• Published 2nd Jan 2014
  • 1,020 Views, 8 Comments

Avian Politics - Bastinator

Following the events of Soft Diplomacy, Anon's spent his months working his dead-end job, but he's fine with that. In fact, everything looks good for Anon. However, fate is a cruel mistress, and when he follows his friends, he sets out on a

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Chapter 1: Second Chances

Your hand holds onto your stomach as you inhale, drawing in as much air as your body will allow. Both of them keep their eyes trained on you, waiting on your next move. It takes so little to mess up, and you can’t lose, not after tonight. Your stomach rumbles, finally reaching critical mass and you open your mouth. “…Crap.”

You scowl at them as they laugh at your incompetency, “Really? That’s all you had?”

”Don’t put him down too much,” her companion attempting to salvage what little reputation you had left, “but still, that was it?”

“I- I don’t know what went wrong. This never happens to me.”

”I’m sure you tell your mare that all the time,” she rolls her eyes, wiping off the last of her tears with her talon.

“Gill…” he says, far sterner this time. It’s all he has after all; He knows she can get away with picking on you, but not when his hulking mass is telling her otherwise.

“Ugh, fine Iron, dang. You know Anon can take a joke, can’t you, Limpy?”

“Don’t make me hurt you,” you reply, hopping up and down like a boxer, “Especially when I’ve got Iron Will in my corner.”

“Don’t push it.”

“Oh,” she covers her beak. “What’s that I see? Is that fear on your plump little face? Not so tough without a big… tall… muscly minotaur on your side…” she rubs up on the big guy who can’t help but crack a smile.

“I am pretty big.”

“Not like that you pervert,” she smacks his abs playfully.

Meanwhile, you’re left pouting, “My face isn’t that plump… Wait wait- Guys I got it this time.”

Together they roll their eyes, almost creepily in sync, “Let’s not embarrass your rump a second time tonight.” You don’t pay attention to them and raise your chest, taking another deep suck of air. Thank god none of your prison mates are around.

“BRRUUUGH!!” your belch shakes the very air around you, finally ending with a round of applause from your friends.

“Bravo, now how about you not burp like a calf,” Iron takes a stab at you, earning a snicker from Gilda. You rub your stomach, already feeling the onset of acid reflux disease, but you take one look at them and smile, wrapping an arm around either one as you head home. Totally worth it.


You wave them off when you reach the upper east side, thankfully not a part of its lower counterpart. You take one look down the street, shivers running up your back as you rub your break-free ribs over your shirt. Never again, Anon. Never…

Looking back to the castle, you walk right in, nodding to the guards as you do. Even if you aren’t their superior, they finally treat you with some respect. The key word there is some. Not all of them are so willing to forgive you after what’s happened, but in time they’ll forget.

You push open the door to your apartment and sigh. It doesn’t matter how many times you walk through these doors, you’re never able to stave off that feeling of disappointment. Slipping out of your shirt, you put your hand on the adjacent wall, almost able to feel the mass of books you left behind, like a phantom. It wouldn’t be appropriate. A janitor living in such a lavish apartment? There’d be public outrage if you stayed in that place.

Of course that didn’t mean you couldn’t strive for a little more, you smile, stretching your arms. At least this one has a window. A slight improvement, but an improvement all the same. Taking one look outside, you spy the tower off to the side, Twilight’s telescope still visible even from this distance. You can’t wait until tomorrow. Finally, after months of begging and pleading, you did have practice after all, Twilight finally agreed to move back to Canterlot. Months… has it really been so long since you’ve seen her? Does she even remember you? You shake your head at the thought, how could you be so foolish? Of course she does.

Moving back to the center of your room, you slip into the covers of your bed, the night’s cold still seeping through the thin sheets. In most cases it’d bother you, but you’ve got Twilight in your mind. That’s all you need to make it through the night. As you’re about to fall asleep you smack yourself, completely forgetting about your daily schedule. So wound up with the thought of Twilight, you almost ignored your assigned reading.

Your arm dangles over the bedside, grabbing hold of your copy of Maxinium Heras: Born Again. It’s strange. You never were a fan of fiction, it always seemed a little far-fetched to you, but there was something about this one that grabbed you by the shoulders and forced your attention. A part of it reminded you of ‘A Look West,’ but at the same times took some liberties in terms of characterization and the like. Seriously, Minotaur scholars? Even that’s a bit outlandish.

Of course, here you are, an outlandish being in your own right, living here in Equestria. It sort of defeats your whole argument. BUT! Enough about you and onto this book. You flip it open, that fresh ink smell coating its layers. “What page was I on?” Dammit.


The sound of your mop slapping against the smooth stone floor fills your ears as you give it a second coat, just in case. You give the hallway’s width a thorough mopping before giving it your famous scrub. All across the land, germs and spills flee before you, each cowering when they hear your name. Anon: Destroyer of Grease and World-Famous Grimefighter… Alright, you’re no Mr. Clean, but it does well to entertain yourself. How else are you going to pass the time?

“Sun Tapper, you mind if I ask you a question?” you ask, resting on your scrubbing stick. It’s 20% more effective against stains. True story. Sun Tapper, mid-stroke at the time, jumps at your sudden vocalization, accidentally dropping his mop and knocking his bucket over, dumping a good gallon of solution across the hall.

You try your best not to laugh, but a small snippet makes it out, causing him to bow his head while his cheeks to flush with embarrassment. He really is a spitting image of you, the old one. If you didn’t know any better you’d think this was déjà vu, but you do, so it’s not. His eyes peek out from under his black mane, not nearly long enough to adequately hide his face, but that doesn’t stop him from trying, “sorry…” He immediately shuffles to the side, his horn lighting up as he picks up his mop to clean up the spill. Quite the mess.

You stand there, leaning on the end of your mop stick scrub thing, really gotta get a name for that, and watch him… waiting… Okay this is killing you. “So you going to answer my question?” Another jump from him is too much, forcing you to use a hand to cover your mouth, “You need to get that under control. We’ve been working too much together for this.”

“S-sorry…” he mutters again, and it’s only now that you really understand how Celestia felt about you apologizing all the time.

“So can I ask you that question or not?” He doesn’t answer right away, but he eventually gives you a nod… or a shudder, it was one of the two. “How do you like it here? Working-wise, not how you like it in the castle.”

”Umm, I uh- I guess I like it,” he pipes up, his voice still skittish, “I mean, if you-“ The tell-tale signs of an approaching guards shuts him up, metallic clanks from the soldier’s hoofguards sending Sun Tapper on the fritz.

“What are you worried about?” you ask, Tapper wiping up as much of the solution as he can, “It’s just a guard.”

