• Published 3rd Jan 2014
  • 5,379 Views, 32 Comments

Applejack's Obsession - AlliePastel

Working day in, day out on the farm is stressful for Applejack. It doesn't help that her parents aren't there to help her anymore. When she can't find another way out of her situation, she wants to feel younger; but will her filly frie

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I woke up sometime in the dead of mornin’ Applebloom was sleepin’ in my arms. Using my hoof I guided it through her messy red mane, poor thing probably understands what happening to her than I do.

I starred aimlessly up at the ceiling what feels like forever, it ain’t too bright outside today. Infact I’m almost curtain it’s gonna rain. That aside I’m sure I’ll be able to get at least a few hours of applebuckin’ done today!

Ah swear it seems all I’m useful for anymore; just buckin’ Apples to pay for a farm so I can keep buckin’ Apples. I know I’m one of the most important mares in equestria providing food, but I sure don’t feel important.

Lookin’ at mah sister’s innocent expression makes me feel a bit better though and I ain’t so sure why either. She just looks so content with herself. It’s almost like she ain’t thinkin’ about crusadin’ or school or anything; like just bein’ in my arms is enough to make her feel happy.

Round’ mid-morning I notice Applebloom’s eyes shuttering open, she smiled at me as I fought the urge to tear up on the spot. I don’t know why seeing my baby sis has got me so riled up but it does an’ I think ah like it that way.

Applebloom looked around a bit before nuzzling her little head against my chest. With a bit of childish innocence in her voice, she spoke, “Huh? What time is it? Applejack, how come you’re still in bed?”

I smiled kissing mah sister on the forehead, “I know Applebloom, but I didn’t want you to wake up all lonely. Ah thought we could maybe just spend some time together you know?”

I noticed Applebloom’s face light up a bright red as she spoke, “Oh, yeah… a-alright.” She hugged my waist a little bit harder. Closing her eyes I noticed she grinned very slighty… ah did too.

I suppose it ain’t often that I have these special moments with her. I suppose it’s even rarer that she has these special moments with anypony else. Ah often time forget how lonely she must feel bein’ the youngest child in a family that has no time for her.

Still I think her bein’ with me makes us both feel a little bit more loved.

“Applejack, you ain’t gonna tell Granny Smith about this now will ya?” Applebloom asked, a small blush forming on her face.

I shook my head, “No way sis, this’ll be our little secret alright?”


I assumed she knew what she mean’t by ‘our little secret’, t’ain’t like we were doin’ much else the last couple of days.

Speaking of repetitious activities, I assumed it was best I get out of bed and start my daily cycle. I know it ain’t right with Applebloom by my side but assume it’s for the best that I do as much work as I can. Afterall I am supposed to be off for the next two days or so.

I leaned in planting one last final smootch on Applebloom’s head before hopping outta bed. I bit the sheet with my mouth and pulled the blanket over her body.

Smiling I nodded to her, “Why don’t you just continue to rest lil’ sis. I gotta buck apples before the big storm comes this way and I’m planning on taking ya outta town.”

Her little filly face lit up with joy, “Really? Oh boy!”

I didn’t bother making any further comment, I just grinned and nodded as I walked my out into the hall. It’s funny how much I’ve been neglecting the money Granny gave me, almost like it ain’t even a matter to me. It should be though; I work every day for nothin’ after all.

Eventually I made my way back unto the fields. T’ain’t much to say, just the same repetitious buckin’ as always.

On the other hoof I suppose there was something interesting that happened; that being that there was a pretty rough storm head down my way. I ain’t usually scared of storms but in an orchard filled with apples-ready to fall-I think you get my point?

I still continued bucking for a long while til’ I noticed lighting. See Lighting is usually my que to exit, it ain’t safe bein’ under a tree or nothing while there’s wind around, let alone lighting.

I hitched my wheel barrow to mah back, full of apples the barrow weighs a ton; well, maybe not a ton but enough to dig the wheels into the wet soil beneath my hoofs.

I look up at the sky, it’s all gray but the faint radiance of light some 50 miles away. I start tuggin’ my cart along. It’s so heavy and I feel like I ain’t goin’ nowhere. Not like it matters anyway, it ain’t like apples are going to get any less wet if they make it to the barn today or tomorrow.

