• Published 3rd Jan 2014
  • 1,379 Views, 17 Comments

Stuck in the Closet - Thresha8

I am stuck in a closet, while a changeling is running around as me!

  • ...

It's been a long day

Hmm… Well, uh, this has been a strange morning, or evening. I have no idea what time it is. So… I should probably try to figure out what’s happened to me. Ok, I woke up, got out of bed, made coffee, went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, looked in the mirror. My reflection smiled at me… it had sharp fangs… large blue eyes...a black fur-less hide… Huh, you know, now that I think about it, that probably wasn’t my reflection. I don’t think I was even looking in a mirror.

Let’s see, I remember being shocked when I realized I wasn’t looking at my reflection. Then I remember a blinding flash of green magic followed by darkness.

I know I must have been unconscious for quite some time, because, now that I’m awake, I find myself tied and gagged in, what I presume to be, my closet. It’s awfully dark in here. I think I’m in my closet because, number one, I can feel the soft texture of hung up jackets against my back and, number two, I can smell the sickly sweet perfume my roommate always uses in our apartment.

Wait a sec... holy crap, Cherry! Oh no, I hope that monster didn’t kill Cherry. I mean, we aren’t exactly friends, but we’ve been roommates for a couple years now and I wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to her. Actually, maybe I should be more worried about my own situation right now. Oh no, oh no no no. I’m only just realizing how bad my situation really is. This is not good, not good AT ALL! I’ve been tied and gagged in my own home by a monster who is probably right outside this very door just waiting to murder my face! I’m hyperventilating!


Ok, ok, calm down Page. Just breathe in then out. In. Out. In. Out.

Phew, ok, so now that I’m not completely freaking out, maybe I should start thinking about how to get out of here. So, let’s see, these bonds are tied pretty tight, I can’t even move! Actually, I don’t even think these are ropes, they’re sticky and a little damp. Ugh, and this gag tastes terrible, like rotten old eggs. Oh mare, I think I’m going to throw up.

Stay cool Page, stay cool. I sure hope that monster doesn’t hear me struggling in these bonds. You know, the more I think about it the more familiar that monster seems to be. Where have I seen it before? In the newspaper? Yeah, that sounds right. I remember there being an article about black monster-like creatures, called changelings, going around causing trouble in Equestria. In fact, it was on the front page! The article had said that changelings were creatures who could disguise themselves as ponies and would use these disguises in order to feed themselves the love from other ponies. It had also warned everypony to lock their doors at night.

Maybe I should start listening to the newspaper more often. Oh wait! I can hear hoofsteps! They’re coming from outside down the hall. I hear voices now...it’s Cherry! Oh, sweet joy, that must be her with the guard reporting about the monster in our apartment. I’ll be saved!

Wait a minute, that doesn’t sound like the guard, in fact, that sounds a lot like…. huh?

“My goodness Page, you sure are in a merry mood today aren’t you?”

What? No, I’m Page!

“Well, Cherry, let’s just say that your happiness is contagious.”

That can’t be right. That other mare sounds exactly like me! And why the hell is her name the same as…. oh, wait. Damn it, that’s the changeling isn’t it? CRAP! Now what? I have to get Cherry’s attention somehow. I can hear them coming through the door. If only I could move, then I could-

“Hold up! Let me just put my jacket in the closet.”

I hear Cherry approach the closed door in front of me. Oh, Cherry! When I’m free I’m going to kiss you!


The hoofsteps stop.

“What is it Page?”

Damn it Cherry! You’re so close!

“You can just leave your coat on the ground and I’ll put it up for you. I mean, you just got back from work! You should rest.”


“Thanks for the offer, but I don’t want to trouble you.”


“It’s no trouble at all! I’d be glad to help!”


“Honestly, Page, I don’t need to be mothered! I can put the coat up just fine-”

I insist.”

There is a heavy silence. I could definitely hear the threat in the changeling’s voice. Be careful Cherry, she could snap at any moment.

I hear Cherry approach the door.

“Oh Page! Your such a silly filly!”

The door swings open. Light pours onto my face. I see freedom! She looks beautiful, with her jasmine fur and raspberry mane. Yes! She is gorgeous all the way from the tip of her ears to her cherry cutie mark. Even though I couldn’t see her eyes, I knew they were beautiful as- wait! Why couldn’t I see her eyes?! Why is her head turned away?! WHY WASN’T SHE LOOKING AT ME?!

NO,no! This couldn’t be happening! She’s still talking to the changeling! She doesn’t even bother to look where she’s throwing her jacket! I try to scream but she can’t hear me! Damn it Cherry! Just look at me!! Just look at m-!

…. Cherry threw her jacket right in my face. I’m smothered by its purple cloth before the lights go back out and the door clicks shut.

Cherry didn’t see me.


She didn’t even look.



I hate you!


So I’ve been stuck in this closet for hours now. I’m hungry. I’m thirsty. I have to use the toilet. And my flank is so sore, I doubt I would be able to stand even if I could. Oh, and Cherry’s coat is still over my face, that’s right! These bonds are so tight, I can’t even flick a stupid jacket off of my face. Well, at least I haven’t suffocated yet, although, at this point, I think suffocation is more of a positive than a negative.

Ugh, I still can’t believe Cherry didn’t see me. I mean, I know I’ve had a bad day, but that moment just took the cake! After that, the day has just been me listening to Cherry talking to that monster.

I never realized, until today, how much of an idiot Cherry is. It’s embarrassing! That changeling acts nothing like me! It’s way too nice! I would never compliment Cherry on anything! She knows that! Why is she falling for its obvious lies!