“Havetohurryhavetohurry,” he pants hastily, a good portion still spilled out. “I can- I can fix it. Just a little more-“

Tapper’s cut off once more, this time by the soft splash of hooves hitting his little spill, “What… in the buck is this?!” You straighten up as the guard’s voice grows ever-louder in tone, “This armor just got waxed and polished!” This guard isn’t familiar to you, but he looks just like any other. Unfortunately, this means he’s likely not used to janitorial duties firsthand.

“I- I am so sorry, please…” Tapper starts up with his tail between his legs, the guard quickly cutting him off with his gaze.

“So this was your doing? What’s a pony like you even doing in the castle? Shouldn’t you be off doing some mare’s work?” You can only watch as Tapper gets laid into by this stallion, each outburst sending your colleague sleeking further and further down. ”How can an insufferable colt like yourself even be allowed inside the castle?! This is an outrage, and you, a disgrace!”

“P-please sir, I didn’t mean- mean to s-s-sp-“

“Spi- spi- spi-“ the stallion mocks, “Spit it out! Or do you lack the competency to do that right?” The guard presses his head against Sun Tapper’s, the stallion’s bulky frame easily dwarfing that of Tapper’s tall and lanky one. “Anything to say for yourself, punk?!” That’s it, you’ve had all you can stand.

“Hey!” your voice catches his attention, now growing aware of your presence, “That’s quite enough.”

“Who’s this?” he sneers to your friend, “Your partner in crime? I never knew buck-ups traveled in pairs.” You motion Tapper over to you, the guard following close behind. He stops just ahead of you, leaning his head around you, “Awww, does the little colt need his mommy?”

“You’ve made your point to him. He’ll fix his mess right away, you have my word.”

“Your word? Well that’s just fine and dandy, but that’s doesn’t my armor any less tainted,” he throws it around, droplets flying every which way. “How about he come around our barracks to pay me and the fellas back? I’m sure he’s better as a mare than a colt.” That grin of his turns your stomach, and it’s even worse for Sun. You turn with a smile, letting him know it’ll be alright. “So what do you say, two legs, or perhaps you would rather pay me back,” he presses a wet hoof on your pants, the final straw…

“Get the hell out of my sight, and don’t let me catch you back here again.”

This catches him off guard, but in no way does it work, “Or what? I’m not afraid of some ‘Janitor.’ What’s the worst you’ll do, clean me?”

“I’m giving you fair warning. Leave us alone, or else.” That smirk is all he gives for an answer. You shake your head, hoping to have done this the easy way. “We’re both employed by the Princess, the only difference being is that you report directly to her, I go through my boss, who has his boss. So unless you’re an impostor, that armor means you had to sign a contract, and obviously, being a bright young stallion like yourself, you actually read it…” you finally give pause, gauging his lack of response. “Oh… you didn’t, did you?”

You can’t exactly blame him though, a job’s a job, but he has no right to make yours, or Tapper’s, a living hell. “Section III goes over the code of conduct, whether it be between civilians or employees. Tell me, hot shot, do you know what falls under Sexual Harassment?”

For a second, his smile fades, a part of his brain catching on to what you’re implying, “And you would accuse a guard of this? A member of the ‘royal’ guard, key word being, royal. It would never take.” You do nod, there is some truth to his words. Being a guardsman gives them a little leeway in terms of the law, but they’re no Dredd.

“It’s for this reason that they’ll take it seriously. A royal guardsman sexually harassing his fellow? That’s bad publicity for the guard. Do you think that someone who looks over one of Canterlot castle’s hundred hallways or rooms, is important enough that they’d let you off the hook. No, you’d be investigated and reprimanded,” you can’t help but say that last part with a hint of joy. How the mighty crumble beneath words…

“Bullshit. Pipsqueak won’t say I word, I know his type, and you’re just a janitor. They’ll take my word in a heart beat.” His type… You, basically. Who you used to be. It’s funny how things change.

“Anon or Anonymous. Either of these names ring a bell?”

“Ya mean that ex-diplomat? He ain’t enough of a lawyer to get you a case.”

“Haha, oh my, you misunderstand,” you chuckle lightly before looking him straight in the eyes, “I am Anonymous.” Silence is his only reaction, even you’re somewhat at a loss for words, but that won’t stop you. “So, would they believe the man who was Celestia’s right hand, or Guard #251… Now, I think it would be best, for all of us, if you piss off down whatever corridor you came from.”

The guard keeps his gaze low, teeth grinding in thought before looking back up, “You may be smart, two legs, but you’re still a janitor. The lowest of lows, not even a sliver of what you could’ve been. Celestia was right to fire your flank. Your luck won’t last forever, and I’ll be there when it runs out…” He gives the two of you one last stare before walking out, turning his head one last time, “And this armor is coming out of your paycheck, Anon, I’ll make sure of it.”

“Don’t slip and crack your skull, we wouldn’t want to lose anything valuable…” His armor echoes down the hall as he trots off, back wherever he came from. You breathe a sigh of relief, the encounter finally over. You lean down and grab hold of the mop, holding it out to Sun Tapper. “Guy’s a dick, isn’t he?”

“Yeah, I guess,” he gets back to work, the mood having been crushed by the guard’s arrival.

“Don’t let him get to you. That’s what guys like him crave, that power they have over other people.” You were just like him at one point as well. So many lives you’ve lived…

“Can-” he pauses midsentence before shaking his head, “Nevermind…” That might’ve been the first time he’s said anything without your intervention. Color you impressed.

“Look Sunny, if there’s anything on your mind, just let it out. I’m not even your boss, technically.” He doesn’t speak right away, getting back to fixing his spill. You help, of course, equally out of the goodness of your heart and because you don’t want to save him again. The selfless can be selfish too.

Once you get the remaining solution back in the bucket he finally looks up to you, “How did- How’d you do it?”

“Lots of practice in the mirror,” you grin back at him, “That helps the talking at least, but you gotta know the basics. There’s one castle you can build on a shit foundation, and it smells like crap.”

“Oh… ok,” he hushes up, not even laughing at your joke. You stop what you’re doing and stare at him until he notices, “Wha?”

“That’s not the answer to your question, is it? And don’t say that it was, I can tell.”

Tapper moves to the wall, sitting down on one of the benches, “Well I- I’ve always known who you were. I heard the uh, the stories about you.”

“Oh, not this again,” you rub your forehead, “It was one mare, and yes, she wasn’t a dude.”

This manages to get a laugh out of him at long last as you sit next to him. “That uh, wasn’t what I meant.” You knew that, but a little fun never hurt anyone. “I just wanted to know, how you could go from, from that, Celestia’s pupil… to this?” he waves his hooves around, “I don’t understand.” Sometimes you wonder that yourself…

“It wasn’t easy, let me tell you, but I was here long before I was her pupil, so I already knew this atmosphere. It beats dying alone in an alley…” You can tell he doesn’t understand, but that’s to be expected. You were the only one to see it after all… “A part of me likes this work. Basic, low risk, helpful. If I mess up, the worst that could happen is I’ll clean it tomorrow. Definitely beats sewer duty… You ever get sewer duty?” you ask him, trying not to hog all the attention.

