etcetera, to make a pony disoriented without causing any permanent hearing or organ damage. She already has that data in her system of course, and now it's ours."

"If I can't tell when it's firing, how do I aim it, or know when it works?" Twilight asked, turning her Multitool around to examine it.

"It fires in a narrow cone straight forward, you can aim it like any other weapon. As for telling if it works, with the speed sound travels at, if it doesn't work you'll know the moment you use it and your opponent doesn't react. Also I can tell you."

"Right." Twilight shifted her hoof back to default form and called up her map. "Call up Celestia please, Spike."

"Roger that." Twilight waited patiently as Spike put out the call. After several seconds Celestia's head flickered into view from her horn.

"Twilight. Good news I expect."

"Yes. The second Shadow Hunter is defeated, a musician named Octavia."

Celestia's face in the display lit up in recognition. "I know her! She plays the Grand Galloping Gala for Canterlot every year. We'll take care of her immediately." Octavia lit up in white light from Canterlot's teleporter.

"She has a cello with her too. And she's a good swing with it."

Celestia nodded. "You're not too badly hurt, are you?" Twilight thought the question over as Octavia's cello teleported away behind her.

"She got in some her share of hits and I'm really looking for a nap soon. But no, I'm alright to continue."

"Twilight, you've already rescued my aides and saved my life. There is no need to push yourself this much if you are weary. Rest if you need to, for your sake."

"I will, Princess. Thank you."

The Celestia hologram vanished and Twilight laid down on her stomach.

"Taking her advice?" Spike asked.

"Yes. Time me, ten minutes. After that, where's the third Shadow Hunter?" Twilight laid her head down and her map popped up into view.

"Rainbow Falls."

Twilight looked on the horizon, the distant mountain with rainbows shooting between clouds seeming closer now.

"One left… we can do this, Spike. After Derpy and Octavia, how much worse could the last one be?"

At the top of Rainbow Falls, another hologram projected from the horn of another unicorn.

"Celestia's agent draws close. Derpy and Octavia have failed," the hologram said.

The unicorn sniffed indignantly. "Hardly surprising. They weren't that strong anyway. I told you before, I was the only other pony you needed. They were a waste of energy to focus on."

"Do not posture to me, whelp. You forget your place." The hologram growled, eyes narrowing.

The unicorn gulped and lowered her head. "My apologies, Master. What must be done?"

"This farce has ceased to amuse me. I want this unicorn finished." The hologram paused. "If you are as powerful as you proclaim, this will be a simple task for you."

"And so it shall be." The unicorn lifted her head, smiling proudly. "Twilight Sparkle shall fall before me!"