About half an hour into my trek I give up. I buck my hips up knocking the wheel barrow’s heavy harness unto the ground next to me.

That weight lifted from me, I made a mad dash back to my house. I swear rain feels awful bizarre on your coat; it has this weird moisturizing feeling that really kinda burns at the same time. Then again that’s probably just the rain running down the cuts on my hoofs.

That’s probably it.

I made it back to my house, walking through the doorway. The house was empty, ah think Big Macintosh is probably elsewhere by now. Actually I’m pretty sure he was making his way to Ponyville today for market, I hope he’s okay.

“Granny!” I call out wonderin’ where everypony is.

I spent the next couple of minutes stumbling through the house trying to keep my balance. Something about Applebuckin' makes your hoofs shakey.

“In here darlin'!”

I walk into the living room where Applebloom and Granny are sittin’ on the couch, I suppose Granny was reading the paper to Applebloom or something.

Applebloom looked at me, “Hai Applejack, how was the field?”

I smiled, “It was alright, a bit wet. I couldn’t made it more than a few hours had it not been for the rain.

Granny lowered the paper smirking, “Awh, quit being so modest Applejack. You were out there late enough to work your way til’ dinner.”

I grabbed the seat next to her, “Well you ain’t seen that storm. I’m sorry I didn’t meet the quota, it’s imposable to line up your legs in the mud. It also ain’t too good for traction either.”

Granny nodded, “It ain’t no problem now. A little bit concerning, but it ain’t really your fault. You should really relax before you end up hurting yourself you know?”

I lost it at that point, I don’t know why but working anything less than perfection isn’t something I can do. I don’t want to disappoint them again, not after last time.

Indignant to her response I sat up a little bit straighter and yelled, “It ain’t my fault! No pony is willing to help me and I feel like I’m on my own out and that field. Big Mac is my only company and he ain’t talkin’ much anymore! It’s lonely workin’ a dozen hours a day by yourself!”

I could tell I made Granny Smith a bit uncomfortable. She gave me a bit of a dead glare before closing her eyes, “Why don’t we just discuss this over dinner alright?”

I nodded and we stood. Slowly I walked towards the kitchen makin’ sure my family was following fast behind, “You comin’ Applebloom?”

Applebloom shook her head, “Already ate, thanks for thinking about me though!” She smiled.

I tipped my hat at her, “Alright Missy. Well you just head to bed alright? I know it’s awful early, but we outta be heading out as soon as we can you know?”

Applebloom nodded before prancing away. I swear she getting a lot more feminine than I imagined she would. Then again she ain’t got much male affluence in her life.

I made my way to the dining room table where there was my dinner already in place infront of me, “Apples?” I said a bit disappointed by my family’s lack of verity.

Granny shrugged her shoulders, “Sorry Hon, there ain’t nothin’ else in the fridgerator. Part of why Big Mac is goin’ to market.”

I rolled my eyes before biting into the apple; it taste bitter despite being so sweet.

“You know Granny, where exactly am I taking Applebloom tomorrow?”

The sound of rain densed and became notably loud. What was a small sprinkle of condensed humidity was now a complete shower of rain. Atleast from what I could tell.

Granny tapped on her chin, “Well, I thought you’d go to appleloosa. I suppose you could take her anywhere really…” She looked me in the eyes, “I just want you to remind her that she ain’t a mare yet. Ya should buy her toys, some clothes, that sort of thing.”

I down the water by the apple. Wiping whatever didn’t make it into my mouth, I raised an eyebrow, “This is all just a distraction ain’t it? Y’all just pushing Applebloom’s feeling along cause you think she shouldn’t coup with this thing right?”

The room went silent and Granny Smith had a disappointed look on her face. I got out of my chair and made my way out of the kitchen and into the living room.

Sitting down on the couch I laid back tipping my hat over my eyes, I think I’m getting a headache or somethin’. The air feels kinda humid and there’s a burning sensation on base of my neck, almost like something is bitin’ me.

I’d fall asleep but I feel decently rested. I mean I could take a nap now but it’d do me no good, I’m actually feeling tired but strangely comfortable bein’ awake. It’s complicated but my whole head feels like it’s shaking.

Ah tip my hat back up and close my eyes. I swear there ain’t anything good about this moment. I just gotta calm down before I say anything else out of line.