“Once,” he shakes at the thought, “It was awful.”

“How useful is that Safety Valve?”

“Not at all,” he laughs, putting a grin on your face, “But still… You had it all, and you’re still happy here. I used to think I might be able to do what you did, but the way you handled that guard… There’s no way.” This throws you for a loop, having never quite thought about it like that.

“I had to learn. It’s not something you just hop into.”

“Yeah but, look at you. You’re smart, you have the skills, you can- can hold your own against a guard with only words, and you don’t make mistakes.” No hand in the world can stop your laughing at this point, in fact it hurts just to breathe, “You alright?”

“Sun Tapper, Sunny, if I didn’t make mistakes, there is no reason I’d be here.”

“But you don’t show it!” he covers his mouth at his outburst before lowering his head, “I’m just a walking disaster…” Like a light bulb went off in your head, you understand exactly why he’s asking this. Next to you, someone’s who’s gone through so much, he feels inadequate. It didn’t help when you saved him from the guard, in fact, it probably made it worse.

“Look, I’m not better than you. I may talk better, know more, but that doesn’t mean a damn thing when compared to what’s in there,” you point to his chest. “Now come on, there’s no sense moping about when there’s mopping to be done.”

Sunny looks around, confusion burned on his face, “There’s nothing left to mop, we got it all.” Sure enough, after inspection it turns out he was right, you really were done.

“Oh, well that sucks. I was hoping to hang out with you a little more,” you shrug your shoulders, walking back over to your bucket, “WHOOPS!” Your foot kicks it over, spilling solution all over the hallway you just finished cleaning. “Well, it looks I can make mistakes.”

“You did that on purpose,” he smiles knowingly.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m just a simple janitor,” you grin back, brandishing your mop, “Now let’s get this done so we can move onto the next hall…” Oh god there’s another hall!


Dabbing the towel around your arms takes away the last bit of water that was left clutching after your shower. One whiff from your armpits is all it took to figure out how much you need a good wash, even if the shampoo isn’t exactly to be desired. You slip back into your suit, thankful that none of the others happened to ruin it while you were showering. It may just be a prank, but you don’t want anything to ruin this for you. You’ve waited too long…

The door to the shower creaks open, Tapper finished his session as well. Even stallions can develop a bit of funk if they aren’t careful. ”Umm, what’s with the uh…”

“The suit? I got a hot date tonight,” you joke to yourself, straightening your tie, “You don’t think it’s too much do you?” You’d hate to have overdone it and put her off. The last thing you want to do is drive her away now.

“No… you um, look nice,” he sputters, setting his towel in his locker. “So… Who is she?”

“Who’s who?” you don’t think much into his question, more concerned with this damn tie that won’t sit straight. Seriously, it’s got a mind of its own and no matter how much… There! That’s a relief, you thought you’d have to get the scissors there.

“The mare.”

“Whoever said it was a mare?” you look plainly upon him, Tapper turning away, “You know, I don’t take kindly to you automatically assuming I like women. In fact I find it insulting. You should be ashamed.”

“Ap- apologies,” he sits, doing anything to avoid looking at you.

“Hmm,” you grumble, looking at him, “You’re kinda cute.”

His head snaps to attention as he scoots his flank away, “Wait… Are you…?”

“Yes, I’m just fucking with you… messing with you, that other phrase could be taken the wrong way,” you chuckle, “You need to learn to take a joke, or to tell when I’m not being serious. It’ll save you some of those heart attacks.”

A nervous laugh is all he can muster before looking back down to the grimy tiles beneath his hooves. It always surprised you just how disgusting this place is, considering janitors change here. Maybe a little cleanliness, but nooo. “You stare long enough and you can see the mold squirm,” nodding to him before pulling out your comb, “Not even kidding. That’s some sort of super mold if I’ve ever seen it.”

“Pretty soon it’ll evolve, maybe learn to play the flute.”

“Do you play the flute?” you absent-mindedly ask, now concerned with how your hair sits. There’s always that one damn strand in the back that won’t fall down. Grr, where are those scissors?

“My uh, mom taught me when I lived in Neigh Zeiland.” Your fingers jump at the word, sending the comb to the floor by accident, even managing to cause a flinch from him.

“You’ve been to Neigh Zeiland?!”

“Yeah,” he whispers, “Born there.”

How can he just- SAY that he’s from Neigh Zeiland like that? It’s mind boggling! “How- How long?!” you pull away from the mirror in your locker, sitting towards you, enthralled by this new development.

His face reddens at your attention, but he still answers, “Ten years, maybe eleven. I like it better here though.”

“Wha-wha-what?! That’s crazy talk! I can’t believe I’m hearing this,” you throw your hands in the air to further your point, “Neigh Zeiland is beautiful, at least I’ve heard.”

He shrugs, nowhere near as impressed, “It was ok, but there wasn’t much out there.” He humphs and shakes his head, “I wanted to see the world.”

“How are the beaches? No no, the mountains! Oh, the waterfalls, you have to tell me about those!”

“They’re just beaches, just mountains. Nice waterfalls though…”

You lean back, almost able to envision it in your mind, the crystal clear water reaching out towards the horizon, just you and a book… “Wow. That’s- that’s a lot to take in.” Shaking your head, you keep going over what he just said, “Neigh Zeiland… What I wouldn’t give to sail out there…”

“But, haven’t you traveled the world? You know,” he grows quieter, “Back then?” Not nearly as much as you’d like to. Heck, you’ve been here, Ponyville, the Crystal Empire… and Aviaris, but that’s it.

“I haven’t traveled much to tell the truth, though I’ve always wanted to. I’ve never experienced the winters of Stalliongrad nor have I seen the castles of Pranceylvania.” You do know one mare who has, and it brings a smile just to think of her.
“Ms. Peachbottom is a friend of mine, was, at least I hope to call her that, but she’s been to these places. That’s a mare who’s been around…” your eyes widen now that you think about it, “And that is not what I meant.”

“I figured,” he hides his smile but you see it. “I thought you would’ve gone though.”

“Tap, I’ve read books and gone through scrolls and paintings, but that’s the most it’ll be.” A memory comes back to mind, the first time you went to the Crystal Empire, and the lesson you learned there. Some things you can’t read in books, things you can learn by experiencing them. It doesn’t matter how well you can paint a picture with words, it never compares to being there firsthand.

“Couldn’t, you know, if you wanted, still go” You shake your head knowingly, “Why not?” He’s young, doesn’t understand the world. Then again, does anyone?

“I have responsibilities here, a job, friends, a mar-” Oh shit! “A mare that I am going to be late to meet, crap!”