I’m way too stressed out for this nonsense. Everything is quiet now. I believe it’s night time. Oh mare, have I really been stuck here all day!?

I hear soft hoofsteps open the closet door. I look up and see the moonlight revealing a silhouette of the imposter. She looks down at me with my own eyes.

“It was stupid of me to hide you where you could be seen.” It says with my voice.

I want to respond with ‘Too bad my roommate is stupider’ but all I can let out is a feeble grunt.

“Well,” It chuckles. “maybe it would be better if I dumped you into the river.”

I try to squirm away, but I feel it’s hooves grab my waist and carelessly lift me up. I groan as I am slung over its back. This is it. I’m going to die now. I’m going to be thrown in a river and be forgotten forever. My friends won’t even realize I’m gone. I feel tears well up in my eyes.

If only I had locked that stupid door!

Suddenly the lights flip on. The changeling and I both look up to see Cherry staring at us with wide eyes. The changeling gasps as I smile.

“C-Cherry!” It stutters. My smile widens. “Umm, th-this looks weird but uh…”

I begin to laugh as Cherry continues to stare.

“P-Page?” She speaks with an unsure voice. “What’s going on?”

“Uh… well, I… found a changeling in the closet!!” It points an accusatory hoof at me.

I raise an eyebrow. Really dude? Do you really think she’s gonna buy tha-


Suddenly, I am punched right off of the changeling’s back and into the nearby wall. At first, I was puzzled as to why my snout was bleeding, then I look up in shock to find Cherry’s hoof drawing back from the punch. Did she actually think I was the changeling?! Standing above me was the imposter, its jaw hung loose in disbelief. For a moment I was glad to know that I wasn’t the only one completely stunned by this twist, but that moment faded quickly when I realized that the changeling would attack at any moment.

I know I have to do something quickly. The bonds around my hooves have loosened a bit, but not enough to fight. If only the guard were here! If only my roommate wasn’t a moron! If only-


You know what? Screw it. I’M DONE WAITING TO BE RESCUED!!

Adrenaline courses through my veins as unveiled fury fogs my mind. With pure strength I manage to rip through my bonds. I am finally free!

With my hooves no longer restrained, I wind back and let my hoof fly right into the changeling’s unsuspecting face. After that first swing, I just let my hooves do the rest for me. I have no idea what I’m doing, I just feel bones snapping under my blows. The sound of hooves punching pony hide change into the hollow pounding of crunchy changeling chitin. After many more punches, I begin to feel the pain in my nose and hooves again. I also realize I can’t breathe. I’m exhausted. I collapse next to the beaten changeling. I see it’s no longer in disguise. I sure do hope it’s dead.

I feel gentle hooves carefully slip off my gag. I take in great gulps of air. Above me, I see Cherry smiling down at me with tears in her eyes.

“Oh, Page!” She hugs me. “Thank you soo much for saving me from that monster!”

My eye twitches.

“Cherry?” I whisper.

“Yes?” I pull her face close to mine.

“.....you are such a moron.”

Author's Note:

This story is a brain dump, so I'm sorry if I was sloppy on a few things. Just tell me and I'll try to fix them.

Comments ( 17 )

I enjoy bondage stories.

Hey, not everyone has great intelligence...
Keep going! ;)

First thoughts -
'Made coffee'. However, judging from the next little bit, not 'drank coffee'. I can only assume that completely missing the gigantic bug-thing in your bathroom when first stepping inside results from the lack of caffeine.

Slight comma issues near the beginning; feels like there are a few too many, and at least one (before 'number one') is in the wrong place. (It's right in front of 'number', no space.)

'waiting to murder my face' - no, Page, it doesn't want to murder your face, it just wants to borrow your face for a while. Of course, good luck getting it returned.

Grammatical nitpick - when Cherry threw her jacket in the closet, jacket description includes "it's purple cloth" - should be "its" instead of "it's"

Page's description of how she treats Cherry - last sentence is a question. Even if it's being shouted, I think it still gets the question mark.

Scene where the changeling is carting Page off - 'Suddenly the lights flipped on.' Given that everything else is in present tense, that 'flipped' should probably just be 'flip'. Also, a few sentences later, 'I raised an eyebrow' - should be 'raise'.

Scene describing Cherry's punch - swaps from present tense to past tense; feels a bit off as a result.

Page's battle rush scene - I'm sorry, but I can't read that without hearing the theme song from 'Popeye' playing in my head. It just fits the scene so well.

Oh, and in Cherry's defense? I'm sure she's not a moron, she's just observationally challenged.

4591611 Thanks for your thoughts :pinkiehappy: I'll try to correct the mistakes you pointed out.

Oh my sweet Celestia, this was HILARIOUS!
You are a LAUGH, Page. A LAUGH. :rainbowlaugh:

4726698 woah, don't kill yourself there :unsuresweetie:
Remember to breathe

I forgot. :facehoof:

Hehe. Fun to see a story with a completely typical evil pony-replacing changeling for once :rainbowlaugh:

Lovely little story here.

:rainbowlaugh: I might actually do something like this.

I love this! :pinkiehappy::heart:

you should write more Page and Cherry stories. they seem like a funny duo, A snarky Stallion and an Air-headed mare

5547108 Heh heh... Thier actually both mares...

But if I can ever get over this writer's block I might do a few more with Page and Cherry.

Bravo. You miss are a comedic genius. But sadly your portrail of a changeling made me go a little mental. :pinkiecrazy:

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