Right on cue I hear Granny’s voice, “Applejack, you come back here!”

I yelled back, “Granny I ain’t in the mood to talk alright? Just-just let me think things over alright?”

I got no answer. With a sigh I got off of my seat on the couch and left. I strolled through the house picking up on any small details I could use to get my thoughts away from the what I yelled at granny. I really hope Applebloom didn’t hear that.

I suppose it’s all mah fault I’ve been awful agitated lately. It’s almost like ah don’t don’t know how to control my emotions anymore.

Before I knew it I was up my house’s stairs and infront of my bedroom door. I turned the lauch and opened the door; and oh my god!

Infront of me Applebloom was sitting by my closet, raiding through my box of foal stuff. Worst of all she was in the middle of puttin’ on a-a diaper.

She ain’t saw me yet so I just backed away from the bedroom door and very very slowly shut it closed.

Oh my Celestia I wish I knew what was goin’ through that child’s mind. It’s one thing to be wantin’ to be fed, but wanting to be a foal was another.

I made my way to Applebloom’s room, closin’ the door behind me; I broke down sobbing on the floor. I don’t know why but seeing Applebloom and her tiny hoofs actively tryin’ to humiliate herself like that was too much to take!

After a bit of crying I stood up on my shaky hoofs and proceeded to look through all of Applebloom’s drawers.

I made my way through her closet, under her bed, everywhere to search for some sort of evidence that this wasn’t just a recent occurrence.

Finally I stumbled upon her dresser’s bottom drawer. It don’t look like much all covered in clothing and stuff but underneath the pile of clothes were a few particular items.

The first item I held up to my face was a picture of Applebloom with her friends. More disturbing however, was that as I went through a few more pictures she seemed to have become more distant from Scootaloo and Sweetiebelle in the drawings.

The last one was the most concerning. It was a picture of Applebloom all alone in a dark room with the words “Worthless blank flank” written crudely a crossed it.

I scoward through Applebloom’s drawer findin’ a few more interesting items. Against my better judgement I bit down on a small red piece of cloth and drug it out with my mouth unto the floor beside me. It was one of Applebloom’s foal diapers. It didn’t look dirty but it did look a bit strained around the edges, almost as if she’d tried it on recently.

The diaper itself was solid red with white buttons. Inside the diaper was lined with a reusable padding. The back of the diaper had a small applebloom on it, I guess Dad was trying to buy something ironic.

The rest of the bottom of the drawer was just foal stuff; stuffed animals, foal toys, teething rings, that sort of thing.

Carefully I put everything back into place and shut the drawer. I suppose now is a good a time as ever to confront Applebloom bout’ this…

I started walking towards the door but stopped when I noticed the knobb turning a bit.

Applebloom peaked her head inside, she had a pacifier in her mouth, turning her head she looked at me. Her eyes opened wide and her expression tinted rouge.

I tried smiling warmly at her, “Come on in sug’, you ain’t got nothin’ to be scared of.”

All she did was whimper as tears seemed to swell up in her eyes. I could tell she just wanted to run away, but something about her predicament made her freeze up.

“Come on now, step inside Applebloom.” I said gesturing my hoofs towards myself.

Applebloom shook her head. Poor thing must be terrified out of her mind.

I stepped closer to Applebloom and eventually had to pull the door open. I watched Applebloom’s expression turned from embarrassed to absolutely terrified. Scanning my eyes down her small figure I notice the diaper she must have put on moments before.

Applebloom got this dreadful defeated look as she slouched a bit in place. I didn’t want to make her situation any more uncomfortable for her, so I reached out my hoofs and cradled her tight.

On my back hoofs I carried her into her room. Maneuverin’ my way around her door, I sat on my rump and laid back closing the doorway shut with my sister in my hoofs.

I reached one of my forehoofs upwards locking Applebloom’s door before guiding it behind mah’ sister’s back.

She ducked her face into my chest as she sobbed uncontrollably. Ah feel really bad for her, she must be so confused!

I hug her tighter with one hoof and pat her diapered bottom with the other. I ain’t really used to handling foals but I always imagine this is how’d you calm em’.

I leaned in nuzzling her mane with my nose, “It’s alright Applebloom, ain’t nobody got to know about this but you and me.”