The door to the locker room opens up, but you’re in too much of a hurry to welcome your boss, that signature cup of coffee in hand, “Yeah…”

“H-hello, Mr. Mosley…” Tapper waves a hoof as you enter Mach 2 in your preparation, making sure every part of you is spotless.

“Anon,” completely ignoring his welcome, “Are you going somewhere?”

“Have a hot date,” you nod to yourself, your hair’s going to have to do as is, and close the locker, pausing at the look in his eyes, “What’s happened?”

“It would seem Hart and Ledblom didn’t quite finish up their sections today…”

“Let me guess, they’re nowhere to be found?” Mosley nods… Why aren’t you surprised? They always made you clean up after their messes before, and they are still trying to get away with it, “How bad is it?”

He grimaces, breathing through his clenched teeth. That’s never a good sign. “I’m going to need you to work past your shift today and get things all cleaned up. If you could head for the Entrance Hall that’d be great,” he finishes up, taking a sip of coffee.

“Sorry, Mosley, no can do, I have to get going or I’ll be later than I already am.”

He nods, scrunching his lips, “Well I figured you’d say that, but I’m afraid this is habit of you skipping your duties has to stop here, yeah…” This, this guy can’t be serious, right?

“Heh,” you look to Tapper, “Did you know your boss was a comedian? I’ve known you for a good year now, how come you never showed me this side?”

Of course, Mr. Mosley doesn’t share in your amusement, “I’m afraid I’m being serious, you and Sun Tapper need to get moving. Now.” Your face tenses, clearing off any positive expression. Mr. Mosley can’t possibly be doing this right now, not when you’re running late.

“Sir, if you want to have it out for someone, have it out for Hart and Ledblom, not us. We aren’t who abandoned our shift to run off and chase a couple mares. We do our work on time, we leave on time. Equestrian Labor Laws clearly state-“

“Alright alright,” he raises his hoof, “You don’t need to tell me about those anymore, I did my reading at your request.” Good, that means he knows not to mistreat his employees. “And since you’re already here, you can clean out your locker. We won’t be needing your services anymore.”

Did- he just… “Yeah…”


You shut the door behind you, making sure to do it all quiet-like. Don’t want Twilight to catch you right away. You place the box down against the wall, a couple of odds and ends along with an extra pair of clothes inside. Never did it once occur to you that he’d actually go through with it, especially after all you’ve done for him… or to him. A smile worms its way on your face, your actions all the more justified, as much as his are in canning you.

Shame really, not having a job is like losing an arm and a leg, half of you just… gone. Feels kind of nice now that you think about it. You turn back to the room, the library certainly having seen nicer days. Then again, you see the new Librarian galloping about with her cart, stamping, cataloguing and organizing all the while, and you know that Petal left it in good hands.

You start on in, doing a double-take to make sure you don’t get caught by Twilight, before working around the walls in search of her. Is she in A-Be? Nope, not there. Be- Fa? Negatory, not there either. Alright if she’s not in Fe… Oh come on! Throwing caution to the wind you jog past each section, finding only books on the shelves, fitting. Walking down one of the isles you peek around the corner hoping to see Twilight, alas, all you get is more isles.

“Hey, Cinder?” you call to the new Librarian as you walk into the seating area where she’s currently galloping about, “You haven’t seen Twilight, have you?” She looks up too fast, barely catching her glasses as they fly off her head.

You’d laugh if you weren’t serious about your question, “Ha, sorry about that. No, I haven’t seen her. Never seen her actually… Were you expecting her?”

“Yeah…” you nod before turning away and taking a seat, chin resting on your arms. You let her continue her work, a bit of your day wasted away, more than that actually. The clock gives its signature tick as a minute passes by, now fifteen minutes past due. Did she just not show? That’s not like her, maybe she saw you were late and… That’d be par for the course of today. Sigh… You were so looking forward to today. Shows you why not-

Your world grows black as a pair of hooves cover your eyes, “Guess who?”

“Santa Clause?” You step out of your chair and turn around to Twilight smiling back at you, immediately wrapping her in a hug. “Twilight!” you pick her up in your arms and spin her around, burying your head in her neck and hers in yours, “Hmm, you even smell good.”

“Okay, you can stop now,” she pleads as you keep her held tight, “Seriously, now, put me down.”

“You’re no fun,” squeezing like you’ll never hold her again before letting her down, “You’re just as beautiful as I remember. Stunning.” At least, most of her is. Usually you can look at the whole of her mane, but for some reason she’s wearing a brown cloak that covers her from neck to tail. Don’t pay attention to details here, Anon. Try and be happy for a little bit, will ya? Sure thing. “I can’t describe how much I missed that smile of yours.”

She blushes, even when she gets embarrassed she’s beautiful, “I missed you too, Anon.”

Quickly looking up to Cinder, she backs up with a smile, a knowing one at that, the little liar. “Cinder told me that she hadn’t seen you.”

“What harm’s a little white lie?” Twilight presses up against you with a purr, “You’re warm.” It doesn’t take long for you to feel the same way, the heat from her coat making you almost uncomfortable.

“I could say the same for you,” you tug lightly at her clothes, “What’s with the get-up? You’re not going through one of those stages are you? I’ll get out the bucket, you know I will.”

The two of you share a laugh, but she assures that won’t be necessary. “It was a little cold in Ponyville so I put this on.” Okay… You take a step back, something’s fishy here. She should know better than to try to lie to your face like this, her nose always that little mini-scrunch when she does.

“Trains have heaters in each of the cabins, and I doubt you were staying with the cargo.”

“Oh um…” she finds herself in a bind, quickly coming up with another false truth, “Ours was broken, so I had to keep it on.”

“Sounds like pretty bad luck,” crossing your arms and leaning back, letting her know that you know she’s lying, “You know it’s summer, right?”

“Well you see-“

“Twilight…” you keep your voice stern, “Tell me the truth. What’s with the cloak?”

She almost begins to sweat as she plays with her hooves, kneading the wooden floorboards beneath her, “I was cold…” This is getting ridiculous, why would she lie about this? It’s not even that big of a deal.

“We both know that I know, Twilight.”

“Know what?”

“I know that you know that you know that I know, knowing what I know,” you have to pause at the last part to make sure you got it right, “Yeah, I’m sticking with that.”

“Can’t we just talk about something else?” her smile couldn’t be anymore of a lie, “How did you like that book I told you about?”

“Oh,” Twilight referring to Maxinium Heras, “I’m liking it so far, but I haven’t quite finished it yet. There’s another book I’ve been reading.”

“Really? What’s it called?”

You can’t help but smile when you reply, “Ways to get Twilight to tell the Truth. It’s the first edition, very rare,” winking at her.

With an exasperating sigh that’d deflate even the most happy of ponies, she lowers her head, “Please Anon, it’s- not something I want to talk about right now.”

“Why not? Let’s not have our first conversation in months be a fight. I just want to know why you chose to hide yourself in a…”

She senses your sudden shift in mood, going from witty to a concerned protector, “Anon-“

“What happened? Are you hurt? Dear Celestia, please tell me you’re alright.” Your heart’s going at a mile a minute, sweat growing on your palms. The last time you felt this nervous… It was a different time, but nothing like this.

“Believe me, Anon, I’m fine.”

“Then just show me,” you plead with her this time, “Don’t make me go crazy thinking about this. You know I will, it’ll eat me up until the end of time unless you tell me the truth.”

“Do you really want to know?” she takes a step back, not looking directly at you.

“More than anything.” You can’t think of anything witty to say right now. Even if you could, this isn’t the time.

Twilight takes a deep breath, finally looking at you, “Just… close your eyes.” You hold your hips, giving her the ‘really’ look, but she’s insistent, “Please.” Darn that magic word, it’ll be your doom one day. You close your eyes, hearing the tingle of magic undoing her cloak before it finally slips to the floor. ”Alright, open your eyes.”

“Like I said, it’s not going to be… that big…” your mouth hangs open, “Uhhh…”

”Please don’t freak out,” Twilight nervously smiles with her hooves crossed, looking up to your stunned body. All the books you’ve read couldn’t have prepared you for this. No old Equestrian law or scroll was ever scribed to help you deal with a situation like this. Gingerly, Twilight takes a step forward and closes your mouth, your jaw falling back open, “I said not to freak out.” How can she expect you not to?! She’s- she’s-

A thud echoes out from behind her, Crimson dropping to her knees, “Gasp! Princess.”

“Oh please don’t do that,” she turns back and lifting Crimson back up, “I’m not a princess.” Those wings on her back tell a very VERY different story. It- it changes everything.

“But you are, sweety- I mean, Princess,” she can barely contain herself, “This is so exciting. A new princess in Equestria! I just have to tell my marefriends!”

Twilight covers her mouth in a second, obviously anxious about all this, “You can’t. I had to keep this hidden until the coronation ceremony tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow?! But- I don’t even know what I’m going to wear. What time is it? Nevermind, I can finish this up by today, even if it kills me.”

Before Twilight can say another word, Crimson is off riding her trolley around the library, snatching every book in sight. “What am I going to do? I’m- I’m not ready for this,” turning back to you, “Anon?”

Consciousness returns to you as you shake your head, forcing a weak smile and laugh. “Princess, huh? ...that’s uh- that’s different.” You lean back, your hand collapsing as you try to hold yourself up and end up falling into your seat, Twilight rushing to your aid, “Really different.”

Your eyes glaze over as you try to work this over in your mind, Twilight’s lips moving but yet you hear nothing. In fact, you can’t hear anything at all. Everything’s just… stopped. Twilight stops moving, the screech of Crimson’s trolley absent.

“Well now, this is new now isn’t it?” a voice sounds out behind you, the rest of the world frozen in a single moment, “Not the funny kind of new. I like those kinds of new.” A talon slides across your shoulders, his paw lifting up your jaw to meet his distorted eyes, “Why the long face? Turn that frown upside down.”

He snaps his fingers, the world as you know it flipping over and sending you falling down to the ceiling, but with another snap you pause, caught in the middle. This guy… Doesn’t he know when you need a moment to think? “Just what do you think this is supposed to be?” Discord slithers through the air, wrapping himself into a bowtie before shooting confetti out a horn he quickly conjures.

You aren’t in any mood to play with him right now, and his antics don’t help. “Oh come now, Anon, just let yourself go for once. You’ve been so wound-up ever since you got your job back. No time to play with little old me,” he bats his eyelashes before he gags, “How boring you’ve become.”

“Did you know about this?”

“You don’t need to sound so drear, dear Anon,” he struggles to untie himself, grunting as he pulls himself apart at last, “But I might’ve known, yes.” That son of a- “And before you start with all that appalling language of yours, I’ll have you know that I was just as surprised as you.” And he didn’t even think of telling you? You thought he and you- you and he- “You and I were what? Friends?” He laughs before coming to a pause and nods, “I do consider you a friend, but as this, I found it only right not to tell you.”

“Why?” you bury your head in your hands, failing to hide from the world, “I mean…”

“Why did it happen now, correct?” You nod, Discord snapping once more, returning you to your seat. He stands behind Twilight, inspecting her for himself, “Everything happens for a reason, as dull as they might be. Have I ever told you about the time when I-”

“Discord, please.”

He rolls his eyes, “Be that way then, but to answer your question, I don’t know. Magic something or another, it’s all very complicated, not at all fun, not like you used to be.” This isn’t about you. This is about Twilight and those… wings. Discord, to which, laughs at your thoughts, “Isn’t it? Why is it that you care so much about her being a princess?”

You straighten up knowing what you have to do. “I should be supportive of her. Twilight is the jewel of my life, and if I can’t be happy for her, I can’t be happy at all. Thanks Discord, sort of, you’re a real life saver at times.”

“Tsk tsk tsk,” he wags a claw, your heart plummeting, “We’re not quite done yet.” His grin could turn you to stone, and it almost feels like he just did as he steps closer, “You may be able to lie to yourself, little little Anon, but you can’t lie to me.”

“I’m almost your size.” He hushes you so he can continue, and unfortunately, continue he does.

“Come on then, tell me why you cared so much about the precious student Twilight being a Princess. Try me.” It was shocking, you can’t lie. How exactly do you respond to something like that? You can’t be blamed for being stunned. Discord scratches his chin with a nod, “I guess that makes sense, but-“

“What fun is there in making sense,” you look up at him under your eyebrows.

“Acheem, you don’t need to make it sound quite so boring, but yes. Besides,” his grin makes you want to vomit, “That’s not the truth and I know it.” The draconequus can be such a pain at times, and this is no different. If he knows the answer then why doesn’t he just tell you. “Because that wouldn’t be fun.” Fun fun fun. Doesn’t he do anything else? “Why would I want to do anything?” Fair enough.

“I couldn’t believe it, alright? Is that what you want to hear?”

“Hmmm, getting warmer,” he bobs his head, something inside you snapping.

“I was jealous, how about that?! Is that what you wanted me to say you ugly piece of-“

Your voice is muffled in a snap, a zipper replacing your lips, “Precisely. Little ol’ Anon was jealous of his ‘special somepony.’ Kind of ironic really…” He’s just making you say what he wants you to say, none of it is true. Discord’s smile vanishes, your zipper doing so as well, “Now we both know that’s not true. Sigh… I didn’t want to tell you this, but… You’re dying, Anon.”