Applebloom’s sobs lessened as she spoke more fluently, “Y-you ain’t ma-d at me are yah?”

I shook my head, “Ain’t no way, no how I could be mad at you baby sis. Y’all are just confused I’m sure. I ain’t going to ask you why you’re wearin’ what you are, but I’d like to know how long you’ve had these feelings of bein’ a foal…”

Applebloom shook her head. In a meek voice she whimpered, “A-ah never stopped it alright?”

I pet her mane, “Yah mean you never wanted to grow up? How come?”

Mah sister nuzzled my chest, “A-ah dunno! All ah remember is not wanting to give diapers up when ah was potty trained. I was bed wetting til’ I was six, I don’t know why I just never let go of that part of my life!” Applebloom dug her head deeper into my chest.

I frowned, “Awh Sug, y’all don’t have to think to much about it! I promise we’ll get to the bottom of this on your own time alright?”

“B-But I don’t want to!”she pleaded.

I leaned over pecking her on her little forehead, “Applebloom, it’s important that we get down to the core of your liking of diapers before they become a part of you alright?”

Applebloom pushed away from my chest and wrestled her way outta my arms. A bit confused at her actions at first, she made them blatant to me as she yelled, “Is that it? I’m just gonna end up some little freak cause I don’t wanna know?! Y’all don’t care, y’all never cared!”

Applebloom struggeled her way out of her diaper, kicking it off with a small buck. Tears dripping down her face she whined, “You don’t know what’s goin’ on! You don’t know what it’s like to have no pony care for you! Get out now!” She yelled pointing towards the door.

Ah just walked got on my hoofs and walked my way out of her room picking up the pacifier and diaper she’d dropped along my way. I know it ain’t the bravest thing to do but ah think she just needs time to cool down before our trip.

I made it back towards my bedroom tryin’ to be as quiet as possible. It’s safe to guess that Granny went to bed, her room is downstairs.

Openin’ my bedroom door I shut it, locked it, and ran from it and unto my bed. I have no comment over how badly that went, I messed up. Applebloom was counting on me and I messed up, I’m such a screw up.

I don’t even care about cleaning up the mess Applebloom left on my floor. She must have been searching through my stuff this mornin’, I don’t know, I don’t care, non of it matters right now.

I sat up in my bed and looked out the window, Rainbow was approachin’… great.

Relectantly I opened the bedroom window and let her in. She fluttered untop of my bed right next to me.

Smiling she asked, “Hai what’s up?”

I frowned falling unto my back, “It’s complicated Rainbow. What brings you here anyway?”

She shrugged her shoulders layin’ down next to me. Ah watched her as she rolled untop of me. A small grin formed on her face as she leaned in pressing her muzzle against mine, “Awh nothin’ much. Is there something wrong with coming to see my filly friend?”

I smiled a bit, “Nah I guess not, a heads up would’ve been nice through. I’m just dealing with some stuff with Applebloom. Nothin’ major alright?”

She cuddled up close behind me, landing a kiss on my neck she whispered, “Come on Applejack, lets talk about it.” She maneuvered herself under the blankets.

It’s annoyin’ how she does it but there’s somethin’ bout’ the way she feels against me that makes me weak.

“Ah think Applebloom is havin’ some problems with accepting growin’ up.” I said shyly.

Rainbow kissed me again. In a concerned pitched she asked, “Are you sure this isn’t about you?”

I rolled my eyes, “Rainbow. I know why I do what I do and I don’t want Applebloom to develop the same feelings alright?
Applebloom is feelin’ neglected and it ain’t right. I tried confronting her bout’ it but she just ran away from it.”

Rainbow nuzzled me delivering one last kiss, “Don’t worry Applejack, you’ll catch up with her and she’ll feel a thousand times better. You do feel better with me cuddlin’ you, don’t you?

I smiled blushin’ a bit, “Yeah I suppose so.”

“Exactly” Rainbow said yawning.

I closed my eyes, “I love ya Rainbow!”

“I love you too Applebutt!”

Author's Note:

I'll have the new chapter of "Pattycakes 3" posted tomorrow! The next chapter of Applejack's Obsession will be posted within (5-10) days from now! ^-^

Have a nice day! ~England