Your heart grows still, ice forming in your veins. D-dying? That’s- But, you’re too young. How are you going to tell her? She’d be devastated… Wait- “And now you know how she felt.” Discord stands up and moves next to Twilight, “She didn’t want you to know because she feared how you’d react. Don’t you think she knows how much you wanted to be in her position? Don’t you think she knew how jealous you’d be, even as you are now? It’s so deliciously chaotic.”

“So… I’m not going to die?” you ask, not entirely convinced the fright was just to teach you a lesson.

“Well… Not in a way you’d consider death. To me, it’s a fate even worse than that. You’re losing yourself in boredom.”

“Jeez, Discord,” you facepalm, “This I don’t have time for.” You have to finish talking with Twilight. After that, who knows? You’ll find a way to work things out. Find a new job maybe, or you could- The library quakes as he slams his hoof into the ground, all pretenses of fun rid from him, “Do you even hear yourself?! Anon, the silver-tongued diplomat of Equestria, settling down to let his precious Twilight run along and live his dream. It’s killing you inside, living this- this way, if you can even call that living.”

“I’m happy where I am, thank you very much,” you snap back at him, “I don’t need anything else.”

“Even when you’re angry, you can’t hide the hollowness in your voice.” His voice sterner than yours before he curls back into his seat, “Your friends may not see it, but you’re suffocating in this plain life of yours. You need more.” Once, perhaps… you may have felt that way once. You wanted to be something better- needed to be more than you were, but that was a long time ago. You were a different person back then; you shudder as you grip your arm, a weaker person.

When you turn back to Discord, he actually looks caring, his eyes soft for the first time in your lifetime. “I gave you a chance to be something once. You performed admirably, but all it took was one bad decision to turn you down a darker path.” He helped make you who you are, and you’re grateful for that, but you can’t take that risk again. You have too much to lose now. “Why are you so scared?” he asks, scanning your mind for an answer he already knows, “So scared to take a little risk?”

A face fills your vision, a sickly griffon whose only mistake was to put his faith in you… and it cost him his life. It was in your hands, the vial to save him, and you failed. You failed all of them. You can’t take a risk like that again. You have too much to lose. An unsteady silence falls between the two of you and you think he may have finally left the issue be, “What if I said you had another chance?”

You clench your fist in anger at his persistence, unable to leave you be. “Get out.” He leans forward, unable to speak before you slam your fist against the table, “I said get out!”

His eyes look you up and down before he stands, snapping in a glass of chocolate milk, “You wouldn’t take it, even at the behest of a friend?”

“You aren’t going to change my mind. Even if you are a friend,” you try and offer a handshake but he turns his back to you, “I just can’t.”

Downing the rest of his chocolate milk he sighs, glancing back to you, “Do what you will then, but allow me a warning to you.” It’s not like you can really do anything here. You’re basically forced to listen. “The course of your life is going to change drastically in the coming days. Friends will be lost, enemies will be gained. It’s up to you, to choose.” He raises a paw before frowning, “Best of luck.”

You open your mouth just as he snaps, the world as you know it going back to normal, “…between us. I still love you, Anon. I won’t leave you.” Wait what? Oh crap she was talking, um… Quick! Come up with something to say brain, think about her this time, not yourself.

You grab hold of her and close your eyes, hugging her once more. Not exactly saying anything, but that can come later. “I’m so happy you’re ok with this,” tears drenching your last suit, but right now, you couldn’t care less about some clothes.

“Twilight, no matter what happens, I will always love you,” pulling off her, “And it doesn’t matter how you change, whether it be a pair of wings, a crown or gaining a hundred pounds, I will never stop loving you.”

You flick her wing for extra encouragement, even if they still make you feel uneasy, Twilight wiping away her tears, “You don’t need to say all that.” But you did…

“You know, it’s nothing, just a little extra to my already perfect mare,” you scratch behind her ear, her leg involuntarily twitching. It’s just so cute when she does that. “Besides, looking at you now, they suit you, really.”

“So… you’re not mad?” Fear of your jealousy still heavy in her mind, “This could change everything with us.”

You hold her hoof with both hands and smile, telling her that you could never be mad at her. “Whatever we face, we can face it together. Twilight and Anon, together until the end.”

She blushes and grabs her cloak, folding it neatly on the table, “What are ponies going to say? Me, a princess, dating a janitor… Not that there’s anything wrong with that!” she quickly tacks on, a pit forming in your stomach.

“Well… about that…”

She covers her mouth with a hoof and gasps, “Don’t tell me, you got a new job?!” This is going to be a bit awkward, you think, rubbing the back of your neck, “Not that?”

“Not really… I kinda, got fired.”

“Fired?” Twilight’s equally surprised, “When was this?”

“Just today,” you point to the door, “My boss didn’t like me getting out of doing other people’s work so he canned me.”

“How can he do that to you? That’s awful…” A strange air fills the room as she looks sort of pissed, “I’m going to give him a talking to.” Before she does anything rash you block her, placing your hands on her shoulders.

“Twi, it’s fine, really. He’s my boss, it’s not like it’s outside his jurisdiction or anything. Plus, now I can find a different job, hopefully one that doesn’t require me to take so many showers.” You put on a cool face, knowing that you’re talking complete bullshit. Someone with your record isn’t going to find a job that easy. Hell, you were lucky enough to get your old one back.

“I’m so glad- Not that you lost your job! That’s not what I meant, but-” You hush her with a kiss, her rosy cheeks something you can get used to, “Maybe I can talk to Celestia. Surely she knows a place where you can work.”

“You going to make me your personal guard,” you tease with a nudge, “Don’t they call that a conflict of interest?”

“I won’t mind,” she grins , rubbing her face against your side. God, you forgot how she could get you going.

The two of you snuggle closer when a cough from the other side of the room catches you offguard, “Acheem… This is a library, not a motel, Anon.”

“Alright alright,” you wave off the librarian before looking back down to Twilight, “I’m going out with Gilda and Iron Will tonight. Do you want to come?”

“I can’t. There are too many things to plan for tomorrow,” you catch the hint of sadness in her voice. Deep down Twilight really does want to go with you, but the princess thing… This is going to be the first of many rejections in the coming days. “Can I take a rain check?”

“Be careful, I might just cash that in,” you give her a final hug. You can work through this together. You’ll make it work, somehow.


With your duffel bag in tow you stop just outside the door to Iron Will’s house, giving it a ceremonial triple knock. It’s like déjà vu being here again, all your stuff in tow. Thankfully this time you haven’t- Oh, you did lose your job again didn’t you? Hopefully he’ll at least give you a room with a window, that’d suck to lose that too. You always liked looking out over the city while you read, even if you have to be looking into it this time.

You hear him bound down the stairs, twisting the handle and opening the door, “Anon? You know we aren’t meeting until later, right?” Prying it open a little more he spots your bag and sighs, “This isn’t going to be like last time, is it?”

“I only lost my job this time,” you try and smile, unable to hold it for long before looking at your feet. “I’m sorry, Iron. You know this isn’t easy for me either.”

Your shocked when he grabs you by the shoulders and pulls you inside, nearly slamming you through the wall in the process, “This is good news! At last! At last! Anon is free at last!” Wait- but- Okay, you’re really confused now. Wasn’t he, well, disappointed in you? “Welcome to the first day of your new life, with me, Iron Will, as your personal trainer. We’re getting you back in the game, one squat at a time.” He strikes a pose, flexing those colossal biceps of his, grunting before alternating poses. “Hiya!” You have to duck as he kicks up his hoof, performing the ‘Crane’ pose like a Kung-Fu fighter, “Yeah!”

Dear Celestia, what have you gotten yourself into? A door slams up above, heavy steps stomping their way to the ledge on the second floor, “IRON! How many times do I have to tell you not to- Anon?” Gilda has her head poked out from the upper floor, dumbfounded by your presence, Iron Will’s antics no big deal to her at this point. “What’re you doing here, dweeb? We aren’t meeting until later tonight.”

Iron reaches across and tears your bag away from you, throwing it over the ledge beside her in a single chuck, “We’ve got company, again.”

Gilda, in a manner of unnatural calmness walks down the stairs, “You got an explanation for this?”

“I may have lost my job… again.” It still pisses you off that you can’t keep your apartment, but then again… It’s all in the contract. “I promise, it won’t be like last time.”

She stands on her hind legs and crosses her arms, getting on par with your height, “It better not.” You catch a grin as she leans in for a hug, “Bring it in, Slim Jim.” D’aww, you missed her constant insults. The hug’s a nice change of pace though.


“I’ll get, hmm… Two Tartarus Tricksters, one Red Robin, a shot of Salamba, and one water to top it all off.” The barkeep nods and gets to making your drinks. You were always surprised how they could hear you over the damn music in this place, not that you dislike it. Great beats at times, but does it really have to be so loud?

Surely they’re breaking some law about noise pollution. Yeah, you were just as surprised when you found out that was actually a thing. You scrounge about in your pockets looking for your bits, finally sliding them across just as he sets down your drinks, even kind enough to put them on a tray for you. He stops you before you can leave though, “Don’t go having too much fun.”

“Will do,” you chuckle, almost starting to think he was going to lay into you for some reason. Thank Celestia that’s not the case. “Now don’t make me tell the big guy you were busy talking to me instead of serving these drinks.”

“Get out of here,” he shoos you off, “What’s your poison, son?”

Keeping your arms up, you walk right through the dance floor, having to perform some moves yourself as not get your desirables kicked in. By the time you get back to your table Iron Will’s chuckling to himself and shaking his head, “Not even a minotaur dances that bad.”

“Well I doubt they were carrying a platter of spirits while they were doing it, smart ass.”

“You calling me names, boy?” his chest puffs up. If it was anyone else you’d be worried, but Iron wouldn’t harm a hair on your head. Can’t say the same for the rest of your body though. As long as he doesn’t hurt the hair, you’re good.

“I’m just saying, don’t bite the hand that brings you your alcohol.”

Gilda’s already slamming down her Salamba, bringing the empty glass down in an instant, “I can drink to that.”

Wow, she never drinks that fast. Like, ever, not even when she’s trying to show off. “Take it easy, Gill,” Iron Will calms her down, “Don’t rush yourself.”

He tries to put his hand on her, but she brushes it off, “I’m fine, get me another.” You look to the minotaur in hopes of getting some answers, but he just shakes his head and waves his hand, basically telling you to drop it. Gilda, on the other hand, snatches her Red Robin, gulping down the pint like it were apple juice, and you can’t even drink apple juice that fast. The pint hits the table, not even a drop circling the rim, “Gah… Another!”

To your surprise, Iron Will makes no move to stop her as she grabs his Tricksters and starts to chug.

“Is uh… everything alright between you two?” you’re forced to ask as she even grabs your water, finishing that off as well, “Anything I should know about?”

“Us?” Iron plays dumb, “Not a thing.”

Gilda whips her head back and forth, tugging down on her cheeks like you’d expect of a person who’s stressed, “Got a letter in the mail…”

“This isn’t the time or place-” Iron tries to speak, but Gilda will have none of it.

“It was an invitation. A funeral invitation…”

Oh… oh no… “Gilda, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know she- I’ll shut up.” The more you blabber the worse it’ll get. You just- never thought it’d happen. You knew she was sick but…

She looks at you like you’re crazy, “It wasn’t her, dumbass. If it was, I wouldn’t even be here right now.” Of course she wouldn’t. She’d have caught the first train out of here and made her way back to Aviaris.

“I don’t understand, who died?” you try not to be blunt about it, but there’s not an easy way to ask.

Gilda scoots a bit further down in her seat, arms crossed in defiance. Iron answers your question for you, “King’s funeral. Her mom requested her to attend.” The more you try to wrap your head around this, the worse you become tangled in your own bewilderment.

“But- He died a long time ago, why is this even happening now?”

“Who knows,” Gilda hisses, an anger burning inside her, “but I’m sure you’re old pal has something to do with it.” She doesn’t need to say his name, but you too join in her anger, a clear understanding built that tells you exactly who she’s talking about.

Iron Will breaks the tension with a cough, “Spirit, one more round if you would.”

“The funeral’s late tomorrow. Me and Iron Will are taking the first train in the morning.” She explains before looking up at you, “I’d really like you to come too.” Your breath gets caught in your throat, causing you to cough. “I know my mom would like to see you again.”

“I-” you cough again and try to get your bearings, “I can’t. I have a thing tomorrow. Twilight’s coro-”

Gilda casts her gaze, the symbol of you fucking up, “Alright. I don’t want to go either, but- I figured it’d be easier with my friends there.” Why does she have to put in this position? She knows you can’t go back there.

The waitress sets down a round of drinks, leaving the three of you to your silence, the only party in the club not making a peep. For the first time in months, you pick a pint and take a sip. Guess you really weren’t going to have too much fun tonight.

The rest of the night proceeded in the same manner. A round of drinks, followed by silence. Whenever you or Big Iron tried to pick up the conversation, Gilda met it with a wall of stone. Even when you poked fun at yourself, she wouldn’t budge, your refusal really getting to her. Most nights she was the life of the party, it was awful to see her be the death of it.


Iron holds the door open for Gilda who slams the door before the rest of you can follow, “I’m sorry for how she’s acting. She’s been on edge all day.”

“I thought the hug was a little weird,” you admit, “She’s not usually that clingy.”

He nods and takes a seat on the steps, you joining him, “Gilda’s happy I’m going, but she really wanted you to go. You’re really the only friend she has.” Bullshit, and you tell him as much. She’s got loads of friends, there’s umm… Uhh… “Trying to think of them aren’t you? You find another friend of hers, you let me know. Until then, I can only name one, and his name’s Anon.”

“I don’t want to go. I can’t go back there, not after…” your clutch your arm, a phantom pain surging through your veins, “I just can’t.” He’s not dumb, Iron Will understanding what you mean. He always looked at you differently after the incident with your arm, after the ‘mugging.’

He knew you were hiding something, “It was Rinn, wasn’t it? He did that to you.” Just hearing his name causes you to flinch. Even after Twilight kicked his diplomatic ass, he still brings you fear.

“It’s in the past. What’s done is done, and I have to live with my mistakes…”

You look up to the night’s sky, Luna standing on her tower moving the stars into place. “If it’s in the past, let it pass. Gilda needs you,” he gets up and opens the door, “I hope you can see that.”

“I know… but I can’t.”

You hear his sigh through his nose, the foggy air fading away as it passes you, “You going to come in?”

“Not now,” you shake your head, “I think I’ll stay out for a little while more if that’s alright.”

You don’t hear him move but you can still feel his presence, “The train leaves in two hours. I’ll leave a list of things I need done while we’re gone.”

The door closes, allowing you to sink your head in your hands before looking back up. “Celestia… what am I supposed to do?”


You raise your hand, pausing before you reach the door, not entirely sure if you want to go through with this. It’s been so long since you last saw her, maybe… it’d be best… Your heart skips a beat when the door opens, her alluring voice pulling you inside, “You can come in, Anonymous.”

There’s no turning back now is there? You step inside, the door closing just behind you, “You look nice.” She sits to the left on a crimson rug, a book hovering in front of her as she speaks.

“How’d you know I was outside?”

“Please Anon, take a seat,” a cushioned seat shifts invitingly, scooting back when you sit down, “To answer your question, well, you breathe a bit too loud.” Your cheeks flush in embarrassment when she finally looks at you, her hair flowing behind her, “To what do I owe this pleasure?”

“Please,” you bow your head, “The pleasure is all mine, Princess.”

“What have I said about those formalities? Surely you haven’t forgotten…”

“Trust me, Princess,” you laugh to yourself, “There’s no way I could forget, but that was then. I’m not your right-hand anymore. That goes to the new Princess.”

“New princess? Who could you be referring to?” she giggles this time, returning to her book, “So I see you’ve learned Twilight’s little secret. I warned her not to tell you.” Because you’d be jealous… Celestia nods, reading your mind, “And no, I didn’t have to read your mind to know what you were thinking.”

“Very funny…” you remark, nostalgic glee filling you, “Should I kneel as well? Make this a scene from the past?”

“That will not be necessary, but please,” she glances back, “Why do you sit before me?”

“Well it’s more next to you, if I was before you then-” you pause at her gaze and smile, “Can’t I just want to see you again?”

“If only that was the case,” she shuts her book, setting it upon the mantle before laying down on her couch, “How can I help you, Anon? Are you looking for work?”

“No!” you accidently shout, reacting more based off instinct than logic, “I mean, that won’t be necessary.”

She gently nods, only here to help you, “What troubles you then?”

“I… I need your help, advice, or whatever. I need your opinion.”

“My help? From what I’m told you handle yourself quite well,” she pauses at this, “At least, apart from today.” She’s heard huh? Word travels fast in Canterlot it seems, nothing new. “I like to keep tabs on you. You’ve been quiet for a long while it seems.” Why does everyone keep saying that? There’s nothing wrong with living a quiet life.

“It’s about my friends,” you put the conversation back on course, “I don’t know what to do.” You tell her about Gilda’s letter and the conversation that followed back in Iron Will’s club. It was a real buzzkill. “She wants me to go, Iron Will wants me to go. I don’t know what I’m going to do, Celestia. Why can’t this just be easy?”

Celestia’s always had a presence about her, an aura, that always made you feel safe and welcomed. She could help you without speaking a word, though this time it’s her words that you need right now. “Your problem,” she starts, “Isn’t that you don’t know what to do. It’s that you’re not asking the right question. What do ‘you’ want to do?”

“Me?” you never really thought about that, but… “I just want everyone to be happy. If I go with Gilda, I’ll be betraying Twilight, and if I stay with Twilight-”

“This is not about Twilight,” she interrupts you, “If you stay here, you won’t be turning your back on your friends. They will respect your choice, they always will. Twilight is understanding and Gilda… She will forgive you soon enough. The only pony you are betraying is yourself.” First Discord and now her? Does this ever end? “You owe it to yourself to face your fears and return to Aviaris, pay tribute to the fallen King.”

Can’t she- Of course she knows, she always does. “I can’t face Rinn again. If he’s there- I don’t know what I can do on my own.”

“You won’t be alone, dear Anon,” she explains with a calming smile, “Your friends will always be there for you.” Friendship, it is magical isn’t it?

“Thank you, Celestia. You’re always there, aren’t you?”

You meet her halfway and hold her, “A friend always is. Now go, I shall tell Twilight that you had important business to attend.”

“I owe you one, princess.”

“One of many.”


“Last call! All aboard!” the conductor shouts out his window, the train’s horn roaring out one last time. Gilda looks around the station, Iron Will at her side, the yard empty save for them, “Are you two coming or not?”

“Give us a minute, and don’t test my limit!”

“Celestia fine, jeez,” the conductor backs into his compartment, “Five minutes.”

Fumes shoot out of his nostrils as he turns back to Gilda whose foot is nervously tapping at light speed, “Gill…”

“He’ll be here,” she tries to convince herself as she chews on her talons, “The dweeb would never leave me hanging, right? Right.

He leans down and wraps his arms around her, “You’re cold.”

“It’s- warm inside… isn’t it?”

“Anon said they have heaters,” he forces a grin, leading her back to the train, “C’mon, we have to get going.” The minotaur waves his hand in a circle, signaling the conductor to go.

“WAIT!” you shout turning the corner, flagging down the train as it exits the station, “I’m here!”

“You have got to be-” the conductor pops out, head fuming with rage, “Hurry your flank up, we have a schedule to keep!” You hop onboard the train, bag draped over your shoulder, nodding thanks to him as you pass.

When you enter the passenger’s cabin, you spot the two of them fast asleep next to the window, Gilda’s head resting on his chest. Silently, making sure you don’t wake them, you stow your bag, taking the seat in front of them. The ruffling of feathers turns your head, Gilda’s eye creaked open, “Hey…” She’s so tired you can barely hear her.

“Hey, right back.”

“Took your…” she yawns, snuggling deeper into Iron’s furry chest, “sweet bucking time… dweeb…” She falls asleep right there, the conductor looking back, “You all done now? Can we go?”

“Yes, sir,” you lean on the window, a long trip ahead of you. Aviaris, here we come.